Submitted by Mary Kay
Kuhfittig who says the name is William E. "Daly," not "Daily.
Mr. W. E. Dailey and Miss Margaret Cavanaugh took the vows which made
them man and wife, this morning at 6 o'clock, before Rev. Father Power
at St. Patrick's church. Miss Nora Cavanaugh, sister of the bride acted
as bride's maid and Philip Daily, brother of the groom was best man. T.
W. Foley rendered Mendellson's wedding march at the close of the
ceremony. The bride is the daughter of our townsman, Morris Cavanaugh,
and a worthy companion she will make. The groom is one of Jones county's
energetic, upright citizens and through his tireless energy is becoming
well fixed in this world's goods. The newly married couple will make
their home at the residence of the groom near Amber. The Journal joins
with scores of other friends in congratulation.