Rockman-Freed Marriage Sunday— (1935)

A pretty home wedding was solemnized at 12:30 o’clock Sunday, February 3, when Miss Caroline M. Feed, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jelmar Freed of Rock Rapids, became the bride of Emil W. Rockman, son of Mrs. Ida Rockman of Steen, Minn., at the home of the bride.

Rev. E. H. Mueller, pastor of the Lutheran church, read the double ring ceremony before a few close relatives of the couple. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Freed of Sioux City, the former a brother of the bride.

Mrs. Mueller played the Lohengrin bridal chorus on the piano and at the close of the wedding ceremony “I Love You Truly.”

The bride wore a frock of navy blue taffeta, fashioned of ankle length. Her accessories were of blue and she carried a bouquet of pink roses. For her wedding trip the bride wore a navy blue wool crepe suit. Her matron of honor also wore blue and carried yellow roses. The men wore oxford grey suits.

Immediately following the wedding a three-course breakfast was served at a table beautifully appointed in the bride’s colors, delft blue and white. A decorated three-tier wedding cake centered the table.

The bride is a graduate of the Rock Rapids high school. She was a member of the class of 1932. The bridegroom attended high school at Hills, Minn.

Mr. Rockman and his bride left at once for a two months’ motor trip to California, where they will visit in the home of the former sister, Mrs. Henry Kliss, at Orange, Calif., and with Mrs. Ida Rockman of Steen, who is spending the winter there. Upon their return in the spring they will reside in Steen where Mr. Rockman operates a dairy farm.

Otto Hildebrandt of Steen, was an out of town guest at the wedding.


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