Û McNamara
Family Photos
Compiled by: Mrs. Frank Hayes, Anamosa, Iowa
September 22, 1937
Submitted by
Mary Kay Kuhfittig
Compiled by: Mrs. Frank Hayes, Anamosa, Iowa
September 22, 1937
Submitted by
Mary Kay Kuhfittig
Mr. Maurice Fay and Miss Ann McNamara were united in marriage last
Tuesday at St. Patrick's Catholic Church. The ceremony took place at 9
o'clock a.m., Rev. Father Powers conducting the nuptial mass. The ring
service was used in the adoption of the vows. The marches were from
Lohengrin and Tannhauser, Miss Delia Dyer presiding at the organ. Miss
Lottie Flaherty sang. Masters Earl and Clem McLaughlin served as altar
boys, and Miss Agnes Fay and Mr. W. A. Hogan attended the bride and
The bride carried a shower bouquet of roses and lilies.
Her wedding gown was of Japan silk over point d'esprit and valenciennes
lace. The yolk and collar were of all-over lace. A bridal veil of
embroidered d'esprit lace was caught with a wreath of white roses and
lilies. The bridesmaid was clad in a dress of embroidered white silk
mull, and wore a white picture hat with plumes. The bouquet that she
carried was of lilies of the valley.
A wedding reception followed
the ceremony at the J. W. Conmey home. It was the second occurrence of
this nature to take place at the Conmey home within a month. The other
was that which followed the June marriage of Frank Hayes and Miss
Catherine McNamara. Mrs. Conmey is the sister of the bride. The wedding
breakfast that followed the Fay-McNamara wedding consisted of spring
chicken, vegetables, salads, pickles, with dessert of ice cream, angel
food cake, fruit cake and bride's cake. Covers were laid for thirsty
guests. The tables were bright under their trimmings of nasturtiums,
cannas, coreopsis, poppies and ferns. A large white marriage ball
sheltered the bride and groom and their attendants. The guests were
seated to the right and left.
Mr. and Mrs. Fay left by auto for
Cedar Rapids. Thence they went to Omaha and Kearny, Nebraska, where they
will spend their honeymoon.
Mrs. Fay is the last of the six
daughters of Mr. Patrick McNamara to take this important step. The
family is well known to the residents of Anamosa and one that to them is
known to be above reproach. Mr. Fay is a genial and courteous gentleman
who has made a success as one of the city's business men. May the
measure of their happiness be as abundant as the well wishes that go
with them.
From The Anamosa Eureka, July 20, 1911.
Submitted by Laura Kendall Photo submitted by Mary Kay Kuhfittig
![]() Eugene & Alberta Hayes |
![]() Dr. McNamara & Ceil Hayes |
At St. Patrick's church on Wednesday morning, August 1st, was
solemnized the marriage of Miss Mary Rowena McNamara and Mr. James
William Conmey, Rev. Father Powers officiating priest. The beautiful
ceremony of the nuptial mass was celebrated especially for this most
worthy couple and was very impressive. The bridal procession entered the
church in the following order: Miss Kathryn McNamara as bride's maid and
Mr. W.A. Hogan as best man led the way up the middle aisle to the altar
and there separated, giving place to the approaching bride and groom.
Father Powers, being in waiting, performed the beautiful ring ceremony
after which the gates to the inner altar were opened and the bride and
groom advanced and kneeled during the conclusion of the service. Mrs.
Nellie Sullivan Kelly, of Clinton, played the wedding march and
accompanied Mrs. Nellie Neville, who sang two beautiful solos, "O
Promise Me," and "Ava Maria" by Luzzi.
The bride was becomingly
gowned in white Persian lawn trimmed with valenciennes lace and carried
white roses. The bride's maid wore white with white roses.
decorations of the church of palms, ferns, white dahlias and sweet peas
were very pleasing and a credit to Misses Agnes Fay and Kathryn Hansen,
who have long been friends of the bride.
At the close of the
service Mr. and Mrs. Conmey, followed by the bride's maid and best man,
proceeded down the center aisle and paused in the rear of the church to
receive the congratulations of the large number of friends present,
after which the bridal party repaired to the parental home of the bride
on First Street where a wedding breakfast was served to the relatives of
the young people and Rev. Father Powers, the guests being seated at one
long table. Mrs. Leresche and Miss Anna McNamara, sisters of the bride,
had full charge of the breakfast and the decorations and their culinary
and artistic skill were happily indicated. Sweet peas, carnations and
cannas were the flowers used in decorating the home.
Mr. and Mrs.
Conmey left on the noon train for a trip to Chicago and Milwaukee and
several of the lake cities, planning to go from Chicago by way of the
lake. On their return they will be at home to their friends after
September 15th in the residence made ready by the groom on South
Garnavillo Street.
The bride has taught for several years, is a
graduate of the Wyoming high school and has had special work at Drake
University, Des Moines. She is conceded by all to be a lovely young
Mr. Conmey has won his way in the business world, is
carrying on a successful dry goods and furnishing store and is an
honorable and upright man.
We feel that there is a bright future
before this popular young couple and tender our heartiest
The guests from abroad present at the wedding
were Mrs. F. A. Conmey, Cleveland; Mr. and Mrs. John Shields and Mrs.
Breheny, Rock Island, Ill., and Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Conmey, Wyoming.
From The Anamosa Eureka, August 2, 1906.
Submitted by
Laura Kendall
Ella McNamara was married to Mr. Cheshire, of Anamosa, this morning at
the Catholic church in Oxford Junction. Miss McNamara has lived among us
all her life and was for several years a most popular clerk in the
employ of Mr. Fordham when he became proprietor of the store about a
year ago. She was much loved by a wide circle of friends, for her always
lady like deportment, sunny disposition and many other estimable
qualities, and we are sorry to lose her from among us. The groom, while
a comparative stranger in our midst, bears a most excellent reputation
and is no doubt worthy of his charming bride. May every happiness be
theirs, is the wish of their many friends.
From Anamosa
Eureka, Anamosa, Iowa, 3 Oct 1901. Submitted by Mary Kay Kuhfittig.
On Tuesday, Sept 1st, 1896, at Temple Hill church in this county
occurred the marriage of Alfred H. Leresche, Esq. of Pleasant Ridge to
Miss Bessie McNamara, daughter of P. McNamara, Esq. of this place, the
Rev Father Connery officiating.
The bride was dressed in a cream
brocade silk and was a most beautiful bride, as all who have the
pleasure of an acquaintance with her must well know. The groom is a fine
young man who has recently purchased a farm on Pleasant Ridge and
erected a nice new residence thereon for their home.
A wedding
reception was held at the home of the bride's parents on Tuesday
evening, when a large company of invited guests were entertained. A most
delicious wedding feast was spread. The Wyoming cornet band furnished
some pleasing music and the evening passed a joyous one to all. The
bride and groom took the 11:35 train for Chicago where they will spend a
week or so with friends and relatives and sight seeing. The presents
were numerous and very beautiful.
Hansen, Mrs. Bessie Breheny,
and Thomas Breheny of Rock Island, Dr. E. P. Leresche and wife of
Chicago, Miss Agnes, Anna and James Gilroy of Lost Nation, and Thomas
and Maggie Gorman of Anamosa.
The Journal extends most
hearty congratulations to this estimable young married couple, wishing
them a long and prosperous matrimonial voyage.
From Wyoming
Journal, 3 September 1896.
The first knowledge we have of the name McNAMARA is that most of the
ancestors came from County Clare, Ireland; as the Irish song: “my name
is McNAMARA and I come from County Clare, in that little Old Isle across
the sea”, would designate. The meaning of the name is: “King of the
Sea”. Whether or not at one time our forefathers were mariners, I have
not been able to ascertain.
My father, Patrick McNamara was born
in County Clare, Ireland in March 1834, and when but 12 years old he and
his older brother, Tom, came to America and lived with a family by the
name of Det Walters (sic). (The 1860 US census for Upper Dublin Twp.,
Montgomery Co., PA shows Patrick , age 25, a farm laborer living with
the Joseph Detweiler family.) They bade farewell to Ireland and as they
did not keep in contact with their people, that part of their history is
lost to us.
Patrick found employment with a family of
Pennsylvania Dutch who lived in a colony near Philadelphia on the
Wessiehickon (sic) River. They were engaged chiefly in farming and made
frequent trips to Philadelphia hauling hay to market and fruit,
especially grapes and apples.
When the Civil War broke out, Tom
enlisted and Patrick never saw him again. He always thought Tom must
have been killed in battle, as otherwise he would have come back to
Philadelphia when the war was over. He also had a sister Mary who later
came to this country. She married much against the wishes of Patrick.
For this he was slow to forgive and when he heard from her he ignored
her letter. Afterwards he repented and tried to find her but never was
able to find her or members of her family.
There are many
families in the states by the name of McNAMARA but none that we have
ever been able to trace blood relationship:: thus we have never known
any of our relatives on our father's side of the house. Patrick was
practically alone until he met Ellen Kelly on the swimming beach at
Atlantic City, Her name didn't stay Kelly long.
Ellen Kelly was
born in County Roscommon, Ireland in December 1841. When she was quite
young, her father died and somtime later her mother, Mrs. Mary Kelly,
married again. Ellen and her sisters, Bridget and Bessie left Ireland
and came to Philadelphia to live. Ellen made her home with her brother,
Charles, until she found work. Bridget married (Bernard) Conlon of
Philadelphia, and Bessie married Barney Breheny. They came to Iowa in
the vicinity of Wyoming, Jones County.
Ellen was a grand cook and
worked in a hotel in Philadelphia. Later she had supervision of the
tables in the dining room and buying of the food for the hotel.
On January 12, 1868, she was married to Patrick McNamara (St. Malachy's,
13th ward, Philadelphia.) and they came to Jones County to visit her
sister, Bessie Breheny, on their wedding trip. While on this visit, they
decided to make it their future home and never returned to Philadelphia.
They selected an 80 acre tract of land in Jones County a mile and a
half south of the little village of Wyoming. They bought this land from
the Government and were very proud of it. This farm was paid for in cash
and all the while he lived there, there was never a dollar of
indebtedness placed against it. This farm was on the banks of Bear's
creek. You will note that many of the pioneers chose a location along a
stream of water. As a creek affords excellent fertility in meadow lands,
and furnishes an ample supply of water for stock raising. Water and
woods on the edge of a tract were considered ideal to choose for a home.
This filled the pioneer's idea of happiness. He had the sides of the
spring walled and divided it into two parts; one for drinking water and
the other for cooling milk. It was about 3 feet deep, 2 feet wide and 4
feet long. There was a good outlet to the creek, thus keeping it cool
and clean. Indians at one time roamed over the place, for my father
found an Indian knife made of stone and which was sharpened on either
side and filed to a sharp point. He also found a long rope made of
braided hide which was about as thick as your thumb and interlaced so
tightly that I doubt it would ever break.
Wyoming was a very
small village at this time and was not incorporated until 1873. Soon
after this they built a public school and part of our land was in the
district so the family always had the advantage of a town school. There
never was a Catholic church in Wyoming and Mass would be celebrated in
the Parishioner's homes by a visiting priest. Most frequently at Mr. and
Mrs. Troy's home in Onslow. They were parents of Mrs. Guy Cartano of
In 1874 a Catholic church was built in Onslow and the
priest from Temple HIll came once a month for late Mass.
It was
about this time my Grandmother, Mrs. Mary Kelly, having lost her second
husband, came to Iowa to visit her daughters. She came by stage coach to
Lowden, Iowa, and then overland to Wyoming. She first stopped at Bessie
Breheny's home, was taken ill with pneumonia and died in two weeks
without ever getting to visit my mother. She was buried in Holy Trinity
cemetery in Baldwin, Iowa. Although she had changed her name from Kelly
by her second mariage, her daughters not caring for their stepfather,
wanted their own name on her tombstone and so her name on the stone is
Mrs. Mary Kelly. After her death none of the relatives would come to
visit in Iowa, for they thought it was so cold here their Grandmother's
"city" constitution wouldn't stand it. Sometime in the Nineties a niece
of my Mother's, Anna Clarey, came for a short visit but she is the only
one who ever came West.
To Ellen and Patrick McNamara were born
six (6) daughters, viz: Ella, Mary, Teresa, Bessie, Ann and Kate. The
children all attended the Wyoming High School and seldom if ever were
kept home for work. During inclement weather their father took them to
and from school. He always was punctual and never believed in being late
for any reason. Consequently, his children had a good school record.
During the summer and fall of 1883, they built a new house. This
house was well built and after 45 years it was my privilege to go
thought it. The walls, floors and doors were as plumb as the day they
were built. Even the same graining on the woodwork was in good
condition. One of my father's maxims was: “Do not buy often, but when
you do, the best is the cheapest in the end.” He followed this closely
when he built his home and so it has stood the test of time. Recently
the paved highways between Anamosa and Maqouketa passed by the house and
the necessary grading is higher than the yard, which distracts from the
appearance of the place.
This home was the scene of many pleasant
times. My Mother had a sister, Bessie Breheny, and an Aunt, Mrs.
Margaret O'Hara, and an Uncle, Tom Murray. These families, together with
the Edward Nolans, Tomothy Hansens, Michael Fays, and possibly some
other friends, used to plan to all go to one home on the Sunday there
wasn't any Mass. All the women would help prepare the dinner. Although
there was a big crowd, it wasn't hard on any one hostess. There was also
a very congenial group of neighbors living East of our home on what is
known as the Pleasant Ridge Community. These famiies would congregate
for dances at the different homes. The Tasker family were good musicians
(for those days) and many is the time the crowd came to our home
sometimes invited and often as a surprise. They named our home “Maiden's
Abode” and were always assured of a welcome. We had two large adjoining
rooms with good floors and double doors between which afforded ample
space for musicians, spectators, and two sets for a quadrille or waltz.
Throughout the summer vacations, little groups of school friends
would come out to gather flowers from the woods and nearby bluffs, to
wade in the creek or picnic, and were always assured of having a lunch
of fresh doughnuts, cookies, home-made bread and butter or pie. As an
old friend visiting me lately said, “Every boy and girl in town knew
about the wonderful baking Mrs. McNamara did and if she didn't have any
on hand, always made something good before we left.”
All six of
the girls attended and graduated from Wyoming High School and taught
school. Bess taught only one term and Ella but a year. Ella clerked in
the J.A. Bronson general store for awhile before going to Butte, Montana
to clerk in a department store. Bessie took her place in the Bronson
store until her marriage to Alfred Le Reche. Teresa at this time
discontinued teaching and clerked in this same store until her marriage
to George Hart. Mary taught in the rural schools for a couple of years
and then took a teacher's primary course at Drake University, Des Moines
and taught school in the primary department in Wyoming for several
years. Ann taught school about 4 years and took a business course in
Chicago. She worked as bookkeeper at Rock Island for John Shields and
afterwards in Chicago for a group of Doctors. Kate taught in rural
schools two years and then took a normal course at Cedar Falls Teachers
College and taught in the Oxford Junction grammar grades. The climate
did not agree with Ella in Montana so she returned ro her job at the
Bronson store until her marriage to John Chesire of Anamosa, Iowa.
Our Mother died March 3, 1900 at the age of 58 years and was buried
at Holy Trinity Cemetery in Baldwin. Later the family moved to Anamosa
and her remains were moved to Holy Cross Cemetery in that city. She was
a very refined and kind woman and as it said in her obituary,
knew her but to love her,
Nor spoke of her but praise.”
Mother's death Ann kept house for a while, but later Mary came to stay
with her father. After about 3 years, father decided to sell the farm
and retire. He moved to Anamosa and our home was on the corner of First
and Davis Streets where the James Remley home now stands.
about three years Mary was married to Will Conmey and Ann again kept
house for a year. She then returned to Chicago. The family home was then
broken and Patrick went to live with his daughter, Mary Conmey until his
death, October 11,1915. He lived to be 82 years old; active and alert
until two weeks before his death He is buried at Holy Cross Cemetery at
Prior to his death Kate was married to Frank Hayes, June
20,1911 and Ann was married to Maurice Fay, July 18,1911. Patrick lived
to see all his daughters married and in their own homes.
Seventeen grandsons, fourteen granddaughters, and nine great
granddaughters, and five great grandsons were born. One grandson, Frank
Hart, and two granddaughters, Clara and Florence Chesire are deceased.
Ella Chesire died May 3, 1918; Bessie Le Resche died July 25, 1927;
her husband, Alfred Le Resche died March 16, 1928. Mary Conmey died
January 22, 1937 and her husband Will Conmey died September 22, 1935.
Since there were no sons in the McNamara Family and all the
daughters changed their names, with the death of Patrick, the family
name is gone. My fond hope is that their grandchildren will inherit
their sterling characteristics, faith and courage of this worthy couple.