The bride looked resplendent in a gown of pale blue silk. She was attended by her sister, Miss Clara
Wernert, who wore a dress of cream nun's veiling. The groom and his best man, Mr. James Marso of St.
Joseph, wore the conventional black.
The bride is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wernert, and has spent almost her entire life on the
farm northwest of town. She is a model of exemplary young womanhood, and it is her lot to possess a wide
circle of friends who will be reluctant to part with her.
Mr. Blasen is well and favorably known, having been engaged in the carpenter trade for several years at St.
Joseph, and only recently removed to Marion.
The young couple departed on the same day for the new home in Marion, S. Dakota, where they take with
them the best wishes of their friends.
--Algona Courier, 8 February 1907, page 8
[Note: Nick Blazen, born in Germany, was first married to Kate Marso in 1899. She died in January 1902
following childbirth, leaving a son Eddie.]
Mrs. Albert [Adelia Devine] Carrell was taken to the hospital for the insane Tuesday morning, she having
recently become somewhat deranged because of family troubles, it is said. The Carrell family lived in
Riverdale township for several years past and last fall bought the Vesper property and moved to Algona.
According to common report Mr. Carrell was not a good manager, nor a well disposed man, and he ran in
debt and finally skipped, leaving his family, consisting of his wife and two daughters, without ready means
of support. This trouble brought on Mrs. Carrell's mental derangement, which is hoped to be temporary. Mr.
and Mrs. Wernert of St. Joe and other friends consulted on her condition and concluded that a few weeks’
treatment at the hospital would be the best thing for Mrs. Carrell.
--Algona Courier, 15 February 1907, page 4
Barnet Devine was in town Monday. Mr. Devine arrived home recently from California, where he spent the
--Upper Des-Moines Republican, 8 May 1907, page 5
Mr. and Mrs. Barney Devine arrived from California the latter part of last week and will probably stay in
this section of country all summer. Mr. Devine left on Tuesday for Cherokee to see his daughter, Mrs.
Carroll [sic], who is a patient in the hospital there, and so far has not made any improvement to speak of. It
is possible that the presence of her father whom she loves very much, may have some effect in clearing her
--Algona Courier, 10 May 1907, page 9
Barney Devine went to Cherokee again yesterday to see his daughter Mrs. Carrell. He has hope in her
ultimate recovery.
--Algona Courier, 31 May 1907, page 9
Mr. and Mrs. Barney Devine were in Algona Saturday. They have been staying with their St. Joe relatives
all summer, and expect to return to their California home in October. Mr. Devine went to Cherokee this
week to see his daughter, who is in the hospital for the insane, but found her condition no better. There is
but little hope that she will ever recover.
--Algona Courier, 30 August 1907, page 5
Mr. Barnet Devine was in town this week. He reports that his son-in-law, Mr. Matt Freilinger "the Jong fun
dohem" is the prosperous owner of a dray and express business in New Mexico. He expects Matt on a visit
here next fall.
--Algona Courier, 13 September 1907, page
Rachel (Scherf) Levine
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