Madison County


A - C


Shown below are veterans of the Viet Nam War known to have resided in Madison County, Iowa. Information courtesy of the Winterset Madisonian.
County Coordinator's Note:  The data listed herein is primarily a list of those who served. Information regarding Service Branch, and other data was generally unavailable.  The County Coordinators are therefore reliant on the veterans or descendants for obtaining data for this list.  Your inputs are encouraged and welcome.



Service Branch

Service Record

Adams, Gene L. US Army

KIA 24 Dec 1965

Agan, James Raymond    
Agan, Jimmy Lee US Army Specialist 4th Class
Agan, John Wesley    
Ahnen, Ronnie    
Akers, Gene    
Alcorn, Larry W.    
Alexander, Eddie    
Alexander, John    
Algreen, Michael    
Allen, Benjamin    
Allen, Myron, Jr.    
Allen, Robert M.    
Allen, Thomas    
Alley, Harry    
Allison, Kenneth Leon US Navy  
Allsup, Dennis    
Armstrong, Earl    
Armstrong, John    
Arnburg, Larry    
Atkins, Richard  V.    
Babcock, John Richard US Air Force  
Baird, Lester    
Ball, Ronny    
Baltutat, August M.    
Banks, Jerry    
Banks, Roger    
Bartholomew, Charles Rick  US Navy  DT3
Bass, Charles    
Beebe, Larry    
Beeler, Douglas    
Beeler, Michael J.    
Beem, Rodney    
Bell, Patrick    
Bence, Joan    
Benge, Herbert    
Benge, Pat B.    
Benge, William    
Bennett, Norman    
Bennett, Raymond US Army 101st Airborne "Screaming Eagles"
Berch, John H., Jr.    
Berch, Randall W.    
Berry, Bill George US Army  
Berry, Larry L.    
Berry, Lynn R.    
Beverlin, Richard    
Bills, Glenn    
Bindel, Charles    
Bindel, Paul    
Bobst, Michael    
Bomar, Fred D. US Navy  
Bortell, John F.    
Bortell, William    
Bown, George US Army  
Boyle, David    
Braddock, Gerald    
Bricker, Marvin    
Brittain, Austin    
Brittain, James Whitney US Army Specialist 5th Class, died 19 Jun 1973
Brittain, Keith E.    
Brown, Gary    
Brown, Jack    
Brown, Larry    
Brown, Ron    
Brownlie, Phillip Eugene US Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant
Bruett, Darrell R.    
Bruns, Robert    
Bruns, Thomas P.    
Burham, Randolph    
Burhans, Richard, Jr.    
Burkett, Dean    
Burrell, James    
Callahan, Gordon G.    
Callahan, Roger    
Camp, David William US Army Enlisted
Camp, James Dale US Army Staff Sergeant, ACO, 2nd Battalion, 12th Infantry, 25th Infantry Division, KIA Chu Chi, Viet Nam February 4, 1969
Camp, James Douglas    
Capps, Earl    
Capps, Lewis    
Casper, Dorothy S.    
Casper, John    
Cave, Gary L.    
Chapman, Bill D.    
Chapman, Jerry L.    
Chase, Verl, Jr.    
Chestnut, Paul    
Chickering, Chester    
Chickering, Gary    
Clague John    
Cline, Kevin    
Collins, Nolan    
Collins, Stephen    
Conkel, William    
Conrad, Dennis Lee    
Cook, John    
Cooper, Joseph R.    
Cooper, Richard    
Corkrean, Timothy    
Cortner, Kenneth    
Cresap, Dwight    
Crippen, Gary    
Cummings, Robert J.    
Cunningham, Daniel    
Cunningham, Jerry T.    



Maintained by the County Coordinator This page was created in January 2011.
This page was last updated Saturday, 31-Aug-2024 08:25:54 CDT .