Û Anamosa Eureka
April 6, 1871 - Page 3
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PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF JONES CO., APRIL SESSION, 1870. The Committee appointed to superintend the repairs of the bridge at Monticello reported as follows, to-wit: We drew from the Bridge Fund the sum of $444,73 for materials and labor on the same—having now on hand $55,27. S. M. Yoran, Ch’n Report accepted, and balance $55.27 ordered to be paid over to the Bridge Fund of the County. Adopted. On motion the Board adjourned till 1½ P. M. Mr. James S. Jenkins, agent of the Ohio Bridge Company, made a statement to the Board and presented plans of Iron Bridges. The claim of N. M. Smith, amounting to $150, for medical attendance, was read, and on motion, allowed. The claim for Dr. E. T. Mellett, amounting to $100, for medical attendance was read and, on motion, allowed. The claim of Dr. E. T. Mellett, for medical attendance and medicines for Mrs. Ellen Toomey, in the sum of $(?) and Nicholas Sevinger, in the sum of $19,50, was read and, on motion allowed. On motion, the Board adjourned until half past eight o’clock to-morrow morning. Petition of the trustees of Washington Township, for the relief of Thos. Behan, asking the Board to appropriate the sum of $2,75 per week for his relief, he being in needy circumstances, was read and referred to the Committee on Paupers. Committee on Newport Bridge made the following report: We have attended to the repairs on said bridge and paid the sum of twenty dollars for the same. H. Steward, Ch’n. On motion, the report was accepted and the Auditor was authorized to draw an order for the amount on the Bridge Fund. Adopted. On motion, the road case of Silas Sams et al., was taken up and the petitioner given permission to withdraw all papers upon the payment of all costs in 30 days from this date. Adopted. A petition from the Trustees of Fairview Township was read, asking for relief for Levi Orr, an indigent person residing in said Township. Referred to the Committee on Paupers. A petition of Joseph Glenn, offering to pay the sum of $1,35 per acre for lot 5, Sec. 35, Township 84, North Range 3—the same being swamp land—was read. On motion, the matter was referred to the Chairman of the Board, with power to act. Adopted. A petition of Mary Locker, asking the Board to refund taxes paid erroneously, was read and laid over till the June meeting. Adopted. A petition of E. E. Brown et al., was read, asking the Board to appropriate the sum of $225 for the erection of a bridge across Mineral Creek, Clay Township.—Referred to the Committee on Roads and Bridges. A petition of S. R. Howard and 175 others was read, asking for an appropriation for the building of a bridge across the Maquoketa river, on the road to Sand Spring, near Monticello. Referred to Committee on Roads and Bridges. The claims of Geo. Saum, S. S. Hughes, and Geo. Pribbils, for witness fees in the State of Iowa v. Wm. Joy, in the sum of $160.70, were read and allowed. The claims of J. A. Dalby, for committee service on Bridge in Rome Township, amounting to $30, was read and allowed. The claim of A. Coppes, for committee service on same bridge, amounting to $30, was read and allowed. The Committee appointed at the January term to view the locality and consider the necessity of a new bridge, petitioned for by citizens of Monticello and vicinity, beg leave to report favorably to the prayer of the petitioners. S. M. Yoran,) Com John Tasker,) On motion the Board adjourned until 1½ P. M. The bill of L. W. Mitchell, Assessor, of Greenfield Township, was read and laid over to the June Meeting. The following action was had in reference to the revision of the road minutes and the road plots of the County: In pursuance to a resolution passed at the January meeting of this Board, to let, by contract, to the lowest responsible bidder competent to perform the same, the work of resurveying all the roads in the County of which we have no intelligible minutes, and of platting into a new book all the roads of the County, there being one bid from H. D. Smith in the sum of $550 and from D. L. Blakeslee in the sum of $400, we award the contract to D. L. Blakeslee, to perform said work for the sum of $400, under the following considerations: He shall not be authorized to assume the change or relocation of any roads, or to deviate from the design of simply accomplishing the correction of the minutes of those now in existence, and the plotting of the same, but to denote all angels, crossings &c., in accordance with the laws in such cases provided. Adopted. |
The Committee on Paupers made the following report: In the matter of the petition of Thos. Behan, asking for relief through the Trustees of Washington Township, we recommend that an appropriation of $1,50 per week be made for his benefit for nine months from April 1st, 1871—the same to be placed in the hands of the Trustees of said Township, to be applied for his relief as they may deem best. Adopted. In the matter of the petition of the Trustees of Fairview Township, asking for an appropriation of $35 for the temporary relief of Levi Orr, we recommend that said amount be appropriated and placed in the hands of A. A. Mirick for the benefit of said Levi Orr. Adopted. On motion the Board a Third Day, Wednesday, 8 ½ A. M.—The Board met pursuant to adjournment, H. Steward in the Chair. Members all present. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. (The claims were then acted upon, and will be found elsewhere.) The following regulations for riding or driving over the bridges in the County were read and adopted, to-wit: $10 fine for riding or driving faster than a walk; and all parties driving cattle upon any of the bridges are hereby cautioned against driving more than eight head upon any of the bridges at one time, under penalty of the payment of all damages ensuing in consequence.—A notice is ordered to be placed at the ends of each bridge in the County to this effect. On motion the Board adjourned until 1½ P. M. Afternoon Session.—The Board met pursuant to adjournment, H. Steward in the Chair. Members all present. Petition of H. C. Parsons, an indigent person, asking the Board for temporary relief in the sum of ten dollars, and recommended by the Township Trustees of Fairview, was read, and on motion, referred to the Committee on Paupers. The Committee on Paupers reported in the case of H. C. Parsons, asking for temporary relief in the sum of $10, and recommended the allowance of the same. Adopted. On motion the Board adjourned until 8½ A. M. to-morrow. ATTEMPTED MURDER —— Mr. McCarron was in the Post Office, reading a letter just handed him by Mr. F. Thompson, the Deputy P. M., and the two were the only occupants of the room. Two men entered, and very soon five others followed. One of the first two asked for his mail, and his box being in the extreme rear, Mr. Thompson by going for it, was in the back part of the office. The mail was handed out, but Thompson noticed that it was not taken, as the attention of the man was directed to the place where McCarron stood. Thompson spoke two or three times, telling him to take his mail, when hearing a scuffle, rushed round to see the cause. He saw two or three men striking and kicking McCarron, who was down on the floor, and attempting to run to his assistance was stopped and pushed back; seizing a hatchet which happened to lie near, Thompson again started to the relief of Mr. McCarron and was again stopped, and threatened if he attempted to interfere. Thompson then ran to the front door and cried murder—which brought several to the relief of the already nearly murdered man. A Mr. Shaner living in the rear of the Post-Office hearing the cries ran into the office in time to pull one of the assailants from the bleeding victim. Five of the men, all of them saloon keepers in our city, have been arrested, and waving an examination held to bail in the sum of $1,500.00 each, to appear at the District Court which is now in session at Andrew. We do not desire to forestall the trial, or to say aught to create prejudice against these bloody handed ruffians, but we cannot drop this subject without adding that it was a premeditated, cowardly, murderous assault upon an unarmed, unoffending, defenseless citizen, for which no cause can be given except that McCarron has been in favor of enforcing the laws of the State. A peaceable man, in a public place, in broad day-light, has been beaten nearly to death, simply because he had the manhood to say the laws of Iowa should not be trampled under foot, and his would be assassins, in number, stole upon him unawares, and like dastardly cowards, struck him down without a warning. We hope the full measure of punishment will be inflicted upon the perpetrators of the outrage. We do not give the names of the offenders because we desire an unprejudiced jury may be obtained to set in judgment upon the trial.—Maquoketa Excelsior. The law by which the strong arm of the United States was stretched across State lines, and the trembling fugitive seized in defiance of public sentiment and State law, and remanded to hopeless bondage, was deemed by the Democrats perfectly Constitutional and, praiseworthy.—But the law by which the strong arm of the Government is stretched across State lines to protect the (?)rties and lives of American citizens is denounced as unconstitution and infamous. The Democratic statesmen have always found it Constitutional to fortify slavery—always unconstitutional to defend freemen. —The President has nominated John W. Forney to be Collector of Customs at Philadelphia. Mr. Forney has done a great deal of hard and valuable work for the Republican party, which is worthy even a higher recognition than he now receives. We do not admire all his political doings or teachings, but he is an able journalist, a trusty friend, and a skillful politician. How’s This for Cats.—If a cat doth meet a cat, upon a garden wall, and if a cat, doth meet a cat, O, need they both to squall? Every Tommy has his Tabby waiting on the wall; and yet he welcomes her approach by an unearthly yawl. And if a kitten wish to court upon the garden wall, why don’t he sit up and sweetly smile, and not stand up and bawl, and lift his precious back up high, and show his teeth and moan, as if ‘twere colic more than love that made the fellar groan? |
Don’t—The troubles of an editor are never at end, it would seem, on this earth. A short time ago twenty-five lines of comment brought us seven columns of reply. If we demand the protection of “all men” at the polls some irate Democrat responds that we were trying to interfere with the rights of Irishmen; if we expose the diabolical operations of the Ku-Klux, every Democrat in the land howls with pain. And now comes our sorest discomfort: Last Saturday we held up to the just contempt of the world, and as an example not to be limited, the course of the Confederate leaders who violated their Congressional oaths in 1861, and our usually amiable friend, the honorable S. S. Cox, feels hurt, and throws at us a whole Globe, with a six-column speech of his, all marked for use, which we are expected to peruse and from it extract the grain of wheat. We shan’t do it. Cox, begone!—Washington Chronicle. Bear In Mind.—When disease has undermined the health, and the physical system has become prostrated, a stimulant that will not only strengthen, but remove the cause, should be immediately resorted to. Mental distress is also a fruitful source of the breaking down of the constitution, and the ravages of this enemy to health are truly alarming. For all such maladies Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters have been found unsurpassed. By acting directly upon the digestive organs, they remove the heavy disagreeable feeling after eating, so often complained of by persons of a delicate temperament. As soon as digestion is restored, the patient finds his strength increasing, and his health improved. Thousands of persons certify that it may be relied on in all cases of weakness or nervous debility attendant upon sedentary habits. The generality of Bitters are so disagreeable to the taste that they are objectionable to a weak stomach. This is not the case with Hostetter’s Bitters, which will be found mild and extremely pleasant. Balsamic plants, barks and roots contribute their restorative juices to render it soothing and strengthening. Its basis is the only pure stimulant which has ever been produced, containing no fusil oil, or any other deleterious element. The most careful and skilful chemists have analyzed the Bitters, and pronounce them harmless. This is scientific testimony; but the testimony of the hundreds of thousands who have experienced the preventative and curative effects of the great vegetable tonic and alternative of modern times is still more conclusive. In Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Nervous Complaints, Chronic Complaints and general debility it is as nearly infallible as anything in this fallible world can be. 26w4 —— The south east quarter of the south east quarter and twenty acres off south end of the north east quarter of south east quarter of section nineteen, and thirty acres off the south end of the west half of the north west quarter of section twenty nine, Township eighty-four, north range two west of the 5th P. M. And will offer the same for sale, to the highest bidder for cash in hand on the 5th day of May A. D.; 1871, in front of the Court House door in Anamosa, at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. of said day, when and where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. O. B. CRANE, Sheriff. Dated this 4th day of April, 1871. 27-2 Achenboch, C. F. Horton, Rosil Burns, Michael, 2 Huland B. Barnes, John S., 2 Ivenniss, John Brown, Jennie Miss Kendal, M. F. Burrows, James Kimbal, L. D. Birch, Leroy Lillabegh, L. Cameron, W. S. Mikkelson, Hans Cooley, Harvey Mayer, H. A., Miss Chapin, E. P. McHorton, Thomas, 2 Dunlap, Mary Mrs. Mickelheer, H, Miss Daram, Hugh Mr. Newman, Mary, 2 Dial, David Mr. O’Brien, Phebe Mrs. Fooler, Wakeman Porter, William Mr. Finley, Robert Robinson, T. P. Gilkey, C. S. Royns, A. B. Goodard, J. S. Joel, Smith Guiles, Milo Sherman, Nathan Hersey & Co. Watson, Charles, 3 Howe, Lucinda —— Notice is hereby given that on the 8th day of March A. D. 1871, in vacation term of the Circuit Court of the State of Iowa, in and for Jones County, an instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of Peter Steckel, late of Jones County, Iowa, deceased, was filed with, opend and read by the Clerk of said Court. And thereupon the 3d Monday, 17th day, of April, A. D. 1871, it being the April term of said Court, at the Court room in Anamosa, in said County, is set by the Clerk of said Court as thetime and place for hearing the matter of the admission of said will to probate. Witness my hand and seal of said Court at my office in Anamosa, in said County on the 23d day of March A. D. 1871. J. C. DIETZ, Clerk. Per C. M. Failing, Deputy, Anamosa, March 23d, 1871. 25w3 |
The Legislature having enacted into a law the unanimous vote of our neighbors at Groton Junction to be chartered as a town named after our distinguished fellow citizen, Dr. J. C. Ayer, they assembled en masse on Monday to celebrate the consummation of their wishes. As the crowded trains arrived from every quarter, cannon boomed from the hills over the multitude while they assembled in the hall. This was found to be elegantly decorated with flags and evergreens, wrought into festoons and appropriate mottoes. The occasion was honored by the presence and talents of distinguished men, and will be long remembered in the annals of Massachusetts. Gov. Claflin, whose presence was prevented by the recent death of his father, was represented by his chief-of-staff, the elegant and eloquent Adjutant General Cunningham, and his Secretary, Col. Taylor, and other departments of State, literature and law by able representative men, including Hon. Tappan Wentworth, our late honored Representative in Congress, Judge Cowley, the historian of Lowell, and ex-Senator Needham of Groton, who ably and eloquently gave away the bride, and congratulated her on taking a name already so favorably and widely known. Senator Clark moved the risibility of the crowd by his inimitable humor for the ladies, in which he so much excels. The speakers paid their fellow citizen a handsome tribute of thanks for the high compliment in the adoption of his name, and their assurance that it was worthy of the honor. At length the “great medicine man” was introduced by President Prescott with high encomiums based on his personal and life long acquaintance. After thanking the audience for the cordiality of their greeting, Dr. Ayer spoke as follows: Ladies and Gentlemen: On the western coast of Scotland where it slopes into the Irish Sea, a river, rising on the mountains of the inner land, winds down among the hills and empties into the Frith of Clyde. From remote time it has been called Ayr from an old Scotch word “ayry,” meaning an eagle’s nest—the river of the eagle’s nest. Near its mouth and a contiguous harbor, long stood a hamlet which became a royal burg or town named from the river, and now about one-third as large as Lowell—the city of Ayr. For more than a thousand years it has been noted in the history of Scotland. During the wars of Robert Bruce it was one of his resorts, and was especially favored by him because he was there cured of leprosy. Oliver Cromwell made it one of the depots and head-quarters of his army in his attacks upon Scotland, and one of his old forts is now the Citadel of Ayr. But above all its distinctions, Ayr was the birth place of the poet Burns. And what a poet! What a voice has he given to all the endearments of home! How has he hallowed the cottage and all it covers—weans and wife, patches and poverty, beans, barley, ale, hardship and the poor man’s toil. How he wraps with tenderness around whatever he names, even his bleak leagues of pasture, the stubble field, ice, snow, sleet, and rain, brooks, birds, mice, thistles and heather. His Bonny Doon, John Andersen, My Jo John, Auld Lang Syne, and Highland Mary roll round the world in ever ringing symphony with what is purest and best in human nature. His songs woo and melt the hearts of youth and maidens, bring solace to the sorrowing and courage to the overburdened by their lot. His inspiration has set the affections to music in strains that are immortal. No other one man ever made a language classic, but he has rendered that lowland Scotch a Doric dialect of fame.—The name of his home and his beloved river Ayr was lifted on the wings of his pathos, and now the approaching traveler yearns to reach the spot his genius has sanctified. Along the borders of the sea in a parallelogram and surrounding the town is a county of the same name—Ayrshire. It would weary your patience to hear the history of my ancestors from one ancient John of Ayr, then John Ayr, down through the centuries to this Ayr now before you; through their vicissitudes of poverty and plenty—of fortune and misfortune; how they have intermarried with England, Ireland and Scotland, and later with the Americans, who are an excellent mixture of them all. My friends,—You have chosen the name I inherited for your town with an extraordinary unanimity, and have thereby conferred an honor upon me, the proper acknowledgement of which I do not feel fully able to express. But I beg you to be assured that it is appreciated and that it will be gratefully remembered with a living interest in your prosperity while life remains to me, and, I trust, beyond that by my children after me. If this name has become noted among the many that are worthier among you, that is greatly due to its publicity. May I be permitted to state from whence that came? Until within a few centuries all the civilized portions of the globe were pent up on the Eastern continent. Two or three hundred years ago they leaked over into this; few and fearfully at first, then more and more but always in their settlements timidly hugging the Atlantic coast. Within the last two generations, they have burst out, as it were, and overrun these vast continents of the West.—Now they are scattered here and possess these measureless stretches of mountain and valleys, hills, plains, forests and prairies with the boundless pampas and mountain ranges of South America. Former generations lived in villages and towns, thickly settled together where physicians were plenty and near at hand. Now, the people |
are scattered, in many sections of these many countries. For
great numbers the timely treatment of physicians cannot be had;
over large tracts of country good or competent physicians cannot
be had at all. They cannot visit patients enough many miles
apart to live by their profession, nor can they carry medicine
enough with them on horseback for their requirements. Hence has
arisen in these modern times, a necessity for remedies ready at
hand, with directions for their use—a present recourse for
relief in the exigencies of sickness, when no other aid is near.
It is a new necessity consequent upon the changed conditions of
human life—a want I have spent my years in supplying, and I will
tell you something of its extent. Our laboratory makes every day
some 630,000 potions or doses of our preparations. These are all
taken by somebody. Here is a number equal to the population of
fifteen cities as large as Lowell, taking them every day (for
sickness keeps no Sabbaths) nor for once only, but again and
again year after year, nearly through one third of a century. We
all join in the jokes about medicines as we do about the
Doctor’s mission to kill, the clergyman’s insincerity and the
lawyer’s cheating. Yet each of these labors among the most
serious realities of life. Sickness and its attendant suffering
are no joke, neither is the treatment of them. This system of
transportable relief, to be available to the people, must keep
its remedies fresh in their memories. This is done by
advertising. Mark its extent. An advertisement, taking the run
of the newspapers with which we contract (some 1900 annually) is
struck off in such numbers, that when we piled upon each other
flatwise, the distance through them is sixteen miles. In
addition, it takes some seven millions of pamphlets and twelve
millions of circulars to meet the public demand for this kind of
information. Our annual issue of pamphlets alone, laid solid
upon each other, makes a pile eight and one quarter miles high.
The circulars measured endwise reach 1894 miles, and these
assertions are matters of mathematical certainty. Whatever the
estimation in which these publications may be held here, they
reach the firesides of millions of men who do treasure and
regard them, and who in their trials do heed the counsel that
they bring. Not only over these great Western continents but throughout that other land so little known to you, under our feet, the Australian continent, there are few villages as large as this which are not familiar with the name you have chosen, and employing the remedies that bear it. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Mr. Lowell in his “study windows” says of Mr. Carlyle—“his teaching moreover—if teaching we may call it—belonged to what the great German, whose disciple he is, condemned as the ‘literature of despair.’ An apostle to the Gentiles might hope for some fruit of his preaching; but of what avail an apostle who shouts his message down the mouth of the pit to poor lost souls, whom he can positively assure only that it is impossible to get out? He goes about with the Diogenes dark lantern, professing to seek a man, but inwardly resolved to find a monkey. He loves to flash it suddenly on poor human nature in some ridiculous or degrading posture.” —Liquor dealers in Ohio complain that under the new law women who have shiftless husbands are suing them for support, on the ground that the men are prevented from providing for their families in consequence of their indulgence in liquor; and the women get verdicts in their favor, sometimes even when it is proved that the improvident husbands will not work when they are perfectly sober. The consequence is that in some parts of the State a married man cannot get a drink of liquor without a written permission from his wife—and a very good consequence it is. —A party of young men were telling what they would do if they were ship-wrecked far out upon the sea and buffeting with the waves without a plank to sustain them. Each one gave his opinion excepting Paddy Murphy, who after being asked for his, replied: “Bad cess to ye for a cowardly set of spalpeens; ye’d all be after savin’ yourselves, an’ not thryin’ to save another. Why, it’s Paddy Murphy that would swim to shore an’ save himself, an’ thin come back and thry to save anuthr.” |