Keokuk National Cemetery
1701 J Street
Keokuk, IA 52632 Ongoing Project
Sally Youngquist (March 2010)
By the beginning of the Civil War, Keokuk was home to a population
approximately 13,000 people. Its location, at the confluence of the Des
and Mississippi rivers, made an ideal location for the transportation
produce for the war. The first Civil War facility in Iowa was Camp
located near Keokuk, where troops were mustered as early as May 1861.
posts, including Camps Rankin, Halleck and Lincoln were established in
1861 and
1862. As the war progressed, five Army hospitals were established in
the area
to help care for the thousands of sick and wounded soldiers transported
up the
Mississippi River from Southern battlefields. Most of the original
at Keokuk National Cemetery came from these hospitals.
The 2.75-acre Keokuk National Cemetery was originally a part of Oakland
Cemetery until the city donated the land to the U.S. government in the
19th-century. According to an 1871 inspection report, just after the
Civil War
there were 627 interments; 600 known Union soldiers and 27 unknown
Not mentioned in the report were the remains of eight Confederate
buried at the national cemetery, who died
in Keokuk as
prisoners of war.
In 1908, when the frontier post of Fort Yates, N.D., was abandoned, the
buried at this post cemetery were reinterred at Keokuk. Similarly, in
1948, 156
bodies removed from the post cemetery at Des Moines, Iowa, were
Civil War Veteran Burials
A - B
Ackley, Charles, 7th MO Regular Cavalry, Co C, Buried at Oakland cemetery, Keokuk, Iowa
Ackley, J H, d. 10/24/1862, Plot: C 0 623, bur. 10/26/1895
ALBERTSON, WILLIAM, the only Confederate soldier buried in Oakland
Cemetery. He
came to Keokuk in 1879 and served as toll collector on the bridge
before being
struck by a train and dying on Nov. 13, 1906.
Allen, Benjamin, d. 10/09/1863, Plot: A 0 594, bur. 10/09/1863
Allen, John K, d. 02/11/1863, Plot: A 0 452, bur. 02/11/1863
Allen, William, d. 10/09/1863, Plot: A 0 593, bur. 10/09/1863
Alexander, Henry A, d. 03/22/1901, Plot: H 0 731, bur. 03/24/1901
Alfred, James, d. 06/14/1891, Plot: C 0 681, bur. 06/14/1891
Anderson, Andrew M, d. 10/25/1862, Plot: A 0 393, bur. 10/25/1862
Anderson, Andrew, d. 04/28/1862, Plot: C 0 37, bur. 04/28/1862
Anderson, Andrew, d. 09/29/1862, F 57 I11, Plot: 280, *
Anderson, Andrew, d. 11/09/1865, Plot: A 0 568, bur. 11/09/1865
Anderson, Hans, d. 12/26/1884, Plot: A 0 540, bur. 12/26/1884
Anderson, Harry, d. 10/06/1918, Plot: E 0 201, bur. 06/10/1948
Anderson, James H, d. 02/02/1890, Plot: B 0 655, bur. 02/02/1890
Anger, Robert L, d. 11/07/1908, Plot: E 0 176, bur. 06/08/1948 (this is
the way
it was typed)
Ankle, Daniel, d. 06/03/1894, Plot: H 0 840, bur. 11/14/1908 (this is
the way
it was typed)
Anthony, James, d. 01/19/1863, A 83 IND, Plot: 313, *
Antonia, Lewis, d. 02/22/1865, B 21 WIS INF, Orig
In Catholic Cem, Plot: 625, *
Arvin, William F, d. 10/13/1862, G 11 IND, Plot: 275, *
Ashmead, Charles C, Plot: H 0 291, bur.
Baker, Charles, d. 07/14/1908, Plot: H 0 811, bur. 07/14/1908
Bamhart, Edward, d. 08/28/1863, F 68 OHIO
INF, Plot:
338, *
Bancroft, Elvan, d. 12/10/1862, CO E MISS
INF, Stone
Marked Elvin Bancroft, Plot: 304, *
Barker, William, d. 01/25/1863, I 80 OHIO INF, Jan 25 1863, Plot: 326, *
Barnes, Stephen, d. 11/09/1864, C 9 IOWA CAV, Plot: 506, *
Barr, John S, d. 09/16/1864, CO E 45 IOWA INF, Plot: 514, *
Barrett, Abner, d. 10/24/1864, PVT CO D
124 ILL INF,
Plot: 8, *
Barrows, Jacob, d. 08/21/1862, K 8 WIS CAV, Aug 21 1862, Plot: 252, *
Bartlett, Joseph, d. 10/30/1862, CO F 36TH IOWA INF, Plot: 294, *
Beard, James H, d. 01/01/1906, PVT E 11 US CAV, Plot: 174 06/09/1948, *
Bell, Josiah, d. 02/17/1863, I IND INF, Plot: 502, *
Benham, Robinson, d. 02/16/1863, CO E IND
INF, Plot:
473, *
Berdsell, Calvin, d. 05/20/1862, F 15 MICH
INF, Stone
Markd Calvin Birdsell,
Plot: 147, *
Bernhart, Edward, d. 08/28/1863, F 68 OHIO
INF, Plot:
338, *
Berry, B, b. 07/02/1862, 41 ILL INF, Stone Marked Benjamin Berry, Plot:
183, *
Betts, Mathias, d. 06/07/1911, PVT CO E 20 IOWA INF, Plot: 856, *
Beyergrant, Eli, d. 07/23/1864, CO G 6 MINN
Plot: 370, *
Biddison, Josiah, d. 12/27/1862, CO G 36
Plot: 441, *
Billman, John, d. 12/27/1863, CO K 23 IOWA
INF, Plot:
36, *
Bird, J W, d. 07/05/1862, CO D 20 ILL INF, Plot: 188, *
Blakeley, James W, d. 08/19/1862, E 27 ILL CAV, Plot: 249, *
Blankenship, Henry, d. 05/17/1897, PVT CO F 9 MICH CAV, Plot: 717, *
Blodgett, William H, d. 11/01/1910, PVT I 39TH MO INF, Plot: 848, *
Blue, Ennis, d. 08/27/1864, A 3 IOWA INF, Plot: 510, *
Boetcher, Wm, d. 07/28/1877, PVT CO FS AND
INF, Orig Bur Ft Yates Nd,
Plot: 775, *
Boettcher, William, d. 07/16/1877, MUSCN BAND 17 US INF, Orig
Bur At Ft Yates, Plot: 775, *
Bond, John P, d. 05/16/1911, PVT F 3 US INF, Plot: 854, *
Borne, John, d. 06/25/1902, CPL E 118 INF, Plot: 739, *
Bottnorf, Daniel C, d. 03/19/1864, CPL CO I
Boulton, Samuel, d. 04/16/1862, A 17 IOWA
IND, Stone
Marked Samuel Boulton, Plot: 99, *
Bower, Louis G, d. 12/08/1918, PVT H 3D US CAV, Plot: 899, *
Bowman, George, d. 10/30/1913, MUSN A 96TH ILL INF, Plot: 874, *
Boyce, Marion, d. 08/25/1862, M 2 MICH CAV, Plot: 236, *
Brantt, Joseph, d. 10/19/1863, E 38 IOWA
INF, Plot:
4, *
Briscoe, S M, d. 08/26/1863, CO D 38 IOWA INF, Plot: 343, *
Brown, A, d. 10/14/1863, A 47 OHIO INF, Plot: 2, *
Brown, Clarence W, d. 07/03/1922, PVT A 132D ENGR IOWA, Plot: 933, *
Brown, Henry R, d. 08/02/1875, SGT H 11 US INF, Plot: 775, *
Brown, I, d. 09/06/1863, CO C 23 ILL INF, Plot: 22, *
Browning, James, d. 11/02/1862, E 34 IND, Plot: 423, *
Burt, Wm, d. 05/08/1865, B IOWA CAV, Plot: 578, *
Burton, George, d. 11/06/1862, CO F 30 IA INF, Plot: 436, *
Butler, Tobias, d. 10/26/1862, B 42 IOWA INF, Plot: 395, *
Butt, Andrew, d. 11/10/1896, PVT K 51 MO INF, Plot: 716, *
C -D
Calahan, J C, d. 06/23/1862, C 13 IOWA INF,
158, *
Caldwell, B, d. 04/27/1862, F 72 OHIO INF, Plot: 89, *
Calhan, J C, d. 06/23/1862, C 12 IOWA INF, Plot: 181, *
Call, John M, d. 07/18/1862, CO E 24 MICH, Plot: 219, *
Cambridge, P H, d. 11/10/1862, B 8 IOWA INF, Plot: 619, *
Camelio, J E, d. 06/12/1865, CO B 7 IA INF,
583, *
Campbell, W A, CO K 14TH TENN, Confed P/W
Died While
P/W At Keokuk, Iowa, *
Cared, George, d. 11/10/1863, PVT D CO 1ST IOWA INF COLORED, Plot: 609,
* xxxxxxx
Carie, Rush, d. 10/27/1863, CO A 1ST IOWA
INF, Stone
Marked Cary Press Colored Recruit, Plot: 602, * xxxxxxxxx
Carlson, Gustav, d. 10/14/1918, PVT 14TH CO 163RD DEPOT BRIG,
Reinterred From
Ft Des Moines Iowa, Plot: 171 06/08/1948, *
Carnelie, J E, d. 06/23/1865, B 7 IOWA INF,
JUNE 23, *
Carr, Jacob, d. 03/16/1863, US Army, PVT, Plot: A 0 470, bur. 03/16/1863
Carrie, Rush, d. 10/27/1863, A 1 IOWA INF, Oct 27 1863, Plot: 602, *
Carrington, William W, CO H 2 TEX CIV WAR, Conf Pow
Who Died At Keokuk, Ia/Bur In Natl
Cem, *
Carrolton, G W, d. 02/29/1864, CO F 10 IOWA INF, Plot: 352, *
Carter, B F, d. 06/20/1863, CO H IND INF, *
Carter, William, d. 10/14/1918, PVT 22 CO 163 DB, Reint
Frm Ft Desmoines
Plot: 202 06/09/1948, *
Carver, T S, d. 02/20/1863, CO B 32 KY INF, Plot: 450, *
Carwin, John J, d. 02/06/1863, K 16 OHIO,
Feb 6 1863,
Plot: 447, *
Case, R J, d. 11/04/1864, F 3 IOWA CAV, Plot: 532, *
Case, William B, d. 04/03/1908, PVT K 11 US CAV, Plot: 170 06/03/1948, *
Casey, John, d. 11/06/1861, CO L 3 IOWA CAV, *
Cassell, Calvin, d. 01/20/1863, K 100 IND
INF, Plot:
322, *
Cassing, Henry, d. 10/13/1862, Plot: 274, *
Chambers, Samuel L, d. 07/21/1911, PVT B 39TH OHIO INF CIVIL WAR, Plot:
857, *
Chandler, John, d. 03/27/1920, PVT TFD FROM C 3RD MO S M CAV G 13TH MO
CIVIL WAR, Plot: 906, *
Chapman, C T, d. 09/21/1863, CO A 45 ILL INF, Plot: 29, *
Chapman, Francis, d. 09/30/1864, E 8 IOWA CAV, 9 30 1864, Plot: 504, *
Chapman, T C, d. 09/21/1863, 45 ILL INF, Plot: 29, *
Chase, Adam, d. 01/24/1865, E 37 OHIO INF, Jan 24 1865, Plot: 553, *
Chesbro, I A, d. 09/11/1863, K 38 MO INF,
Plot: 139,
Chesser, Samuel, d. 01/14/1863, F 131 ILL
INF, Plot:
305, *
Christian, Joshua, d. 10/16/1861, PVT 3 CAV, Plot: 76, *
Christian, Robt C, d. 11/16/1863, C 5 IOWA INF, Plot: 309, *
Clark, J J, d. 07/24/1862, M 2 MICH CAV,
Plot: 242, *
Cluter, J, d. 11/09/1862, I 56 OHIO INF,
Stone Marked
James K Cluter, Plot: 298, *
Cochran, William, d. 05/27/1862, K 2 IOWA INF, *
Cochran, Wm, d. 05/27/1862, K 2 IOWA INF, May 27 1862, Plot: 154, *
Cole, C C, d. 12/22/1864, CO C 9 MINN,
Plot: 538, *
Colehan, H, d. 02/21/1863, CO D 19 KY,
Stone Marked C
Calehan, Plot: 440, *
Compton, Q P, d. 04/30/1862, C 16 IOWA INF, Stne
Marked O P Campton, Plot: 45, *
CONN, OLIVER, Oliver Conn entered the Union Army at age 13 as a drummer
boy. He
was captured by Rebel forces and held as prisoner of war in Texas
for seven months and was released when hostilities ceased. He returned
Keokuk and entered the carpenter's trade and died on Sept. 29, 1917.
Cooley, John F, d. 10/29/1862, I 9 ILL CAV, Plot: 291, *
Cooper, Enoch R, d. 10/16/1862, A 9 ILL CAV, Plot: 268, *
Cooper, Jesse I, d. 02/17/1863, E 83 OHIO INF, Plot: 454, *
Cooper, Thomas, d. 07/10/1912, PVT A 30 IOWA INF, Plot: 867, *
Cordell, Issac, d. 10/05/1864, D 46 IOWA
INF, Plot:
524, *
Corney, William, d. 05/22/1862, Plot: 151, *
Covley, John F, d. 10/24/1862, I 9 I11 CAV,
Oct 24
1862, Plot: 834, *
Cox, Silas F, d. 11/04/1862, G 5 KAN CAV, Stone Marked Silas T Cox,
Plot: 422,
Coyle, John, d. 11/05/1892, PVT D 39TH NJ INF, Plot: 751, *
Craven, Samuel, d. 08/10/1862, PVT CO H 7 ILLINOIS CAVALRY, Stone
Marked Samuel
Craven, Plot: 233, *
Cron, Michael, d. 06/08/1883, PVT B 7TH US
CAV, Orig Bur Fort Yates Ndak, Plot:
796, *
Cross, Eli, d. 02/11/1863, CO H 80 OHIO INF, Plot: 477, *
Crow, Adam, d. 11/05/1862, CO A 36 OHIO INF, Stone Marked Adam Craw,
Plot: 428,
Crowe, Michael, d. 06/08/1883, PVT B 7 US CAV, Plot: 796, *
Crowel, T J, PVT E 7 MO CAV, Dod
Aug 1885, Plot: 697, *
Crown, Joseph, d. 11/19/1864, F 27 IOWA INF, Stone Marked Jospeh
Brown, Plot: 535, *
Cummings, Arah J, d. 04/22/1862, E 61 ILL
INF, Plot:
97, *
Cummings, Noah J, d. 04/22/1862, E 61 ILL INF, Plot: 97, *
CURTIS, HENRY, son of Battle of Pea Ridge Maj. Gen. Samuel Curtis.
Henry was a
major in the cavalry and was massacred at the Battle of Baxter Springs,
Mo., by
Quantril's forces. Curtis, along with 78
soldiers, was captured and shot in the back of the head. His funeral in
was one of the most impressive ever conducted with businesses shut down
streets to the cemetery were lined with people, both civilian and
Curtis, John, d. 07/23/1893, PVT CO A 2
Plot: 690, *
Dale, John, d. 10/20/1862, PVT F 2 MO BATTLE, Oct 20 1862, Plot:
387, *
Daly, Charles D, d. 02/24/1891, PVT F 3 IOWA CAV, Plot: 679, *
Danelean, James, d. 05/17/1862, A 1 MO INF,
Orig Bur In Catholic Cem,
628, *
Danelmeyer, Peter, d. 08/31/1863, PVT A 30
Stone Marked P D Myer, Plot: 351, *
Dann, A, d. 10/23/1862, A 56 OHIO INF,
Plot: 389, *
Danner, Aaron B, d. 10/19/1862, PVT CO I 3RD MISSOURI INF CIVIL WAR,
Plot: 382,
Davidson, John Davia, d. 04/27/1862, B 16
April 27 1862/Check Name, Plot: 85, *
Day, Francis, d. 06/27/1862, PVT 18 WIS INF, Plot: 176, *
Card, Plot: 698, *
Dickerson, Danl, d. 09/21/1863, I 28 OHIO
INF, Plot:
131, *
Dillon, Henry, d. 02/25/1882, K 15 IA INF, Stone Marked Henry Dillow, Plot: 40, *
Dirts, James, d. 08/28/1863, H 21 IA INF,
Plot: 342,
Downiskie, Victor, d. 10/15/1918, SGT D
14TH U S A
INF, Plot: 150 06/05/1948, *
Doyle, William J, d. 10/03/1932, PVT CO G 31ST INF IOWA, Plot: 191
Drake, Elias J, d. 09/07/1891, CAPT K 9TH NJ INF, Plot: 695, *
Duer, Edward M, d. 04/20/1863, 41 I11 INF,
4 20 1862,
Plot: 102, *
Dunkley, J H, d. 12/29/1863, H 20 IA INF, Plot: 17, *
Dunn, A, d. 10/23/1862, A 56 OHIO INF, Plot: 389, *
Dunn, Ned, d. 06/29/1903, PVT A 60 USCT INF, Plot: 748, *
Dvis, G W, d. 08/18/1865, G 7 ILL CAV,
Plot: 587, *
Dysert, S R, d. 05/19/1862, C 15 IOWA INF,
Marked S K Dysert, Plot: 144, *
E - F
Eisenbuth, William, d. 12/27/1910, CPL A 50
Plot: 651, *
Elkins, Edward W, d. 05/04/1862, PVT CO E 61 ILL INF CIVIL WAR, Stone
Marked E
W Elkins, Plot: 116, *
Elliott, Henry H, d. 10/27/1862, CORP H 5 KANS CAV, Plot: 399, *
Elliott, O C, d. 08/21/1862, I 56 ILL INF, Plot: 254, *
Ellis, John M, d. 04/22/1862, H 15 IA INF, Stone Marked John W Ellis,
103, *
Ellmore, Henry, d. 05/15/1862, D 15 IA INF,
Marked Henry Elmore, Plot: 129, *
Erickson, Colbene, d. 02/23/1865, PVT CO E
INF CIVIL WAR, Stone Marked Colben
Erickson, Plot:
371, *
Estabrook, David, d. 07/15/1862, PVT CO C 4
Plot: 202, *
Evans, Alfred, d. 07/21/1862, PVT CO C 56 ILL INF, Plot: 217, *
Everette, G W, d. 10/17/1862, PVT H 2 WIS
CAV, Stone
Marked G W Everets, Plot: 267, *
Everly, William, d. 10/20/1864, PVT M 3 IA
CAV, Plot:
482, *
Facett, John, d. 11/07/1862, E 6 MO CAV, 11
7 1862
Bur, Plot: 429, *
Falts, J, d. 09/04/1863, PVT H 68 OHIO INF,
141, *
Farman, John A, d. 05/19/1882, B 11 IA INF, Stone Marked John A Fairman, Plot: 142\, *
Farmer, F G, d. 08/26/1862, E 112 ILL INF, Plot: 256, *
Farr, S M, d. 10/28/1882, A 2 IA INF, Stone Marked Sath
Fair, Plot: 288, *
Farrell, Jas H, d. 08/11/1884, PVT B 7 US CAV, Orig
Bur Ft Yates Nd Nov 14 1908, Plot: 802, *
Farrell, John C, d. 10/21/1862, E 5 KAN CAV, Plot: 383, *
Farris, A, d. 11/10/1861, M 3 IA CAV, Plot: 60, *
Farris, Alford M, d. 11/10/1861, PVT M 3RD IOWA CAV, 11 10 1861, Plot:
60, *
Faucett, John A, d. 09/28/1864, PVT C 47 IA
Stone Marked John A Fewcett, Plot: 498, *
Favon, William, d. 01/22/1863, B 49 IND
INF, Plot:
323, *
Fernald, Samuel F, d. 07/24/1862, PVT CO I 2ND MINN INF CIVIL WAR,
Stone Marked
S F Ferrald, Plot: 214, *
Fields, F M, d. 03/14/1863, F 81 ILL INF, Plot: 497, *
Foor, Daniel, d. 01/09/1865, PVT CO E 2D
INFANTRY, Stone Marked Daniel Toor, Plot:
545, *
Forbes, Robert, d. 07/02/1864, PVT CO C 3RD IOWA CAV, Stone Marked
Forbes, Plot: 372, *
Ford, W H, d. 06/09/1862, K 17 IA INF, June 9 1862, Plot: 178, *
Foresythe, Elijah, b. 09/21/1862, d.
06/21/1862, PVT
C 18 WIS INF, Stone Marked Elijah Forsyth, Plot: 180, *
Forsyth, Elijah, d. 06/21/1862, PVT C 18TH WIS INF, Plot: 180, *
Fouch, John E, d. 09/29/1862, F 42 ILL INF,
283, *
Fouts, Joseph, d. 01/24/1916, PVT CO A 13
INF CIV WAR, Plot: 882, *
Frakes, Robert, d. 08/24/1893, PVT A 78 111
INF, Aug
24 1893, Plot: 691, *
Frank, Edward, b. 05/30/1887, d. 01/20/1963, PFC CO F-16 INF 1ST DIVN,
Plot: 11
01/25/1963, *
Frank, James B, d. 11/20/1862, PVT K 5 KAN CAV, Nov 20 1862, Plot: 289,
Franklin, Harrison, d. 12/09/1864, PVT CO D 9 MINN INF, Plot: 438, *
Frederick, John, d. 10/23/1878, PVT, Transf
Frm Pub Grnd
In Oakland Cem, Plot: 702, *
Fuerst, Joseph, d. 05/22/1902, PVT A 30 MO
INF, May
24 1902, Plot: 733, *
Fuller, Joseph, d. 04/19/1888, I 11 IA CAV, Plot: 644, *
Furness, Benjamin, d. 12/25/1863, D 28 IA INF, Stone Marked Benjamin
Plot: 15, *
to Lee Co IaGenWeb