Palo Alto County


From the Emmetsburg Democrat 30 May 1906:

John Doran Prepares Interesting List of the Old Settlers

John Doran has been very busy during the past few days preparing
for the committee in charge of the Semi-Centennial celebration a list of those
who have been residents of the county for forty years or longer. Mr. Doran is
one of the old timers and has a wide acquaintance. 
However, it is possible that he has missed quite a few. Those whose names he 
can not recall should report as soon as possible. Of the above named parties,
perhaps not more than one-fourth have lived in the county for 50 years.
The following is his list:

P. Jackman and wife, Mrs. M. Jackman Sr.,
Mrs. John Conlon, John Neary, J.F. Neary, P.C. Neary, James Hickey and wife,
John Hickey, Dan Hickey, Mrs. Patrick McNally, J.P. Crowley, M.H. Crowley, M.F.
Coonan, W.H. Coonan, Patrick Mulroney and wife, J. Mulroney and wife, Joe
Mulroney, Mrs. J.P. White, John Moncrief, Mrs. L.A. Martin, Mrs. E.R. Wilson,
J.J. Mahan, J.M. Mahan and wife, J.L. Mahan, Dennis Carroll Sr. and wife,
Patrick Carroll, Mrs. Henry Kneer, P.V. Nolan and wife, C.F. Nolan, M.J. Nolan,
Mrs. Mike Washington, Mrs. P.C. Nolan, Thomas Walsh, Mrs. E.W. Kelly, W.H.
Kelly, Mrs. T.B. Walsh, Mrs. John McNally, F.T. Hastings, J.G. Crowder and wife,
Mrs. James Foy, Mrs. James Tobin, Jno Doran, Miss Maggie A. Doran, M.F. and
Edward Brennan, Mrs. Patrick Leahy, Mrs. Daniel Sherlock, Mrs. M. Joynt, Thos.
Kirby and wife, Mrs. John Eaton, Mrs. Chris Clear, Mrs. Robert Carney, J.J.
Carney, R.E. Carney, Wm. Carney, J.K. Martin, John Shea, Thos Shea, Wm. Shea,
Mrs. John McCoy, Mrs. Peter O'Brien, Mrs. John J. Steil, Chas McCormack, Lot

West Bend
W.D. Powers and wife, Mrs. Geo. Jacobs, John E. Stone, Julius Thatcher and wife, 
Mrs. R.M. J. McFarland and B.F. McFarland, Thomas Campbell and wife, Jno Dewitt, 
Samuel McClelland, A.b. Carter, Ira D. Stone and wife, Mrs. Wm. Goldtrap.

Jas F. Nolan, Chas. W. Hastings.

J. E. Mulroney, P.F. Dawson, Mrs. Thomas Dawson, William Grace.

Mrs. J. S. Martin

John McCormick

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