Marriages were officially recorded by the county at a very early point in its history. However, other sources such as newspapers and family records have revealed that a few marriages missed the official records books. Completeness of the records was very good by the early 1900s although spelling accuracy was still suspect.

Marriage records of the Earlham Society of Friends have also been transcribed. Most of these marriages took place before the family moved to Madison County and are so noted if known.


Madison County Marriages

Aaa - Ahrens Dooley - Drake Kincade - Kirfman Robinett - Rolstin
Aiken - Alleman Draper - Dzz Kirk - Klos Romain - Rudolph
Allen - Anders Eaa - Elliot Knapp - Kzz Rudy - Rzz
Anderson - Armstrong Ellis - Essler Laa - Landon Saa - Schicht
Arneal - Azz Estel - Ezz Lane - Ledlie Schlarb - Scott
Baa - Baltzley Faa - Felton Lee - Lewellen Scrivner - Shaffer
Bancroft - Barker Fenimore - Fitzpatrick Lewis - Loehr Shaklee - Sheldon
Barkheimer - Bast Fivecoat - Forbes Loftis - Loving Shell - Shower
Bates - Beeler Ford - Foster Low - Lzz Shreaves - Simmons
Beem - Bellman Founds - Freeman Maa - Malbert Simon - Smiley
Bellows - Berry Freestone - Fzz Malcom - Marsham Smith, A - K
Bertholf - Bird Gaa - Garrity Marston - Maxon Smith, L - Z
Bisher - Black Garst - Gerry Maxwell - McClain Smoot - Spaulding
Blacketer - Bolter Getchell - Gillien McCleary - McDonal Speer - Starboard
Bomar - Boyd Gillogly - Gordy McDonald - McGowan Stark - Stevens
Boyer - Bricker Gore - Gray McGrath - McLarnard Stevenson - St, John
Bridge - Brought Green - Ground McLaughlin - McWright Stock - Stump
Browder - Brownell Grout - Gzz Meacham - Millard Sturman - Szz
Bruce - Burdick Haa - Hamilton Miller - Mills Taa - Thew
Burgan - Bzz Hamler - Harpel Minard - Moon Thomas - Thornburg
Caa - Carruthers Harper - Harsington Moore - Morford Thornton - Trenton
Carson - Caskey Hart - Haven Morgan - Mullen Trester - Tzz
Cason - Cheek Havlovitz - Heady Mullinix - Mzz Uaa - Uzz
Chenoweth - Clare Healy - Herreman Naa - Niblo Vaa - Vzz
Clark - Cleavenger Herren - Hilderbrand Niblock - Nzz Waa - Walsh
Cleland - Cobb Hill - Hobson Oaa - Omier Walter - Webb
Cochran - Comp Hochstettler - Hole O'Neal - Ozz Webber - West
Compton - Conway Holeman - Hooton Paa - Patience Westfall - Whitehill
Cook - Corkrean Hoots - Howard Patterson - Perisha Whitenack - Wilkie
Cornelison - Cowger Howe - Hughart Perkins - Philpott Wilkin - Willis
Cox - Crann Hughes - Hzz Phipps - Pomeroy Willmore - Wilson
Craven - Cregmiles Iaa - Izz Pontious - Pouxe Wilt - Woods
Cresswell - Cumpton Jaa - Jeffries Powell - Pzz Woodward - Wzz
Cunningham - Czz Jeffs - Johns Qaa - Qzz Yaa - Yzz
Daa - Davidson Johnson - Jolly Raa - Redllen Zaa - Zzz
Davies - Dearinger Jones - Jzz Redman - Renshaw
Dearmond - Dewey Kaa - Kendall Repp - Rider
Dewitt - Donovan Kendig - Kimsey Ridgway - Robertson



Maintained by the County Coordinator This page was created on July 10, 2004.
This page was last updated Saturday, 07-Sep-2024 12:01:23 CDT .