Matt Freilinger of Bancroft visited Algona yesterday. He reports crop prospects good up there.

--Algona Courier, 24 June 1904, page 5

Mrs. Barnet Devine who is back in the county visiting relatives for a couple of months, was in town last

Saturday. She would like to spend the winter here with her children, but she fears that she could not stand

the cold weather as she used to do. She likes to live at Pomona but would like it better if she were not so far

from her relatives. She thinks California is all right for old people who have money to live on but does not

think it a good place for those who are compelled to work for a living.

--Algona Advance, 7 July 1904, page 5

Matt Freilinger has sold his Seneca farm of 200 acres to Theo. Chrischilles of Algona and will move to

Washington in the spring. He has rented the Butler residence property in the west part of town for the

winter and will move into it next week. Nick Haver and wife will move into Freilinger's former residence

next week, when they will start house keeping.

--Algona Upper Des Moines, 28 September 1904, page 7

A number of the good friends of Matt Freilinger gave him a birthday party at his home Monday night and

they all enjoyed themselves until very late. Matt is 54 years old.

--Algona Upper Des Moines, 2 November 1904, page 10

Mr. and Mrs. Barney Devine expect to leave for their California home next week. We hope they will finally

come back and make this county their home and we are inclined to think they have a leaning that way.

--Algona Courier, 7 October 1904, page 5

Court Record—New Cases.

Carrie Freilinger vs Matt Freilinger.

--Algona Courier, 10 March 1905, page 4

The Bancroft Register says: "Matt Freilinger arrived here Wednesday evening, looking sound and well after

his winter spent in the fatherland. He sailed on March 10, coming the north route and stopping off in

Canada. While he spent a pleasant winter amid the scenes of his boyhood days in Luxemburg, he found

fewer old friends than he expected, and would not under any circumstances make his home there again."

--Algona Advance, 13 April 1905, page 1

Matt Freilinger and wife were at Mankato several days last week looking for a location but did not find one

to suit. They are undecided yet as to their plans.

--Upper Des Moines-Republican, 3 May 1905, page 8

Matt Freilinger was down from Bancroft yesterday. He would like to buy a residence property in Algona

for his own use.

--Algona Courier, 12 May 1905, page 4

Matt Freilinger of Bancroft has bought one of O. W. McMurray's biff square houses on Normal Hill and

will move his family to Algona as soon as the house is vacated by its present tenant, Mr. Morgan of the

Iowa Central. The property sold for $1550 spot cash and was a great bargain at that figure.

--Upper Des Moines-Republican, 7 June 1905, page 5

Mr. and Mrs. Matt Freilinger came down from Bancroft last Tuesday and took up their abode in their recent

purchase, the McMurray house on Normal hill.

--Upper Des Moines-Republican, 28 June 1905, page 5


Rachel (Scherf) Levine

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