Û Monticello Express
Scroll down for the various years 1869 - 1883.
Scroll down for the various years 1869 - 1883.
1869 |
A Savage Runaway Yesterday witnessed one of the fiercest runaways ever seen in this city. The team of Mr. Daniel Osborn, of Cass township, broke from their fastenings, while standing in front of our office, and made a furious rush down the street. Being swift, powerful horses, it may be imagined that they created a decided "sensation." They finally brought up, with a damaged wagon and harness. [June 6] DR. MORRIS LECTURE Hon. Otis Wittemore To the Editor of the Express: Strange as it may seem, yet it is a fact that Mr. Whittemore is about to leave his beautiful and pleasant farm residence, which is a perfect paradise of itself, and take up his residence in your young and flourishing city. We are sorry to lose him from the prairie, but what is our loss as a citizen and neighbor will be your gain. Mr. W. is an old settler-having lived on Bowen's Prairie for more than a quarter of a century. He came to the west a very poor man, but has since then accumulated a fine property. Mr. W. has many excellent qualities—being a good neighbor, an excellent citizen, a consistent temperance man, a devoted Christian, and liberal almost to a fault, as hundreds who have shared his hospitality can testify. Through his exertions a Congregational church was built twenty-five years ago at Cascade, where he was a regular attendant for eight years. About this time the church was erected on Bowen's Prairie. These two were erected through Mr. W.'s enterprise. It is also worthy of notice that just as soon as he left off going to church at Cascade, it went down. It is very likely that his going to Monticello will have the same effect on the Bowen's Prairie church. AN OLD SETTLER [January 20] |
Bitten by Rattlesnake Last Tuesday, as Joseph, a little son of Luke Perriman, of Wayne township, was stooping over to bind a bundle of grain, an enormous yellow rattlesnake bit him twice on the great toe of the right foot, making deep incisions each time. The residence of Mr. Perriman is some six miles from town. A messenger was at once dispatched for Doctor James G. Conly, of this city, who at once left for there in great haste. It was just two hours and ten minutes from the time that the snake bit the boy until Doctor Conly arrived there. He found the limbs of the child swollen to enormous fullness, the body also much swollen, and the poison rapidly filling the veins. The Doctor at once took hold of the case in his usual energetic manner. He has lately discovered that a certain liquid injected into the blood, will cure such cases. This remedy, together with copious draughts of common whiskey, he at once applied. In less than an hour the patient was much better, and today (Wednesday), he is entirely out of danger. [August 26] TOO BAD.— On Wednesday last it was announced that Rt. Rev. H. W. Lee, the Episcopal Bishop of Iowa, would preach in this city. A lady who resides three miles from town walked (though seventy-five years old.) the whole distance to hear the preacher! Wasn't it too bad that missing trains prevented his attendance! [July 1] PETTY THIEVING For some two weeks past a series of small, petty pilferings have been going on all about town. Clotheslines have been robbed, boxes stolen, warehouses broken into, and numerous depredations of that sort have been committed. The latest exploit was performed last Tuesday night, when the grain warehouse of Kinsella & Bro. was broken into, and about twelve bushels of wheat stolen. Some of these rascals will eventually fall into the hands of Mose, and then—woe unto them! Keep a sharp lookout. [July 1] INSURANCE.—CHARLIE GERNEY advertises in today's paper that he is now ready to insure all kinds of property in the Home, of New York, Phoenix of Hartford, and the Underwriters—three very good companies, and they are well represented in this city. [January 20] SOLAR SALT.—A prime article, and for sale cheap at GARDNER & EATON'S. [January 20] |
MILK. Volney Webster, who is well qualified to do just such business, has purchased the milk wagon of Mr. S. Kelley, and will hereafter supply customers with pure, fresh milk, either at morning or evening. Volney is reliable and the public will find it to their interest to patronize him. [April 8] TOO BAD.— On Wednesday last it was announced that Rt. Rev. H. W. Lee, the Episcopal Bishop of Iowa, would preach in this city. A lady who resides three miles from town walked (though seventy-five years old.) the whole distance to hear the preacher! Wasn't it too bad that missing trains prevented his attendance! [July 1] JEWETT, the Jeweler, is still selling solid gold and silver goods at reduced rates. During his three years residence among us, JEWETT has, by honesty and fair-dealing, built up a good trade. He now offers holiday goods positively at cost. Call and see. WOOD YARD.—We have a wood yard in our old hog lot, and have lots of wood to sell. Customers may be sure that good measure will always be meted out. Call and see. GARDNER & EATON. [January 20] SINGING SCHOOL.—MR. NEWELL AUSTIN has established a Singing School in this city, which meets one evening in each week at the M.E. Church. Mr. AUSTIN is a thorough and competent teacher, |
1870 |
Knight Templars' Festival As was anticipated, the Festival of the Trinity Commandery of this city held on the evening of June 24th—St. John's Day was a fine affair. The weather was not very propitious the evening being exceeding warm; but notwithstanding this the magnificent Hall of E.B. Kinsella & Bro., the use of which had been generously donated by the proprietors, was filled at an early hour. Ice-cream, strawberries, raspberries and lemonade, were rigorously attached and although the assailants "fought like brave men, long and well," these luxuries were not vanquished. The Manchester Quadrille Band, under the leadership of Mr. Eaton enlivened the occasion with their sweetest music and "all went merry as a marriage bell." At about eleven o'clock dancing was declared to be the next in order, the floor was than cleared, the band played and the lovers of the fantastic art involuntarily took their positions and were soon lost in the labarynths of the quadrille or "whirled through the dizzy mazes of the waltz." The beautiful uniforms of the Knights as they flashed and sparkled in the light, presented an imposing sight and was only equaled by the feminine beauty, for which Monticello is so justly noted, which graced this occasion, and helped to make it what it really was—a splendid success. [July 7] |
FRESH MILK.—MR. G.W. CURTIS desires us to say that he is supplying his customers with a pure article of fresh milk, and that he makes his "rounds" regularly, and always on time. Cus-tomers promptly supplied.
WEBSTER,the "milkist," is still running his milk wagon, and promptly supplies all who leave orders. VOLNEY says that he is not going to be run off by any one-horse outsider, but is intending to "keep right on, just as if nothing had happened." Next week the price will be reduced to four cents per quart. A pure fresh article always sold. [April 28] FRESH MILK.— VOLNEY WEBSTER, the "milkist," has just added to his dairy a number of fresh cows-making in all thirty-five-and says that he is now ready to supply all who order of him with pure, fresh milk. VOLNEY is an old hand at the business, and receives a large patronage.[July 7] |
![]() MRS. ELIZABETH CADY STANTON will deliver a Lecture under the auspices of the Woman's Suffrage Association, in Marvin's Hall, Tuesday Evening, April 5th. Subject—"Open the Door." Mrs. Stanton is too well known to need any notice. Both friends and enemies concede that she is one of the most profound, logical and eloquent women of the age. And such has been the demand for her lectures, that the W.S.A. has only succeeded in obtaining a lecture for April 5th, after waiting five months. [Apparently Mrs Stanton missed her train and didn't appear for the lecture.] [March 24] |
1876 |
Almost a Conflagration The Methodists of Bowen's Prairie are holding a series of revival meetings in their new church. On Monday evening, N. C. Rowley, Lew. Peltier, and one or two other brethren were lighting the church and putting it in readiness for the occasion, when the large chandelier, pendant from the ceiling in the center of the room, came down with a crash. Four out of the six lamps in the chandeliers were full of oil, and burning. Two of these were smashed, the oil becoming ignited and sending a fierce pillar of flame to the ceiling. Two of the pews were so badly burned before the fire could be extinguished, that they will have to be replaced by new ones. The fixtures of the chandelier were badly broken,—in fact, that useful article of furniture will also have to be replaced. It was a very fine one, and quite new-costing $18. Mr. Peltier was severely burned on the right hand. Seeing one of the unbroken lamps in the flame, and fearing an explosion, he seized it, all ablaze as it was, and carrying it to the door, threw it outside. |
His hand was, of course, badly scorched. It was a
prudent and courageous act, for had the lamp burst it would have
exploded the remaining unbroken lamps, which would have given
the flames such advantage, that it is unlikely any available
efforts would have sufficed to save the building. The
destruction of the church would almost inevitably have involved
the barn, doubtless, the house of N. C. Rowley. It was extremely
fortunate that the accident did not occur at a later hour, when
the church was full of ladies, clad in clothing of combustible
material. It is horrifying to contemplate the probable result of
the accident had it occurred on the evening previous, (Sunday)
when, it is said, six ladies sat directly under the chandelier.
Our Bowen's Prairie friends have reason to congratulate
themselves with the result. [February 24] |
The Supreme Court of Iowa has confirmed the decision of the lower court in the case of Mrs. Sewett vs. Wanshura, both of Monticello, in which the plaintiff was granted a verdict of $1,200 damages against Wanshura, for selling intoxicating liquors to her husband. There seems nothing left for Wanshura but to pay. It is unfortunate for him, as he might easily have settled it for $100 at the first. [June 22] The American Insurance Company We take pleasure in recommending the American Insurance co., of Chicago Ill., and their agent, J. R. Stillman, of Monticello, for prompt and fair dealing in repairing the damage that our church building sustained by a late fire. We are so well satisfied with the treatment we received at their hands, that we advise all persons who have property to insure to try the American, as we believe it to be a sound Company, and all right, with cheap rates. [May 4] |
1877 |
S. Y. Bradstreet, having inaugurated the fruit and vegetable canning business here, has erected, during the past season, a building for the purpose, which, with the other appliance for the business, cost not less than $700. Mr. Bradstreet's bottled horse-radish, although upon the market only a few weeks, has already an excellent reputation and a ready sale. [January 11] | ||
1879 |
The Scotch Grove Creamery Mr. H. D. Hanna's creamery, at Scotch Grove is in successful operation. Mr. Hanna informs us that he is now using 6,000 lbs. milk per day, and a month hence will probably be using 7,000 to 8,000 lbs. The Eastern market for creamery butter is at its lowest ebb, and those larger establishments that can afford to hold their butter for a few months are the fortunate ones. There can be no doubt that the price will improve in a month or two. The creameries are now paying 50 cts. Per 100 lbs. for milk. Allowing four lbs. of butter per 100 pounds of milk, it takes 12½ cents worth of milk to make one pound of butter. Add to this the cost of manufacture, and the first cost of the butter cannot be less than 15 cts. Per pound. Now at the old prices of 28 to 35 cts. Per pound, there would be a good healthy profit. But at the present quotations of 17 to 19 cts. Per pound, the margin is not particularly stalwart. Another month will doubtless see a change for the better. [June 12] |
Mr. Lucian Rice had a horse stolen from his premises on Bowen's Prairie last Tuesday night. Mr. Rice offers a reward of $25.00 for the recovery of the animal. [May 1]
The M.E. Society will hold a Lawn Sociable at Mr. A. E. Chesterfields on Friday evening June 20th. All are cordially invited. Refreshments served. Mrs. N. W. Austin, Sec'y. [May 1] |
Eggs for Hatching. We will sell a few settings of eggs from pure bred Light Brahmas, Partridge Cochins and Plymouth Rocks. Price at yards, $1.00 for setting of 13. Address Geo. W. Moulton & Co., Monticello, Jones Co., Iowa. [May 1] Posters are out for the horse trot on the Fourth of July next. We have it upon the authority of Mr. Hunt, of the Liberal, that the horses will trot for the money, and that there will be nothing but straight and honest work. Let us hope that is will be so. The Premium money advertised is $380. [May 1] |
1880 |
Bowens Prairie Items Bowens Prairie Dec. 24th, 1879. To the Editor of the Express: Everything seems to have a boom this year, and the surprise boom is the one we are having on Bowens Prairie. On Wednesday evening, Dec. 17th, there was a surprise at the residence of the Rev. H. Adams. The neighbors and friends, to the number of about fifty, called on Mr. Adams, and after enjoying a very sociable evening, and partaking of the refreshments brought in, Mr. Yoran, in a few very appropriate remarks, presented Mr. And Mrs. Adams with something over $30, and in reply, Mr. And Mrs. Adams tendered their hearfelt thanks, and very soon after the company dispersed. And the next thing in the boom line took place on Monday evening, Dec. 22nd, in the shape of a China Wedding for Mr. And Mrs. S. Hickman. The friends and neighbors, to the number of about seventy, called on them in accord with invitations sent around by Mr. Alfred White. Mr. And Mrs. Hickman were presented with a very nice lot of ware, comprised of the following named articles: One dozen breakfast plates, one dozen dinner plates, one dozen tea plates, one dozen sauce plates, one dozen cup plates, one dozen cups and saucers, one dozen goblets; tea pot and sugar bowl, cream pitcher, water pitcher, gravy dish, cake stand, four bowls, two platters, two covered tureens, two with out covers and other articles too numerous to mention . . . [January 1] |
Wooden Wedding. Mr. And Mrs. Fred Penniman, of Bowen's Prairie, had their wooden wedding celebrated by their neighbors. It was the fifth anniversary of their wedding day. The occasion was remembered by their neighbors and friends on the Prairie, who assembled at the Penniman house last Thursday evening, and gave Fred . . . indeed, the people of Bowen's Prairie have as many jolly gatherings, and surprises, and raids of this character, as any community we know of. All manner of wooden presents were bestowed upon the astonished bride and groom. It is estimated that the value of them was not less $ 50 to $60. [December 21] F. M. Hicks, Monticello, Iowa, one of the leading dairymen of Jones county, recently visited Princeton, Ill., and selected from Dr. W. H. Winter's herd of short-horns, for himself and five neighboring dairymen, six bulls. They cost, delivered, a little less than seven hundred dollars' which was apportioned among the six as to choice and agreed value. They are reputed to belong to a milking strain of blood, and fine results are expected. Dr. Winters is to be congratulated at so favorable a sale in that famous dairy county. The purchasers will reap a rich harvest if they persevere in this new departure. [January 18] |
Card of Thanks. Bowen's Prairie March 20, 1880. To the Editor of the Express: The quiet village of Bowen's Prairie was enlivened by a School Exhibition in the Congregational church on the evening of the 18th of March, managed by D. Sullivan, the popular teacher in District No. 2, assisted by others in the adjoining districts. The performance consisted in single pieces, dialogues, instrumental and vocal music. The Cascade Band volunteered their services on the occasion. There was a large number of scholars that took part, from the little girl that sat in her chair with her doll in her arms, down to the "stalwart Irishman" with his "shelalah" who brought down thunders of applause by his perfect representations of Irish life. Indeed, it was more than surmised that there was a drop of Irish blood in his veins. The house was filled to its utmost capacity, many having to stand during the whole performance. Mr. Sullivan showed his capacity for a teacher in the perfect control of his pupils, and the enthusiasm he instilled into their minds. The whole performance was creditable to both teacher and pupil. Although the admission was only 10 cents, the proceeds amounted to $17 which was donated to the Society for the purpose of enlarging the S. S. Library, for which they have our sincere thanks. F. M. Hicks O. Ross C. Whittemore Trustees [March 24] |
Fire— The house of Mr. John Miller, on Bowen's Prairie, was destroyed by fire on Friday of last week. Nothing of the furniture was saved but a sewing machine. The fire was caused by the explosion of a lamp. One of the girls of the family was carrying a lamp up stairs, when she discovered that the inside of the lamp was filled with a whitish vapor or smoke. She instantly threw the lamp from her and got away as far as possible. The lamp exploded into a thousand piece (more or less), and filled the stairway with flame. The house was of logs, about thirty years old, but still a substantial and commodious residence. Being very dry it burned with great intensity, and in a moment was so enveloped in flames that it was impossible to save the contents. There was $250 insurance on the house and a small sum on the furniture. [August 26] W. E. Hoag, has sold a two-third interest in his Broom and Feather Duster Manufactory, to C. E. Wales and Matt Noyes . . . [October 28] |
The Florence Herbert Combination is booked to play in the Monticello Opera House Monday evening, November 8th. This is the only first class Combination now travelling, giving Metropolitan performances at the popular prices. The policy is to give smooth performances to full houses at low prices, bringing amusements, edifying and wholesome, within the reach of all to attend. The admission price is only 25 cts for adults, and 15 cts for children. Further particulars next week. [October 28] Lost—Last spring, I lost nine head of yearling heifers. Five of them are still missing. I will pay a good reward to any person who will return them to me, or give information that will lead to their recovery. Leave information at Grassmeyer's Store in Monticello or with Andres Ambruhl, Bowens Prairie. [October 28] |
Town's Premium Art Gallery is the best place in this part of the State for elegant pictures of any description. No studio in the State has better facilities or can show better work. Prices reasonable and within reach of all. Entire satisfaction guaranteed Save money and get better work by going to Town's Gallery in Peterson's Block, opposite of Palmer & Co.'s Hardware store. Frames and Mattings always on hand and for sale at low figures. [October 28] The Congregational Sociable at Capt. F. S. Dunham's last Friday night was a great success. The burlesque opera, Jacobi, by the Amateurs, Miss May Farwell, Miss Clara Wales, and I. N. Austin, was a droll and laughable performance. The parts were each admirably taken. It affected the spectators to tears-of laughter. The supper was excellent and the evening a thoroughly pleasant one for all present. [October 28] |
1883 |
For Sale. A very desirable piece of farm property on Bowens Prairie, consisting of a good substantial frame house, large barn, two good wells, and 200 acres of improved land. For terms and particulars, apply to Geo. H. White. [February 1] | For Sale. A farm of 80 acres, 1 ½ miles east of Sand Spring, and the same distance from 4 creameries-25 acres under cultivation, and the balance pasture, hog pasture and meadow. House 16x22, good cellar, 3 wells, horse barn, cow stable | for 10 cows, etc. Well fenced with barb wire. Also 5 acres of good second growth timber near south fork of the Maquoketa. Possession given March 1st, 1884, or perhaps sooner. For terms inquire of the under-signed at Sand Spring. H. O. Whittemore. [August 23] |