Battle Center Church Photos

Sent from Norm Prince

Brief story:  When my dad started out as Associate Pastor of the Conser. Meth. group in Denison, he received a phone call from some folks from a farm community NW of Ida Grove.  There was an independent protestant church out there and they needed a pastor.  They held their services at this church on Sunday afternoons; church school at 1:30 and worship service at 2:30pm.  He went out an met with them agreed to give it a try.   After the Sun. morning service at the church in Denison, mother would fix a light lunch and she and dad and sometimes we kids would drive the approx. 40 mi. to the country church.  We didn't need to be there for the church school, so had plenty of time to make it by 2:30.  As it turned out, Dad must have done this for approx. 20 yrs. circa 1930 - 1950.  We became part of the farm family out there and it was a great farm experience for me as a boy.  A few families had boys my age and I would go out for a week several times during the summers and spend with them.   Another interesting thing was that after a service on Sundays, we would be invited to one of the homes for a meal, and afterwards, they would fill out car trunk with farm produce of all kinds and then we would head back to Denison.  That was the principle way in which they paid Dad;  by farm produce.


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inside Battle Center Church
