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Third Regiment Iowa Volunteer Cavalry


Regiment was organized at Keokuk 30 August to 14 September 1861.

Regiment lost during service 5 officers and 79 enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 4 officers and 230 enlisted men by disease.



SoldierAgeRank-CompanyMuster DateComments
Asberry, W. H. H.245th Sgt ~ Co. E04 Sept 1861disability discharge, St. Louis MO, 1862
Austin, Wm.19Pvt ~ Co. K14 Sept 1861 
Blake, W. H.22Pvt ~ Co. K03 Sept 1861promoted to Corporal
Borman, Thos.24Pvt ~ Co. K03 Sept 1861 
Commons, Thos.255th Sgt ~ Co. K01 Sept 1861 
Cuch, John18Pvt ~ Co. K03 Sept 1861 
Ewing, Arthur K.30Wagoner ~ Co. K03 Sept 1861 
Griswald, Alvin H.262nd Lt ~ Co. K14 Sept 1861killed in ambush 27 Jun 1862, Village Creek AR
Holt, G. W.30Pvt ~ Co. K03 Sept 1861 
Lewis, W. S.42B. V. S. ~ Co. K27 Nov 1861 
Miller, Jas. M.21Pvt ~ Co. K14 Sept 1861 
Stamm, Geo. W.231st Sgt ~ Co. K16 Jul 1862promoted to 1st LT, 1864
Tyrrell, Robert18Co. K  
Williamson, N. N.27Pvt ~ Co. K14 Sept 1861 
Woodruff, A. D.346th Corp. ~ Co. K14 Sept 1861reduced to ranks