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Articles from the Ida Grove Era - 1892 |
January 7,1892 Era On December 31,1891, Mr. Joseph Henamen of Arthur and Miss Carrie Tredway of Odebolt were united in marriage by Rev. A.E. Smith at this place.
January 7,1892 Era Mr. Warren E. Rillian and Miss Belle R. Seymour, both of Danbury were married at the home of the officiating clergyman, Rev. A.E. Smith on December 31,1891.
January 7,1892 Era Coroner Karterman was called out into Maple twp. on Tuesday to hold an inquest over the body of Henry Mundz who committed suicide Monday evening by shooting himself through the head with a revolver. Mr. Mundz was a young man unmarried, working for Wm. Gabers, and no motive can be assigned for his rash act save the fact that his mind was not very strong. The shooting was done in the barn and death was almost instantaneous.
January 7,1892 Era Mr. John Kenyoun and Miss Hattie Coon, both of Cushing, Iowa were married December 31,1891 by S.K. Pettit at his office in Ida Grove.
January 7,1892 Era We are sorry to announce the death of one of B.F. Andrew’s children last Monday morning caused by inflammation of the bowels complicated by trouble of the brain.
January 7,1892 Era Brown-at her home in Ida Grove on Thursday morning December 31,1892, Mrs. U.S. Brown. It was a sad New Year in at least one house in this town, everyone was startled at the sad news announcing that Mrs. Brown had breathed her last. Although she had been sick for over a year and an intense sufferer for the last eight months, her death was unexpected. In post mortem examination it was found that her death was caused by an enlargement of the spleen, exactly as the attending physician had pronounced beforehand. During her illness everything that kind hands and medical skill could do was done to alleviate her suffering but the end came and have her spirit to where suffering is known. Mrs. Brown whose maiden name was Rosa C. Hallam, was born at Urbana, Clinton County,Ohio on February 16,1853. In 1856 she moved to Indianola with her family, where she was also married on December 9,1878 to Mr. Brown. In January 1879 she removed to Harlan with her husband where they lived for three years and then came to Ida County. Mrs. Brown was a good kind mother and wife, and a thorough Christian. At the age of 17 she united with the Presbyterian Church and was a member of that body until about 6 years ago, when she withdrew by letter and then joined the M.E. Church. She leaves four small children, the oldest about 12 and the youngest about 2. The funeral was conducted yesterday from the house on Sunday afternoon. Rev. Day and Buchanan officiating.
January 7,1892 Era Jones-Mrs. Mary Jones, at her home in Blaine twp. died last Saturday morning January 2,1892. The children in the family had been having a sort of rash verging on scarlatina for several weeks when Mrs. Jones was also affected. After a week or two the rash on Mrs. Jones who was still weak from previous illness and worry and care of the sick children, turned into quick consumption which did the dreadful work. Mrs. Jones was a model young wife and mother, age only 24 years, a leaves a husband and three small children. The bereaved family has the entire sympathy of all who knew them. Rev. T.N. Buchanan officiating the cemetery with burial in the Ida Grove Cemetery. Services were held Monday at the residence.
January 14,1892 Era E. Welte, whose sickness was mentioned last week died on Friday, his death being caused by heart trouble. The funeral occurred from the Catholic Church on Monday. The bereaved family has the sympathy of all.
January 14,1892 Era Married-Ehrp-Dressen-In Ida Grove January 12,1892 at the residence of Matt Barofsky by S.K. Pettit. Mrs. Reiner Ehrp of Holstein and Miss Minnie Dressen of Hayes twp. After the ceremony the young couple returned to the home of the bride’s parents Mr. and Mrs. P.N.F. Dressen in Hayes twp. where a reception was held. Seventy or eighty guests partook of the bountiful repast prepared by the generous hosts. They young people were the recipients of many useful gifts. January 13,1892 Era Married-Hoyt-Patcher-at the Presbyterian Manse in Ida Grove by Rev. T.N. Buchanan on January 11,1892, Mr. N.E. Hoyt and Mrs. Jessie Patcher, both of Danbury, Iowa.
Married-Patterson-Gaylord-At the home of Rev. A.E. Smith on January 13,1892, Mr. Joseph Patterson and Miss Addie Gaylord both of Danbury.
Married-Randall -Savage; At the residence of Presiding Elder Robert Smylie, in Ida Grove, January 13,1892, Mr. Chas. B. Randall and Miss Julia Savage, both of Galva. Mrs. Randall lived here a number of years and Mr. Randall considerable time, he being one of Galva’s prosperous merchants. After the ceremony the happy couple took the east bound train for a tour of several weeks when they will return to their friends at Galva.
Married-Lalncaster-LaTeourneau-Thursday January 7,1892, Mr. Raymond Lancaster and Miss Mary LaTeuoneau. Mr. Lancaster is one of Ida Groves knights of the razor and a partner with J.F. Keehne. He has lived among us for some time and is one of our steady progressive young men, while the bride is a young lady in every way fitted to make him an excellent helpmeet. They are settled down to housekeeping.
January 21,1892 Era The friends of Mrs. Earl Barrett, living several miles out of town, will be made sad by the intelligence that Mrs. Barrett has been called to adorn a home beyond the dark river. LaGrippe invited the dark messenger. Mrs. Barrett was a lady endeared to and respected by all who knew her. We have been unable to learn when the funeral will occur.
January 28,1892 Era David Brown of Ida Grove was married yesterday to Mrs. Sarah E. Woodard, of this city. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Ferris at the Congregational Parsonage. The newly wedded couple took departure the same day for Waverly, where they will visit for a week then will return to their home in Ida Grove.
February 4,1892 Era The mother of Mrs. Charles Plautz, whose name we have been unable to learn, died at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Plautz, north of town, last Thursday. She was eighty-one years old and her daughter’s health being delicate, had worked every day until about a week ago when she was taken with the grippe. She was buried in the Ida Grove Cemetery on Friday afternoon.
February 4,1892 Era Married at the home of the bride’s parents Mr. and Mrs. John Finley, near Holstein, on Wednesday, January 27, Mr. George Morris and Miss Christina Finley. The young couple were married in the presence of a large crowd of invited guests and will make their future home in Battle twp. They are among Ida County’s most worthy young people and start out with the best wishes of their many friends. February 4,1892 Era Mrs. John Meyers, living southeast of town died of pneumonia last Monday night after a brief illness. Mr. and Mrs. Meyers have lived in Ida County 15 or 18 years and bother are well known. Mrs. Meyers was a Lady highly respected and loved by all who knew her. She was born on the 10th day of October 1823 and therefore was 68 years, 3 months and 22 days. Mrs. Maria Myers was the daughter of John and Sarah Roller Myers of York County, PA. In 1845 she was married to John Myers and leaves two sons and four daughters to mourn her loss.. The funeral was held from the Baptist Church this a.m. at 11 o’clock. John Myers Jr. of Middletown, PA arrived yesterday morning, but too late to find his mother alive.
February 4,1892 Era The three weeks old infant of Mr. and Mrs. John Jones of Blaine twp. died Tuesday.
February 4,1892 Era James Paul, the little 9 month old son of Rev. and Mrs. T.N. Buchanan died early Wednesday morning after a sickness of three weeks of catarrhal fever. All that medical skill and loving care was done to save the life, but unavailing. The funeral service was held from the Presbyterian parsonage Friday at 2;00 o’clock.
February 4,1892 Era W.E. Simons was taken sick a week ago today with a complication of pleura pneumonia and hemorrhage of the lungs. His disease manifested themselves very violently from the first and after two or three days sickness very little hope was entertained for his recovery. yesterday about noon he breathed his last. Mr. Simons was born in Washington in the fall of 1862 and at the time of his death he was a little over 29 years of age. In 1864 he removed to New York state where he resided and educated himself until the spring of 1883, when he came to Ida Grove, where he since has lived. He was well known throughout the county by his being associated with his brother in the drug business, and was loved and respected by all who knew him. Funeral services were held at the house at 10;30 Saturday afternoon and from the Baptist Church at 11;00.
February 11,1892 Era James Paul, the infant of Mr. and Mrs. T.N. Buchanan died on February 3,1892 at the age of nine months and three days. Funeral services were held at the Manse on Friday, February 5th, where many of the friends of the family gathered to look upon the lifeless form which had contained the bright and promising spirit.
February 11,1892 Era We are sorry to report the death of the 16 month old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Thos Freeney, living northwest of town. The death occurred Tuesday night but we have not been informed as to the time of the funeral or cause of death.
February 11,1892 Era Last week we chronicled the serious illness of both Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Peters. On Saturday it was announced that both had died during the night. Mrs. Peters died early in the evening and Mr. Peters at 5 o’clock in the morning. Both of them were born in Germany he in 1812 and she in 1824. They were married in 1842 and came in 1853 to America and settled at Livingston, PA. from where they moved to Harrisburg and later to Iowa. Next Christmas they would have been married 50 years. Thirteen children blessed their union but only three survive them. The funeral took place from the house on Tuesday afternoon.
February 11,1892 Era Mrs. George Beister died her home 6 miles of Ida Grove on Tuesday February 9. She had been sick for some time but her illness was not considered dangerous until shortly before her death which was immediately caused by blood poisoning. Mrs. Beister was surrounded by all that a loving family could give and her death occurring as it did so early in life the circumstances are peculiarly sad. She was only about 28 years old, a devoted wife and loved by all who knew her. Funeral services will take place tomorrow when she will be buried in the Ida Grove Cemetery.
February 11,1892 Era Last Sunday at 2 o’clock, John Eddy passed away of senile pneumonia at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Robert Smylie. Father Eddy, as he was generally called, was born in November 1805 in Brandford, Canada where he grew to manhood and won the title of Esquire which is an honor not conferred there unless well earned. In 1837 he joined the M.E. Church and in 1849 he became a local preacher there and proved himself an excellent organizer and faithful worker. He was married twice and was the father of ten children. During the last ten years he has lived with is children and last June came to Ida Grove. His health has always been good until the last two months since which time he has been poorly, but a week before his death he contracted his final disease. The funeral was held at the M.E. Church Monday after which his remains were taken to Canada for interment.
February 18,1892 Era Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Barnhart two miles north of town are entertaining a little boy who made his appearance yesterday at their home.
February 18,1892 Era Married-At the residence of the bride in Ida Grove February 11,1892 Mr. F.C. Kiner and Miss Sallie Peters. Rev. T.N. Buchanan officiating.
Married-At the home of the bride’s parents in Ida Grove, February 17, 1892, Frank Stewart and Miss Louise Braase. Rev. T.N. Buchanan officiated. Only the relatives of the bride and groom were present to witness the ceremony.
February 18,1892 Era In Maple twp. Miss Katie May Slater aged 11 years, 8 months and 25 days died. Little Katie was the daughter of Israel and Minerva Slater of Maple twp. She had always enjoyed good health, although always a fragile child, until about a week ago when she was taken with sciatic rheumatism. Mr. Slater was in Kansas at the time she was taken sick and was telegraphed for, but on his arrival home found her in unconsciousness from which she never rallied. Katie was a child loved by all who knew her. Everything was done that medical skill or kindness could suggest but He claimed her as his own. The funeral was held at the M.E. Church at Battle Creek on Saturday, Rev. J.H. Snow officiating and burial in Battle Creek Cemetery.
February 25,1892 Era Married-Wednesday evening, February 17,1892, Rev. E.T. Fegtly officiating, Mr. E. Hess and Miss Jennie Brazell. The ceremony took place at 8 p.m. at the residence of the bride’s parents in the presence of a large number of friends and relatives. Mr. Hess was formerly a photographer at this place but is now a resident of Ida Grove. The bride is one of Charter Oaks most estimable young ladies and is well known to a large circle of friends who will unite with the Times in wishing the happy couple a long and prosperous life.
Married-By Rev. T.N. Buchanan, at the Stewart residence in Ida Grove, on February 23,1892, Minnie Stewart and B.S. Noble. A goodly number of people were present to witness the ceremony and to extend congratulations. The happy couple received some beautiful and useful presents, not the least which was $100.00 from the bride’s mother.
Married-Last Saturday evening, Mr. Richard Branco, who has been clerking in Weisser and Lancaster’s store and Miss Maggie Hanson of Crawford County were married at VanDoren’s hotel. The groom is well known here and the bride is the daughter of one of Crawford County’s prosperous farmers.
Married-At Ida Grove on February 25,1892, by S.K. Pettit, esq. Mr. Andrew P. Swanson and Miss Christine Stoneberg, both of Odebolt.
February 25,1892 Era The little child of Mr. and Mrs. Bagwell was buried in the Ida Grove Cemetery Monday. The parents had been in California and started back to Iowa and on the way the child was sick and at Ogden ,Utah it died. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of all.
March 3,1892 Era Married-On Tuesday at the M.E. parsonage the marriage of Christian Johnson to Miss Mary Sorensen. Mr. Johnson is a young man of high character and excellent business qualifications. He has lived in and about Battle Creek for nine or ten years coming there as a mere boy. The bride for the last four years has made her home with Mr. and Mrs. A.V. McKnown of this place, and by her loving disposition so ingratiated herself into their hearts that they looked upon her almost as a daughter. The happy couple will at once begin housekeeping northwest of Battle Creek on a farm.
March 3,1892 Era The wedding bell has again been ringing and cupid has again won a victory. The home of Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Riner was beautifully illuminated on February 25th in spite of the mud was well filled with guests to witness the marriage of their daughter Minnie to Mr. L. Bullock, which ceremony took place at 8 o’clock by Rev. J. Hamerson, pastor of the M.E. Church.
March 27,1892 Era Mr. John Bogenrief and Miss Francis Noll were united in marriage on the 9th. Mr. Bogenrief is a hard working young man of sterling qualities and excellent habits. While the bride is a lady of very quiet manners and in every way worthy to be Mr. Bogenrief’s helpmeet, and may success and happiness meet them at every turn in the pathway of life.
March 27,1892 Era (Galva News) On the morning of the 2nd, Johns Newland and wife awoke to realize that during the night the spirit of their little son had departed and gone to be with God. A physician was called and pronounced it heart failure. Little Herman Milles, only a few months old. was a strong and healthy child and was indeed the pride and hope of all; but the little bud from glory was not to expand here below but in the realm of bliss, where no storm blows nor troubles come in the sunshine of God. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. Hamerson of Galva and the remains were buried in the Galva Cemetery.
March 24,1892 Era Over a hundred friends gathered at the home of Henry Kopp in Blaine twp. last night to witness the double wedding of Mr. W.A. Stern to Miss Josie Kopp and Mr. J.T. Taylor and Miss Edna Ward. The ceremony was performed by Rev. C.C. Marston. The young people are among Ida County’s best and start out in life with the best wishes of all who know them.
March 31,1892 Era A quiet wedding was solemnized Sunday afternoon, at the residence of the bride’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Jno Westfall, by which Mr. Wm. A. Howard and Miss May Westfall were made man and wife. A few friends and immediate relatives were present. The bride being the last daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Westfall, they felt unusually sad to see her leave the altar. But they overcame their secret sorrow by joining merrymaking and outwardly showed as much fun and hilarity as they themselves showed when being married back in the old Buckeye state in a log cabin.
March 31,1892 Era Mrs. Lena Olson, wife of O.G. Olson died on Tuesday of last of lung troubles. Deceased was about 18 years of age and was married in January last. The body was shipped to Ruthven, Iowa yesterday, where the relatives of the deceased reside.
April 7,1892 Era Married-At the home of the bride’s parents in Blaine twp, by Rev. J. Hamerson, March 24,1892, George Coder and Miss Minnie Montgomery. Mr. Coder is well known as a young man of exceptional character, and has won the respect of all who know him. The bride is a sister to Jim Montgomery and a young lady of high accomplishments.
April 14,1892 Era Mr. and Mrs. Lon Chapin, who are well known here, but now live in Rock Rapids, Iowa, lost their infant child last week. The bereaved parents brought the remains to Ida Grove on Monday for interment, returning on the afternoon train. Mr. Chapin is the able editor of the Rock Rapids review, and the entire fraternity, with their many friends, sympathize with him and his esteemed wife in their loss.
April 28,1892 Era Mrs. John Lancaster last Thursday received the new of her mothers death in Maryland. She took the evening train to attend the funeral and see the old home once more. She carried the sympathy of her many friends with her on the sad journey.
May 5,1892 Era The funeral of Mrs. Walsh, who died at her home near town on Tuesday, was held here today.
May 5,1892 Era Marriages for April Chas. Newbauer 32 A.B. Balcom 51 Simon Endrulat 26
May 12,1892 Era Died-Page-At her home in Ida Grove on Monday morning, May 9th, 1892, Miss Nora Page, aged 19 years, 7 months and 20 days.
May 19,1892 Era Mr. Henry Wellendorf, the popular young clerk in Fish and Johnson Clothing store was married last week to Miss Lizzie Stange of Douglas twp. May their whole lives be as bright as they are now.
May 19,1892 Era Announcements have been received in this city of the marriage of Miss Edna M. Brooke to L.R.H. Lund at Seattle, Washington, on April 8th. The bride is a young lady of high culture and accomplishments, who grew up in Ida Grove, being the eldest daughter of Charles Brooke. For some time she was a successful teacher in our schools. Mr. Lund is a young man who was raised at Battle Creek, and is a graduate of the law department of the Iowa State University. For some time he practiced at Holstein, and about a year ago he went to Washington, where he is now enjoying a lucrative practice. Their home is in Tacoma, Washington.
May 26,1892 Era On Tuesday George Porter of Hayes twp. took his family to visit with William Pilcher, and after dinner he and Mr. Pilcher went down to the creek to enjoy the afternoon in fishing. It was not long before word was sent them that Mr. Porter’s youngest child, a boy of about two years old, had been taken with convulsions and before they could reach home the child was dead. The death was so sudden that no medical aid could be summoned. To leave home with all the happiest surroundings and accompanied by a bright healthy child and then to return in a few hours with the child dead, stricken down without any notice must indeed be a severe blow to the parents whose only son he was. Mr. and Mrs. Porter have the sympathy of all who know them.
June 9,l892 era Tuesday morning at the Catholic Church occurred the marriage of Miss Anna Holder to G.F. Morton. They will at once go to housekeeping on the north side, where they will be at home to their friends.
June 9,1892 Era (Silver Creek News) Mrs. Amelia Webb, wife of Mr. Thomas Webb, died at her home last Sunday at 12;00. She was an ideal helpmeet, serving with her husband a few months over the year. Thoughtful, self-denying and earnest, a devout Christian, being a member of the M.E. Church at the center, greatly beloved, her death is deeply mourned. During her short illness kind and delicate attentions were remittingly bestowed by loving friends and relatives, and when nothing more could be done for her living, beautiful floral offerings were bestowed. Rev. Trimble of Odebolt, conducted the services.
June 9,1892 Era Born to Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Bowman on June 4,1892, a daughter. Much value and little compass. Dr. O.G. Tremaine was the attending physician.
June 16,1892 Era Married, Wednesday June 15,1892, at the home of Rev. A.E. Smith, officiating clergyman, Mr. D.G. Hotchkiss of Glava and Miss Cora Johnston of Ida Grove.
June 16,1892 Era A.J. Whinery formerly of this place but now cashier of the bank at Castana was married to Miss Carrie Smallwood of Sioux City yesterday at the home of the bride’s parents. The newly wedded pair took the afternoon train and came to Ida Grove where the reception was given in their honor at the home of H.M. Whinery. It was a grand affair attended by a number of Ida Grove friends. The Mandolin club was present and furnished some good music. The groom is well known to our people as a trustworthy young man, while the bride is a young lady who stands high in the social circles in Sioux City.
June 23,1892 Era The home of Mr. and Mrs. Boye was made happy yesterday by the arrival of a little boy with good strong lungs.
June 23,1892 Era A bright healthy boy came to the home of S.W. Kiner last Friday, and his making more happy hearts than he is aware of. This being the first, his Grandfather Brannan wears a smile, while his grandfather F.F. Kiner’s face beams with joy. Brother Kiner asked through the Watch several weeks ago whether Ida Grove was to be depopulated, as he did not remember recording a single birth this year. Whoop it up now, brother, while you have a chance.
June 30,1892 Era Word was received here on Monday that Martin Musser, a young man who was brought up near town and lived here until a few weeks ago, died at Iowa Park, Texas.
June 30,1892 era A.M. Jacob, died at his home near Ida Grove on Friday June 24,1892. Alexander M. Jacob was born in Ohio County, West Virginia on June 29,1823. He was educated at Washington College, Pennsylvania, graduating from that noted institution in 1845. He studied law and was admitted to practice but never followed it as a profession. By appointment he became deputy sheriff of Ohio county and served in the capacity of sheriff a number of years. After the division of the “Old Dominion” the capital of West Virginia was located at Charleston. This was averse to the wishes and interests of the city of Wheeling and Mr. Jacob was elected to the lower house to secure the relocating of the capital at Wheeling. These are stirring times in West Virginia politics, the young representative won the confidence of the district and in 1872 was sent to the senate to maintain the victory already won. After his retirement from the senate he devoted his attention to farming, removing to this place in 1877, he resided on his farm near Arthur for a number of years and served as postmaster for that village for six years. Two years ago he purchased the farm where the family now lives but had occupied it only a few months prior to his death. The deceased had been a great sufferer of inflammatory rheumatism for the past year and a half, each attack weakening his vitality until he was so reduced that death resulted from exhaustion. Mr. Jacob possessed an extensive acquaintance with the public men of today, he was a classmate of Hon. James G. Blaine and knew much of the inner history of our national political leaders. He was a member of the Episcopal Church and his life was ever in conformity to the precepts of the Master. In 1850 he married Mary Julia Brown, who with six daughters and two sons survive him. Funeral services were held at the home by Rev. T.N. Buchanan on Sunday at 3 p.m.
July 7,1892 Era W.D. Elliott has a reason to celebrate the 4th of July that few Americans have. His wife’s birthday occurs on that day, and on this 4th she presented him with a strong, healthy baby daughter. July 14,1892 Era (Arthur news) Born to Mr. and Mrs. C.O. Johnson, of this city a daughter on Saturday July 9, 1892.
July 21,1892 Era Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Charles on July 15th took a little lady into their home. Congratulations are heartily indulged in by friends.
July 21,1892 Era William Hewitt of Hayes twp is one of the happiest men in Ida County. The cause is not hard to guess- a little son on Monday the 18th.
July 21,1892 Era On Monday morning the sad news of little Bessie Vivian Drake’s death at Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania, was received. All who knew her and her mother had been rejoiced last week when the news came that she was better and that hopes were entertained of her recovery. Mrs. Drake is visiting at the home of her sister when one of her children was taken with diphtheria and died; and soon after little Bessie was taken but overcame the disease proper, but on the morning of the 18th of July, was taken with paralysis of the heart and die, aged just 5 years, 4 months, and 4 days. She was a child of sweet disposition, winning her ways and loved by all who knew her. The funeral services occurred at Wilkesbarre immediately after which her remains were brought to Ida Grove, arriving this morning, and were at once laid to rest beside her father. Mrs. Drake and family have the sympathy of hosts of friends in their bereavement.
July 28,1892 Era Married-At Ida Grove, July 28, by S.K. Pettit, Sherman M. Riddle and Miss Nellie Kendall.
Married-At Ida Grove, July 26th, by S.K. Pettit, John H. Lackey and Matilda Dickman, both of Danbury.
August 4,1892 Era (Arthur) Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Hoaglund, Thursday July 28th, a son. We expect to see the firm of which Mr. Hoaglund is the junior member, extend their business in order to make room for the young gentleman. We learn that the mother and babe are both well and happy.
August 11,1892 Era Last Thursday evening at the home of Rev. D. Nicoll, in Battle twp. occurred the marriage of Miss Mattie Wallace to Walter Dennis. The bride is the eldest daughter of A.M. Wallace, on e of Ida County’s most prosperous farmers and has grown to womanhood here. For several years she was one of our county’s progressive teachers. She is well educated and a lady in every way calculated to make a mode wife. The groom is a stranger to us but is very highly spoken of by those who know him most. His parents live in Omaha and there we are informed the newly married pair will make their future home.
August 11,1892 Era Born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Churchill, Tuesday August 9,1892 a daughter, weight 10 pounds. Dr. Collett in attendance. Mother and babe doing well. This child we understand ushers father E.D. Perry and wife into the estate of great-grand-parentecy. We wish the little lady well and the happy parents joy.
August 18,1892 Era A large number of invited guests congregated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. G. Kolb in Logan twp. last Saturday evening to witness the marriage of their daughter Sadie to Edward Hoffman. The bride is well known in Ida County as one of the well educated ladies. The groom is an industrious wide awake young man respected by all who know him.
August 18,1892 Era We have been informed that two little ladies made their appearance simultaneously at the home of Nick Auchstater last Monday morning. We have not learned further particulars, but have been treated to the fumes of cigar burnt in honor of the event. We hope the little newcomers are harbingers of coming joy and gladness to the home which they will occupy.
September 1,1892 Era Mr. and Mrs. Fred Broderson are the happy parents of a brand new girl baby.
September 1,1892 Era Theo. Stricker and Miss Emma Wunder were married Saturday last at the home of the groom’s brother, A. Stricker, Rev. Lorenz officiating. The newly married couple will occupy the house which the groom’s father, Mr. C. Stricker, is building on his farm west of town.
September 1,1892 Era W.F. Kopplin and Miss Mabel Eicholtz were married at the home of the bride’s parents yesterday afternoon at 4 0’clock. The affair was kept very quiet and only a few immediate relatives were present. We are glad to note that Kopplin has seen the error of his way, and set about the right matter.
September 1,1892 Era F.O. Cubbage, the Garfield twp. auctioneer, is feeling quite jubilant over the arrival of a nice new girl at his home last Monday.
September 8,1892 Era Married- at the Methodist Parsonage, September 6,1892, by Rev. Day, J.H. Peterson and Miss Jane Tubbs, both of Anthon, Iowa.
September 15,1892 Era Married-at Ida Grove, September 14th by S.K. Pettit, Mr. Stewart A. Henricson and Miss Louisa Miller. Both of Hayes twp.
September 15,1892 Era Fred Baker has been handing out cigars to his friends this week. The action betokens the advent of the nicest little girl in town, who made her arrival last Thursday.
September 22,1892 Era Married-At Ida Grove, September 20,1892, Mr. H.O. Madison of Silver Creek and Miss Lulu Reed of Corwin twp. L.H. Woodworth, D.D. officiating.
September 22,1892 Era Mrs. L.K. Page, whose illness has been mentioned several times of late in these columns, passed from this life last Friday night. Mattie Minnick was born in Covington, Ohio on March 6,1854, where she lived continuously until she was 21 years of age. During her youth she united with the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in which she was always an active member. She was married to L.K. Page October 12,1875 and removed to Clinton County, Iowa residing in that county until she came to Ida Grove eight years ago. Mrs. Page always took an active part in any public movement that she considered for the betterment of society, either moral or physical, and she was especially identified with the work of starting young people upon the right path in life and in keeping them in the way of virtue and godliness. There are no more sincere mourners over her untimely death than these young friends who have benefited by her encouragement and counsel. Mrs. Page was a Christian lady whose death leaves a blank which cannot be filled. A husband, one daughter and two sons, besides a large number of relatives and friends are left to mourn her departure from their midst. Two brothers from Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. Edmunds, J.A. Shade and wife of Kingsley, and Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong of Manning, were among the relatives who were here from abroad to attend the funeral. Rev. B. Jones assisted by Rev. T.N. Bucahanan conducted the funeral services at the family home on Moorehead Avenue last Monday at 4 o’clock and the capacity of the house was too small to hold the sincere mourners who gathered to pay their respects to the remains of the deceased and to show their sympathy for her bereaved relatives.
September 22,1892 Era Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Crane, south of town, on Monday welcomed a little girl to their family circle. It is their first and JH. is one of the proudest men in Ida County.
September 29,1892 Era Married-at Ida Grove, September 28,1892, Mr. Samuel Bogenrief and Miss Abbie M. Noll, both of Arthur. Rev. T.N. Buchanan officiating.
October 6,1892 Era Leslie Bell died at his home on Tuesday morning of cancer of the stomach. The funeral occurred from the house this afternoon at 2 o’clock. Mr. Bell an old settle, and most highly respected by all who knew him. In his last illness he suffered untold pain, but never gave a murmur.
October 6,1892 Era Mrs. Sibberell, a sister of John Schrader and Mrs. Wm Munson, died at the home of Wm Schrader, south of town where she was visiting last Sunday. She lived seven miles east of Holstein and leaves a husband and five children to mourn her loss. The cause of her death was cramps, and she was sick only a few minutes before death came.
October 6,1892 Era (Battle Creek News) The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Spitzer died about 10 o’clock Sunday night, aged two months and three days. The family have the sympathy of their large circle of friends in this vicinity.
October 6,1892 Era (Battle Creek News) Mr. Richard Fowler and Miss Mary Lewis were united in the bonds of matrimony at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jessie M. Lewis, Wednesday evening, October 5,1892, Rev. A.H. Campbell of the Presbyterian Church officiating. These two young people are well and favorably known in this vicinity and need no further comment from a poor quill driver who could not do them justice. We meekly beg leave to congratulate the contracting parties and wish them am happy and prosperous journey on life’s matrimonial sea.
October 13,1892 Era A new arrival yesterday at Byron Satterlee’s causes rejoicing in his household.
October 13,1892 Era Mr. Dell Johnson and Miss Lizzie Shoop, both of Arthur, were married last Thursday evening at the residence of F.D. Babcock, in Ida Grove, by Rev. F. E. Day. The ERA extends congratulations and wishes the newly wedded couple a happy and prosperous voyage through life.
October 13,1892 Era Mr. J.E. Davidson and Miss Juttle L. Gilles were married at the home of the bride’s parents, southeast of town, last Sunday night, October 9th, by Rev. A.H. Campbell of the Presbyterian Church. The young couple will go to housekeeping in Garfield twp. Their many friends join us in wishing them much joy
October 13,1892 Era John D. Kephart died at his home in the city, October 6th, 1892 at the age of 74 years, 1 month and 13 days. Mr. Kephart was born at Franklin, Venango County, Pennsylvania on August 23,1818, and resided there until the early fifties when he removed to this state, settling near Dubuque. here he resided, following several pursuits, until the opening of the war of the Rebellion when he enlisted as a private in the Twenty-first Iowa Infantry, in which he served until the close of the war. Mr. Kephart was with Gen. Grant at Vicksburg and with Gen. Banks at Mobile and his reminiscences of these two campaigns were very interesting. After the war he returned to Dubuque where he remained until about twenty years ago when he settled in Ida County where he has since resided except several years which he spent in South Dakota about ten years ago. He was twice married and the father of 18 children, thirteen of whom survive him. The deceased was an ardent believer in Jesus Christ and a member of the Methodist Church at the place. Rev. JH Snow officiating the funeral last Saturday at 10 o’clock. The funeral was a military character and a detachment of the Matthew Gray post of Ida Grove attended and took part in the ceremonies. Father Kephart, as he was known to our people having resided here for many years was a kind and respected by all who knew him.
October 20,1892 Era Thomas Maxwell of Danbury, and Mary L. Walter of Charter Oak, were married at the home of the bride’s brother, J.G. Walter in Ida Grove, last Thursday afternoon October 18,1892, by Rev. Robert Smylie, presiding elder of the district. The groom is the pastor at the Danbury M.E. Church and is known wherever he has been located as a young man of sterling worth and honesty of purpose. The bride has many acquaintances here, having visited her brother. She is a lady well qualified to be a true helpmeet to her husband in his work in the ministry.
October 20,1892 Era Married- at Ida Grove on October 17th, by S.K. Pettit, Mr. Rudolph Bartels and Miss Martha Clausen, both of Battle Creek, Iowa.
October 20,1892 Era The funeral of Wm Livingston, aged 73, occurred at the home of the son of the deceased five miles east of town last Thursday, where he with his aged wife have been living for a year. The deceased came from Pennsylvania thirteen years ago and settled near Cushing where he has been living until last year. He was the father of Mrs. Andrew McKown and the grandfather of Josiah W. Brown’s children, Mr. Brown’s first wife, now deceased, having been Mr. Livingston’s daughter. Funeral was conducted by Rev. F.E. Day and the remains of the deceased were buried in the cemetery at Battle Creek. October 20,1892 Era (Battle Creek News) Rudolph Bartels and Miss Mattie Clausen were united in marriage by Mayor S.K. Pettit of Ida Grove last Monday October 17th, 1892.
October 20,1892 Era (Battle Creek News) Mrs. C.P. Griffin, a sister of Mrs. J.T. Montgomery and Mr. Montgomery’s mother of Stuart, Iowa, arrived here Monday to attend Paul and Lloyd’s funeral.
October 20,1892 Era (Battle Creek News) The saddest accident that has ever been occurred near this place last Saturday afternoon. Paul and Lloyd Montgomery, sons of Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Montgomery, and Harry Young were boat riding on the Maple River, about a quarter of a mile above Durst’s roller mills, where for some reason Lloyd fell overboard. The river at this place is very deep and as Lloyd could not swim Paul plunged in and endeavored to rescue him. As neither of the boys could swim both found a watery grave together. harry Young, their 9 year old companion, got the boat ashore as soon as possible and ran to summon assistance. The boat drifted to the north bank of the river and he could not get to the mill without crossing Battle Creek by way of the railroad bridge, nearly a half mile distant. Arriving at the mill he informed the workmen and took the horse and buggy the boys came down with and drove to town to get help. The news of the drowning rapidly spread and in a few moments over a hundred people were on their way to the river. Boats and grappling irons were at once secured and a search for the bodies instituted. The body of Paul, the older of the two boys, was found first by James Eells, near the middle of the stream in about ten feet of water. While the search for Lloyd was progressing many willing hands were at work trying to revive Paul, both though everything possible was done, it was of no avail. In about forty-five minutes the body of Lloyd was found by Silas Walter in about ten feet from the south shore. The bodies were brought to town and were viewed by hundreds of friends and visitors on Sunday. The services were held on Monday at 11 a.m. A short service was held at the home of the parents by Rev. Campbell and Snow, after which the bodies were moved to the Presbyterian Church, six school mates, from each of the boys classes were pall bearers. The funeral was the largest ever held in this place, the church not holding more than one half of those who came to pay their respect. After the services a long procession of carriages followed the remains to the Mt. Hope Cemetery were the bodies were laid to rest. Paul John Montgomery was born at Stuart, Iowa, March 26,,1880 and was at the time of death 12 years, 6 months and 19 days old. Lloyd Thomas Montgomery was born at Stuart, Iowa on October 11,1882, being 10 years and 4 days old. They were two of the brightest and most promising young boys in our city and will be greatly missed by school mates and companions on the playground. Their father, other and only brother who remain to mourn the death have our heartfelt sympathy of the entire community in this their darkest hour of sorrow.
October 27,1892 Era Geo. Craft reports a boy at the home of his brother-in-law, Joseph Patterson, of Garfield, last Wednesday.
October 27,1892 Era W.H. Shinn, who was well known hereabouts, having lived in Ida Grove several times during the last dozen years, the last time less than a year ago when he worked in S.R. Merrill’s market, died at the home of his parents in Blairstown, Iowa, about a week ago. He has been in poor health for several years. The direct cause of his death was paralysis of the heart.
October 27,1892 Era The home of Henry K. Ferguson was the scene of the marriage of his daughter Miss Luella to William Devine of Marshalltown, Iowa. A sumptuous wedding supper was prepared and the guests partook of the good things spread before them with a will which proved that they thoroughly enjoyed that part of the program.
October 27,1892 Era R. Jones, whose illness has been mentioned several times of late, died last Thursday and was buried Saturday afternoon, Rev. T.N. Buchanan preaching the funeral sermon. The services were held at the home of the deceased on Burns Street. Mr. Jones was born in Wales in June 1819, and has lived in this country 1853. He has lived in Ida County since an early day having come to the vicinity when the county was new. Throughout his long illness, Mr. Jones frequently expressed his faith in the religion of Christ which had been his solace through life.
October 27,1892 Era We are sorry to learn of the death of Joseph Erman, the young man who for several years lived with J.H. Pottiger of this twp. Mr. Erman left Ida County a year ago last spring for Philadelphia where he died October 16, after an illness of two days.
November 3,1892 Era Married-at the residence of the bride, Ida Grove, Iowa, Tuesday November 2,1892, Mr. Chas. Morrow of Golden City, MO and Mrs. Harriet E. Wilkinson. Rev. T.N. Buchanan officiating.
November 17,1892 Era On October 5th, a daughter came to brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gust Swanson.
November 17,1892 Era Married-at Ida Grove on November 10th, by S.K. Pettit, Mr. Carl Schmekl of Remson, Iowa and Miss Anna Ritz, of Holstein. November 17,1892 Era Mr. Wm Ward and Miss Carrie Ingle were married by Rev. J.H Snow at the M.E. parsonage, Thursday November 10th, 1892. November 17,1892 Era Mr. John B. Van Houten and Miss Mary E. Betts, both of this place, were married at the home of the bride’s parents in Maple twp. on November 2,1892. Rev. J.H. Snow officiating. The two young couple who have thus joined fortunes for weal or woe are well and favorable known by our people and we beg leave to congratulate.
November 17,1892 Era P.S. Anderson, an old pioneer of this county, died last Thursday of lung trouble. He was buried last Friday in the Norwegian Cemetery.
November 24,1892 Era Thos. Flanagan and Miss Nellie McDermott were married at the Catholic Church in Holstein by Rev. Father Kelly, of Ida Grove, on Tuesday November 21st.
November 24,1892 Era Married-November 18th, 1892, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G.A. Kephart, on the Avenue, Mr. M.F. Lemonier of Fielding, Iowa and Mrs. Susan Springer of Ida Grove, Rev. A.E. Smith officiating.
November 24,1892 Era A quiet pleasant wedding occurred at the home of Chas. Winings south of town on thanksgiving. The contracting parties were George Carr and Miss Lizzie Winings.
November 24,1892 Era A brand new baby came to live at Dr. Colletts on Monday.
December 8,1892 Era Jay Gould died last Friday morning.
December 8,1892 Era The little child of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Miller of Battle Creek, attempting to swallow a peanut on Sunday which lodged in his throat. The little one suffered intensely and an operation was performed by surgeons but no human could help save his life. It died today about noon. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of all.
December 8,1892 Era Married-December 7,1892 at Ida Grove by Rev. A.E. Smith, Mr. Ed Crockett and Miss Ida Simmons, both of Ida Grove. All know Ed while his bride is a stranger to us personally, but we wish them pleasant journey through life.
December 15,1892 Era Frank L. Cox is the happy father of a brand new baby boy, who made his appearance at his home last Friday. This makes five boys and one girl added Jacob’s addition, within six months. The addition is not large but growing. Who next? December 15,1892 Era The population is increasing and the following births are recorded by one physician; Frank hawk and wife, November 26, a girl George Benedict and wife, December 2, a girl John Inveen and wife, November 2,a girl Charles Dewey and wife, December 5, a girl Philip Heneman and wife, Dec. 5, a boy J.E. Rogers and wife, Dec. 9, a girl Ben Menzen and wife, Dec. 10, girl J.D. Monseer and wife, Dec. 10, girl John Riddle and wife, Dec. 11, girl Albert Beecher and wife, Dec. 13, girl
December 15,1892 Era Married-Wednesday Dec. 7th, at the home of the bride’s parents, E.L. Fowler to Bertha L. Smith, both of Battle Creek. Rev. A.H. Campbell officiating. The newly married couple have moved to town to reside.
December 22,1892 Era A married daughter of Abe Stoell, of Kansas, while on a visit to her parents, residing in Garfield twp, was seized with palpitation of the heart and died on Thursday, Dec. 15. The funeral was not held until Sunday on account of the absence of her husband.
December 29,1892 Era S,M. Arthur drove to Ida Grove on Wednesday evening of last week accompanied by Miss Estell Wilson. A marriage ceremony was performed at the home of the officiating clergyman, Rev .J.H Besore, in the presence of the bride’s mother and other friends. Mr and Mrs. Arthur immediately went to housekeeping in the John Carlson house.
December 29,1892 Era Married-at the home of the bride’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Knapp, on December 25,1892, Clarence M. Warne and Ida Knapp. Rev. A.E. Smith officiating. |