Palo Alto County Newspapers

Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
July 1885

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, Iowa; Wednesday, July 1, 1885

-- T. W. Harrison, of Emmetsburg was made to happy father of a 12 pound boy the other day, and there's not much care now whether he goes to the legislature this fall or not. -- -- Spencer Reporter.
-- William E. Knapp, of West Bend and brother of J. E. Knapp of this place, was adjudged insane by the commissioners of insanity a few days ago. Dr. H. A. Powers started for Independence with him on Friday morning, where he will be compelled to remain until such times as he shows improvement.
-- Matt Joyce went to Sanborn last week to visit his nephew, John Cassidy, who had his arm taken off while coupling cars at Sioux Falls, a short time ago.
-- Mrs. Heitzman wishes us to state that she has a new process for ironing, and would be pleased to have anyone wanting work done in that line to call on her. Her prices are reasonable and she guarantees good work.
-- It may be opportune to call attention to the fact that there is now a law in Iowa, prohibiting the sale of toy pistols to boys. The penalty is fine and imprisonment, but as prohibitory laws in Iowa are not held in very high esteem just at the present time, it is doubtful if this will be enforced. -- -- Sioux City Tribune. 

Emmetsburg Democrat; Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa, Wednesday, July 8, 1885

-- Dan Kelly's house was struck by lightning Saturday night. The lightning came down the chimney, tearing the chimney to pieces. It then passed on a wire from the chimney to the door within a few inches of Mrs. Kelly's head; Mrs. Kelly was somewhat shocked, but is recovering from it.
-- Mrs. Orren Sloan died Sunday, July 5. She leaves a large family and many friends to grieve for her. She was one of the old settlers and will be sadly missed.
-- Eighteen pounds of sugar at McFarland’s for $1. Oh! For a thousand tongues to lick.

-- Miss Kate Cassidy returned from Sioux Falls last Wednesday, where she had been for two weeks visiting her brother who was injured while coupling cars.
-- John McNally is enjoying a visit from a sister-in-law from Osceola county, this state. -- Dr. Davies informs us that a little girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Schirmer, June 19.
-- The St. James Hotel is receiving quite a patronage of late. Mr. VanGorden has the reputation of being a good landlord.

     In Emmetsburg, at the Congregational parsonage by Reverend O. P. Champlin, July 4, 1885, Oscar A. Noble and Annie Kinnie, both of Rush Lake township.
     In this city, at the Congregational parsonage, by Reverend O. P. Champlin, July 6, 1885, William E. Benson and Ida May Baker, both of Livermore, Humboldt County, Iowa.

-- William and John McNary returned Thursday from the funeral of their father.

-- W. H. Innis wishes us to announce that he will be found in the rear end of M. L. Brown's bank building on the first floor until such time that his tonsorial parlors are repaired.
-- Little Frank Frost won first money at the race the fourth, notwithstanding he was the smallest of six riders and had the outside position starting. We are inclined to believe that Frank is the best rider in Palo Alto county for his age.
-- Pursuant to call, that greenbackers met at the court house last Saturday and elected the following named persons as delegates to the state convention which was held at Des Moines yesterday, J. C. Baker, John Wilson, JohnHand, John Doran, Elias F. Jones and P. F. VanGorden.
-- The Celebration which took place here on the 4th, was what everyone supposed it would be -- a grand success. All seemed to realize that the 4th comes but once a year, and each seemed bent on having a good time and they had it. The programme, which was rather short, was carried out in the best manner possible, all participating therein rendering their part extremely well. Following are the names of those who won prizes: at the wheelbarrow race, Mr. McGuire took first money and Mr. Myers second, Mr. Conlon won first money and Mr. Klagal second, in the three-legged. At the free for all foot race, Peter Dorris was a champion and David Grier second best. At the boy's race, Frank Keeler captured the first prize and George Fountain second. There was considerable scrambling over the greased pig, but finally the porker was brought to bay by Messrs. Conlon and Klagal. At the horse race, which took place at the fairgrounds, Frank Frost was awarded the first prize and John Lake second. At the shooting match, Doc Olshausen was considered the best marksman.
-- We glean from the Algona courier the sad account of the untimely death last week, of the wife and two children of Prof. Shippey of that place. That paper says that the professor with his wife and two children went out on a fishing forage to the mill pond. They rode a few rides upstream to where a new channel has recently been formed and where most of the waste water now escapes from the mill pond. The water falls over a precipice here of about 12 feet into a channel obstructed with stones, brush and debris. The boat went to near this fall and was drawn into the rapid current. Just as the boat went over Mrs.Shippey snatched up her baby and jumped, while the father and the other child went over the falls in the boat. All were plunged into the seething mass below where Mrs. Shippey and the children found watery graves. Mr. Shippey swam out after making a wild and fruitless search for all that is dear to him. A farmer passing gave the alarm and soon a large number gathered and rescued Mr. Shippey who was overwhelmed with grief and anguish. After a search of over two hours the body of Mrs. Shippey was found with her baby clasped in her arms; the body of the little boy was not found until the next day.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Wednesday, July 15, 1885

-- Mrs. S. Mesic is enjoying a visit with her sister, Mrs. Fisher from Wisconsin.
-- Martin Fahey of Pern Ill, was here last week looking after his interests and Fern Valley township. He is highly pleased with the country and will probably become a permanent resident of this county in the fall or perhaps next spring and we acknowledge a friendly call, and a wherewith to pay for his Democrat.
-- Nick Koch and family left last Thursday for Milwaukee, Wisconsin, their future home, where we trust they will find a pleasant abiding place. While we are sorry to have them leave us, we feel confident in saying their new friends in Milwaukee will find them to be pleasant neighbors.
-- A. and F. C. Chamberlain, nephews of H. C. Kendal, came up from Charles City to spend the Fourth in Emmetsburg.
-- We were in error last week in saying that the body of the little boy of Prof Shippey was found the next day after the drowning. The body has not been recovered yet and as the dam has been washed out at the place where the accident occurred, it is not probable the body will be found for some time.
-- James Fitzgerald has moved his stock of drugs to the building recently occupied by James Grier as a restaurant. The change of location will only be temporary however and as for the purpose of getting Mr. Fitzgerald an opportunity to erect a new building on the old site. The new building will be 20 x 40 and will be pushed to completion as rapidly as possible.
-- Whilst A.J. Powers and wife were visiting with relatives in Mt. Vernon week before last, they received the sad intelligence by telegram that the mother of Mrs. Powers, who resides near Buffalo, New York, was in a dying condition. They took the first train going east, but before arriving at their destination, the mother was dead. Mrs. Powers will remain in New York most of the summer; A.J. returned home last Friday evening.
-- The plastering has been finished in the new Catholic Church and Mass will be celebrated there next Sunday.
-- T. J. Duffy has recently erected an addition to his slaughterhouse 20 x 32 feet. Mr. Duffy's business is so increasing that something of this kind became absolutely necessary.
-- There is no doubt that the drinking of icewater, in its coldest state is injurious to health. A temperature of 32 degrees instantly goes to the stomach in which the temperature is 98 1/2 degrees. By the intemperate use of icewater Bright’s disease and other fatal ailments are produced. Hydrant or well water may be cooled with small amounts of ice or by mixing with ice water. But icewater, as it is usually drank in hot weather is dangerous to health.
-- One of Ruthven's thirsty citizens by the name of John Miller, came to town last Saturday for the express purpose of “ painting the town red.” He meandered around town from one soda fountain (?) to another, all day, and managed to get all the "tangle foot" that he could stand up under. Shortly before the passenger train on the Milwaukee Road came in from the east, the thought struck him that he lived out toward 
Dakota somewhere and started for the depot. When the train came in, he climbed on the platform and at once proceeded to sell the whole train of cars, passengers in all, an auction. The conductor came forward and Miller's cry of "one, two and a forty, who is the next lucky man," held him in suspense, for he did not know whether Miller would allow his train to leave Emmetsburg that night or not. Finally the train pulled out and Miller could be heard clear to the river, shouting for another bid. We would advise Ruthven to send along a guardian that next time that fellow visits Emmetsburg, or else a bodyguard.

-- Mrs. M. Higley is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Guilford.
-- Mrs. Taylor is the owner of a new and beautiful road cart.
-- Will Guilford captured a young make Sunday while out walking. Being unable to start a circus, will want to know what to do with it.
-- what is the matter with the band, we have not heard it lately.

Wednesday, July 8, 1885, of heart disease, Mrs. Fahey, aged 49 years.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Wednesday, July 22, 1885

-- An addition to J. H. Cummings family in Highland township is the latest. A fine boy of usual proportions.
-- James Fitzgerald is raffling off his three resident lots in block 17, near Emmetsburg high school. The lots are worth at least $100 each, and by paying one dollar for a raffle ticket, you will have a chance at the prize. Let everyone buy a ticket.
-- John M. Mulroney, of Fort Dodge and brother of J.T., W.K., and P. Mulroney, of Nevada township, was in the city a few days last week, renewing old acquaintances. When this county was first organized, Mr. Mulroney was county treasurer for a number of years.
-- Will Chiquet, who is acting as traveling agent for A. Rank & Co., of Fort Dodge for a number of years, made a pleasant call on last Friday. He has recently engaged in business for himself in that city with a man by the name of Willging. Will is a good boy and has a number of friends in Emmetsburg who desire to see him prosper.
-- Mrs. Margaret Pratt, of Morris Illinois, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Martin Coonan of this place.
-- It is said that prairie chickens are more plentiful this season than for years before. Sportsmen anticipate a great harvest.
-- J. L. Ormsby has moved the old Methodist church on one of his resident lots in the north part of town and is converting it into a dwelling.
-- James Gown, formerly clerk for Thomas McLaughlin and John Scott, of Emmett county, have opened up a dry goods and grocery store in the building formerly occupied by W. S. Frost as a meat market.

-- Mr. C. Kaley, formerly of Clay county, is now lying dangerously ill at the home of his brother near town. Dr. Baldwin who attends him, pronounces him incurable, being in the last stage of consumption.
-- George H. Pendlebury is well stocked with all kinds of farm machinery.

Emmetsburg Democrat; Wednesday, July 29, 1885

In Ayrshire Iowa on Tuesday, July 21, Mr. Benjamin Kahley, aged 22 years.

-- Dr. J. W. Powers, of Independence, and brother of H. A. Powers of this place, arrived in Emmetsburg last Thursday evening. The doctor is looking up a location with a view of practicing medicine.
-- Little Mabel Seely has been suffering quite severely with diphtheria for some time past, but under the skillful treatment of Dr. Powers, is recovering. We are informed that there are a few other cases in town.
-- Cucumbers show their appearance in our markets which reminds us of a good way to serve the luscious fruit. Get nice green ones the greater the better, pare them wash clean and cut in slices seasoning well with pepper and salt. Place all in a glass dish covering them with vinegar and put away in a cool place until next morning at which time you should take them to the window, and gently throw the whole business out of the grass.
-- James Heffley while in bathing at the river a few days ago, severely cut his foot on a sharp clamshell with which he came in contact. His limb is badly swollen, caused by the poison from the shell.
-- Henry Treolar, who was sentenced by Judge Duffie on May 15, 1883, for two years and six months in the penitentiary at Anamosa for seduction has lately been discharged. Henry is a butcher by trade, and in all probability will again return to Emmetsburg where he will reengage in the butcher trade.

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