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Iowa State Militia

An Act amendatory of an act entitled, "An act to orgazine, discipline, and govern the militia of this Territory," approved July 31, 1840.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the Council and House of Representatives of the Territory of Iowa, That section three of title three; section fifteen of article second, title six; article first of an act entitled "An act to organize, discipline and govern the militia of this Territory," approved July 31st, 1840, and so much of all acts or parts of acts which now require militia drills, musters, trainings, inspections or reviews, in time of peace, be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 2. That it shall be the duty of assesors in the several counties in this Territory, at the time they return their assessment rolls, to return to the clerk of the board of county commissioners the names of all able bodied males, between the ages of eighteen and forty-five years, resident in each township or precinct in their respective counties; and it shall be the duty of said clerks to make out and return forthwith to the adjutant general of this Territory complete abstracts of the number of such able bodied males, which abstracts the said adjutant general shall file and carefully preserve in his office. Section 3. This act shall in no way interfere with the authority of the commander-in-chief, or any other officer, in calling out the militia, or any portion thereof, whenever, in their opinion, the public safety may require it. Section 4. The adjutant general sall receive for his services one hundred dollars per annum. Approved 15th February 1844

In addition to the persons exempted by the laws of the United States, the following persons shall be exempt from military duty.

Militia Rolls