Brooker - Clopton


Shown below are veterans of the World War II known to have resided in Madison County. Information has been gathered from the Winterset Madisonian, Madison County Recorder's Office, gravestones/markers, and relatives.
Names with a grey background were killed while serving in the military.


Name Service Branch Service Record
Brooker, Bruce    
Brooker, Carroll    
Brooker, Herbert    
Brooker, Ralph    
Brooker, Robert C.    
Brooks, Dean    
Brown, Clarence    
Brown, Donald    
Brown, Elmer V.    
Brown, Homer    
Brown, John H.    
Brown, Leigh    
Brown, Robert C.    
Brown, Walter E.    
Brown, Wilbur B.    
Bruett, Clark    
Bruett, Clifford P.    
Bruns, Joe W.    
Bruns, Mary J.    
Bruns, Robert Marion    
Buchanan, Chester, Jr.    
Buchanan, Ferne    
Buck, Everett D.   Corporal
Bullis, Clifford H.    
Burcombe, Ralph    
Burford, Hubert D.    
Burford, Tom    
Burford, Walter    
Busch, Carroll W.    
Busch, Douglas A.    
Busch, Lester Dale US Army Air Force Flight Maintenance
Busch, Paul R.    
Bush, Walter E.    
Bussanmas, James F.    
Butcher, Edward Eugene US Army Private First Class, KIA in 1945 in the Philippines
Butcher, Raymond H.    
Butner, Robert Keith US Navy Lieutenant JG
Cade, Junior J. US Army Private, enlisted 22 Oct 1945 at Ft. Snelling, Minnesota
Cain, Russell    
Caldwell, Woodrow    
Callison, Wilbur    
Cameron, Charles    
Cameron, Eugene V.    
Cameron, Raymond US Navy Seaman 2nd Class
Camp, Leonard    
Camp, Marion    
Camp, Robert W.    
Campbell, David    
Carey, Phillip US Army Air Corps Enlisted 31 Mar 1944, Corporal, 233rd Base Unit
Carlson, Billy    
Carmichael, William A.    
Carpenter, Robert D.    
Carr, Denham    
Carrington, Warren    
Carson, Gene    
Carter, Dyle J. US Navy Machinist Mate 2, 110th Naval Construction Battalion, enlisted 17 Jun 1943, discharged 23 Oct 1945
Carter, Dyle Marion    
Carter, Jack    
Carter, Laurel    
Carter, Lloyd    
Cassady, Roy    
Cassiday, Jack    
Caudle, Loren Virgil US Army Air Corps Enlisted 01 Feb 1945, Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, discharged 05 Nov 1945
Caudle, Naomi    
Cessna, Austin K.    
Chace, Cecil    
Chace, Clarence    
Chamberlain, Lee    
Chambers, John E.    
Chartrand, Boyd J.    
Chatfield, Elvin    
Chatfield, Max H.    
Chestnut, Paul Foster US Army Enlisted 14 Oct 1942, discharged 20 Mar 1946
Chickering, Herbert Ross US Army Air Force Lieutenant, enlisted 15 Aug 1942; called to duty Feb 1943; KIA May 06 1945, Hazelmere, England
Chickering, Wayne    
Chilcote, Barton    
Chilcote, Thomas    
Christensen, Carl    
Christensen, Carroll    
Christensen, Donald    
Christensen, Raymond L.    
Clague, Paul R.    
Clague, Thomas E. US Army Tech 5, enlisted 22 Sep 1943
Clark, Duncan    
Clark, Eugene W.    
Clark, Frederick    
Clark, George Delbert US Army Air Force KIA Apr 13 1945
Clark, George W.    
Clark, Virgil F.    
Clarkson, Harold    
Clarkson, Robert    
Clausen, Dale    
Clausen, Frederick H.    
Cleland, Clifford R.    
Cleveland, Forest M.    
Cleveland, Maurice H.    
Cline, Glenn V.    
Cline, Ralph    
Conklin, Clark Clinton Army Air Force Enlisted 04 Feb 1943 Camp Dodge, Warrant Officer
Clopton, Gerald    
Clopton, Robert Earl    



Maintained by the County Coordinator This page was created in January 2011.
This page was last updated Thursday, 05-Sep-2024 16:42:29 CDT .