C. Ross and "The Big Store"
By Galen Lawrence
Cornelius Ross immigrated from Germany at the age of 14 and worked for a short while in the T.S. Martin Department Store in Sioux City.
This was the C. Ross Store.
He established his first store in Doon at age 23, in 1901. Later in 1903 he built "The Big Store." It was constructed of three walls of solid brick and a stone front, built with pink granite blocks quarried near Luverne, Minnesota. These were transported to Doon on the Bonnie Doon railroad.
The store had a complete line of dry goods and was advertised in the early newspapers with a complete front page advertisement. He was in friendly competition with Kahl's "little store" and between them the town was well supplied with groceries and clothing.
C. Ross operated the store until his passing in 1939 and son Henry operated the business during the 1940's. The building now stands lonely and unkempt beside the Valley State Bank.