The following lists of Madison County militia was provided by State Historical Society of Iowa staff in 2021.  The men listed, with their rank, served in two militias formed in Madison County, one as infantry and one as cavalry.  Known misspellings are corrected in red.  

The following are excerpts from "Acts and Resolutions Passed at the Extra Session of the Ninth General Assembly of the State of Iowa," September, 1862, Chapter 35, sections concerning "Militias".

Sec. 1: Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Iowa, that all able bodied white male citizens of this State between the ages of eighteen and forty-five years, excepting all persons in the army or navy of the United States, shall be subject to military duty.

Sec. 2. The entire militia of the State are hereby required, and it is made their duty, to organize immediately into companies.

Sec. 3.  Each member shall furnish himself and bring to the place of rendezvous, and use in drilling and discipline, his own arms.  Companies are not required to uniform themselves, but any company may adopt its own uniform.

Sec. 4. Companies of Cavalry and Artillery may be organized.

Sec. 5. Whenever, in the opinion of the Governor, it is deemed necessary, he may require that they meet at their respective places of rendezvous and drill for so many hours each day.  Those who fail to obey, unless prevented by sickness, shall pay a fine of one dollar to the county treasury for each day such person shall fail.

Sec. 6. Companies shall consist of not less than eighty-three nor more than one hundred and one privates, including one Captain, one First Lieutenant, one Second Lieutenant, elected by the company, and an Orderly Sergeant, four Sergeants, four Corporals, and a Company Clerk to be appointed by the Captain.


Union Guards - Infantry

Command Staff

  Hood, James K.
Gashorn [Goshorn], John S., Captain Jones, Jeremiah
Moore, James S., 1st Lt. Johnston, George A.
Stafford, Oliver P., 2nd Lt. Kale, Alfred
Hard, Henry W, 1st. Sgt. Kelso, William C.
White, John S., 2nd Sgt Kendall, James
Stiffler, John, 3rd Sgt. Kenkennon [Kinkennon], Jacob P.
Reynolds, William G., 4th Sgt. Lathrop, Dwight
Bruce, Richard P., 5th Sgt Leinard, Jacob
Burnett, Josiah W., 1st Corp. Leinard, John B.
Colston, P. Lee, 2nd Corp. Mackey, Thomas C.
Pendleton, Leonidas, 3rd Corp. Marten, John L.
Evans, William H., 4th Corp. Marten, David C.
Ewing, Henry M., Co. Clerk McAfferty, William
Gowin, John, Musician McComber [Macumber], John
Gordon, William, Musician Montgomery, Elmer K.
  Moore, Samuel H.


Myers, Jonathan
Andrew, James Nickell, James F.
Ansley, Josiah Noell, James P.
Barley, Moses Oglesby [Oglesbee], Leroy
Bardrick, Thomas Peters, James S.
Bard, John S. Pearce, John C.
Beall, Edward Reeves, Reuben S.
Bixly, Benjamin F. Reynolds, Jacob
Brinson, Jonathan Rigel, George W.
Bosworth, Urriah Rigel, John
Chase, Augustus Rigel, Elias
Chase, William A. Roberts , Benjamin F.
Cooper, Elihu M. Roberts, Francis M.
Darnall, Christopher C. Rogers, Johan A.
Darnall, George L. [T.] Ruby, William J.
Duncan, Samuel Russell, James H.
Faris, Johnston [Farris, Johnson] Stafford, Albert
Faris [Farris], Isaac Stafford, William
Ford, William Steadman, Thomas
Ford, Irwin S. Surber, David
Fouch, Titus W. Swain, Thomas W.
Florence, Paul R. Steadman, Thomas
Garlinger, Joseph Titcomb, Otis S.
Gordon, John N. Tryon, Calvin
Griffin, Henry W. Wasson, Jehiel
Henson, Robert Webster, William
Hircock, William Wilkinson, Thomas W.
Hircock, Jacob Young, Henry L.
Holiday, Samuel W. Zwanziger, Herman


Hawkeye Mounted Rangers - Cavalry


  Haynes, James
Haynes, Thomas J., Captain Hercock [Hircock], Benjamin
Mathews, Robert, 1st Lt. Hiatt, Elum
Mills, William, 2nd Lt. Hill, Abraham
Smith, Orseneth T., 1st. Sgt. Hindman, Robert
Haynes, Lorenzo, 2nd Sgt Hollingsworth, Jesse
Walker, James B., 3rd Sgt. Hubbard, Milton
Britton, Joseph E., 4th Sgt. Huttle [Hattle], Francis
Larimer [Lorimor], Benjamin F., 5th Sgt Ilor, George
Lane, William, 1st Corp. Johnston, James
Hinkle, Sylvester, 2nd Corp. Karr, Thomas
Akinson [Adkison], Andrew J., 3rd Corp. Kirk, Joseph
Gray, Daniel P., 4th Corp. Larimer [Lorimor], James F.
Bolsby [Bowlsby], William W., Co. Clerk Sandes [Landers], William
Foster, Nathaniel P., Musician Sandes [Landers], Hiram
Bishop, James A., Musician Marchael, John
  Marshall, John


Mathews, Richard
Beam, William McClentic [McClintock], John E.
Benge, Anderson M. McClentic [McClintock], William
Bishop, David McConley [McConnelee], Andrew
Bishop, James McConley [McConnelee], Daniel
Bishop, Milton McDaul, James
Blakely, Thomas J. Monday, Philip H.
Bradshaw, Jeremiah Moore, John H.
Breeding, James Moore, Philip
Brinson, James Needles, Abraham H.
Brown, Benjamin Negus, Samuel
Brown, Henry Nichols, William
Brown, John M. Noble, John
Brown, Jonathan Philpot, Benjamin F.
Brown, Jacob Porter, John H. P.
Bullick [Bullock], John B. Rager [Reager], Isaac
Chamberlain, Josiah Rhodes, James S.
Compton, Abraham Rhodes James T.
Compton, John F. Robinson, James P.
Connell, John Robinson, James T.
Crable, Isaac Roby, David
Crager, Isaac Roger, Joseph
Crayer, John H. Sillaman [Silliman], James K.
Debusk, James H. Smith, Eijah T.
Emerson, James A. Smith, Ira J.
Eskew, William Smith, Isaac N.
Folks, John R. Smith, William
Folks, Martin M. Thompson, Christopher
Gafford, Benjamin Vauvickle, Sabastion
Gillan [Gilliam], Alexander Venard, Edward H.
Gillin [Gilliam], Robert T. Walker, Samuel H.
Guilianus [Guilliams], Benton C. Walker, William M.
Hamner, Valentine Young, Eugene
Harper, Wiley  


Maintained by the County Coordinator

This page was last updated Tuesday, 02-Jul-2024 22:03:24 CDT .