Thomas Tong
The neighborhood or settlement still remembered by most of the early settlers of Clay township as "the Tong settlement," was located in the southeastern part of the township. Nothing of historical interest relating to this settlement is remembered except what relates to the individual from whom it derived its name.
Thomas Tong was born near the Potomac river, in Virginia, in the latter part of 1780, emigrated to what is now Adams county, Ohio, (then the frontier) at an early day; from thence to Darke county, in the same state; thence to Elk county, Indiana; thence to Van Buren county, Iowa, and from thence to Marion county, in the spring of '45, with two sons and two sons-in-law, forming the settlement as above stated. He died in the winter of '50, aged 70.
Mr. Tong was what might be justly termed a frontiersman, having spent most of his long life on the frontiers of Ohio, Indiana and Iowa. He was skilled in all the arts of frontier life, pertaining to hunting, fishing and trapping. But, not-withstanding this comparatively rough education, he was in all respects a gentleman, upright and generous in all his intercourse with his fellows, and a warm friend to all with whom he had occasion to entertain friendly relations, and a Christian.