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Weekly Hawk Eye Burlington, Iowa 1 Aug 1863 Page 3 Civil War in Keokuk County. Sigourney, Keokuk Co., Aug. 2 Friend Mahin -- A fatal affray occurred yesterday in this county between the Copperheads and Union men resulting in the death of three men and the wounding of several others. The particulars are as follows. The Copperheads held a meeting in the immediate vicinity of South English, a small town 12 miles north of this place, and were harangued by one Talley, a prominent leader among them in this county and a very (?) and dangerouss man. After their meeting, a large body of them charged into the town all armed to the teeth, with revolvers, rifles and shot guns, and wearing Copperhead badges. They halted in the streets, and were very insulting and insolent in their remarks -- daring anyone to take off their treason badges. A young returned soldier being there dared pull off the butternut, and was immediately shot at. Talley fired three shots himself from the wagon in which he was standing, and ordered his men to fire into the crowd of Union men. The latter having heard that their place was threatened were prepared and returned the fire. Talley was killed and two others mortally wounded and have since died. About fifty shots were fired altogether. The Union men formed in line and drove the Cops out of the town, but they threatened to return and burn the town. Messengers were dispatched to this place for assistance and Sheriff Adams with a posse of influential citizens went up. They found all quiet this morning although the town was under martial law. No arrests were made as it was impossible to know who fired the fatal shot. Considerable excitement prevails throughout the country but prominent citizens of both parties are exerting themselves to keep things calm. Companies are forming under the State Militia law. L(??)er -- The Copperheads assembled this afternoon, four or five miles from this place and through the efforts of older and wiser leaders among them resolutions of a pacifying nature were adopted. All (?) the trouble is probably at an end for the present. Great apprehensions were felt for a time that Talley's friends would avenge his death. -- Muscatine Journal ![]() Burlington Weekly Hawk Eye Burlington, Iowa 1 Aug 1863 Page 4 The Fight at South English Fairfield, Iowa, August 1, 1863 Editor Hawk Eye, Sir, I obtained the following information about the death of Preacher Talley at South English in Keokuk county on last Saturday from Mr. Storm from near Ioka whom I take to be a candid, truthful citizen. Mr. S states that the trouble began some time ago between the Peace Democrats of whom Tally was the mouth piece, and the War Democrats. Tally was very abusive toward the latter. Tally lived near Ioka. He had an appointment to speak a mile out from South English. On Saturday he left Ioka with an armed delegation of Peace Democrats and on the way as they passed thro South English they had a row with some citizens. Tally jumped out of his wagon with revolver in hand and ran towards and crowd but some of his friends caught his arm and persuaded him to get into the wagon and go on. Mr. S. does not know who commenced this row. At the place of speaking one mile beyond the village, Tally took the stand and proceeded to lay out on the board before him, a double barreled pistol, a five shooter and bowie knife -- taking up the revolver he waved it over his head saying that if any democrat was hurt that day there would be a dead nigger, and then went on with his speech. At the same time of day there was a Union meeting going on in the village. Some of the citizens, fearing a renewal of disturbances when Tally's party returned, sent word to him to take another road to prevent a collision. In reply he said he would return through South English dead or alive. The citizens then armed themselves for their own defense. Tally's meeting was out first and he and his party returned by the village before the Union meeting had closed. There are various opinions as to how the row commenced, who commenced it, and who fired the first shot. Tally had fired four shots and was in the act of firing the fifth when he was shot dead. His party were minus seventy two shots after they left the place of the affray. A worthy farmer who happened to be in the village at the time, unarmed, who took no part in the affray was dangerously wounded. Tally and the farmer were the only persons severely injured from the wild firing of from one to two hundred shots. Three or four horses were killed. There are no State troops or Home Guards at South English. The antagonistic parties were citizens. War Democrats and Republicans calling themselves Union men against the followers of Tally, calling themselves Peace Democrats. There will be a full report published soon by the committee of investigation. How true it is that men who sow the wind, shall also reap the whirlwind. Jefferson. ![]() Dubuque Democratic Herald Dubuque, Iowa 9 Aug 1863 Page 2 Latest from Keokuk County. Ten of the Murderers Arrested. The following later news from the scene of the murder of Democrats in Keokuk county, is taken from the Muscatine Journal, an Abolition paper. With all its efforts to be prejudicial against the Democrats, it is obliged to admit that its partisan friends were the murderers in the Keokuk county affair, ten of these, as it will appear from the account given, being arrested. Washington, Iowa, Aug. 4. Sheriff Adams has just arrived from Sigourney. He proceeded in South English last night and arrested ten of the Unionists who were the most prominent in the affair of last Saturday, in which Talley was killed. The men arrested made no opposition, but gave themselves up willingly. They were put under $1,000 bonds each, for their appearance at court. This did not suit the rioters, who, to the number of seven hundred or one thousand, are now encamped near Sigourney, between the north and south forks of Skunk river. They demanded that the men arrested should be charged with the crime of "murder in the first degree," and be immediately tried for the offense, which was of course refused. At the time Sheriff Adams left, about 2 o'clock this morning, negotiations were still pending, in hopes of an amicable settlement, but with little prospect of success. The excitement at this place is intense. A company numbering one hundred and fifteen men has been raised, of which V. W. Andrus was elected captain, and W. A. Stiles and Chris. T. Jones were elected lieutenants. They are fully armed and equipped, and only await orders to march to the scene of operations, which orders are expected today. Santa. P. S. By an arrival just in from South English, I learn that there are three hundred Unionists now under arms. Fifteen members of the company at this place have been mounted, and will guard the transmission of arms from here to Sigourney. ![]() Dubuque Democratic Herald Dubuque, Iowa 12 Aug 1863 Page 2 The Keokuk Troubles. An Abolitionist Fires the First Shot. The Democrats Demand the Arrest of the Murderers and after Compliance disband. The Governor makes a Cheap display of Valor. (From the Davenport Democrat and News.) It is thought that the unhappy state of affairs in Keokuk county, which commenced on Saturday last, have come to an end -- for the present. The cause of the outbreak, as far as we are able to learn, and we obtained our information from a man who acted as one of the government officials as well as from other sources, were substantially as follows: On Saturday last the Democrats in the vicinity of South English, Keokuk county, held a political meeting, on the outskirts of that town. Threats had been made by abolitionists that a certain Mr. Talley, a Baptist clergyman by the way, who had been in the habit of addressing political meetings during this summer, could not speak there with impunity -- that if he attempted to do so, measures would be taken to prevent him. This threat having been publicly made and circulated, the democrats prepared for the emergency, and those who went to the meeting carried their arms with them, the better to enable them to make resistance should this right to meet and discuss the questions of the day be infringed upon. They met and held their meeting -- which was addressed by Mr. Talley. No effort was made to disturb the gathering. The meeting broke up in due season and the crowd dispersed. A portion of the attendants to get home had to pass thro' the village of South English, and Mr. Talley was one of that number. When passing through the village the wagons stopped. One gentleman informs us that they were halted by a force of home guards, but this was denied by another. At all events the wagons stopped and a discharged soldier by the name of Morman, whose friends claim was under the influence of liquor, approached one of the parties just from the meeting and assaulted him by tearing from his bosom a copperhead pin. Upon this assault, Mr. Talley arose in his wagon and said: "Woe be unto the man who makes any such attempt upon me." upon this, the soldier started for Talley's wagon. At this junction of affairs, the father of young Morman, seeing the condition of his son, and wishing to avert any trouble, stepped forward and caught him. A struggle ensued between father and son, and while it was progressing the young man got his revolver from his pocket and discharged it. It is claimed that the shot was accidental and that it did no harm, but Talley, thinking that the shot was intended for him, drew his revolver and it is said that he fired two shots, though this is disputed by others. Be that as it may, while standing with his pistol drawn he was shot from a stable on the opposite side of the street. One shot came from the left of the stable entering at the right temple and coming out below the left ear; another struck in the same vicinity and passed out on the opposite side at a point above the line of contact. The angle of the shots showed that one came from the left of the stable and one from the ground. The parties were concealed and it is not known for certain, as we understand, who were the murderers. Talley fell dead, across the wagon box. Firing became general. It is thought that some fifty or sixty shots were fired. During the skirmish three persons were wounded -- two severely and not dangerously, and one slightly. The excitement then became very high. After quiet was restored, the democrats demanded that the murderers of Talley be arrested. It seems that this demand was not complied with. The democrats insisted and threatened that if they were not arrested and tried, they would make the arrests themselves in force. The arrests were not made and soon they commenced to gather together from different parts of the county to carry their demand into effect in case the properly constituted authorities failed to act. As to the number of this gathering we found it almost impossible to get two stories alike. Some said five or six hundred and others said that there were nearly two thousand. The object of this meeting, all agree, was to demand the arrest of the murderers, and in case the authorities failed to do it, to take the law into their own hands, and make the arrests themselves. They were promised the arrests should be made, but for some reason or other it was delayed. Finally a demand was made that the murderers be arrested by one o'clock on Wednesday, else they would move on the town and make the arrests themselves. The result was, that at or before the hour specified, the arrests were made, and the prisoners were sent under escort to Iowa City, to await legal proceedings. A dispatch that arrived at Washington on Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock, stated that upon the arrests being made the democrats broke up their camps and dispersed. At this time Gov. Kirkwood was on his way from Washington to South English -- some thirty miles -- with 800 stand of arms and an armed company of Union Leaguers from Muscatine, and one small piece of artillery. He could not arrive there with his force before Wednesday night, as the road was bad from the heavy rains, and it is probable that before his arrival the evacuation was complete. Several companies were en route at the same time. On Thursday morning a company from Mt. Pleasant, with a twelve pounder brass cannon, arrived at Washington on its way to the seat of war, but we were informed that they would move no further. Excitement ran high. Men with arms were rushing to and fro, and stories were put in circulation that a raid was to be made on several of the towns about that section. But this was not so. We have thus related the story as we obtained it, and we consider the source reliable. The conclusions are easily drawn. Had it not been for the assault made by young Morman, it is thought there would have been no trouble. We leave it to the readers to make up their minds about the matter. ![]() The Iowa State Register Des Moines, Iowa 12 Aug 1863 Page 2 The War in Keokuk County. The latest news from the seat of war in the Keokuk county, we copy from the Oskaloosa Herald of the 6th instant. The Herald says: We learn that Gov. Kirkwood with 560 State Troops and three pieces of cannon arrived in Keokuk county on Wednesday. The Copperheads who have assembled in numbers, variously estimated from one to three thousand, dispersed forthwith on the appearance of the Gov. and his force. They (the cops) were camped some three miles from Sigourney and did a large amount of sweating, swearing and drinking. They were gathered from Keokuk, Wapello, Poweshiek and Mahaska Counties. Yesterday (Wednesday) morning they sent a written communication to the authorities at Sigourney demanding an immediate surrender into their hands of the Union men who were engaged in the affray in which Tally was killed. Their communication commenced "we law-abiding citizens" (!) etc. etc. No attention was paid to the demand. It is said they stated their force to be 2,000 armed men. Soon after this demand was made the Gov. came and the mob dispersed. Some thirteen Union men have been arrested by proper authority for being engaged in the killing of Tally. The whole affair will be investigated by District Attorney Winslow, who has gone to Sigourney for this purpose. It is the determination of the Gov. and of the loyal citizens to see the laws fully and fairly executed. If the killing of Tally was unjustifiable the guilty parties will be properly punished. The promptness of the Gov. in this matter is worthy of commendation, and furnishes an example that will not be lost on those who are so ready to resist the lawful authorities. These Copperhead raids are a poor investment and the sooner they are discontinued, the better it will be for those who engage in them. ![]() Burlington Weekly Hawk Eye Burlington, Iowa 15 Aug 1863 Page 1 Disturbance in Keokuk County. Intense excitement exists in Keokuk County, this State. The disturbance commenced at South English, in the Northeast portion of the County, last Saturday. We have an account of this difficulty from the Rev. Mr. Littler of this City, who was there at the time. A Copperhead meeting had been announced to be held in the Grove a short distance from the village, Saturday. Threats had been made against Union men, and to avoid trouble the Union men agreed to stay away from the meeting, and met about the same time in the village, to hear a Union speech from Mr. Littler. The Copperhead meeting was addressed by a man named Tally. His speech was treasonable in the extreme. He denounced the Government and Union men, and was particularly severe on War Democrats. Before commencing his speech he flourished a revolver and indulged in various threats against the Union men of South English. After their speaking was over, the company numbering about 300 persons in all, formed in procession and marched up to the village, and halted in the street where Mr. Littler was speaking. The men was nearly all armed, and displayed Copperhead and Butternut emblems in profusion. One of the Marshals of the procession came near where a returned Soldier was standing with his emblem of treason in full view. The Soldier requested him to take it off, but he declined doing so. The Soldier told him it must come off. About this time Tally raised up in his wagon and told the Soldier to keep his hands off the Marshal -- that if he touched him he was a dead man. The Soldier paid no attention to Tally but tore the badge from the Marshal. At this moment Tally fired at the Soldier, but missed him. The Soldier and a number of other Union men returned the fire, three balls taking effect on Tally. A general fight ensued, three Copperheads and one Union man being wounded, one of the Copperheads mortally. Tally died in a few minutes. Three horses were killed. It becoming rather hot the Copperheads retired about a mile from town and called a halt. The Union men watched them, and seeing movements indicating that they were about to return, formed in a line of battle and started to meet them. The Copperheads seeing this, moved off in another direction. Their messengers were then sent out in all directions to rally the faithful. Our informant started for home Saturday night, coming by the way of Fairfield. He passed one camp of 400 Copperheads, and met others moving in that direction. Intense excitement prevails in that section, and a messenger was immediately dispatched to the Governor, asking for assistance. The Governor arrived at Washington about daylight Wednesday morning on his way to the point of disturbance. He was accompanied by an Artillery Company with one Brass Piece. Infantry force had already gone forward, and others were to follow. At 3 o'clock Wednesday Capt. Burr received an order from the Governor to start immediately for Sigourney with his cannon, 50 rounds of ammunition, and a Guard of 40 men from Capt. Jericho's Company. The forces were immediately got together and started. The intention was to travel all night, and they probably reached Sigourney by noon Thursday. We have heard nothing from the seat of war since Mr. Littler left. Further intelligence is anxiously awaited. --Home Jour. ![]() Burlington Weekly Hawk Eye Burlington, Iowa 15 Aug 1863 Page 3 The one horse insurrection in this State, like the New York Riots, was undertaken for political purposes and intended to advance the political interests of the Copperhead party. But they are welcome to all they can make out of it. The leaders in this State have been engaged for months in inflaming and arming their ignorant dupes, and provoking violence by every means they could devise. The result has been that every day we hear of some of them coming to grief. These cowardly scamps keep out of harm's way themselves, but induce their dupes to wear butternuts and Copperhead pins, shout for Jeff Davis, abuse our soldiers, and do a thousand other infamous things to provoke violence! And these scoundrels that are thus set on to provoke blood-shed and mob violence, have been largely provided with arms. The result of all this is that a good many of the persons who have been used for these base purposes have wiped bloody noses, and some of them, like Talley, have lost their lives. The fact is human nature can not bear everything. Men whose sons are in the war -- who have had sons wounded, maimed or killed in battling for the Union -- soldiers at home upon furlough, or those who have been disabled and discharged, will not be flaunted in this way by Northern rebel sympathizers. Those who are protected by the Government -- who are living and prospering under the flag of the Union, cannot wear upon their persons the evidence of their disloyalty and flaunt it in the face of a loyal people. If there be a class of persons so ignorant of the obligations of citizenship as to allow themselves to be used for such a purpose, upon them and theirs be the consequences. But let it not be forgotten that behind these stand an infamous class of cowardly conspirators, infinitely more guilty, whose claim to universal execration is paramount. This war is going on -- the Government is going to draft all the men it wants -- the rebellion is going to be put down. Those who get in the way will be crushed. ![]() Burlington Weekly Hawk Eye Burlington, Iowa 15 Aug 1863 Page 4 The Copperheads Dispersed. Sigourney, Keokuk, Co., Aug. 7.. Dear Journal: -- I arrived here this morning and found the town in a state of excitement more intense, if possible, than before. To be sure the "Army of the Skunk" has been dissolved, and the men composing it returned to peaceful life, yet its place has been occupied by loyal citizens, and the town is or has been to-day full of armed men. The Governor arrived Wednesday evening, and addressed the citizens from the Court House steps, assuring them that he had come for the purpose of restoring law, and order, and that it was his intention to arrest the leading rioters. During the night Capt. Satterlee's company arrived, ready, willing and indeed anxious to enforce the orders of the Governor. As usual Muscatine bears off the palm, its company being the first to arrive at the scene of trouble. The next day (Thursday) four companies from Jefferson county, two from Mt. Pleasant, Henry county, including an artillery company with one brass 6-pounder, and a company from Brighton, Washington county, arrived. They found no rebels, however, the latter having heard painful rumors of their coming fate, and "evacuated." The Governor, finding matters quieted somewhat, released and sent home to-day all the companies but the artillery from Mt. Pleasant and Capt. Satterlee's company. These will be retained until after the trial of the prisoners, who were brought here at noon to-day, from Iowa City. They are now under guard at the Court House. The preliminary examination will be held to-morrow before Esquire Wilkinson. Col. N. P. Chipman has volunteered to act as counsel for the prisoners. District Attorney Winslow will conduct the prosecution. Warrants have been issued for the arrest of twenty-two of the leading rioters, and officers are now out after them. They will probably be brought in to-night. C. Negus, of Fairfield, an outspoken rebel, will defend them. The Muscatine company are quartered in a large unoccupied building, situated at the northern limits of the town. They are enjoying themselves hugely, the only drawback being the scarcity of edibles. This has been remedied, in part, by Bob Hatch, a voracious cater by the way, who has been unanimously chosen Quartermaster. He has entered upon the discharge of his duties vigorously, and the quantity and quality of the provisions had been much improved. He has just confiscated the contents of two wagons that arrived this evening from Libertyville, in the southern portion of this county, loaded with roasted chickens, calves, pies and other delicacies, intended originally, for a company of men from there, that had been stationed here, but who had left for home. Every man, nearly, except a few unfortunates -- among whom are Charlie Dunsmore, Brown, Henry Campbell and Grady -- who are on guard is now gnawing on a piece of chicken or wading into a generous slice of pie or cake. I have secured rations for the men on guard. Santa. -Muscatine Journal ![]() The Iowa State Register Des Moines, Iowa 19 Aug 1863 Page 2 The Copperheads of Dubuque county, headed by the Hutchins Herald, are doing their utmost to make it necessary for the Government to establish martial law in that part of the State. The Washington Press has the following about the Copperhead riot in Keokuk county: The following are the names of the Union men arrested at South English and held to bail in the sum of $2,000 each for killing Tully: Henry S. Phelps, Thos. Morgan, Page Morgan, D. M. Phelps, Frank Adams, D. A. Gow, Norman Sloan, Amos Fluckey, T. J. Moorman, Ed. Cabler, Geo. G. Koukwright, James Moorman. They are among the best men in the county -- two of them, Thomas Morgan and T. J. Moorman, are old and respected citizens -- the most unlikely men in the world to engage in a riot. The part taken by the younger Moorman was certainly a very bold, and all will acknowledge, a very injudicious one; but there are few loyal men that will blame him when they remember that he was incited to the daring deed by seeing on the breasts of men in Talley's crowd, the treasonable emblems of the enemies of the Government -- enemies that had made him a cripple for life perhaps. The rebels of the South were long ago called "Butternuts," from the color of their clothes, and of course a man in the North who wears a butternut breastpin plainly shows his sympathy with the butternut rebels of the South, so, at least it is understood by a great many persons. If Democrats are loyal, they will discourage the wearing of these butternut breastpins. ![]() The Iowa State Register Des Moines, Iowa 23 Sep 1863 Page 2 An Expose of the "Order of the Star." From the Muscatine Journal. We find in the Sigourney News, of the 16th, a complete expose of the treasonable organization long known to exist in that county, with ramifications in adjoining counties. It was this organization which emboldened the desperado, Talley, to his outspoken treason and unprovoked attack upon Union men. It was this organization which enabled the sympathizers with rebellion to array themselves in formidable hostility and breathe threatenings of slaughter against Union after Tally had met the fate which his treason and wicked temerity deserved. It is this organization which proposes to canonize Talley and insult the loyal sentiment of the people praising and eulogizing his treasonable acts as virtues worthy of imitation. It is this organization which, encouraged by such men as Mahony and Thayer, is using its subtle machinery to secure the election of Tuttle as Governor of Iowa. But we give the article as we find it in the News, and ask for its indubitable statements the candid consideration of every man having the good of his country at heart: The following affidavit was made by H. R. Rogers, who resides in Washington county, adjoining Liberty township in this county. "After the death of Talley, when the Copperheads were organizing the army of the Skunk, Rogers was ordered out by his Captain and refused to serve. The "Order of the Star" claimed that his oath bound him to obey all commands of the officers, and on his refusal they were about to inflict upon him the punishment for desertion, when he for his personal safety, and to get beyond their reach and vengeance, went to Davenport and enlisted in the 8th Iowa Cavalry. On his way he remained at Iowa City long enough to make and swear to the following: Affidavit of H. R. Rodgers. Iowa City, Aug. 5th, 1863. On or about the last of April, 1863, I was initiated into what was called the "Order of the Star." Jeremiah Suiter asked me to become a member of a "Benevolent Institution." He took me to an untenanted house in a secluded place in the north-east part of Keokuk county. There was fifteen or twenty persons present, among whom were Wesley Funk, Dolph Faucet, W. M. Butterfield, Jerome Chandler, John Chandler, B. Breeden, Thomas Powell, John Welch, James McKinney, Samuel Knight, Pat McCann, Thomas Starkweather, and other names not recollected. At the first meeting they swore me to be true to the United States and to the State of Iowa, and to use all the Constitutional means in my power to restore peace and harmony to this distracted country; to use all the means in my power to put down disunion parties, both North and South, under penalty of death. We were required to wear a five pointed star, of any material; to hang the same in our house, or to put it on our gate post. This was about all that was administered at the first meeting. The sign of recognition was to draw the right hand over the forehead and right eye and mouth, with the little finger touching the nose, then dropping right hand smartly to the right side. The answer was a similar sign with the left hand, with the little finger passing over the nose. The alarm at the door, on entering the Lodge was given to a sentinel who commanded you to halt, and says "who comes there?" The answer is "a straggler." You come to the second sentinel, and place your right hand on his right shoulder, and say "Hurricane." Then you approach the third guard and placing your left hand on his left shoulder, I say, "Violent winds." Then the officer presiding approaches, offers his hand, you give him the grip; he asks you "what is that?" -- Reply "a grip." He asks you, has it a name?" Answer, "it has." His reply "give it to me." My reply, "I did not so receive it, neither can I so impart it." He then asks, "how shall we arrive at the sense of it?" Answer, "I will letter or syllable it with you." He asks, "can you spell?" Answer, "a little." His reply, "spell and begin." -- I reply, "no it is with you, you begin." His reply, "no it is with you, you begin." I proceed by saying A, he says L, I say P, he says S. Then I commence with S, he says P, I say L, he says A, then I pronounce the password, "Spla," which is Alps reversed. This ends the examination in the first degree. In the second degree I was required to swear that I would not enlist in the United States Army; I am not to kill an enemy but take prisoners those that are placed in my power, or to surrender myself prisoner when it is more expedient, not to excite suspicion. I was instructed, that in the action of loading my gun, I was to stand with the ramrod in my hand, look anxiously towards the enemy. If they recognize me they will raise their right hand over their head and let it drop smartly by their right side, which I was to answer in the same way, except using my left hand. On a retreat we are to trail our guns in our left hand instead of the right, as is the custom. I was required to connect myself in a company composed of ten men, one of which is elected Captain, which are to act in companies, or in larger forces, as they may be directed by our superior officers. We are sworn to resist the draft by every means in our power. We are to encourage desertions, and to assist deserters in making their escape. I would state that I objected to agreeing to resist the draft or encourage desertion. They immediately drew revolvers and bowie knives, and threatened to kill me unless I would agree that the obligations should be binding upon me. We then had a general fuss, in which I struck one of them by the name of Clem Coffman. After which, I yielded and quieted down. I cursed the abolitionists and wore a copperhead breast pin to allay suspicion. This occurred three weeks ago last Saturday night, at Mr. Coffman's, in Liberty township, Keokuk county. Russel Higgins is general officer in our district. Wesley Funk is second officer. Captains Jacob Wheeler, B. Breeden, Dolph Faucet, William Funk, Peter Malony. Talley was a leader, and was in the habit of visiting Lodges, giving directions about arms and ammunition. When the draft is ordered, there is to be a general uprising. The depot of ammunition is at Rotler's at Lytle City. Wesley Funk stated in the Lodge that Gower, of Iowa City, had written him that they could get ammunition to him yet, but could not tell how long he would be able to procure a supply for them. Myers in Sigourney furnishes us with ammunition. H. R. Rogers. State of Iowa, Johnson County. Sworn to before me, a Notary Public in and for said county, this 6th day of August, 1864. (sic) J. H. Branch, Notary Public. Wesley Funk, whose name occurs first in the list of members of this order, is the nominee of the Copperheads of Keokuk county for Representative. Several other men on the same ticket have openly and publicly defended that order. Is there any reason to doubt, now, that Tuttle Democracy in Keokuk county, at least, if not throughout the State, means aid and comfort to the rebels? ![]() Dubuque Democratic Herald Dubuque, Iowa 1 Nov 1863 Page 2 The Sigourney News says that at the recent term of the District Court in Keokuk county the citizens of South English who were bound over for killing Talley were discharged, no indictments having been found. Not a single witness was to be found who could identify a man that fired a shot, excepting Talley himself. The parties held to answer for conspiracy were also discharged, the evidence against them not being deemed sufficient to convict. Transcribed by Joe Conroy. |