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Monroe County

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36th Iowa Infantry

Compiled and provided by Brenda Busing .

Organized at Keokuk and mustered in 4 October 1862.

The Thirty-sixth Infantry, Companies A and K, were chiefly composed of Monroe County men. In the Thirty-sixth Infantry there were 35 men killed in action during the Civil war, 25 men men died of wounds, 235 died of disease, 1 committed suicide, and 142 were wounded.


NameAgeRankCompanyMuster Date
Allen, Jas. H.18PrivateAFeb 20 '62
Amos, Creed H.19PrivateKSep 15 '62
Amos, Geo.23PrivateDSep 6 '62
Amos, Wm.18PrivateDSep 6 '62
Anderson, A.L.30PrivateKSep 15 '62
Anderson, Calvin M.19PrivateKFeb 20 '64
Anderson, John18PrivateKOct 20 '64
Anderson, John A.21PrivateKFeb 20 '64
Anderson, Martin20PrivateKSep 15 '62
Anderson, Martin J.20PrivateKSep 15 '62
Andrew, Henry H.20WagonerKSep 15 '62
Bailey, A.M.26PrivateKSep 16 '62
Bailey, Luther C.42PrivateKSep 15 '62
Baily, Calvin G.21PrivateKSep 15 '62
Bain, Henry19MusicianASep 11, '62
Bain, Sam'L40PrivateAFeb 26 '64
Baird, Asa S.382d Ser.ASep 11, '62
Banister, Azariah19PrivateKFeb 25 '64
Banister, Levi19PrivateKSep 15 '62
Banister, Wesley22PrivateKSep 15 '62
Barker, Thos.35PrivateKSep 15 '62
Barnes, John26PrivateASep 11, '62
Barton, George P.255th Ser.ASep 11, '62
Bay, Davidson P.263d Ser.ASep 11, '62
Bennett, Andrew23PrivateKSep 15 '62
Bennett, Benjamin38PrivateASep 11, '62
Blair, Geo. W.22PrivateDSep 6 '62
Blair, Jas. M.25PrivateDSep 6 '62
Boals, Sam. T.18PrivateKFeb 11 '64
Boyer, Peter31PrivateASep 11, '62
Brawdy, Wm.24PrivateKSep 15 '62
Breese, Timothy43PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Bristow, Ephraim43PrivateASep 11, '62
Brott, Geo. W.26PrivateKSep 15 '62
Burnett, Sam'L28PrivateASep 11, '62
Burris, Wilson30PrivateCSep 18 '62
Campbell, Aaron A.25PrivateKSep 15 '62
Carhart, Jas.18PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Carhart, Wm.21PrivateAFeb 20 '62
Carter, Thos. A.20PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Carter, Wm. B.A.23MusicianKSep 15 '62
Case, Thos. H.22PrivateKSep 15 '62
Castle, Thos. L.25PrivateAFeb 20 '62
Castle, Wm.26PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Catron, Geo. O.20PrivateAMar 9 '62
Cattern, Joseph21PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Chambers, Joseph30PrivateKSep 15 '62
Chedister, H.M.27PrivateKOct 20 '64
Cline, Henry W.19PrivateKSep 15 '62
Clodfelter, John W.25PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Colclasure, Joseph22PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Collens, Zelleck H.22PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Collett, John M.18PrivateFOct 4 '62
Collins, Wm. S.341st Corp.KSep 15 '62
Cone, Wm. P.18PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Conley, Isaiah H.29PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Conley, Jas. G.27PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Connett, John M.40PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Cousins, Moses35SurgeonA-----
Crawford, Daniel36PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Crawley, Perry37PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Davis, Lewis41PrivateKSep 15 '62
Day, John34---------------
Dean, Wm. H.34PrivateAFeb 20 '62
Deats, John H.20PrivateASep 11 '62
Dempsey, John25PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Derby, Nelson18PrivateBSep 3 '62
Deyo, Chas. S.333d Corp.ASep 11, '62
Downs, Wm. F.18PrivateKMar 27 '64
Duckworth, Thos. A.246th Corp.FOct 4 '62
Eads, Alex.29PrivateFOct 4 '62
Eads, Edward387th Corp.KOct 15 '62
Eads, Wm.37PrivateFOct 4 '62
Edwards, Moses191st Corp.KSep 15 '62
Elder, Alexander25PrivateAFeb 28 '62
Elder, Jacob29PrivateASep 11 '62
Elder, Wm. G.19PrivateASep 11 '62
Ely, Stephen M.22PrivateKSep 15 '62
Epperson, John22PrivateKSep 15 '62
Etheredge, Robert19PrivateFOct 4 '62
Evans, David28PrivateFOct 4 '62
Evans, Jas. C.38PrivateFOct 4 '62
Fall, Dan'L T.18PrivateDSep 6 '62
Foreman, John18PrivateANov 23 '62
Gibson, Jas. G.32PrivateKSep 15 '62
Glass, Wm.44PrivateKOct 20 '64
Gordon, Benj. F.18PrivateDSep 6 '62
Grass, Geo. W.30PrivateASep 11 '62
Gray, David S.19PrivateDSep 6 '62
Gray, Jacob20PrivateASep 11 '62
Grimes, Albert41PrivateASep 11 '62
Gunter, Richard R.32PrivateASep 11 '62
Hagar, Jacob25PrivateKSep 15 '62
Hager, Jacob25PrivateKSep 15 '62
Hamilton, Wm. A.19PrivateASep 11 '62
Hannon, Wm. P.35PrivateKSep 15 '62
Harbison, John23PrivateASep 11 '62
Hare, Michael44ChaplainA-----
Harger, Henry22PrivateASep 11 '62
Harlow, Larkin21PrivateKSep 15 '62
Harn, John H.T.18MusicianCSep 18 '62
Harper, Geo. W.-----PrivateASep 11 '62
Hawkins, Ira315th Ser.KSep 15 '62
Hendricks, Sam'L J.31PrivateASep 11 '62
Hendrickson, Harry28PrivateASep 11 '62
Hendrix, Jacob22PrivateASep 11 '62
Hickenlooper, Geo.362d Ser.KSep 15 '62
Hill, Isaac M.30PrivateASep 11 '62
Hiteman, Frederick24PrivateASep 11 '62
Hittle, Jacob426th CorpASep 11, '62
Hittle, Michael214th Corp.ASep 11, '62
Hobson, Richard265th Corp.DSep 6 '62
Hoburn, Harry27PrivateASep 11 '62
Homes, Wm.26PrivateASep 11 '62
Hughes, Samuel24PrivateDMar 5 '64
Hull, Jacob23PrivateASep 11 '62
Hummel, Nathan33PrivateKSep 15 '62
Humphrey, Wm.39PrivateASep 11 '62
Humston, Henry28PrivateKSep 15 '62
Huntington, O.P.21PrivateCSep 18 '62
Hurlburt, John A.281st Ser.KSep 15 '62
Ivens, Daniel44Hosp. Surg.AOct. 4, '62
Ivens, Dan'L44PrivateASep 11 '62
Jackson, Wm. G.33PrivateKSep 15 '62
Judd, Rowland27PrivateKSep 15 '62
Judson, Wm. R.36PrivateAFeb 10 '64
Keeling, Thos. J.-----PrivateKFeb 25 '64
Keeling, Wm. W.35PrivateKSep 15 '62
Kemper, Wm. K.223d Ser.FOct 4 '62
Kennedy, Patrick28PrivateASep 11 '62
Kenworthy, Elisha19PrivateKSep 15 '62
Kimbrell, Benj.362d Corp.KSep 15 '62
Kirkendall, Robt. M.35PrivateKSep 15 '62
Knight, Elijah T.27PrivateASep 11 '62
Knight, Thos. H.L.19PrivateAMar 9 '64
Knight, Wm. H.21PrivateASep 11 '62
Kreitzer, John18PrivateAFeb 20 '62
Lambert, John282d Lieut.KSep 15 '62
Lamon, Matthias24PrivateCSep 18 '62
Landis, Martin L.18MusicianFOct 4 '62
Law, Marshal27PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Lemons, Calvin19PrivateKSep 15 '62
Lindsay, Geo.21PrivateAFeb 20 '62
Link, Uriah24PrivateCSep 18 '62
Livingston, Chas. A.18PrivateAFeb 20 '64
Loper, Eben W.18PrivateKFeb 20 '64
Lowe, Alfred36PrivateASep 11 '62
Lucas, John33PrivateASep 11 '62
Lyon, David30MusicianASep 11, '62
Lyons, Jas. C.22PrivateASep 11 '62
Maddox, Lewis S.32PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Mahin, Geo. W.24PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Main, Chas. B.26PrivateFOct 4 '62
Manley, Andrew J.21PrivateKSep 15 '62
Manley, Elihu21PrivateFOct 4 '62
Marchbanks, Nimrod37PrivateFOct 4 '62
Martin, Robt.22PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Martin, Wm.31PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Maxwell, Jackson20PrivateKSep 15 '62
May, John R.19PrivateFOct 4 '62
Mcbride, Geo. W.19PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Mccormack, Thos. J.26PrivateBSep 3 '62
Mcginnis, Sam'L294th Corp.KSep 15 '62
Mckissick, Jas.40PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Mckissick, Wm. E.18PrivateAFeb 20 '62
Mcmahill, John W.22PrivateBSep 3 '62
Mcneil, Almond42PrivateAFeb 20 '62
Meadow, Joseph----------A-----
Middaw, Joseph38PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Mifford, Sylvester22PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Miller, Peter21PrivateKFeb 20 '64
Miller, Wm. D.40PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Milligan, John R.18MusicianKSep 15 '62
Milligan, John R.18PrivateKSep 15 '62
Moak, Eli354th Ser.KAug 18 '62
Moneyhan, Jas.328th Corp.KSep 15 '62
Montgomery, Lewis19PrivateKSep 15 '62
Moore, David C.32PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Morford, Joseph22PrivateKSep 15 '62
Morris, Jas. H.35WagonerASep 11, '62
Morris, Wm. H.21PrivateKSep 15 '62
Moss, Wm. W.25PrivateKSep 15 '62
Murphy, Jas. A.37PrivateKSep 15 '62
Myers, Thos.24PrivateDSep 6 '62
Nelson, Jas. H.17PrivateKMar 4 '64
Nelson, W.D. PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Neville, Wm. E.368th Corp.KOct 15 '62
Nicholson, Ephraim21PrivateFOct 4 '62
Nickel, Jas.24PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Nickel, Thos.22PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Nickles, Christopher35PrivateKFeb 13 '64
Noble, Geo. W.33Capt.KSep 15 '62
Olston, Ole37PrivateKSep 15 '62
O'Neil, Daniel23PrivateKSep 15 '62
Osborn, Jas. M.24PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Parks, David27PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Pfendler, Nicholas33PrivateKSep 15 '62
Phelps, Wm. H.22PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Phillips, Jas. B.35PrivateKSep 15 '62
Porter, John M.372d Lieut.ASep 11, '62
Potts, David W.25PrivateKSep 15 '62
Potts, Jacob G.23PrivateKSep 15 '62
Potts, Jonathan354th Corp.KSep 15 '62
Potts, Jonathan24PrivateKSep 15 '62
Pratt, Hiram A.22PrivateBSep 3 '62
Prayther, Andrew B.24PrivateFOct 4 '62
Pugh, Edward D.32MusicianKSep 15 '62
Rathburn, Ephraim D.18PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Ray, Hiram F.24PrivateKSep 15 '62
Reed, Chas. B.19PrivateKFeb 29 '64
Reitzel, Henry25PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Repp, Algernon20PrivateKFeb 24 '64
Richmond, Byron19PrivateKSep 15 '62
Riddle, John T.19PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Robb, Thos. G.22PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Roberts, Joseph22PrivateDSep 6 '62
Robertson, Joseph S.35PrivateKSep 15 '62
Robins, Edwin23PrivateKSep 15 '62
Robins, Eli44PrivateKSep 15 '62
Roland, Luther C.21PrivateFOct 4 '62
Ross, David314th Ser.ASep 11, '62
Scott, David H.371st Ser.ASep 11, '62
Scott, Newton20PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Shahan, Washington291st Corp.ASep 11, '62
Sheeks, Alexander C.18PrivateFOct 4 '62
Sheeks, Isaac H.21PrivateFOct 4 '62
Sheeks, John T.24PrivateFOct 4 '62
Shepherd, Lorens S.26PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Smiley, Thos.24PrivateKSep 15 '62
Smith, Chas. B.20PrivateKSep 15 '62
Smith, David A.18PrivateKSep 15 '62
Smith, W.H.39PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Smith, Wm. P.18PrivateFOct 4 '62
Snethen, Wm.448th Corp.ASep 11, '62
Sperry, Wm. F.18PrivateKFeb 20 '64
Stacy, Darins35PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Steele, John G.23PrivateDSep 6 '62
Stephens, Wm.26PrivateKSep 15 '62
Stephenson, G.F.19PrivateAFeb 20 '62
Stewart, Jas.29PrivateKSep 15 '62
Stuber, Peter236th Corp.DSep 6 '62
Stuber, Phillip18PrivateDSep 6 '62
Sumner, Dan'L H.21PrivateCSep 11 '62
Taylor, Jas. W.385th Corp.KOct 15 '62
Taylor, John C.19PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Taylor, Wm. H.24PrivateKSep 15 '62
Tedrow, Michael K.35PrivateCSep 11 '62
Thair, Jas. T.25PrivateKSep 15 '62
Thomas, John19PrivateKSep 15 '62
Thornton, Thos. M.26PrivateKSep 15 '62
Thorpe, Reuben M.24PrivateKSep 15 '62
Turner, Robt.19PrivateKSep 15 '62
Tyrrell, Laurel H.395th Corp.ASep 11, '62
Tyrrell, Leander19PrivateKFeb 20 '64
Tyrrell, Sam'L B.307th Corp.ASep 11, '62
Umbenhower, Abram19PrivateDSep 6 '62
Varner, Martin J.35Cap.AOct. 4, '62
Walker, John391st Lieut.AOct. 4, '62
Warren, David M.272d Corp.ASep 11, '62
Warren, Joseph18PrivateKMar 31 '64
Warren, Valentine18PrivateKFeb 22 '64
Warrick, James27PrivateKMar 9 '64
Warwich, Wm.33PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Watson, Wm. C.22PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Wattles, Smith V.18PrivateKSep 15 '62
Waugh, Abraham P.19PrivateKFeb 29 '64
Webb, John Jr.351st Lieut.KSep 15 '62
West, Jacob38PrivateBSep 3 '62
West, Levi31PrivateBSep 3 '62
Westfall, John D.434th Corp.FOct 4 '62
White, Chas. E.31PrivateKNov 10 '62
Wiggins, Geo.21PrivateKSep 15 '62
Wills, W.W.25PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Wilson, Geo. W.22PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Wilson, John N.25PrivateAFeb 26 '62
Witham, Jonathan43PrivateKSep 15 '62
Young, Josiah T.313d Ser.KSep 13 '62
Young, Wm. J.18PrivateKFeb 11 '64