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Articles from the Ida County Pioneer and
January 3,1884 Era Announcements have been mailed announcing the marriage of Miss Nettie Gilbert to Mr. Frank Tibbetts, to take place at the Presbyterian Church January 9,1884.
Died, James Waugh, at his home of diabetes, December 24,1883. He was only confined to his room for a few days. He was buried by the Masonic fraternity, of which he was a member.
January 10,1884 Era The marriage ceremony uniting Mr. F.W. Tibbetts and miss Nettie Gilbert was performed at the Presbyterian Church last evening by Rev. A.E. Smith, in the presence of a large number of invited guests and taken all together was the most brilliant affair of the kind that has ever taken place in Ida Grove. The bridal party was taken to the church in carriages and promptly at eight o’clock Mrs. Henshaw played the organ and the wedding party moved to the from of the church. Messrs. A.C. Simons and W. Reynolds were ushers; Mr. Milt Smith was groomsman and Miss Ella DeGan was bridesmaid; Mrs. J.C. Gilbert and groom; Mr. J.C. Gilbert and bride. At the altar, under an arch of evergreen and an elegant horseshoe made of natural flowers the assumed their position and the full ceremony was performed.
January 10,1884 Era Married at the residence of the bride’s brother in this city, Geo. M. Leathers, at half past two, Wednesday January 9,1884, Mr. Swan E. Thorsen and Miss Josie C. Leathers, Rev. F.M. Archer officiating. The above ceremony was performed in the presence of the bride’s family and intimate friends, and the happy couple left on the train for a short bridal tour through the east before they settle down to the duties of life. Miss Josie is the daughter of our esteemed citizen Wm. M. Leathers and one of the city’s most popular young ladies. Mr. Thorsen has become well known as a first class young man during his residence here and numbers his friends many. On return to our city they will reside with the bride’s brother until they conclude to locate permanently, which will be at some other point than Ida Grove.
January 17,1884 Era During the year 1883 there were 182 births, 94 marriages, and 30 deaths.
January 17,1884 Pioneer Married on December 25,1883, at Pueblo, Colorado, Frank Furgerson and Ida C. Warrent, at the bride’s father’s, Edwin M. Smith. Mrs. Furgerson was born in Ida Grove, near the Moorehead place, over thirty years ago, being the first white child born in Ida County. Her father was the first white settler of the Maple Valley, above Mapleton. He found this gem of a grove a nice location and settled there and called the place Ida Grove. At the birth of their daughter they named her Ida C. and when the country was organized they named it Ida County, after the first white girl that was born within its borders. As Mother Ever brough light, life, wealth and comfort into the world may Ida do likewise.
January 17,1884 Pioneer A boy at the residence of Jacob Matlock’s.
January 24,1884 Era Married at the residence of the bride’s parents Thursday evening, January 17,1884, Mr. A.A. Bean and Miss Grace Armington, Rev. LeClaire of Battle Creek officiating. The bride is the esteemed daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.P. Armington of Grant twp. and numbers her friends by the score throughout the county, while the groom is one of the most popular young men in this section of county.
January 31,1884 Pioneer Married at Ida Grove on January 26, by F.M. Archer, Mr. Frederick E. Winslow and Miss Mary O. Bliss. All of Ida County.
January 31,1884 Pioneer Mrs. Elizabeth Havens, one of the county paupers, died last Saturday in her 90th year, with cancer of the mouth. She has been unable to speak for several months, her tongue being entirely eaten off, as also was her under jaw. The poor old lady has suffered untold agonies, but now she is at rest.
February 7,1884 Era A new baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Frey, and all concerned are unusually happy.
February 7,1884 Era A brand new baby boy came in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F.W. Shearer last Sunday night and Frank came down Monday morning announcing the fact with a great deal of prosperity.
February 7,1884 Era Mrs. Elizabeth Havens died at the residence of her daughter Mrs. Elnor Fisher in the old town, January 26,1884 of cancer of the mouth. She was born in Saratage, NY and at the time of death was 86 years, 9 months and 7 days. She came to Ida Grove in 1872.
February 7,1884 Era Frederick Winslow and Mary O. Bliss were married in this city, January 26, at the residence of Rev. Archer the officiating clergyman. They are both very popular wherever known.
February 7,1884 Pioneer Married at Ida Grove on February 2,1884, by Rev. F.M. Archer, Mr. W.V. Smith and Miss Nora Bradfield, all of Mapleton, Iowa.
February 7,1884 Pioneer Mr. Judson Smith of Maple twp., died at his home last Friday. He was about 60 years old. About a month ago he received a paralytic stroke and from its effects he met his maker. He was a good old man and highly respected by his large number of acquaintances. He leaves a wife and several children, the latter grown to man and womanhood. The body was brought to this city for interment last Sabbath and was carefully laid to rest in a lot purchased by Mr. Smith a few days before his illness.
February 14,1884 Era Jay D. Miller and wife are happy at the arrival of their home last Monday of a baby boy.
February 21,1884 Pioneer A boy at Geo. Hecht’s this morning.
February 21,1884 Era Mr. and Mrs. L.T. Burd at now the proud parents of a wee mite of Burd and in the years to come we hope he will be able to worble sweeter songs that it is capable of producing at present.
February 21,1884 Era Boy number 2 arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mat Gray one day last week, via express, charges pre-paid. Mat said their order called for a girl, but Isaac Bunn’s application was received a day or two sooner and it took the last girl on hand to fill his order.
February 21,1884 Era Married in this city on February 10,1884, Rev. F.M. Archer officiating, Mr. J.R. Williams and Miss Edith McClay.
February 21,1884 Era We regret to announce the death of Mrs. Corkle, who was buried from her late residence north of Galva last Monday.
February 21,1884 Pioneer Married at the residence of the bride’s parents, February 14,1884, Rev. D. Nicoll officiating, Mr. W.L. Jamieson of Battle Creek and Miss Malinda Harrington of Grand Mound, Clinton County, Iowa.
February 21,1884 Pioneer Married February 16,1884, by Rev. F.M. Archer, Mr. Peter Mellman and Miss Tilda Olson, both of Crawford County.
February 21,1884 Pioneer Married at the residence of Mr. L. Tinkel of Ida Grove, Mr. J.R. Williams of Holstein and Miss Edith McClay of this city. Rev. Archer officiated. Mr. Williams is of the firm J.R. Williams and Co. Druggists, at Holstein and is one of Ida County’s most sterling young men. The bride has been a resident of this city for about 8 years and is a wothy woman of high esteem.
February 28,1884 Pioneer James Madden, aged 27, and a brother of Miss Lizzie Madden, died at his home in Riverside, a week ago last Sunday.
March 6,1884 Pioneer Married the 17th day of February, 1884, at the residence of the bride’s parent’s, Frank J. Shade of Ida Grove and Mamie Myer of Oxford Mills, by J.P. Reisdorf. The groom is the son of our citizen J.Shade and is a fine young man. They will come home and assist the father on the large farm near Ida Grove.
March 6,1884 Pioneer Married on Saturday, March 1, Mr. W.H. Foster and Miss Blanch Allen, at the home of the groom, Rev. W.L. Williamson officiated. The groom is with the firm Foster Bros. Photography, of this city and a man for whom we all have great respect considering the short time he has been among us. The lady arrived last Friday night from her home in Oneida, Ill. She is coming with W.P. Foster and wife, who had been balck there on a visit. W.H. has rented the Ham Moorehead property on the hill and it wsa there where the marriage was performed.
March 6,1884 Pioneer Mr and Mrs. H.K. Ferguson of Silver Creek lost a little girl last Tuesday and it was buried yesterday.
March 6,1884 Era J.M. Reese of Silver Creek twp. was in town Monday, setting up cigars to all friends including the ERA force, on the strength of a nine pound girl which arrived at his house last Saturday. Mother and daughter are doing fine.
March 6,1884 Era H.W. Foster our popular young artist of the firm of Foster Bros. was married last Saturday evening to Blanch Allen of Oneida, ILL. a highly accomplished young lady who came to this city in the company with the family of Mr. W.P. Foster for the express purpose of taking part in this affair.
March 13,1884 Pioneer Miss Mary Phelan, one of Ida County’s former teachers, died at her one in Boone last Sunday, with consumption.
March 13,1884 Era The new nine pound boy that came into the household of Mr. and Mrs. Tuthill, last Friday, has caused ‘papa’ to hold his head so high and step so light that he seems more like an ethereal being than an ordinary 200 pound man. J.W. will survive.
March 13,1884 Era Married last Monday evening by Rev. Peter Fox, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. P.H. Hillman, Charles H. Cowles and Miss Louisa Mayer.
March 20,1884 Pioneer Mr. and Mrs. Mat Gray lost their little babe last night.
March 20,1884 Pioneer Married march 17,1884, at the residence of Rev. A.E. Smith, officiating clergyman, John A. Thornton and Miss Mary R. Davis, both of Correctionville.
March 20,1884 Era We regret to announce the death of Mrs. Albert Harvey which occurred last week.
March 20,1884 Era Last Saturday the angel of death visited the family of Mr. C.L. Finley and took away one of his fairest flowers, his youngest child, it was a sad bereavement. The funeral took place at the residence and burying was in the German Cemetery west of town.
March 20,1884 Era Married March 17,1884, at the residence of A.E. Smith, clergyman, John A. Thornton M.D. and Mary R. Davis, both of Correctionville.
March 20,1884 Era The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Mat Gray died last night at 8 o’clock. This is a hard blow, and the sympathy of the entire community go out to the bereaved parents.
March 20,1884 Era On March 18th, Herman Thode of Holstein was married to Maggie Peters of New Holstein, Wisconsin.
March 27,1884 Era It is with deep regret that we heard of the death of Mr. James Maxwell last week, during his sojourn among us last winter, he gained the high esteem of all who knew him. He was the brother of Mrs. Finley. He died at his home on Quimby Street at 2 o’clock Thursday afternoon March 20. At the time of his death he was in the 26th year of life. Funeral services were held at the Presbyterian Church on Friday afternoon. He leaves a widow who has the sympathy of all. (Pioneer states that Mrs. C.L. Finley of Galva is a sister of the deceased)
March 27,1884 Era Hazel, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Johnson, died Monday afternoon March 24th, of inflammation of the lungs. The afflicted parents are comforted in the thought that God called and sweet little Hazel answered. (Pioneer says she was 15 months old)
April 3,1884 Births
April 3,1884 Pioneer Married at the residence of the brides parents in Hoskins on March 25th, Al Houser and Miss Lizzie, daughger of L. Zeimer, all of Hoskins. R.G. Sines, esq. officiated. The Groom is a former resident of Ida Grove. April 3,1884 Era Married yesterday, by Rev. A.X.Shoemaker, Mr. James Fagan and Miss Carried Speakman. The happy couple left on the afternoon train for a short trip.
April 3,1884 Pioneer Married-at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Cooper, Mr. James H. Fagan and Miss Carrie Speakman, all of Ida Grove. Rev. Shoemaker officiated.The above was a very quiet affair with only a few witnesses, relatives and friends. The groom is one of our best young men who is straight forward in manner.
April 3,1884 Pioneer Mrs. A.B. Chaffee recently received a telegram from her old home in Waterville, VT, announcing the death of her sister at that place.
April 10,1884 Era Married last Wednesday evening the 2nd, Mr. C.D. Lyman of this city and Miss May E. Herbert of Logan, Harrison County, Iowa.
April 10,1884 Pioneer Married in Logan Township at the residence of Hon. T.M.C. Logan, on Wednesday, April 2, Mr. C.D. Lyman and Miss May E. Herbert, all of Logan.
April 10,1884 Pioneer Friday, April 4th, Geo. Boszhardt tied the matrimonal knot for G.W. Harrison and Elma Hall, both of Cherokee County.
April 10,1884 Pioneer Married at Ames, iowa on April 9th, at the home of Charles Barroll, father of the bride, Miss Lillie V. Barroll and Sumner W. Holcomb, of Ida Grove. April 10,1884 Pioneer The fifth daughter has presented itself at the home of "Gus" Nygen. He is happy and says the more the merrier.
April 10,1884 Pioneer Miss Orphie Riddle and George Fletcher of Maple Township, were united in marriages last week Sunday.
April 17,1884 Era Born to Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Shorett on Tuesday April 15, a boy. Standard weight.
April 17,1884 Pioneer A fresh boy at Dr. Myers on Sunday, April 13th.
April 17,1884 Pioneer It was a child of Mr. Watson's instead of William Zwemkie that died two weeks ago, Mr. Zwemkie has no children.
April 17,1884 Pioneer At the office of T.S. Brannon, officiating Justice of the Peace, on April 14th, Mr. Chas. Zeman and Miss Mary Brechwald. April 17,1884 Pioneer
April 17,1884 Pioneer
April 24,1884 Pioneer April 24,1884 Pioneer April 24,1884 Pioneer April 24,1884 Pioneer May 1,1884 Era Married at the Presbyterian Church in Battle Creek last Thursday evening the 24th, Wm. W. Condit and Myra S. Hersey. Rev. G.F. Lehiere officiating. May 1,1884 Pioneer
May 1,1884 Pioneer Married on April 24,1884 at the Presbyterian Church in Battle Creek by Rev. G.F. LeClere, W.W. Condit and Mrs. Myra Hersey. May 1,1884 Pioneer Mr. L.T. Burd, who practiced law here has moved to Sioux City.
May 8,1884 Era We learn that Henry Hillman of Ida Grove was arrested for murder he is said to have committed in Illinois four years ago. The case was worked up to Butterfield of Holstein last week, and one of Pinkerton’s men arrested him. May 9,1884 Pioneer We learn that Harry Hilman of Ida Grove was arrested for the murder he is said to have committed in Illinois four years ago. The case was worked up by Butterfield, of Holstein and last week, one of Pinkerton's men came out and made an arrest.
May 9,1884 Pioneer An 11lb girl recently put in an appearance at the Tom Payne residence, not the wicked Tom, but the Tom who is a member of the Board of Supervisors of Ida County.
May 15,1884 Pioneer
May 15,1884 Pioneer Brother Young of the Battle Creek Times was called to Storm Lake a short time ago by the news of the death of his aged mother.
May 15,1884 Pioneer Died-Saturday morning, May 10th, at her residence in Maple Township, Mrs. Katherine Bell, wife of S.J. Bell.
May 15,1884 Era It is a girl and weighs eight pounds. The first we saw of her was last Saturday morning. Your friend, Lot Wasser, grocer. May 22,1884 Era Married Wednesday May 14, at the residence of C.I. Himman, Alfred Schletier of Ida Grove and Miss Ida Douglas of Holstein. Rev. Snyder officiating.
May 22,1884 Era Born to Mr. and Mrs. William Fair, a son, on Monday may 20,1884, mother and child doing well.
May 22,1884 Era A correction in the Era that Fred Hoeberlin is alive and well and not dead as the Pioneer has listed him. May 22,1884 Pioneer Born to William Hair and wife, on the 19th, a boy, 12lb. May 22,1884 Pioneer Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dirning mourn the loss of their little boy, age 7 years. May 22,1884 Pioneer Died-May 17,1884, Charlie L. Wheeler, age 5 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. D.A. Wheeler, of Grant Township. May 22,1884 Pioneer Died-May 10,1884, Jane, age 58 years with Kidney disease. She was the wife of R.J. Jamison of Battle Township. She was born in Guernsey County, Ohio and was married March of 1849. She has been a resident of this county for two years. She leaves a husband and six grown children. May 22,1884 Pioneer Married on Wednesday May 14,1884 at the residence of C.I. Hinman, Mr. Alfred Schleiter of Ida Grove and Miss Ida Douglas of this place. Rev. Snyder officiated.
Maay 29,1884 Pioneer
June 5,1884 Era We are informed that last Friday morning while sitting at the breakfast table, a lady whose name our informant gives as Mrs. Thornley, committed suicide by cutting her throat with a butcher knife. She was living with her husband on a farm a few miles south of Kingsley, but during some time past they had lived unhappily together and had made arrangements for a separation. This preyed heavily on the poor woman’s mind that she in a fit of insane despair picked up the butcher knife and in front of her family of children, cut her throat from ear to ear, she died almost instantly.
June 5,1884 Era Married on Thursday evening May 29, about 8;30, W.C. Bowman of Ida Grove and Miss Catherine Johnson of Lamoile, Iowa, Rev. A.E. Smith officiating. June 5,1884 Pioneer
June 5,1884 Era June 5,1884 Pioneer June 5,1884 Era June 12,1884 Era June 12,1884 Pioneer Galva-A pair of twins arrives at John Schultheias last week. On Sunday the German Preacher came down and christened them. June 12,1884 Pioneer June 12,1884 Pioneer June 12,1884 Pioneer An old man, 73, of age, while riding near Sloan, Woodbury County, iowa, the other day, met his death through the rudeness of some untrained street boys. The boys threw objects at Mr. Danforths team, causing them to run away, upsetting the wagon and the injured old man proved fatal a few hours later. Let this be a lesson the the boys in our city. June 12,1884 Pioneer Died-June 9, 1884, Mrs. Effie Moomey, age 62 years with a tumor of the stomache. The deceased was the mother of Mrs. T.C. Spotswood, with whom she has made her home the past few years. She was a refined and highly educated woman and was loved and respected by all who knew her. She suffered untold agonies the last few years and bore it with patience and christian faith. Funeral services were held last Tuesday afternoon. June 12,1884 Pioneer Married-McBride-Patchen, at the residence of A.F. Hahn who officiated, in Garfield Township, Ida County on June 6th. Mrs. David A. McBride of Perry, Dallas County, Iowa and Miss Lucy Patchen of Danbury, Iowa. June 12,1884 Era Died June 8,1884 at the residence of T.C. Spotswood, Mrs. Effie Moomey, mother to Mrs. T.C. Spotswood, in the 62nd year of life. Funeral services were held at the residence on Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’clock.
June 19,1884 Era Mr. Bergman, aged 32 years died at his residence 3 miles west of town on Tuesday evening, June 17th. Cause of his death was rheumatism centering at his heart, he was sick only four days. He leaves a wife and two children. June 19,1884 Pioneer William Berkman, who lived 3 1/2 miles west of town and who is a brother-in-law of Fred Groszkrueger, died Tuesday evening of inflamatory rheumatism. June 19,1884 Pioneer While Romeo H. Campbell was east with his stock last week he attended a meeting for the settlement of his fathers estate, who died about six weeks ago. The value was about $34,000.00 and was to be divided among the heirs. All parties were satisfied with the division of the property with only an expense of $3.00 for making out the paper. The father died without a will. June 19,1884 Era The particulars of the suicide of John Stoltenberg at Holstein last Tuesday are crowded out this week, also the particulars of the death of Mrs. Morris Hutchinson of Chicago on June 7th. June 19,1884 Era Married Monday June 16,1884, John O’Donnen and Anna O’Donnen were married by Father O’Meara at the Catholic Church. June 26,1884 Pioneer Henry Dessel and Miss Mathilde Wett went to Ida Grove on Friday, June 20 and were married. The people have been expecting it so it wasn't much of a surprise. June 26,1884 Era Married on Thursday June 29,1884, at the residence of the bride’s parents, at Cushing, Rev. A.E. Smith officiating, Mr. Geo. H. Smith M.D. of Coleridge, Neb. and Miss Daisy L. Daniels of Cushing, Iowa.
Married-Smith-Danielson, at the residence of the bride's parents on Thursday evening, June 19,1884, Dr. George H. Smith of Cooleridge, Nebraska to Daisy L. Daniels of Cushing, Iowa, Rev. Alex Smith of Ida Grove officiated. June 26,1884 Pioneer A Pair-Girl at John Carter's and a boy at Clarence Huff's last week, each weighing 11lbs. June 26,1884 Era Born, a little bright seven pound lady at Marshal Hawk’s last Sunday evening. You couldn’t hire John to arrest anyone now, he is feeling too good nature. June 26,1884 Era The following are the particulars of the suicide of John Stoltenberg, near Holstein, on Tuesday of last week. A sad case of suicide by drowning occurred on Tuesday on the farm of H. Stehlk, a half a mile south of town. The person was John Stoltenberg, an old man 77 years of age, a father in law of Mr. Stehlk. About two years ago the old man came from Tama County to lived with Stehlk, where he has put in his time just as he wished. Last spring he had an attack of lung fever, but recovered and was feeling quite well until last Monday. On Tuesday while at dinner he remarked that he wished he was dead and that he wished to have some one cut his throat and then he would be done with. After dinner, Stehlk went to town, leaving the old man in the shade near the house. When he was returning he was met by one of his children, who told him that the old man could not be found and that he was last seen in the pasture near a slough. Mr. Stehlk hastened there and found the old man lying in a pond of water on his face, with the right hand on the back of the left hand under his body. The pond was not over 16 inches deep at any point and about six feet wide. His wooden shoes were standing about two feet from the water, which indicated that he stepped out of them while facing the pond. The long slough grass was mashed down at one point of the bank near his shoes, which made things look as if he had sat down and then threw himself forward into the water and after he had become partially strangled, tried to get out but was unable to do so on account of his feebleness. MR. Stehlk pulled him out and sent for a doctor and his neighbors tried to resuscitate him but were unsuccessful. The coroner was summoned by telephone, who arrived about 9 o’clock in company with Dr. Karterman and Jay D. Miller, of Ida. Coroner Baker at once proceeded to summon H.H. Lund, Dr. J.M. Walker, and S.F. Jensen, as jurors, and Dr. J.C. Edgan, A.G. Smith, W.F. Smith and W.F. Hutton as witnessess. AN inquest was held and the verdict was rendered as drowning by suicidal intent.
July 3,1884 Era (St. Paul Minnesota June 24,1884) Dear Sir. Will you kindly publish in your paper, notice of death of H.Stitt, at Arcadia, Iowa on June 21,1884, and have any of his friends communicate with us. He has intimate friends there, but we have forgotten their names.
July 3,1884 Era Married on Wednesday, July 2 at the residence of the bride’s sister near Battle Creek, Mr. William H. Barnes of Minneapolis and Miss Nellie Elston of Ida Grove, Rev. J. Trewartha officiating. July 3,1884 Pioneer Miss Clara King, sister of Mrs. E.C. Suiter, died at Denison last week on Wednesday July 3,1884 Pioneer Hayes-Married in Ida Grove on Thursday, June 26th by Squire T.S. Brannon, Lewis Olson and Miss Mary Sonnichsen. They will take up residency in the city of Ida Grove.
July 10,1884 Pioneer William Dodges little girl who has been lying at the point of death for so long has passed away. She died Monday, July 7th. Mr. and MRs. Dodge have the sympathy of all.
July 10,1884 Pioneer The startling intelligence was received in our city last evening of the horrible death of John Madison, 26 years old. He was woring for Mr. Kerney, on the Dr. Collett farm in Grant Township and was tending a vicious Jersey Bull, owned by Collett, when the animal made a lunge at Mr. Madison, knocking him down and trampled upon him and dug his heart out with his horns before assistance could be rendered. It occurred in the stall, and the manger was so high that Madison could not get over it. He had just let the bull in from outdoors and had a rope around its horns and down through a ring in its nose. A little boy of W.T. Dawkins was first to see the affair and called for his father, but by the time he arrived the bull had pitched the victim over into the manger and had divested himself of rope and ring, and was then master of the stable. Mr. Kerney kept the bull at bay with a pitchfork, while Mr. Dawkins climbed over the manger from the front way and lifted the lifeless body of Madison out, which was placed upon the barn floor and the corner sent for. The man's heart protruded from an ugly wound in the left side.
July 10,1884 Era Married at the residence of Rev. George F. Leclare on Sunday evening July 6,1884, O.C. Tincher and Clara McGone.
July 10,1884 Era Last nigh about dusk, a man, by the name of Madison, who works on Dr. Collett’s farm in Grant twp. was leading a Jersey bull into the barn. As soon as he got into the manger the beast attacked him-gored and tossed him-killing him almost instantly.
July 10,1884 Era A new arrival at the home of Alex Wallace, a daughter, and to Mr. and Mrs. Deklyn, last Friday evening.
July 17,1884 Era The friends and acquaintances of J.M. Underwood will be pained to hear of his untimely death. Mr. Underwood came from Grant Junction to his county last fall and bought out the drug store in Battle Creek, formerly owned by James Warner. During his short residence here he had become very popular and had surrounded himself with many warm and personal friends, as evinced by their grief as the sad intelligence became known to them.
July 17,1884 Pioneer Last monday afternoon B. Gaylord, an old gentleman of 76, residing in Blaine Township, took a couple of swallows of carrosive sublatmate by mistake, supposing it to be iron tonic. Home remedies were used immediately, such as eggs, flour, ect... Drs. Heilman and Karterman were summoned. They did all they could for the patient and left him quiet, though suffering in great pains with indications of inflammation of the bowels.
July 17,1884 Pioneer Mrs. J. Wolfe, of Belvidere Township, died last Friday. It seems Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe were looking at the spot selected for a new house on the farm, when a furious wind storm arose that startled them to think of shelter. Taking his little boy in his arms, Mr. Wolfe started up the steep bluff toward a cave thinking that Mrs. Wolfe would follow. When he reached the cave he waited for Mrs. Wolfe, but she didn't arrive, he left the child and went to find her when to his utter surprise, found her lying dead on the ground. SOme of the material for the erection of the new house was on the ground and the strong wind had blown it around and in this way Mrs. Wolfe was struck on the back of the head by a board 10 feet long, causing almost instant death.
July 24,1884 Era The marriage of Mr. Henry Upton and Miss Johanna Brown, was solemnized on the 13th at the residence of the German Minister Rev. G. Haar. They gave their reception at J. Beilenburg’s hall, where about 130 of their friends were entertained in the quaint old German Style. (Grant twp.)
July 24,1884 Era Wednesday morning July 23,1884, Mr. Alex Arnold departed from this life at the age of 21 years. The announcement was quite a shock to his many friends as all were under the impression that he was recovering. Over a year ago he came to Galva twp. with his father’s family, and by his exemplary character and many qualities he gained the respect and esteem of everyone with whom he became acquainted. The cause of his death was typhoid malarial fever and although all medical aid and attention was given him, it was the will of his Maker, that he should be called away.
July 24,1884 Pioneer July 24,1884 Pioneer July 24,1884 Pioneer
July 31,1884 Charley Ross is found. He now lives beneath the sod in Adams County, Illinois. He was shot by a man who now lives in Ida Grove and for which he was found quilty and imprisioned. A fine record for a man to expect public support and influence. July 31,1884 Era Married on last Saturday afternoon, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. S.H. Smith, Ida Grove, Collins Smith and Lillie Bowman, by Rev. A.E. Smith. August 7,1884 Era Died at the residence of his son in law, Mr. J. Heilman, Lawson Barber died in Corwin twp. of dropsy. Mr. Barber was 70 years of age. Services were held at the house, Rev. F. H. Heilner preached from Matthew 24;44. The remains were shipped to Canada where they will be laid to rest. August 7,1884 Pioneer August 14,1884 Era August 14,1884 Pioneer Homer Hackett, a brother of our citizen, Henry Hackett, was murdered and robbed on the prairie near Ellendale, North Dakota a few days ago. He was 40 years old and was a prosperous and influential citizen and had several hundred dollars about his person when killed. August 21,1884 Pioneer Married-August 15 by Squire James F. Wilkinson, Mr. W. Kahl and Miss Eunice Elfred of Douglas Township. Augusut 21,1884 Pioneer Died-August 14,1884 at the residence of Mrs. D.S. Page, Ida Grove, Miss Mary Disks, born March 27,1859. She was a native of Germany and had been here over three years, she has no relatives here. August 21,1884 Pioneer August 28,1884 Pioneer August 28,1884 Pioneer
August 28,1884 Pioneer Married-August 25,1884 at the residence of Dr. Karterman with Rev. A.E. Smith officiating, Mr. George W. Mauer of Ida Grove and Miss Laura R. Porter of Correctionville. The bridegroom is a brother of Mrs. Karterman, a former resident of this city.
August 28,1884 Pioneer W.F. Hutton was married last week to Miss Mary Sacquety of this city. The couple have rented the Boszhardt Hotel in Holstein and are now acting as landlord and landlady. Mr. Hutton is the Ex.-Edition of the Holstein Bulletin.
August 28,1884 Pioneer Married-Alfred F. Hills of Lathrop, California, to Mrs. Harriet G. Gilchrist of Ida Grove, at the resident of Lafe Tinkel on August 25,1884. Rev. L.H. Woodworth officiating. September 11,1884 Pioneer October 16,1884 Pioneer November 6,1884 Pioneer November 5,1884 Pioneer November 5,1884 Pioneer
November 5,1884 Pioneer Married at the residece of the bride's parents in Blaine Township on Wednesday evening November 5,1884, by Rev. J.F. Heilnner, assisted by Rev. C.K. Colver, Miss Rettie J. Dawson and Edward C. Kent. November 5,1884 Pioneer November 5,1884 Pioneer November 20,1884 Pioneer Married at Ida Grove on November 19, 1884, at the residence of A.E. Smith the officiating clergyman, Mr. Fred Gibson of Sioux City and Miss Edith Norcross of Mapleton.
November 20,1884 Pioneer Married on November 16 at the resident of the bride's parents, Miss Minnie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Brown and A.H. Cobb, with Rev. Woodworth officiating. December 4,1884 Pioneer Married on November 27,1884, Andrew Buchanan and Clara Strohm, Rev. L.H. Woodworth officiating. December 4,1884 Pioneer December 4,1884 Pioneer December 4,1884 Pioneer December 11,1884 Pioneer December 18,1884 Pioneer December 18,1884 Pioneer Samuel Warnock received a telegraph dispatch yesterday afternoon from Dr. B.F. Warnock that their father, Richard Warnock, died in Florida on Tuesday night. The old gentleman had only arrived there four days before, having gone there to spend the winter, hoping to find relief for his ill health. The remains will be brought back to Battle Creek and should arrive on Saturday night or Monday morning. The deceased was 68 years old and a pioneer settler of Ida COunty and was highly esteemed, kind and loved by his many acquaintances. December 25,1884 Pioneer Last week we chronicled in brief the death of Mr. Richard Warnock, of this county. The deceased had been troubled with asthma for several years and for the past two has been a great sufferer, during the winter. About two weeks ago he bade, what he thought might be his farewell to wife and children here, and proceeded to Florida in company of his son Dr. B. Frank Warnock. The party arrived at Tallahassa on Friday noon and on the following Tuesday night, the old gentleman had passed away. A heart affliction also set in, and was the cause of his sudden death. Although his friends never expected to see him survive the winter. The remains were at once encased in a metallic coffin and in charge of the affectionate son were brought to Battle Creek, arriving there on last Monday night, and were laid to rest in the cemeter of that city last Tuesday afternoon, and not-with-standing the cold blustery day, there was a large crowd present to pay their respects to the good old neighbor who seemed like a father to all. The services were held at the Presbyterian Church and conducted by Rev. LeClere, Pastor of the church and was assisted by Rev. A.E. Smith, Pastor of the M.E. Church at Ida Grove.
December 25,1884 Pioneer December 25,1884 Pioneer |