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Centennial Meeting An organizational meeting was held February 4, 1979 at the K of C hall in Harper, the purpose being to make plans for the 1879-1979 Harper Centennial.
Bill Gretter was elected Chairman, Delbert Striegel & Fritz Conrad Co-Chairmen, Omer Hammes Treasurer, and Pam Clarahan Secretary.
appointed as follows: Tractor pull, LaVerne Redlinger and Tom Peiffer;
History Book, Jeanette Besser, Pauline Crooks, Lee Jaeger, Helen
Bowers, Virginia Gann, Jeannette Conrad, Beth Ann Aller, Marilyn
Williams; Beer Tent, Paul Jaeger; Food Tent, Altar and Rosary;
Barbeque, Bill Besser Jr.; Dance, K of C; Parade, Don and Beth Ann
Aller; Reporter, JoAnne Miller; Dress and Beard Contest, Francine
Besser; Eccumenical (sic) Service, Fr. Bob McAleer; Games for children,
Mick Berg.