Mr. and Mrs. Barney Devine and their granddaughter Miss Nellie Freilinger, are back to Kossuth from their
California home to stay all summer. They have interests and friends here that tie them to the old place.
--Algona Courier, 1 June 1906, page 5
Mrs. Matt Freilinger arrived home from Estancia, New Mexico, Friday last. She expects to pack her
household goods and ship them to her new home and return there in a couple of months.
--Upper Des Moines-Republican, 4 July 1906, page 5
Mrs. Matt Freilinger and Miss Minnie Dittsworth returned from Estancia, New Mexico, on the early Friday
morning train. They expect to go there again in the fall. Mrs. Freilinger had left her baby here with her
mother, and of course had to come back for it. She says that is a fine country and that those who are there
enjoy it immensely. The weather did not seem as warm as they found here on their return. In coming
through Kansas they saw many threshing crews at work. The oat fields they saw showed that the straw was
very short, as it has been quite dry in that region.
--Algona Advance, 5 July 1906, page 5
Mrs. Matt Freilinger did not take her furniture when she went to New Mexico where Mr. Freilinger is, but
has come back for it and will ship it and go herself before long.
--Algona Courier, 6 July 1906, page 4
We regret to learn that Barney Devine is not enjoying his usual good health this summer. He came to this
county from his California home in the spring to make some improvements in his lands in the south part of
the county, and most of the time since coming he has been troubled with his stomach. It is hoped that his
trouble is but a passing incident in his career. He was one of the early settlers of the county and was one of
the most successful men in the county. He is remembered kindly by many as one of the most liberal and
enterprising stock buyers of his time. He is a man of big brain and broad understanding. May his days be
lengthened into many years.
--Algona Courier, 7 September 1906, page 5
We learn that Barney Devine, of whose illness we made mention last week, has submitted to an operation at
Rochester. He went to Colfax a few weeks ago and stayed there some days and thought he was benefitted
by drinking the waters, but subsequent events proved his ailment could not be cured by water or any
medicine. Dr. Kenefick received a letter from Dr. Mayo, of Rochester, the latter part of last week, stating
that be had just operated on Mr. Devine. He found that there was a chronic perforation of the duodenum,
that is, the part of the intestine leading from the stomach and that adhesions had formed and complete
obstruction of the bowel had just about been reached. The doctor removed a portion of the bowel and
attached the healthy end by means of a Murphy button. He did not say how Mr. Devine was getting along
as the operation had just been performed. As the patient is about 8l years of age the operation must be
attended by more or less danger. But that was the only way of extending life, and everyone hopes that Mr.
Devine will come out in good shape and live many years yet.-- Algona Courier
--The Democrat, Emmetsburg, Iowa, 19 September 1906, page 4
Boy number three [Ralph] was born to Mr. and Mrs. George Devine of Riverdale . . .
--Upper Des Moines-Republican, 19 September 1906, page 5
Be it resolved by the Board of Supervisors of Kossuth county, Iowa, that, Whereas, on October 16, 1866,
Kossuth county, Iowa, conveyed by quit-claim deed to John Hooker and others, trustee for the American
Emigrant Co., the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 26, township 94, range, 29 and,
whereas, on that date the title to said land was not in Kossuth county, because the land had not at that time
Rachel (Scherf) Levine
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