9. In what way is derangement now manifested? Injured personally and thinks his property is being


10. Has the patient shown any disposition to injure others? Yes

11. Has suicide ever been attempted? No

12. Is there a disposition to filthy habits, destruction of clothing, breaking glass, etc? Has broken

windows and been violent if any restraint is tried.

13. What relatives, including grandparents and cousins, have been insane? None known to be insane

14. Did the patient manifest any peculiarities of temper, habits, dispositions or pursuits, before the

accession of the disease---any predominant passions, religious impressions, etc? No

15. Was the patient ever addicted to intemperance in any form? Great drinker for 30 yrs

16. Has the patient been subject to any bodily disease; epilepsy, suppressed eruption, discharge of

sores, or ever had any injury of the head? No

17. Has any restraint or confinement been employed? If so, of what kind and how long? Confined to

his house for four weeks

18. What is supposed to be the cause of the disease? Intemperance

19-21. Treatment that had been pursued was “the usual treatment as recommended by Hammond of

N.Y. City” There was no matter that had a bearing on his case. He was breaking down physically, with

poor appetite and unable to sleep except when under influence of drugs.


Barnet Devine, One of Kossuth's Pioneers,

Adjudged Insane and is

Sent to the Asylum.

He Was Violent at Times, and No Other

Course Was Open—The Story is

A Painful One.

The various rumors of the insanity of Barnet Devine were all confirmed last Friday when, with the

assistance of his relatives, he was brought to Algona and examined by the board of commissioners and

committed to the asylum at Independence. Dr. Barr being absent, Dr. Morse was appointed in his place on

the board and conducted the examination.

His report to the asylum authorities was that Mr. Devine is 70 years of age, that he is violent at times, that

his main trouble is a fear that he is being robbed. In talking of the case Dr. Morse says that it is entirely

possible that Mr. Devine may never recover, as his physical health is broken. His spinal nerve system, as

well as his brain, is affected, and it takes him several seconds to reach his nose or mouth with his hand, to

light a cigar, for instance. To many who visited him at The Tennant house Friday he seemed rational for a

few minutes. But as soon as he began to talk of anything beyond the first greetings it seemed to be about

some two who had injured him and taken all he had. His theory of leaving Algona was that he was after a

thief. Dr. Armstrong and Glen Brunson accompanied him, leaving on the 9:30 Milwaukee train east.

THE UPPER DES MOINES would hesitate to make public anything which would injure the feelings of our

well known pioneer or his friends, but the facts about his trouble are so widely spread that there is no

occasion for concealment. The immediate cause of his insanity was an attack of delirium tremens, the

excessive drinking which brought this on being caused by some troubles at home, about which there are


Rachel (Scherf) Levine

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