Palo Alto County Military

The Little Red Book $1.00
1940's by the V.F.W. Auxiliary

President-Evelyn Hansen
Sr. Vice-Mabel Carney
Jr. Vice-Alyce Coburn
Secretary-Doris Harper
Treasurer-Elvira Hammes
Conductress-Mary Wieland
Pianist-Mae Sievers
Patriotic Instructor-Nettie Molison
Chaplain-Mae McKinney
Flag Bearer-Pearl Cullen
Banner Bearer-Martha Hildebrand
Guard-Beverly Smith
Color Bearers-Marjorie Schott; Lena Krough; Ethel Pendelbury; Ruth Skewis
Trustees-Katherine Brennan; Anna Gustaveson; Jessie McNamara

Addie Allen...Catherine Brennan...Mabel Carney...Alyce Coburn...Mary
Dyer...Nora Finn...Luella Fitzpatrick...Elvira Hammes...Ella Hoffert...Elsie
Hanson...Gladys Hankey...Agatha Kerwick...Evelyn Hansen...Pauline
Kliegl...Mildred Lorig...Mae McKinney...Ruth Skewis...Jessie
McNamara...Nettie Molison...Ethel Pendlebury...Gladys Peterson...Dusina
Stillian...Margaret Thompson...Josephine Walsh...Amanda Wojohn...Joyce
Gunn...Catherine Ryan...Martha Hildebrand...Ann Gustavison...Pearl
Armstrong...Florence Smith...Alyce Simons...Lucille May...Lesciele
Pringle...Mary Neary...Myrtle Kathman...Florence Merk...Mary
Grace...Marjorie Jurries...Rose Gillman...Bertha Dryden...Viola
Thacker...Alberta Johnson...Agnes Joyce...Alyce Bough...Lillian
Culligan...Lina Mae Sievers...Dorothy Prichard...Lena Krough...Orphia
Petticord...Elizabeth Pettit...Viola Girres...Lorraine Place...Martha
Hansen...Gertrude Farrell...Julie Farrell...Evelyn Thomas...Mary
McCoy...Ethel Carney...Katherine Hughes...Myrtle Buffum...Pearl
Cullen...Beverly Smith...Ida Torkelson...Margaret Wollner...Doris
Harper...Mary Kress...Ellen Pierce...Mary Wieland...Maxine McNally...Juanita
Kelley...Leona Howard...Shirley Kliegl...Marjorie Schott...Jessie
Tobin...Verda Elsworth...Viola Deneen...Alyce Thompson...Catherine
Cahill....Maude Wiese...Corinne Foy...Mary Stowell...Maxine Webster...Peggy
Jean Frink...Gayle Sweeney...Minnie Johnson...Marie James...Laura
Marcolini...Aileen Laubenthal...Corrine Fry...Myrtle Jacobs...Arlene
Varcoe...Agnes Thompson...Jean Barrick...Anna Rauhauser...Joyce
Burdick...Agnes Carroll...Helen Buffum...Lea Cody...Hazel Anderson...Mary
Conway...Eleanor Webster...Ellen Frink...Peggy Washam...Gladys
Rood...Lavella Nielsen...Virginia Spiker.

And some pearls of wisdom from the book:

Beauty Hints for Madam

-Removal of freckles, try bicarbonate of soda or powdered nitre moistened
with water. Apply twice daily.

-Removal of warts, apply castor oil or lemon juice to parts three times
daily for five or six days, or until warts disappear.

-As a substitute for deoderant, use dry baking soda.

-Place curlers in an oven and warm before rolling up your hair. It will dry
much quicker.

Household Remedies

-Bladder Trouble: One teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water three
times a day and at bedtime.

-Painful Menstruation: pain may usually be relived by warmth, hot drinks and
application of heat to feet and back, a hot foot bath with mustard is good.

-For Boils: Eat plenty of raisins, the large ones are better.

-Varicose Veins: Bathe the affected parts with alum water, lead water or tea
made from white oak bark, and stay off your feet as much as possible.

-Headache: An ordinary headache is often relieved by taking 1/2 teaspoon
soda in 1/2 glass water, or place a pinch of salt on the tongue and let
dissolve slowly, in 10 minutes follow with a glass of water. Hot foot bath
with mustard, cold application on back of neck, or an ice pack on forehead.

-For the teeth: Salt, baking soda or pure soap are often effective
substitutes when the tooth past supply runs low. Lemon juice in water will
remove tartar from teeth and sweeten breath.

-Cramps in the feet: Rub a little turpentine in the hollow of the feet twice
a week before retiring.

-Ringworm: apply ordinary wash bluing several times a day for several days.
Or moisten ringworm and then apply cigar ashes. This has cured when all
other remedies fail.

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