Hiram Teakel
Hiram Teakel was a native of Tennessee, from which State he moved to this, and to this township in the winter of '48 and settled where John Graves now lives, near Newburn, and purchased the claim of Freeland Willis, giving him $5 for it. On this he built a cabin, broke and fenced ten acres, and after living on it two years, sold it, and purchased another claim of Adam Uchler, in section 17, where he now lives.
On moving up from Eddyville, and nearing his destination, Mr. T. found no road and scarcely an object to guide him aright across a treeless prairie; and at the same time the snow was so deep that the fore wheels of the wagons were nearly buried in it. The teams, one a horse team and the other oxen, could make but slow progress. But by constant and untiring efforts they at last succeeded in reaching their chosen place of habitation, and are now, in common with many of their contemporaries in the privations and sufferings of pioneer life, reaping the rich reward of their perseverence through difficulties