Palo Alto County Maps


p. 92A

    In the early days when the homeseekers first gazed upon the gentle rolling prairies of Palo Alto County and saw the luxuriant grasses growing in its fertile soil, and the fine groves of natural timber along the lakes and streams, they involuntarily exclaimed: "Here we will make our home." Time has proved the wisdom of their choice and fulfilled their fondest expectations. It is a county of fertile farms, dotted with cozy groves and ample buildings and with its people prosperous and contented. Situated in the great corn belt, there has never been a crop failure in Palo Alto County. Now again the homeseekers are beginning to turn their eyes toward Palo Alto. Its growth has been quiet and substantial. There has been no noisy publicity nor false booms to unduly inflate prices. To-day improved farms can be bought at prices much lower than in any other county in Iowa for the same class of land.
    Palo Alto County is in the second tier of counties from the north boundary of Iowa and the fourth county from the Missouri river. It is in the fertile Des Moines valley, with a gently rolling surface of rich black loam and a clay subsoil. The Iowa geological report places Palo Alto as one of three counties having the deepest and richest soil for agricultural purposes in the state. No wonder the farmers here are rich and prosperous. There are fifteen banks in the county with a combined capital stock and surplus of over $466,000, and deposits aggregating $2,140,000. The county is out of debt, owns property valued at over $61,000 and taxes are low. The wealth of the county has come from its splendid farms.
    In social developments the record is attractive. There are 133 school houses in the county with a total of 167 teachers. Not a child within the county but is within two miles of a school house. There are twenty-eight churches of all denominations. Rural mail routes and rural telephones form a net work of intercommunication. Eight weekly newspapers effectively aid in the general dissemination of knowledge.
    Stock raising, dairying and poultry raising are important adjutants of the prosperous farmer of today. Hardy fruit of all kinds have become a permanent asset of the Northern Iowa farmer.
    Palo Alto raises as the principal crops corn and oats. Corn on tiled land averages from 40 to 70 bushels, small fields quite often going as high as 100 bushels per acre. Oats 35 to 60 bushels. Untiled land less. Barley does well, and no county raises better clover and timothy. Potatoes go from 100 to 300 bushels per acre. All kinds of fruit do well. Everything grows in Palo Alto, but corn and oats are the staple crops. Iowa land cannot be lost, stolen or imperiled by commercial risks. Where will you find a better investment than in a good, substantial farm in Palo Alto County? And where will you find a better place to live than in Palo Alto, the land of contentment? A healthy, temperate climate, plenty of sunshine, abundant rainfall, prosperous neighbors, good schools, churches and modern towns within easy reach.
    Almost in the center of this prosperous region is the city of Emmetsburg - the County Seat, and principal town of Palo Alto County. Here centers the business and trade from the surrounding large agricultural district, and here is the social center for near-by towns and country life.
    Emmetsburg was laid out by its founders along generous lines. With its broad streets, its spacious lawns, its pleasant parks, its abundant shade trees, and beautiful lake within its limits, Emmetsburg has been well called, "The City Beautiful."
    Although its population is only about 3,000, yet it covers more ground than many cities twice its size. The fine shade trees, which grow so abundantly all over the city, are an unending source of beauty and comfort to citizens and visitors. The park system of Emmetsburg is just beginning to be appreciated. The Court House Square in the center of the city is especially attractive, and the City Park, containing over 12 acres, situated in the west part of town, with its many varieties of trees, swings, public play ground, and attractive pavilion, is a constant pleasure in these days of wholesome recreation.
    But the crowning glory and beauty of this city is Medium Lake, a beautiful sheet of water, about five miles long and varying in width from a quarter to three-quarters of a mile. The lower end of the lake extends up to the north end of Broadway, within a few blocks of the business district. In order to further beautify and enhance the value of this lake, the citizens of Emmetsburg raised a popular subscription in a short time for $15,000 for the purpose of improving the lake. A large centrifugal pump and dredging outfit, one of the largest in the state, and costing $9,500, has been purchased and is now at work deepening the lake and improving the shore and making parks and boulevards. A large number of motor boats, row boats, and sailing craft already ply the waters of the lake. Fishing and hunting have been exceptionally good, and when the work of improvement is completed the opportunities for aquatic sports will be greatly enlarged. The delight of a summer near Medium Lake can only be appreciated by those who have enjoyed it, and even in the winter, skating and outdoor sports and games on the ice are a continual source of delight. The Des Moines river is only about a mile and a half to two miles on the west and south of Emmetsburg, and with its natural timber and picturesque scenery, affords additional pleasure to those who love nature's haunts. Few cities in the state enjoy the natural advantages, and the beautiful environment of Emmetsburg.
    Emmetsburg is not however, only a summer resort, but is a live up-to-date and bustling business town all the year round. Its people are here for business, but are able to enjoy the beauties of nature and the pleasures of life, at the same time they are industrially building up business and trade. Emmetsburg has fine residences and substantial business buildings as evidence of its prosperity. The city is equipped with modern conveniences. It has $50,000 water works system owned by the city, which has over eight miles of water mains furnishing pure and wholesome water at an exceptionally cheap rate all over the city, and with its excellent standpipe and direct pressure system, affording ample fire protection. There is also a $35,000 electric light plant, with good system of street lights. The telephone service is a mutual system built up by home citizens and now using an automatic and central energy switchboard which gives exceptionally fine service at a low rate and is without doubt one of the best of its size in the state. The public buildings of the town are substantial. A $35,000 court house, and $15,000 jail and sheriff's residence are maintained by the county. The city owns a $12,000 city hall. A $50,000 opera house was built a few years ago by the people and is one of the most modern and best arranged play-houses in the northwest of the state. The manager during the last two or three years has secured many high class attractions that would do credit to a large city. A $10,000 Carnegie library building is in course of erection and will allow a large development of the city library that has been flourishing for many years. There is also a large Armory, the home of Company K, of the 55th Regt. Iowa National Guard.
    Emmetsburg is proud of its school system. Its $35,000 high school building is modern in appointment, and with its practical heating and ventilating systems is one of the best for its size in the state. In scholarship it maintains a high standard being a state accredited school admitting scholars to the State University and approved colleges without examination. In addition to classical courses and ordinary branches, the school maintains courses in manual training, domestic science, and agriculture, and also has an instructor in physical culture and athletics. The school has a normal department maintained by state appropriation. In addition to the high school, there is a large brick ward school for the east side and a ward school for the south side, for the lower grades. In addition to the public schools there is a $10,000 Catholic academy, which stands high for efficient work done under its direction. Emmetsburg, also has two Catholic churches costing $30,000 each, a $15,000 Methodist Episcopal church, a $15,000 Congregational church, and also an Episcopal and Lutheran church, all flourishing institutions, and doing a great work in the community. There are also organizations of Masons, Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Woodmen, Yeomen, Grand Army of the Republic, Hibernians, Catholic Order of Foresters, Red Men, and Knights of Columbus; most of these lodges having Women's auxiliaries. The resident Elks also have comfortable club rooms. In addition to these there are a number of  clubs, among which are the "Friday Club" and "Women's Club" both members of the state federation of Women's Clubs, and the P.E.O. The Commercial Club and Ladies Civic Improvement League are each doing much toward building up a bigger and better city. Emmetsburg, also maintains a lecture course, which is conducted by a public committee, and is self supporting. The public library has a well selected stock of books. Time and space do not permit the enumeration of many features, which to to make up the social life of Emmetsburg. Emmetsburg's people are intelligent, warm-hearted, loyal to the town and just the kind of people to live together in happiness and contentment. That Emmetsburg is a good place to live in, is the verdict of all her people.
    In a business way, Emmetsburg is a live, progressive town. Its stores, and business places are up-to-date and present the most attractive trade conditions to be found in this part of the country. In addition to the usual business places, Emmetsburg has four grain elevators; a large modern and well equipped flouring mill; a $40,000 brick and tile factory, that is modern in every respect, and turning out a large out-put of of clay products unexcelled in the state; a large monument and marble cutting establishment that is the largest in the state of Iowa, and has branch houses in other states; a large cement manufacturing plant; an ice cream factory and bottling works; a creamery that ranks exceptionally high in the grade of product that it produces; steam laundry; a large green-house, two garages, three prosperous weekly newspapers, three banks with deposits aggregating $1,000,000; and a second class postoffice with receipts of $9,500 a year.
    The Waverly Hotel is a three story, brick building, modern in every respect, and famous throughout the northwest for its fine cuisine. The St. James Hotel and Cafe are of more moderate price, but with excellent service. Or if transients do not stay long enough to desire a hotel, short order meals can be secured at Crouch's on Main street, Fries Central Restaurant on Broadway, or at McNally' or Antell's lunch counters on South Broadway.
    The railroad facilities are good, as the Iowa and Dakota Division of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul, and the Minnesota Division of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific cross here and thus give both north and south and east and west outlets for passenger and freight traffic. The volume of business handled from this point is ample evidence of the prosperity and push of this city.
    Two important automobile roads "The North Iowa Pike," and the "Des Moines to Spirit Lake Road" cross at Emmetsburg, making this city an important junction point.
    But with all these advantages, the county has neither bonded nor floating indebtedness, and the city's actual indebtedness is less than $9,000. Emmetsburg boasts of a low tax rate, and offers liberal inducements to industries seeking location, and will welcome with open arms, desirable people who seek a home among them. Anyone desiring further information may secure same by writing to the president or secretary of the Emmetsburg Commercial Club, Emmetsburg, Iowa.

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