Sherwood | John | frequency discriminator | 2755442 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Winter | Lloyd | frequency discriminator | 2755442 | Marion | 1956 |
Rooks | Howard | indicating system | 2755458 | Marion | 1956 |
Brubaker | David | permeability tester | 2755660 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Wulfsberg | Paul | non-ambiguous coupler | 2756573 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Copeland | Bennett | non-ambiguous coupler | 2756573 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Passman | Harry | non-ambiguous coupler | 2756573 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Colby | Robert | non-ambiguous coupler | 2756573 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Clark | Sidney | pressure operated valve | 2756772 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Pollitz | Harold | vibrating finishing machine | 2757588 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Kohl | Walter | resnatron filament basket | 2758361 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Plumb | Robert | mineral filler feeder | 2758700 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Rockwell | Harvey | apron and ejector construction for carry type scraper | 2759276 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Salisbury | Winfield | multiple mode excitation apparatus | 2760103 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Colby | Robert | grid terminal pick up plate | 2760128 | Marion | 1956 |
Carney | Duane | differential servo control | 2760130 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Colby | Robert | shaft positioning system | 2760138 | Marion | 1956 |
Hollis | James | removable coaxial vacuum tube connector | 2760177 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Hancock | Noel | range stabilizing apparatus | 2760189 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
McCoy | David | range stabilizing apparatus | 2760189 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Henrici | Carl | phase angle distance measuring system | 2760190 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Shanklin | John | suppression of vertically polarized radiation from an omnidirectional range antenna system | 2760192 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Wirkler | Walker | carrier sensing anti-noise receiving system | 2761062 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Eckert | Herbert | differential pinion mounting | 2762240 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Hubbard | Merle | resonator tuner | 2731604 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Mifflin | Leo | inductance corrector | 2731608 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Woolridge | Harold | cam pawl shock absorber | 2731853 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Biderman | Ben | resolving apparatus | 2762562 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Martin | Raymond | wire fence stretching clamp | 2732176 | Mount Vernon | 1956 |
Welch | Jack | automatic gain control for electric servo systems | 2762959 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Colby | Robert | shaft positioning mechanism | 2762961 | Marion | 1956 |
Melichar | John | variable inductance device | 2762983 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Graves | Wayne | variable inductance device | 2762983 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Burrell | Buryl | kite | 2733880 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Burrell | George | kite | 2733880 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Kelp | Robert | kite | 2733880 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Lippisch | Alexander | fluid propelled and sustained aircraft | 2734699 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Jordan | Carl | circuit for preventing intermodulation | 2734950 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Witters | Robert | frequency system | 2735001 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Werth | Willard | disabling circuit | 2735012 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Miedke | Robert | disabling circuit | 2735012 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Phillips | Clay | ceiling jacks | 2765201 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
McLeland | Harold | material distributing means | 2735587 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Lattner | Emert | material distributing means | 2735587 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Beldt | Lauren | composite indicator mechanism | 2765764 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Birkemeier | William | audio compressor circuit | 2766331 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Couillard | Luther | direct reading decade frequency tuning system for double conversion super heterodyne receiver | 2766375 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Hubbard | Merle | tuning device | 2766383 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Luebking | Walter | terminal stand off device | 2766436 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Mitchell | Robert | distance measuring system | 2766449 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Spogen | Leo | flux control means | 2738425 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Hodgin | David | flux control means | 2738425 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Heath | John | flux control means | 2738425 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Stover | Harris | flux control means | 2738425 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Cassutt | Russell | power amplifier tuning and loading device | 2738471 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Hanse | Albert | plural stage impact breaker with impacting rotors and adjacent deflector screen grates | 2767928 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Rollins | Fred | plural stage impact breaker with impacting rotors and adjacent deflector screen grates | 2767928 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Wollan | Rolf | gyro stabilized compass | 2741855 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
McKinley | Paul | gyro stabilized compass | 2741855 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Lippisch | Alexander | wingless aircraft | 178410 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Rockwell | Harvey | earth mover powre steering mechanism | 2742100 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Ronk | George | folding conveyor for elevating grader | 2742140 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Hodgin | David | oscillator circuit | 2742569 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
McPhee | Kenneth | demountable filament assembly | 2742587 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Sparkman | Dorothy | stickless collapsible kite | 2769605 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Armstrong | William | demountable filament assembly | 2742587 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Lippisch | Alexander | variabale wing | 2743888 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Corbell | Paul | demountable filament assembly | 2742587 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Schweighofer | Horst | shaft positioning device | 2742599 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Phillips | Edwin | tester for directional coupler directivity | 2742608 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Ronk | George | folding conveyors | 2744615 | Cedar Rapids | 1956 |
Chamberlin | William | budget planner or similar article | 181407 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Carney | Charles | servosystem including phase sensitive amplifier | 2808550 | Marion | 1957 |
Smith | John | remote control servosystem | 2808557 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Perkins | William | phase detector fault indicator | 2808564 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Martin | Emil | phase detector fault indicator | 2808564 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Couillard | Luther | phase detector fault indicator | 2808564 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Brandt | William | phase detector fault indicator | 2808564 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Hartl | John | self coupling wagon hitch | 2783059 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Haldy | Burton | foam dispensing package | 2783091 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Johnson | Charles | stock water heater | 24295 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Yaw | Robert | method of applying an advertising and eraser retaining ferrule to a pencil shaft | 2785100 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Strong | David | gear loading device | 2810314 | Mount Vernon | 1957 |
Lippisch | Alexander | axial blower with flow control stator | 2810512 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Goetz | John | balanced tuner | 2786141 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Patton | Henry | diverter conversion circuit | 2786149 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Arnold | David | flux detector | 2786179 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
McKinley | Paul | flux detector | 2786179 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Bruene | Warren | grounded grid power amplifier | 2810793 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Broadhead | Samuel | stabilized variable oscillator system | 2810832 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Rockwell | Harvey | differential | 2786367 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Hubbard | Merle | tuner | 2810833 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Ethington | Paul | torque tool and release mechanism | 2786378 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Stover | Harris | temperature compensated resonant circuit | 2810834 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Rooks | Howard | self braking shaft positioning means | 2810875 | Marion | 1957 |
Mayer | Abbott | self braking shaft positioning means | 2810875 | Marion | 1957 |
Moore | Robert | refrigerator door liquid dispenser | 2811021 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Lathrop | Harold | room air conditioner | 2811022 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Lathrop | Harold | condenser air circulation system for air conditioning units | 2811023 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Lathrop | Harold | deflector vane | 2811093 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Nimmo | Ray | picnic table and chair combination | 2811197 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Moore | Robert | cabinet shelf | 2811407 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Noll | Francis | cabinet shelf | 2811407 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Griswold | Wallace | interlocked detent for shaft positioning apparatus | 2813431 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Heston | John | positive-negative counting device | 2813679 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Kuta | Stanley | combination electric plug socket and switch | 2789171 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Schweighofer | Horst | bidirectional servomotor shaft positioning means | 2814013 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Pitts | Robert | poultry stunner | 2814068 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Beardsley | Frank | mechanical resonant disc sorting system | 2791328 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Stillwell | Harry | high input impedance comparator | 2791689 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Pringle | Dwight | method of rudder control that gives coordinated turns at all air speeds | 2791738 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Carney | Duane | wide band phase shifter | 2791744 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Bucksbaum | Arnold | remote control apparatus | 2791768 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Moore | Robert | freezer cabinet door construction | 2816331 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Unzicker | Robert | sanding jig | 2817193 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Decker | Ramsay | U.H.F. low noise amplifier | 2817719 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Hileman | Dale | direct current voltage step-up device | 2817803 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Patton | Henry | capacity vane modulator | 2817818 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Phillips | Edwin | U.H.F. impedance matching means | 2796587 | Cedar Rapids | 1957 |
Fedde | Christian | signal-to-noise squelch control circuit | 2852622 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Westcot | James | signal-to-noise squelch control circuit | 2852622 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Icenbice | Phineas | temperature compensating means for a tuned circuit | 2852682 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Miedke | Robert | sideband selecting system | 2852749 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
McCreary | Ralph | coupling means | 2852752 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Farchmin | Roy | poultry dressing apparatus | 2852805 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Corey | Fredrick | poultry dressing apparatus | 2852805 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Weir | Robert | insect excluder | 2827844 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Corey | Flourney | poultry dressing apparatus | 2852805 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Thompson | Richard | casting apparatus | 2852823 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Nichols | Donald | detent lifting device | 2828631 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Johnson | Frederick | ratio changing shaft coupling | 2828635 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Peters | John | ratio changing shaft coupling | 2828635 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Lippisch | Alexander | wingless aircraft | 2828929 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Patton | Henry | electronically switched filter circuit | 2829251 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Bolie | Victor | digital frequency synthesizer system | 2829255 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Corey | Flournoy | poultry processing equipment | 2855625 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Corey | Frederick | poultry processing equipment | 2855625 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Moore | Robert | seal | 2830336 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Lathrop | Harold | seal | 2830336 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Steele | Ray | bracket for mounting an auxiliary generator on the regular geneator of an engine | 2856785 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Walsh | John | plug cock | 2832563 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Tollefson | Robert | pulse train indicator | 2857587 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
McCoy | David | navigation system | 2857672 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Sidlinger | Bruce | collapsible trampoline and springboard | 2858132 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Hykes | Glenn | shock mounted oven device | 2858407 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Stephens | Thomas | jitter alleviating system for scope | 2833919 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Rector | Jack | rate limiting circuit | 2858433 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Gerks | Irvin | stepped electrical feedback servo means | 2833922 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Tollefson | Robert | precision step voltage generator | 2858434 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Arnold | David | end stop circuit for servo systems | 2833980 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Giacoletto | John | tuner | 2858440 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Hedgcock | Wendell | end stop circuit for servo systems | 2833980 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Bruene | Warren | grid bias regulator | 2858454 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Van Tilbury | Jack | controlled oscillator means utilizing gated beam tubes | 2833990 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Shanklin | John | marker beacon receiving antenna | 2858534 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Sidlinger | Bruce | trampoline | 2858551 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Anderson | Vyron | engine reconditioning equipment | 2834233 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Lathrop | Harold | diffuser | 2858760 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Wittren | Richard | fluid line coupling for hydraulic control systems | 2858848 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Gaddis | Roy | folding elevator for vehicles | 2834487 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Bleakley | Norman | non-symmetrical adjustable Y-type connector | 2834615 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Balcar | John | ladder levelling means | 2835427 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Steele | Ray | tray attachment for automobiles and the like | 2860021 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Whitesel | Harry | mulitple temperature refrigeration system | 2860494 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Pitt | Robert | tendon puller | 2836845 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Farchmin | Roy | tendon puller | 2836845 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Zuber | Ervin | tendon puller | 2836845 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Giddings | Wayne | refrigerating apparatus | 2861434 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Rockwell | Harvey | multiple speed hydraulic valve | 2837107 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Bolie | Victor | means for digitally varying rotational velocities | 2861475 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Hawk | Dale | universal hitch construction | 2837349 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Henrici | Carl | counter measure system | 2862204 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Shanklin | John | counter measure system | 2862204 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Pitts | Robert | poultry processing equipment | 2862230 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Corey | Flourney | poultry processing equipment | 2862230 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Nelson | Eugene | J-pin valve | 2838271 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Nelson | Harold | J-pin valve | 2838271 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Gaddis | Roy | bulk materials handling body | 2863578 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Rayman | Charles | means for destabilizing cream | 2839277 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Nelson | Eugene | distributor trough for milk holding vats | 2863646 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Nelson | Harold | distributor trough for milk holding vats | 2863646 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Anderson | Vyron | engine reconditioning equipment | 2864268 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Wulfsberg | Arthur | multiple tone oscillator system having constant peak output voltage | 2840713 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Wolfsberg | Arthur | sidestep oscillation means | 2840714 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Nordstrom | Gordon | electric motor multiturn shaft positioning means | 2840774 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Corey | Frederick | poultry processing equipment | 2866226 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Corey | Flourney | poultry processing equipment | 2866226 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Sherwood | John | frequency suppression circuit | 2866941 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Johnson | Frederick | inductance coil shorting system | 2866954 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Lehman | Harry | inductance coil shorting system | 2866954 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Shanklin | John | antenna computing means | 2866968 | Cedar Rapids | 1958 |
Robinson | James | refrigerator door with trays | 2877077 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Entringer | Marian | basic undergarment and bouffant | 2899962 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Entringer | Susan | basic undergarment and bouffant | 2899962 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Lehman | Harry | antibacklash differential mechanism | 2900846 | Marion | 1959 |
Rayman | Charles | universal bottle pocket | 2878920 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Nicholson | Gordon | shaft positioning clutch device | 2901067 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Conway | Robert | cone crushing mechanism | 2901189 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Schulte | Fredrick | gyroscopic erection system | 2879671 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Jones | Paul | stabilized load | 2901208 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Passman | Harry | disengageable shaft locking mechanism | 2879673 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Pollitz | Harold | multi-stage roll crusher | 2879950 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Pollitz | Harold | roll crusher for simultaneous crushing of large and small pieces of material | 2879952 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Nordstrom | Gordon | discriminator circuit | 2901604 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Spangler | Edward | roll crusher for simultaneous crushing for large and small pieces of material | 2879952 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Smith | John | discriminator circuit | 2901604 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Kessler | Norman | roll crusher for simultaneous crushing for large and small pieces of material | 2879952 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Sherwood | John | coarse frequency discriminator | 2901614 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Lippisch | Alexander | fluid sustained aircraft | 2879957 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Bolie | Victor | low level microwave power meter | 2901700 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Biskup | Angelo | holding bracket | 2879962 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Elliott | William | impulse governed oscillator | 2901706 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Glynn | Leon | crystal oscillator isolation means | 2880313 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Broadhead | Samuel | phase selective control system | 2901729 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Rector | Jack | fading electrical circuit | 2880329 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Rockwell | Harvey | auxiliary wheeled support for vehicles | 2901844 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Tollefson | Robert | variable inductor | 2880400 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Rockwell | Harvey | cylinder piston assembly with pressure relieving means | 2902007 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Moore | Robert | mounting structure | 2880952 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Jacobson | Wayne | rotary drum sealing means | 2882613 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Farchmin | Roy | auxiliary springs for automobile leaf springs | 2884241 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Rockwell | Harvey | steering mechanism | 2885022 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Morrison | Peter | minimum shaft positioning means | 2905011 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Armstrong | William | minimum shaft positioning means | 2905011 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Myhre | Pearlie | minimum shaft positioning means | 2905011 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Kuykendall | Leland | multiple shaft positioning system | 2905021 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Morris | Glen | in-line reversing mechanism | 2905023 | Marion | 1959 |
Lippisch | Alexander | fluid pump | 2905091 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Carney | Charles | amplitude distribution analyzer | 2905888 | Marion | 1959 |
Holzschuh | Donald | waveguide switch and electrical control means thereof | 2905908 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Kurka | Charles | waveguide switch and electrical control means thereof | 2905908 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Phillips | Edwin | waveguide switch and electrical control means thereof | 2905908 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Bolie | Victor | decade to binary converter | 2905935 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Hawk | Dale | hub locking device | 2886357 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Williams | Winston | interpolation device | 2886707 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Sherwood | John | frequency generating system | 2886708 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Perkins | William | frequency generating system | 2886708 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
De Long | Vincent | servosystem adapted for automatic adjustment of radio transmitters | 2886752 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Meyer | Ralph | voice operated radio tuning system | 2886758 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Lehman | Harry | voice operated radio tuning system | 2886758 | Marion | 1959 |
Broadhead | Samuel | piezoelectric device | 2886787 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Fletcher | Edward | power brake system | 2887187 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Wittren | Richard | power brake system | 2887187 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Collins | Arthur | parasitic oscillation suppressor | 2888524 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Schoenike | Edgar | quick acting squelch circuit | 2888527 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Follensbee | Wesley | quick acting squelch circuit | 2888527 | Marion | 1959 |
Stover | Harris | adaptable input circuit for receiver providing proper tracking with either of two antennas of different impedance | 2888555 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Broadhead | Samuel | oscillator circuit | 2888561 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Stover | Harris | wire saving switching system for load positioning motor control | 2888624 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Ringoen | Richard | low noise frequency modulator and exciter | 2888646 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Tollefson | Robert | ambiquity eliminator | 2888670 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Bolie | Victor | electrostatic meter | 2888671 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Kalous | Leo | dial system with limit and lock for multiturn shafts | 2909933 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Dawkins | John | detent mechanism | 2909940 | Hiawatha | 1959 |
Kuykendall | Leland | positive position switch | 2910556 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Patton | Henry | degenerative magnetic amplifier | 2910643 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Ludvigson | Merrill | automatic antenna coupler | 2910655 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Glynn | Leon | variable inductor | 2910661 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Bower | Warren | frost attractor for refrigerators | 2890574 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Whitesel | Harry | frost attractor for refrigerators | 2890574 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Pollitz | Harold | surfacing machine control means | 2911892 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Woolfolk | Louis | dispensing machine | 2912143 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Haerther | Lester | torque operated variable reference switch for disabling the altitude controller of an aircraft | 2912192 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Kammerer | Leo | torque operated variable refenence switch for disabling the altitude controller of an aircraft | 2912192 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Tollefson | Robert | multi-pulse synchronizer | 2892943 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Bolie | Victor | optical analogue of a radio scattering atmosphere | 2893138 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Schulte | Frederick | magnetic backlash eliminator | 2893257 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |
Arganbright | Jess | ice cream freezer | 184325 | Cedar Rapids | 1959 |