The sad and unexpected death of Mrs. John Dunphy occurred at her home in Livermore on
Thursday morning last, from grippe and other complications. The deceased was a daughter
[Margaret] of Mr. and Mrs. John Devine; Sr., was forty-five years of age and leaves a husband and
eight children to mourn their loss which is her gain, her sixteen-year-old son having proceeded her
last spring. The funeral occurred from the Catholic church on Friday, Father McNearny officiating
and the burial took place in the Catholic cemetery south of town.
--Humboldt County Republican, Thursday, 25 January 1894, page 3
Joseph Alderman had his left shoulder dislocated while ejecting a couple of pugilists from his billiard hall
Thursday evening. They were Geo. Devine and young Brooks, who raised the rumpus on the race track in
the afternoon. It was the climax of a long standing trouble which began a year ago, when Brooks went to
Devine's wedding without an invitation. He got a good thrashing then, and the bride's brother, young Rahm,
thrashed him once again in town. But Thursday he whipped Devine. They were beginning their fight at
Alderman's when he put them out. Dr. Morse fixed his arm up and he is well again.
--Algona Upper Des Moines, 4 October 1893, page 5
Barnet Devine has bought the old Congregational parsonage of Jim Stewart and expects before long to
make his home in Algona. He feels that he has worked hard long enough and is entitled to have a little more
--Algona Upper Des Moines, 4 April 1894, page 5
Barnet Devine will have some spending money now. Last week he sold 109 steers at $60 a piece, or $6,540
at one clatter.
--Algona Republican, 18 April 1894, page 7
The Burt Monitor says
. . . Barnet Devine is "probably the richest old settler of the county.”
--Algona Upper Des Moines, 18 April 1894, page 4
Barnet Devine put in last week at the lakes. He is as good with the fish as he is with other live stock.
--Algona Upper Des Moines, 20 June 1894, page 5
Barnet Devine is home from California. He is reported to have improved in health during his absence.
--Algona Republican, 24 June 1894, page 4
Last Saturday, as Mat Freilinger was out mowing, and his son out huting [sic], the latter in shooting at some
chickens accidently shot his father in the back. Dr. Walters was called and probed out 23 shot. Mr. F. was in
a serious condition for a time but is now considered out of danger. Boys should let fire arms alone.
--Algona Courier, 27 July 1894, page 5
Mrs. Geo. Devine of near St. Joe is very low with consumption and can not live but a short time.
--Algona Courier, 14 September 1894, page 5
Emma Rahm born 10 July 1876, Danville, Blue Earth, Minnesota. Parents August and Minnie
Rahm, both born Prussia. Minnesota, Births and Christenings Index, 1840-1980
1895 Iowa State Census, Riverdale, Kossuth County:
George Devine, 24, born Kossuth County; Emma Devine, 18, born Minnesota. [Emma Rahm]
1900 U.S. Census, Riverdale, Kossuth County, Iowa:
Rachel (Scherf) Levine
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