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Mrs. M. Allgayer Up Stairs in Mr. Heider’s building, Mrs. M. Allgayer cuts and makes cloaks and dresses, in accordance with the latest styles. But that fact can be learned, wither by giving her a call, or by reference to her card in this paper. Source: Sigourney Review July 26, 1899 ![]() Crocker & Harvey and Jas. Wilson C. L. Crocker was born in Martinsburg in the year 1859. His schooling consisted of a course at the Oskaloosa college, which, at that time, was under the supervision of people of the Christian faith. In 1882 he went into the hardware business in partnership with his father. In 1888 the republicans saw fit to nominate him for recorder and he was elected. In the spring on ’91 he returned to Martinsburg and A. J. Harvey, his present partner in business, purchased his father’s interest is the business and the firm of Crocker & Harvey was given to the public for the first time. After two years business at Martinsburg they saw their business increasing to such an extent they decided to come to Sigourney and consequently purchased the hardware business of Bower, Himler & Co. F. Harvey was born in Fairfield in the year 1861. During his early childhood he moved with his parents near Pleasant Plain and attended country school when his services could be spared from the farm. In 1882 with his parents he moved to Martinsburg and his father built the tile factory there and operated it for several years. In 1891 he purchased a half interest in the business of Crocker & Son, and the firm was thereafter known as Crocker & Harvey. The firm of Crocker & Harvey are prospering. Their mode of doing business allows this. They purchase in large quantities and sell for a living profit. The quality is one of the essential points with them—they consider it the key to their trade. Everybody known that John Deere implements are among the best made. They sell the sulky plows, harrows, and cultivators. The Deere & Mansur Co. hayloaders, planters, seeders and disc harrows are the best made. The Milwaukee binder has no superior as well as Milwaukee mower. Standard mowers can always be found with these people and they take pride in announcing a specialty of WIDE-CUT mowers. When it comes to the line of threshers the Nichols-Shepard is conceded to be the best made. They also handle the Avery. The Aermotor and Wood-Manse wind mills is what they offer you, and they are standard. They carry all grades of pumps for shallow and deep wells. In the tank line they can show you iron, steel and wood. In the Stove line they can show the finest display and assortment in the city. The gasoline Jewel, New Process and Standard Lighting Co. are the best on the market. They handle the Blue Frame oil stove which is the best oil stove made. The Peoria stove people make most of the heaters and cookers they handle. The Antelope, Lexington and Peerless Steel range cannot be beaten in price or quality. This department is especially looked after and dear reader you can save much waste of time and money by calling and inspecting this department. In the refrigerator line they handle the best and make a specialty of the unlined refrigerator made at Cedar Rapids, though they carry in stock lined ones. Better sanitary conditions exist where refrigerators are not lined. The Buckey churn is the popular one as is the Rotary washer. They handle them in preference to all others. When it comes to wire fencing Mr. Crocker informs us that “for the money the Elwood field fence is THE fence.” They also handle the Janesville field fence. Plumbing Department - The plumbing department is one of the essential departments of this large business. Mr. Jas Wilson has entire charge of this branch of business and he is thoroughly competent. Contractors will do well to get figures from Mr. Wilson before going elsewhere. Source: Sigourney Review, July 26, 1899 ![]() T. C. Cunningham One of the most level headed business men in the city is Mr. T. C. Cunningham located on the west side where he carries an immense stock of hardware, farming implements, groceries etc., he is one of the most enterprising business men in the city is a shrewed buyer and a man of sound judgment on general subjects. He does a large business and usually has three or four men busily engaged waiting on customers, he takes a leading interest in public matters, is secretary of the county Fair Association is a connoisseur of horse flesh and usually has several fine specimens in his stables, he is also interested in barb wire manufacturing and handles a great deal during the year.
Source: Sigourney Review, July 26, 1899. ![]() D. Heider D. Heider, who continues to furnish the people with Dry Goods and Groceries at such prices as has established the reputation of his store as being decidedly one of the best places to trade in Sigourney. By reference to one of its advertisements it will be seen that he is now offering to dispose of a fine lot of clothing at cost. Source: Unknown Newspaper, Unknown Date ![]() W. & T. Johnson Mammoth Billiard Hall Mammoth Billiard Hall, an institution known only for a few months past in the history of Sigourney, and not noted on our chart. Being entirely ignorant of the science of “punching” billiards, we pass on to call on our old friend. Source: Unknown ![]() W. S. Miller W. S. Mille, located next door to the Merchant’s Hotel on south side, is at the head of one of the best grocery stores in the county. A neater, brighter and better kept store or a much larger stock could not well be found. He is a great hand to everything that is new in the market and the person who cannot find what they want in the store will not be apt to find it in the county. He is also a fine man to do business with, in enterprising and a man of good judgment in almost anything. He is a member of the school board and takes interest in education matters and information in general.” Source: Unknown newspaper, unknown day, 1887. ![]() From the Sigourney News Review, December 12, 1866 Around the square - A newspaper should be a complete index to the business of the place in which it is published. By reference to its advertising columns the stranger, as well as the citizen of the town, should be able to find the name and place of business of every respectable business man in the vicinity. With a copy of the News in our pocket as a chart for our guidance, we started, a few days since, on a voyage around the square, the object being to make observations, and note the imperfections of our “chart.” Randall & Blair They have quite a large room, well filled with just such goods as are likely to be called for by the people. By reference to their advertisement, which occupies a respectable space in our advertising columns, the public may learn of the attractions offered at the establishment and profit thereby. Next we find ourself in the neat little Jewelry Store of D. W. Shean His advertisements are scattered promiscuously over the columns of the News, suggestive of the fact that his goods are destined to be scattered much after the same fashion amongst the people of this county. Prosecuting our voyage further southward we are next confronted by the sign of M. Pfaff - dealer in furniture, etc. A tremendous sacrifices of paint and oil, brushed out into modern hieroglyphics, proclaims his name, and business, to all who come within reading distance, but the columns of the News, which are perused each week by the inhabitants of every portion of this county, are silent as Mr. Pfaff’s ready made coffins with reference to the bargains to be had at his furniture store. Crossing the street eastward, we next visit the old and popular Stove and Tin-ware establishment of W. & T. Johnson The enterprising firm advertises largely and is doing a large business in this county. Their buildings are entirely too small for the large stocks of stoves and tin-ware which they always keep on hands, consequently they have now placed under contract, for erection early in the spring, a large three story brivk business house, and hope before long to be more comfortably situated. George Daut - U.S. Bakery Our [fifth] call was at the U. S. Bakery, a neat and very attractive saloon just opened by George Daut, for the purpose of service [to] the public with hot coffee, oysters, and all other eatables, that hungry mortals can wish for. Such an establishment has long been needed in Sigourney and we welcome Mr. Daut to our community as a public benefactor. Don’t fail to read his advertisement. Not having started for the purpose of getting “high” we avoid going up into the Milinery Establishment - of Misses Maggie Mathes and Celina Smith, the location which we find nested on our “chart” as being in the “upper store of the frame building, south side of the square. |