1878 Gazetteer and Directory


The undersigned takes pleasure in presenting this the first Gazetteer and DIRECTORY of Jackson County, Iowa, and believes it will be found as correct and reliable as any similar work published in this State.

Unsparing efforts and great care have been taken to render it in every way a practical work of reference.

Most cordial thanks are extended to the mercantile and professional gentlemen of the county, who have so liberally patronized the work, by their advertisements.

The compiler desires particularly to accord his grateful acknowledgments for valuable assistance, and other courtesies rendered by A. J. House, late County Auditor; W. C. Swigart, editor Jackson Sentinel; Russell Perham, Esq.; Mott Watson, Esq., and Capt. W. A. Warren, of Bellevue.

In conclusion there remains one pleasant duty to discharge, that of making honorable mention of the GAZETTE PRINTING COMPANY, and in particular of Mr. H. C. Marsh, the efficient superintendent, whose practical skill in the typographic art has produced a work, at once a credit to themselves and the publisher. F. E. OWEN

General Index.

As I get sections completed, I will include links to them.  If you would like to volunteer to help, please email me.

Alphabetical directory cities and towns 85-142 JACKSON Co. DIRECTORY Farmers' department 144
ANDREW, sketch of 73 Davenport mercantile list 8
BALDWIN, sketch of 72 Dedication 7
BELLEVUE, historical sketch 53 Jackson County Officers 17
     The Bellevue War 56 LaMOTTE, sketch of 83
     Commercial Statistics 59 MILES, sketch of 70
     Societies 61 MONMOUTH, sketch of 76
     Editorial review 62 OZARK, sketch of 72
Board of Supervisors 17 Plan of City of Maquoketa 2
CANTON, sketch of 74 Plan of City of Bellevue 307
     Historical Sketch 25 PRESTON, sketch of 77
     Incorporation 33      Building improvements 78
     Population 33      Societies 78
     Municipal dept. 34 SABULA, historical sketch of 65
     Educational facilities 34      City government 67
     Exports from Maquoketa 34      Societies 68
     Building improvements 35      Editorial review 69
     Newspapers 37 Sketch of Iowa 18
     Present aspect of the city 38 SPRAGUEVILLE, sketch of 81
     Editorial review 40 SPRING BROOK, sketch of 83
     City officers 49 ST. DONATUS, sketch of 82
     School Board and teachers 50 VanBUREN, sketch of 75
     Miscellaneous societies 50 View of Dr. Hazen's Eye and Ear Infirmary 142
     Church directory 51 View of Z. DeGroat's residence 84
FULTON, sketch of 80    
     Names of townships 20    
     Reminiscences 21    
     Population, school statistics, financial condition  22    

Index To Advertisers.

Abends Frank, grocer 32 Legg & Allen 217, 72
Alexander, A. 81 Lund, H. I. 300
Amos & Fuller 84 Majors, M. 69, 44
Amsbaugh, W. H. 69 Mann, J. P. 58, 63
Atkinson, U. V. 48, 76 Maquoketa Woolen Mills 85
Barnes Bros. 33, 42 Martin, Dr. S. G. 8, 43
Barnes & Brundage 69, 76 McAffee, Dr. 302
Barnes, E. L. 69 McCarty, W. A. 48, 76
Barrett, G. W. 4, 48 Metropolitan Livery Stable 13
Bechtel, N. F. 224, 48 Mishler, Mrs. D. C. 48, 76
Beck, J. J. 60 Morden, W. C. 209
Bellevue Leader 304, 64 Morse, W. R. 249
Blair, R. N. 49, 48 Northrop & Glaser 301, 12
Bower House 76 Nott, Arthur 4, 46
Bradley, Geo. T. 92 Novelty Carriage Works 13, 12
Breese, Ambrose 60, 63 O'Grady, S. R. 257
Bunker, H & M 302 Owen, Miss Elise 14
Cannell, T. E. 42 Peck & Becker 74
Centennial Hall 25 Peters, John 24, 80
Chandler, C. E. 224, 70 Poff & Nickerson 85, 46
Churchill, Mrs. Ella D. 257 Prior, J. S. 233, 80
Codling, Miss A. E. 257 Reid, Harvey 69, 70
Cohn, Louis 52, 46 Reyner, John 256
D & N W R R 240, 32 Rice, M. 45
Davenport Business College 52 Riley, C. H. 305, 82
Day & Hobart 24, 79 Roche, Dr. J. P. 60, 63
Decker, Melvin 99 Rogers & Bros. 32
Dierkes & Rolling 76, 63 Sabula Gazette 84, 67
Dorchester, A. J. & Co. 53, 62 Sanborn, C. M., grocer 16, 42
Dostol & Hoffman 201, 45 Schlecht, Frank 225
Duffin, Willard 61 Schmidt, Otto 216, 75
Dunbar, Chas. M. 249 Scholl, James L. 257
Engelken, H. 303 Schroeder, R. A. 241, 69
Fellows, A. & Co. 49, 45 Sears, Wm. & Son 248, 45
Field & Sutherland 25, 40 Shaw, D. C., photographer 3, 12
Fletcher, D. A. 84 Slipper, W. H. 209, 81
French, H. B. & Son 61, 42 Specht, Henry 232, 79
Gray, J. J. 303 Spencer, & Knittle 40
Gurius Bros. 85, 47 Steear, King 201, 46
Hamley, N. A. 108, 41 Stephens, W. M. 41
Harris Opera House 13, 12 Swigart & Sons 306
Haskell, H. G. & Co. 233 Thill, Henry 232, 79
Henry & Wynkoop 208, 62 Tinker Bros. 14, 47
Heynen, A. C. & Co. 68, 71 Trout & Munger 249, 44
Heynen, O. W. 68 Waite, J. W. 305
Hicks, H. V. & Co. 233 Wallace, W. W. 15
Holmes, S. T., dentist 4, 47 Walsh, Mrs. W. L. 305
House, A. J., of Keck & H. 32 Waterman, D. A. 48, 76
Hurst, Alfred 200, 43 Watson, L. D. 304
Jefferson, W. E. & Son 225 Weber, A. W. 76, 64
Keck,, Levi, now K. & House 84 Wilbur, J. T. 303, 49
Kegler & Weinschenck 32, 64 Whitfield, Jno. & Son 52, 40
Kelsall, G. W. 256, 75 Williams, S. 248, 44
Kimball, P. N. 217, 49 Wilson, J. G. & W. W. 208, 62
Kimball, Richard 305 Young, C. C. 15, 45
    Young, F. C. & Co. 241, 69



W. C. Gregory Auditor
Michael Mahony Treasurer
John C. Guilfoil Clerk of Court
John R. Griffin Recorder
T. H. Davis Sheriff
W. H. Fort Supt. of Schools
A. S. Carnahan Coroner
A. C. Simpson Surveyor
W. C. Morden, Chairman Fulton
James Dunne Otter Creek
S. S. Simpson Bellevue
B. A. Spencer Maquoketa
S. B. Wells Miles

Biographies & Families