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Adams This township is located in the north part of the county and corresponds with congressional township No. 77, range 12. For several years after it began to be settled, it was a part of English River township. In 1850 it contained a population of 29; in 1856 the population amounted to 164 males and 129 females; in 1875 there were 949 inhabitants. The first four settlers in Adams township were John Ballard, Hugh Rodman, John Duke and Moses McCoy. In 1849 Martin Ballard taught the first school. William P. Cross was the first man married, and the first death was that of a daughter of David Miller, on the farm where Solomon Hallett now lives. The first town laid out was Aurora, situated on sections three and four. In October, 1879, the town of Keswick, on the line of the B., C. R. & N. railway, was laid out; it is situated on sections twenty-one and twenty-two. The present township officers are as follows: Justices of the Peace—T. E. Johns and Thomas Cover. Constables—S. Carl and M. Holliday. Trustees—Daniel Gordon, Thomas Cover and Wm. Cross. Clerk—A. H. Stephenson. Assessor—J. F. Burdine. Transcribed by Pat Wahl
The township lies in the southwest corner of the county, contains all of congressional township 74 north, 13 west, and the greater part of five sections in 75 north, 13 west. It is well watered, and, with the exception of two other townships, Lancaster and German, contains more well cultivated and well improved land than any other township in the county. This township was settled as soon as was allowed by the stipulations of the treaty of 1842, D. P. Helm, J. W. Palmer, Tinley Brooks and Messrs. Hellery, McCoy, Brown, Cheek and Trimble being the first settlers. That portion of the township bordering upon the South Skunk, and extending southward, is broken and brushy; many years ago it received the name of “Crackers’ Neck,” by which it is still known. In 1850 it had a population of 435; in 1856 it was 850, and in 1875 the population was 1,109. At the same time there were reported 220 dwellings and 224 families in the township. There are few, if any, houses of worship in the township; what religious service there is being held in school-houses, and here those who believe in going to church attend, or else go to adjoining townships. The schools were early established, and are considered among the best in the county. There are two post-offices, one at the northern part of the township called Slagle, and Butler, located in section 27. Benton township has no towns at present, although it at one time did boast of one bearing the pretentious name of West London. It was located on section 18, and was laid out in 1847, the town plat being recorded in October of that year. The proposed line of the Ottumwa & Cedar Rapids Railway lies through this township, and the citizens are hopeful that it will be built within a few months. Quite a number of the more influential people are now using their best endeavors to further this enterprise. As the road-bed and many of the bridges have already been completed, it is not all probable that the people of the productive country will long suffer in their material interests for lack of communication with the outside world; and when this is accomplished Benton township will have a town of its own, and a business town, too, for is had the men and the capital. The present township officers are as follows: Justices of the Peace - Lewis Pfeffer and John Mack Constable-M N Alderman and R G Wilcox Clerk-James L Reinhart Trustees-Lewis Reinhart, Miles Abraham and C Lentz Assessor-Clara Cook ![]() Clear Creek A part of the township was in the second purchase of Indian territory in Iowa and settled in the spring of 1839 by Dr. Washington Mealey and John Mealey as the first white parties. Their claims are now the property of Samuel Singmaster, one of Iowa's most successful stock feeders and horse breeders, as he has now on hand twenty-one imported Clydesdale and Norman stallions. In the fall of 1839 Thomas Henderson and D. N. Henderson, his second son, crossed the Mississippi at Burlington, and wending their way along the Indian trails (for there were no roads) for three days and landed on the farm now owned by Martin Sanders, about three miles from the then boundary line. The Indians visited them daily in a log shanty where they camped, passing the shanty without a door, no one near, and did not disturb anything, for they had not then contracted the bad habits of the whites. Thomas Henderson returned to his home in Warren county, Ill., and left his son, D. N. Henderson, to work on his claim while he boarded with Dr. Mealey and John Mealey, who both lived in the same house, he then being only a youth. His history is closely interwoven with the history of the township and a short account of his varying fortunes will be appropriate, as a history of Clear Creek township without D. N. Henderson in it would be like the play of Hamlet with Hamlet left out. During the former part of the winter the Mealey families were each blessed with a new comer and D. N. had to wade in the snow into Washington county to bring some lady friends to welcome into the world the young Hawkeye. On one of these trips he had to wade in the snow while Mrs. Wasson, Mrs. Temple and Mrs. Middleton waded in the snow after him. He returned to Illinois during the winter of 1840, and while absent John Baker and Win. Shockley made claims, and in the following spring Thos. Henderson returned and settled on his claim. James Junkin settled on the farm now owned by C. Ramsey. Baker and Shockley settled on claims now owned by John Suman and John Vogle. In the same spring William Grimsby settled on a claim on which is now located the town of Talleyrand, Wesley Goss, Harvy Stevens and L. B. Homes all taking claims on government land not surveyed; and in order to protect claims it became necessary to have an organization and make a code of laws in which all who signed the code pledged their property, lives and sacred honor to stand to and abide the decision of any committee chosen to settle any claim difficulty. All the citizens signed the pledge and things moved on with scarce a jar to mar the happy families. All the first settlers had families, except L. B. Homes, and he courted and married Miss Anderson the second year after settling on his river claim, and they had one child, and she is at this writing the wife of Theodore Robison of Sigourney. About this time John Crill, Sr., and his two sons, David and John, settled on claims on Skunk river, and after living there two years sold to Robert Alexander and Michael Hornish, who came from Richland county, Ohio, and they and their families formed a nucleus with Wesley Goss as a kind of exhorter to form a Methodist church. Soon after a tin peddler and next a Methodist preacher made their advent in Clear Creek, and Rev. Samuel Sturgeon, an Associate Reformed preacher who preached every four weeks on Sunday at Thos. Henderson's house, he and his wife being both members, and D. N. sung David's Psalms, for he was then orthodox. Fears were entertained as to the propriety of allowing the Crills to settle on their claims, and a youth by the name of Mealey burned a cabin on their claim to prevent their settlement, and L. B. Homes was charged with being accessory, which upon investigation proved not to be correct. The Black Hawk purchase having been made in 1842 the whites were allowed to settle on this land. D. N. Henderson had bought a claim of W. J. Hutchinson at the place where the Black Hawk mill now stands, and L. B. Homes, who had a desire for a mill-site, determined to jump the claim. They both repaired to the location on the evening that the Indian title expired, and at midnight with their friends armed with guns and knives, Homes took possession of the house which Hutchinson had built, and Henderson's party built a log heap so near the house that it caught fire and the house had to be torn down. They then compromised and Homes bought Henderson out. Some of the boys were fined fifteen dollars, but D. N. Henderson escaped. The township soon settled up with good, sober citizens, for there was not a drop of liquor of any kind sold or used in Clear Creek for several years after it was settled, and peace and happiness reigned supreme. Sunday-schools were organized, and no sect seemed to be strong enough to attempt to persecute. But finally the Methodists got the lead in church matters, and, as usual, they began to lay down rules of moral conduct for all classes. But the others, although in the minority, refused to follow the dictates of the Methodists, and would once in a while trip the fantastic toe, and thus two sets, both orthodox Christians, edged off, and would have been at open war had it not been for Mr. Grimsley, Thomas Henderson and George Gray. Difficulties then arose, and some left the church with disgust, and some were turned out. But a few held fast to the faith, and revived again, and built a log church at the place now known as the Hornish Graveyard, as Michael Hornish donated three acres to be under the care of the Methodists, and to be a public burying ground for all who wished to occupy the same. Their church has had its ebbs and floods, sometimes in prosperity and at others in adversity, and at this date they have a frame house, in which they hold their meetings in Talleyrand; but their members are but few, and very little life is manifested in their devotions. While writing on the church subject, we will give the church history of each denomination. The Associate Reformed Church never organized in Clear Creek township. They only had occasional preaching, and finally organized in Washington and Brighton. The Seceders held occasional meetings at Mr. Junkin's house in the early settlement of the township, but never made a permanent organization; and united with the Seceders of Washington county, and built a church three miles east of Talleyrand, many of its members residing in Clear Creek township, among whom are (and were) Thomas Jeffrey and family, and E. Kinkade and family; and as the two last named churches have united under the name of United Presbyterians, they still hold their meetings at the old Seceder Church, east of Talleyrand in Washington county; and prominent among its members are John Jeffrey, Samuel Ford, A. II. Ford, Nathan Garrett, Moses Hons, William S. Balaton, and their families. They never proselyte, and never receive any into their church who are not well versed in the ritual, and of course they have but little trouble with their members. At the time that Lee split the Methodist church the United Brethren organized a church at the Greenlee school-house, Mr. Cligren and Frederick F. Lyons as pastors. It continued for several years and finally disappeared. The Baptists organized a church at the Shinbone school-house in the year 18—, and have continued to this writing, and have a church in Talleyrand with a membership of —. They have a good frame house, with a steeple and bell. Prominent among their members are A. N. Herich, William Johnson, Uriah Johnson, S. E. Johnson, Dan'l Rand, Austin Conely, John Shockley, David Marquis, J. M. Sanders, Thos. Cowdery, and all their wives; and Mrs. Jenks and Mrs. Powers, widow ladies. The Catholic church is a substantial brick building, two miles northwest .of Talleyrand. Its members number —. Theirs is a strong organization, and outside of the church but little is known of its workings. It is well sustained by its members, among whom are Paul Pfeifer, Frederick Berg, John Vogle, John Seeman, Peter Quier, Jacob Conrad, and many others who seem to be zealous in the cause they have espoused. The Presbyterians built a church at Talleyrand, but the church finally went down and was sold. The German Methodists organized a church at Talleyrand, and erected a. building, which is still used by them. The Adventists held a series of meetings in 1869, and created quite an excitement. Mr. Cornell, a Campbellite, held a discussion with them, and seemed to get ahead in the debates; however, they prospered for a time, but of late they seem to have about disappeared. In 1859 a barn belonging to Mr. Singmaster was destroyed by fire. Circumstances led the people to suppose that the fire was caused by an incendiary, and the suspected party was taken by a number of Mr. Singmaster's neighbors and barely escaped being hung. He was afterward indicted by the grand jury, and being convicted was sentenced to the penitentiary. Clear Creek township is known to the real estate dealer as township 75, range 10; and in 1850 had a population of 242; in 1856 the population was 678; and in 1875 it was 1,270. It is not as level as the township north, nor considered as good for agricultural purposes as Richland, but owing to the fact that lumber was of easy access it has always been a favorite region for emigrants. The present officers are: Justices of the Peace—D. N. Henderson and George Starr. Constables—P. Heisdaffer and John Briar. This township is composed of township 76 and over half of 75, range 11 and contains a larger population, except Sigourney, than any other in the county. In 1850 there were 239 inhabitants, in 1856 there were 806 and in 1875 there were 1,532. This township is inhabited almost exclusively by Germans, who are well situated and are contented and industrious. Neither the Democratic nor the Republican party has ever been able to control the vote of this township, and consequently this is the chief battlefield during the heated contests for the election of county officers. Although the people of German township are not owned by any political organization, they never forget their enemies nor forsake their friends in time of need. Mr. Snakenberg and Casper Klett were among the first settlers of this township, the former still living near where he first settled and the latter dying a few years since. He was born in Saxony in 1813; came to Iowa in 1835 and to Keokuk county in 1839, and became the leading citizen of German township. He had thirteen children, ten of whom are living. B. T. Moore came to the county in 1853, and since that time has followed farming in this township. He lives on section 16, township 76, range 11. John Helcher settled in German township in 1869, where he married Miss Anna Snakenberg. He lives on section 36. Martin Weaver lives on section 16; he came to the township in 1857 with $700, and is now worth about $7,000. John Beinhart came to the township in 1846 and entered the land upon which his son, John Beinhart, Jr., now lives. He died shortly after coming to the township. Calvin McCay settled in German township in 1858. He bought eighty acres of land and had only $100 to pay on it. He now has two hundred acres of well improved land, and is out of debt. The foregoing illustrates the character of the majority of the farmers of German township. There are in this township, thirteen school-houses. The first one was built in 1847, and stood east of Garibaldi in the timber, and was called No. 1. In 1849 district No. 2 built a house one mile west of Garibaldi; both were log houses 16x20 feet with one window and one door. In 1854 district No. 4 was organized and a house built. It was 16x18 feet, made of hewed logs, puncheon floor one door and five windows; the district was three miles wide and six miles long, and here Levi Bower, the present county treasurer, taught his first school. One among the first school teachers of the township was Duke Rosecrans, an uncle of Gen. Rosecrans and Henry Rosecrans, of Sigourney. Wm Love also taught school in the same neighborhood in early days. H. D. Todd, for many years subsequently county superintendent, taught school in German town for several terms. The first church in German township was a German Methodist church, organized in 1852. The first members were Didrick Snakenberg, Lewis and John Snakenberg, Andrew Hoffman, Court Meyerdick, Anton Glander, John Flitch, David and John Beinhart. The present pastor is Rev. Philip Barth. There is a Catholic church at Baden, built in 1857, the present pastor being Rev. P. Kerr. There is also a Lutheran church, built in 1857, organized in 1855, first members were Christian Dunsing, Wm. Bienman, Ferdinand Wickenkump, Didrick Strohman, Jan Shermer, Didrick Buns and Herman Beinka. A coal bank known as Wm. Loughridge's bank was discovered in 1856 by John Hartman. The vein was only eighteen inches thick and has not been operated for a number of years. In 1856, John Hartman built a saw mill on German creek; it was the first and only experiment with water-power in the township, and was not a success. It was washed away shortly after it was built. In 1855 John Holsworth built a steam saw-mill on land owned by Sebastian Striegle, which was afterward removed one mile west of Garibaldi, where it is still operated. Joseph Kohlhouse built a steam saw-mill in the southern part of the township and operated it till 1871, when it was destroyed by the tornado. The first cemetery was laid out on Didrick Snakenberg's land near the old German Methodist church, in 1847. The first person buried there was John Beinhart. In 1856 another cemetery was laid out near the Lutheran church. John Brumert, one of the first settlers of the township, was among the first buried there. There is still another cemetery in the north part of the township which was laid out in 1859. Silas Richardson, one of the old pioneers was buried there. There are no doctors at present. Samuel Todd has practiced law for twenty years. C. H. Mohland began the practice a few years since. There were formerly two breweries in the south part of the township, one of them operated by William Jugenheimer and the other by Philip Mitchell; both were discontinued some time since. Baden was the first town laid out in German township. It was laid out in 1856 by Sebastian Striegle. The first house was built by G. H. B. Striegle, now of Harper, who built a dwelling house and blacksmith shop in 1857. The next building was erected by a Mr. Franken, who erected a dwelling and grocery-house combined. L. Striegle erected a store-room and Christ. Striegle built a dwelling-house soon after. In 1857 a Catholic church was built in Lafayette township, and some time after it was moved to Baden, where it is now located. Garibaldi was laid out in 1858. It contains a post-office, one store and a Turner's hall. It is chiefly noted for its facilities for furnishing amusement for the boys. The present township officers are: Justices of the Peace—Henry Gortner and Fred. Cox. Constables—Mart. Mohland and J. W. Snakenberg. Clerk—C. H. Mohland. Trustees—John Knox, John Helcher and Henry Kilmer. Assessor—Theodore Blaise.This township is composed of township 76 and over half of 75, range 11 and contains a larger population, except Sigourney, than any other in the county. In 1850 there were 239 inhabitants, in 1856 there were 806 and in 1875 there were 1,532. This township is inhabited almost exclusively by Germans, who are well situated and are contented and industrious. Neither the Democratic nor the Republican party has ever been able to control the vote of this township, and consequently this is the chief battlefield during the heated contests for the election of county officers. Although the people of German township are not owned by any political organization, they never forget their enemies nor forsake their friends in time of need. Mr. Snakenberg and Casper Klett were among the first settlers of this township, the former still living near where he first settled and the latter dying a few years since. He was born in Saxony in 1813; came to Iowa in 1835 and to Keokuk county in 1839, and became the leading citizen of German township. He had thirteen children, ten of whom are living. B. T. Moore came to the county in 1853, and since that time has followed farming in this township. He lives on section 16, township 76, range 11. John Helcher settled in German township in 1869, where he married Miss Anna Snakenberg. He lives on section 36. Martin Weaver lives on section 16; he came to the township in 1857 with $700, and is now worth about $7,000. John Beinhart came to the township in 1846 and entered the land upon which his son, John Beinhart, Jr., now lives. He died shortly after coming to the township. Calvin McCay settled in German township in 1858. He bought eighty acres of land and had only $100 to pay on it. He now has two hundred acres of well improved land, and is out of debt. The foregoing illustrates the character of the majority of the farmers of German township. There are in this township, thirteen school-houses. The first one was built in 1847, and stood east of Garibaldi in the timber, and was called No. 1. In 1849 district No. 2 built a house one mile west of Garibaldi; both were log houses 16x20 feet with one window and one door. In 1854 district No. 4 was organized and a house built. It was 16x18 feet, made of hewed logs, puncheon floor one door and five windows; the district was three miles wide and six miles long, and here Levi Bower, the present county treasurer, taught his first school. One among the first school teachers of the township was Duke Rosecrans, an uncle of Gen. Rosecrans and Henry Rosecrans, of Sigourney. Wm Love also taught school in the same neighborhood in early days. H. D. Todd, for many years subsequently county superintendent, taught school in German town for several terms. The first church in German township was a German Methodist church, organized in 1852. The first members were Didrick Snakenberg, Lewis and John Snakenberg, Andrew Hoffman, Court Meyerdick, Anton Glander, John Flitch, David and John Beinhart. The present pastor is Rev. Philip Barth. There is a Catholic church at Baden, built in 1857, the present pastor being Rev. P. Kerr. There is also a Lutheran church, built in 1857, organized in 1855, first members were Christian Dunsing, Wm. Bienman, Ferdinand Wickenkump, Didrick Strohman, Jan Shermer, Didrick Buns and Herman Beinka. A coal bank known as Wm. Loughridge's bank was discovered in 1856 by John Hartman. The vein was only eighteen inches thick and has not been operated for a number of years. In 1856, John Hartman built a saw mill on German creek; it was the first and only experiment with water-power in the township, and was not a success. It was washed away shortly after it was built. In 1855 John Holsworth built a steam saw-mill on land owned by Sebastian Striegle, which was afterward removed one mile west of Garibaldi, where it is still operated. Joseph Kohlhouse built a steam saw-mill in the southern part of the township and operated it till 1871, when it was destroyed by the tornado. The first cemetery was laid out on Didrick Snakenberg's land near the old German Methodist church, in 1847. The first person buried there was John Beinhart. In 1856 another cemetery was laid out near the Lutheran church. John Brumert, one of the first settlers of the township, was among the first buried there. There is still another cemetery in the north part of the township which was laid out in 1859. Silas Richardson, one of the old pioneers was buried there. There are no doctors at present. Samuel Todd has practiced law for twenty years. C. H. Mohland began the practice a few years since. There were formerly two breweries in the south part of the township, one of them operated by William Jugenheimer and the other by Philip Mitchell; both were discontinued some time since. Baden was the first town laid out in German township. It was laid out in 1856 by Sebastian Striegle. The first house was built by G. H. B. Striegle, now of Harper, who built a dwelling house and blacksmith shop in 1857. The next building was erected by a Mr. Franken, who erected a dwelling and grocery-house combined. L. Striegle erected a store-room and Christ. Striegle built a dwelling-house soon after. In 1857 a Catholic church was built in Lafayette township, and some time after it was moved to Baden, where it is now located. Garibaldi was laid out in 1858. It contains a post-office, one store and a Turner's hall. It is chiefly noted for its facilities for furnishing amusement for the boys. The present township officers are: Justices of the Peace—Henry Gortner and Fred. Cox. Constables—Mart. Mohland and J. W. Snakenberg. Clerk—C. H. Mohland. Trustees—John Knox, John Helcher and Henry Kilmer. Assessor—Theodore Blaise.This township is composed of township 76 and over half of 75, range 11 and contains a larger population, except Sigourney, than any other in the county. In 1850 there were 239 inhabitants, in 1856 there were 806 and in 1875 there were 1,532. This township is inhabited almost exclusively by Germans, who are well situated and are contented and industrious. Neither the Democratic nor the Republican party has ever been able to control the vote of this township, and consequently this is the chief battlefield during the heated contests for the election of county officers. Although the people of German township are not owned by any political organization, they never forget their enemies nor forsake their friends in time of need. Mr. Snakenberg and Casper Klett were among the first settlers of this township, the former still living near where he first settled and the latter dying a few years since. He was born in Saxony in 1813; came to Iowa in 1835 and to Keokuk county in 1839, and became the leading citizen of German township. He had thirteen children, ten of whom are living. B. T. Moore came to the county in 1853, and since that time has followed farming in this township. He lives on section 16, township 76, range 11. John Helcher settled in German township in 1869, where he married Miss Anna Snakenberg. He lives on section 36. Martin Weaver lives on section 16; he came to the township in 1857 with $700, and is now worth about $7,000. John Beinhart came to the township in 1846 and entered the land upon which his son, John Beinhart, Jr., now lives. He died shortly after coming to the township. Calvin McCay settled in German township in 1858. He bought eighty acres of land and had only $100 to pay on it. He now has two hundred acres of well improved land, and is out of debt. The foregoing illustrates the character of the majority of the farmers of German township. There are in this township, thirteen school-houses. The first one was built in 1847, and stood east of Garibaldi in the timber, and was called No. 1. In 1849 district No. 2 built a house one mile west of Garibaldi; both were log houses 16x20 feet with one window and one door. In 1854 district No. 4 was organized and a house built. It was 16x18 feet, made of hewed logs, puncheon floor one door and five windows; the district was three miles wide and six miles long, and here Levi Bower, the present county treasurer, taught his first school. One among the first school teachers of the township was Duke Rosecrans, an uncle of Gen. Rosecrans and Henry Rosecrans, of Sigourney. Wm Love also taught school in the same neighborhood in early days. H. D. Todd, for many years subsequently county superintendent, taught school in German town for several terms. The first church in German township was a German Methodist church, organized in 1852. The first members were Didrick Snakenberg, Lewis and John Snakenberg, Andrew Hoffman, Court Meyerdick, Anton Glander, John Flitch, David and John Beinhart. The present pastor is Rev. Philip Barth. There is a Catholic church at Baden, built in 1857, the present pastor being Rev. P. Kerr. There is also a Lutheran church, built in 1857, organized in 1855, first members were Christian Dunsing, Wm. Bienman, Ferdinand Wickenkump, Didrick Strohman, Jan Shermer, Didrick Buns and Herman Beinka. A coal bank known as Wm. Loughridge's bank was discovered in 1856 by John Hartman. The vein was only eighteen inches thick and has not been operated for a number of years. In 1856, John Hartman built a saw mill on German creek; it was the first and only experiment with water-power in the township, and was not a success. It was washed away shortly after it was built. In 1855 John Holsworth built a steam saw-mill on land owned by Sebastian Striegle, which was afterward removed one mile west of Garibaldi, where it is still operated. Joseph Kohlhouse built a steam saw-mill in the southern part of the township and operated it till 1871, when it was destroyed by the tornado. The first cemetery was laid out on Didrick Snakenberg's land near the old German Methodist church, in 1847. The first person buried there was John Beinhart. In 1856 another cemetery was laid out near the Lutheran church. John Brumert, one of the first settlers of the township, was among the first buried there. There is still another cemetery in the north part of the township which was laid out in 1859. Silas Richardson, one of the old pioneers was buried there. There are no doctors at present. Samuel Todd has practiced law for twenty years. C. H. Mohland began the practice a few years since. There were formerly two breweries in the south part of the township, one of them operated by William Jugenheimer and the other by Philip Mitchell; both were discontinued some time since. Baden was the first town laid out in German township. It was laid out in 1856 by Sebastian Striegle. The first house was built by G. H. B. Striegle, now of Harper, who built a dwelling house and blacksmith shop in 1857. The next building was erected by a Mr. Franken, who erected a dwelling and grocery-house combined. L. Striegle erected a store-room and Christ. Striegle built a dwelling-house soon after. In 1857 a Catholic church was built in Lafayette township, and some time after it was moved to Baden, where it is now located. Garibaldi was laid out in 1858. It contains a post-office, one store and a Turner's hall. It is chiefly noted for its facilities for furnishing amusement for the boys. The present township officers are: Justices of the Peace—Henry Gortner and Fred. Cox. Constables—Mart. Mohland and J. W. Snakenberg. Clerk—C. H. Mohland. Trustees—John Knox, John Helcher and Henry Kilmer. Assessor—Theodore Blaise.This township is composed of township 76 and over half of 75, range 11 and contains a larger population, except Sigourney, than any other in the county. In 1850 there were 239 inhabitants, in 1856 there were 806 and in 1875 there were 1,532. This township is inhabited almost exclusively by Germans, who are well situated and are contented and industrious. Neither the Democratic nor the Republican party has ever been able to control the vote of this township, and consequently this is the chief battlefield during the heated contests for the election of county officers. Although the people of German township are not owned by any political organization, they never forget their enemies nor forsake their friends in time of need. Mr. Snakenberg and Casper Klett were among the first settlers of this township, the former still living near where he first settled and the latter dying a few years since. He was born in Saxony in 1813; came to Iowa in 1835 and to Keokuk county in 1839, and became the leading citizen of German township. He had thirteen children, ten of whom are living. B. T. Moore came to the county in 1853, and since that time has followed farming in this township. He lives on section 16, township 76, range 11. John Helcher settled in German township in 1869, where he married Miss Anna Snakenberg. He lives on section 36. Martin Weaver lives on section 16; he came to the township in 1857 with $700, and is now worth about $7,000. John Beinhart came to the township in 1846 and entered the land upon which his son, John Beinhart, Jr., now lives. He died shortly after coming to the township. Calvin McCay settled in German township in 1858. He bought eighty acres of land and had only $100 to pay on it. He now has two hundred acres of well improved land, and is out of debt. The foregoing illustrates the character of the majority of the farmers of German township. There are in this township, thirteen school-houses. The first one was built in 1847, and stood east of Garibaldi in the timber, and was called No. 1. In 1849 district No. 2 built a house one mile west of Garibaldi; both were log houses 16x20 feet with one window and one door. In 1854 district No. 4 was organized and a house built. It was 16x18 feet, made of hewed logs, puncheon floor one door and five windows; the district was three miles wide and six miles long, and here Levi Bower, the present county treasurer, taught his first school. One among the first school teachers of the township was Duke Rosecrans, an uncle of Gen. Rosecrans and Henry Rosecrans, of Sigourney. Wm Love also taught school in the same neighborhood in early days. H. D. Todd, for many years subsequently county superintendent, taught school in German town for several terms. The first church in German township was a German Methodist church, organized in 1852. The first members were Didrick Snakenberg, Lewis and John Snakenberg, Andrew Hoffman, Court Meyerdick, Anton Glander, John Flitch, David and John Beinhart. The present pastor is Rev. Philip Barth. There is a Catholic church at Baden, built in 1857, the present pastor being Rev. P. Kerr. There is also a Lutheran church, built in 1857, organized in 1855, first members were Christian Dunsing, Wm. Bienman, Ferdinand Wickenkump, Didrick Strohman, Jan Shermer, Didrick Buns and Herman Beinka. A coal bank known as Wm. Loughridge's bank was discovered in 1856 by John Hartman. The vein was only eighteen inches thick and has not been operated for a number of years. In 1856, John Hartman built a saw mill on German creek; it was the first and only experiment with water-power in the township, and was not a success. It was washed away shortly after it was built. In 1855 John Holsworth built a steam saw-mill on land owned by Sebastian Striegle, which was afterward removed one mile west of Garibaldi, where it is still operated. Joseph Kohlhouse built a steam saw-mill in the southern part of the township and operated it till 1871, when it was destroyed by the tornado. The first cemetery was laid out on Didrick Snakenberg's land near the old German Methodist church, in 1847. The first person buried there was John Beinhart. In 1856 another cemetery was laid out near the Lutheran church. John Brumert, one of the first settlers of the township, was among the first buried there. There is still another cemetery in the north part of the township which was laid out in 1859. Silas Richardson, one of the old pioneers was buried there. There are no doctors at present. Samuel Todd has practiced law for twenty years. C. H. Mohland began the practice a few years since. There were formerly two breweries in the south part of the township, one of them operated by William Jugenheimer and the other by Philip Mitchell; both were discontinued some time since. Baden was the first town laid out in German township. It was laid out in 1856 by Sebastian Striegle. The first house was built by G. H. B. Striegle, now of Harper, who built a dwelling house and blacksmith shop in 1857. The next building was erected by a Mr. Franken, who erected a dwelling and grocery-house combined. L. Striegle erected a store-room and Christ. Striegle built a dwelling-house soon after. In 1857 a Catholic church was built in Lafayette township, and some time after it was moved to Baden, where it is now located. Garibaldi was laid out in 1858. It contains a post-office, one store and a Turner's hall. It is chiefly noted for its facilities for furnishing amusement for the boys. The present township officers are: Justices of the Peace—Henry Gortner and Fred. Cox. Constables—Mart. Mohland and J. W. Snakenberg. Clerk—C. H. Mohland. Trustees—John Knox, John Helcher and Henry Kilmer. Assessor—Theodore Blaise.Clerk—E. F. Henderson. . Stuckland, John Englendinger and N. Wehr. Assessor—John Hornung. Talleyrand, the only town in the township, was laid out in March, 1857. It is located near the center of the township, on sections 13, 14, 23 and 24. It, for its size, has the usual number of stores, shops, churches and physicians, all of which are in a prosperous condition. |