Obituary Index - Williamsburg Historical Society Collection

This index of over 40,000 was extracted from a collection of obituaries, and other sources, held at the Williamsburg Historical Society. The collection continues to increase and indexing is ongoing. To obtain an obituary from this list contact the Williamsburg Historical Society.

Note: This index consists of the following: first & last name of the deceased, age, sex, year born, year died, age, spouse's name, year married, parents' names & remarks.

Search the Iowa County, Iowa Obituary Index

Enter one or more search terms. A name can be exact or starts with the 1st few letters.

First Name
Last Name
Year Born (range) to
Year Died (range) to
Spouse's First Name
Spouse's Last Name
Father's First Name
Father's Last Name
Mother's First Name
Mother's Last Name


When searching for a woman's married last name, enter Spouse's Last Name.
A regular Last Name search is her maiden name.
Collection Author: Netha M. Meyer
Extraction Volunteers - Current: Sarah Witte (from Nov 2012) & anonymous volunteers
Extraction Volunteers - Former: Sandy Ficken, Rita McDonald, Lavonne Sandersfeld (Jun 2012), Marilyn Possehl (2010), Bernard Aumann (from Oct 2010), Marita Welch (Jan 2010 – Nov 2011), Lucille Epperly (Mar 2011), Netha Meyer (<1990 - 2009)
Published: Iowa County IAGenWeb Website, Copyright © 2024.
Repository: Williamsburg Historical Society
Media Source: local newspapers