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MAY 10 |
Richland for the Union. At a large and enthusiastic meeting of the citizens of Richland and vicinity held in the M. E. Church on Tuesday evening, April 30th, Dr. W. H. Efner was called to the chair, and Rev. J. G. Williams appointed Secretary, On motion of J. Snyder a committee of five was appointed to draft resolutions expressing the sense of the meeting, as follows: J. Snyder, Culven Tracy, F. A. Dorr, Zephaniah Wade, and John Forgrave. Blackmore of Fairfield then delivered a stirring Union speech, which was responded to by hearty and prolonged cheering; after which the committee reported the following resolutions which were almost unanimously adopted. Whereas, Abraham Lincoln was constitutionally elected Presidenf of the United States, therefore be it, Resolved, That we will sustain him in all his constitutional acts. That the present deplorable condition of our country is attributable to the ultra abolitionists of the North and the Fire-eaters of the South. That we will raise no party issues, but will stand by the Constitution, the Union and the Flag of our country. M. Miller moved the following amendment, that the words, "the accursed institution of Slavery" be inserted in the place of the words "the Ultra Abolitionists of the North and the Fire-eaters of the South." The amendment was lost. On motion of J. Snyder, the Secretary was requested to present the Editors of the Fairfield Ledger, Keokuk County News and Iowa Weekly Democrat each a copy of the minutes of the meeting for publication. On motion the meeting adjourned. Dr. W. H. Efner, Pres. Rev. J. G. Williams, Sec. ![]() Captain Sampson's volunteer Company are under daily drill, and awaiting orders from the Governor. They have offered themselves for the three years call. ![]() The Independent Military Company meet at the Court house tonight to perfect their organization and elect officers. They will probably get their arms from the State by the 1st of July. ![]() In times like the present, when the army movements, the actions and sayings of patriots, and the avalanch of war news generally deluge the papers, it would be lame and insipid for us to dwell at great length in voluminous editorials. To many of our town subscribers who have access to dailies, a portion of our weekly appears stale. They must not however forget that a large number of our subscribers depend on the "News" alone to follow the progress of the great Rebellion. ![]() MARTINSBURG COMPANY. MARTINSBURG, MAY 4th, 1861. FRIEND BAILEY - The following is the names of the officers and privates of the Military Company at this place: W. D. Malloner, Captain G. B. Hogin, 1st Lieutenant M. Wightman, 2d Lieutenant S. R. Hogue, Orderly Sergeant J. N. Andrew, 2d Orderly Sergeant M. Miller, 3d Orderly Sergeant A. Miller, 4th Orderly Sergeant A. Carpenter, 5th Orderly Sergeant R. Donnell, 1st Corporal J. J. Sisson, 2d Corporal L. McCoy, 3d Corporal A. Warch, 4th Corporal D. Bortorf, Drummer
In addition to the volunteer company, $1,500 have been subscribed for the support of the families of the volunteers. There is a Home Guard being organized, and a fire company has been organized. You will see we are up to the times. Our Captain started this morning to tender the services of the Company to the Governor. Yours, J. N. ANDREW. ![]() The Davenport Gazette has received a despatch from Senator Grimes, dated at Philadelphia, stasting that arms would be sent to this State as soon as possible. To procure arms for companies was the principle object of his visit to Washington. He has done his utmost to hurry them on, and they may soon be expected. OCTOBER 4
WAR MEETING!! There will be a meeting at the Court House on Monday evening, next, at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of raising volunteers for the 13th Iowa Regiment. Turn out, everybody! ![]() TO THE VOTERS OF KEOKUK COUNTY Vacancies having occurred in the Republican County Ticket in consequence of A. S. Irwin and P. L. Eckley volunteering in the army, it is tho't proper for the County Central Committee to fill the same, rather than call a Convention. The said vacancies are therefore filled by placing in the ticket the names of Joel Crosman, of Van Buren Township, for County Surveyor, and of Stephen M. Stevens, of Lancaster Township, for Coroner. By order of Central Committee, Geo. D. Woodin, Ch'n. ![]() Capt. Wm. T. Clark held a meeting at the Court House on Wednesday evening to raise volunteers for the 13th Iowa Regiment, which will rendezvoux at Camp McClellan and then proceed to Ft. Leavenworth for winter quarters. Ten volunteered on that evening, and there is a fair prospect of a full Company from the county. ![]() Dr. A. C. Price was one of the ten who volunteered at the meeting on Wednesday evening, and is taking an active interest in raising the Company. Messrs. J. Ray, J. T. Parker, Lewis Gaston, J. R. Farra, also volunteered. These are all old citizens, and married men. If it continues as it has begun, the Company will be a splendid one. The Regimen, when complete, will probably be under the command of Capt. Wm. T. Clark, who is a regular West Point graduate, and is an excellent man as well as a fine officer. The winter quarters at Ft. Leavenworth is a great consideration. There everything will be comfortable and nice, and the troops will go forth from there in the Spring well driled and ready for any service. Let a full company be made up in this county at once. ![]() BOUND FOR DIXIE! The undersigned having volunteered to fight for his country, hereby solicits all persons indebted to him to call and settle immediately, as he will leave in two weeks. A. C. Price, M. D. Sigourney, Oct. 4, 1861. |