WOMEN'S FEDERATED CLUB OF PELLA, NO. 739 Pella will never be called on to erect a monument in honor of this organization. The valuable educational work accomplished along many lines that make for the advancement and culture of our community life, as well as the concrete and visible improvements wrought in our city by the Federated Club, constitute a list of practical results that speak for themselves. Two years ago, what is now known as South Park, was a weed patch, that constantly advertised the fact to all those passing through Pella, that we had not yet emerged from the "Main Street" village stage of development. When the Federated Club undertook, only about two years ago, to beautify this unsightly spot, the "anvil chorus" made the welkin ring with prophesies of failure, yet today it is one of the beauty spots of Pella, and few, if any, of the improvements made in recent years, receive so many favorable comments. The Pella Club was organized at the home of Mrs. Aschenbrenner, May, 1914, with ten members. The first officers were: President, Mrs. C. F. Aschenbrenner; Vice President, Mrs. H. P. Scholte; Secretary, Mrs. H. P. Van der Meulin; Treasurer, Mrs. Clayton. Purpose--Civic Improvement. Course of Study--Home Economics, Education and Civic Improvement. THINGS ACCOMPLISHED BY WOMEN's FEDERATED CLUBS Established first Rest Room, contributed towards American Relief Fund, Y. W. C. A., Belgian Relief, Furlough House in Des Moines, Central College, supported French Orphans, helped Anti-Tuberculosis Campaign by selling Red Cross Christmas seals. Library Board, solicited books and magazines for Army cantonments, actively engaged during the World War by Red Cross sewing, serving troop trains, encouraging gardening among children, by conducting prize gardening contests, bought Liberty Bonds and War Saving Stamps. Scholarship in Central College, two years. Conducted Better Baby Conference in conjunction with Baby Welfare work. Now have about 6O members. Have had only two presidents in the eight years since organizing. Carried on the Chautauqua in Pella for seven years. It was largely, if not entirely, through the efforts of this organization that the Park Commission and Bonds for new Water Tank were carried, and that the Public Health Nurse was engaged. The first and only Municipal Christmas tree was also under the auspices of the Federated Club. Editor's note.--The above showing, made by the Women's Federated Club certainly requires no apology. When it first commenced its efforts for Civic Improvement, the criticism was frequently made that the organization was impractical. Here's hoping that they will continue to inflict many such impractical improvements on the community.