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Ida County IAGenWeb |
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Battle Creek Times 1902 |
Battle Creek Times, June 12, 1902 Butter .. 16 cents Eggs .. 12 cents Potatoes $1.20 Wheat 62 cents Corn 52 cents Oats 41 cents Barley 41 cents Hogs $6.50 @ 6.85 Cattle $3.50 @ 6.50 Frank Strock arrived from J. C. Walters, county attorney, was in town today on business. Gus Gulck and Miss Sophia Gulck were Ida Grove callers Tuesday. H.H. Coffin, assistant at the North-Western Depot, visited Sunday at Wm. Warnock returned Tuesday from a weeks business trip in Henry Jones arrived home from Mrs. Iddings, of Mapleton, visited Sat. and Sun. with her son, John Iddings. Miss Anna Manson left Wed. evening for a visit with relatives at J.S. Peffer and Miss Retta Reeder were at Mapleton Wed. taking in the Pan-American show. Mr. And Mrs. Fred A. Brown of L. L. Warnock returned Monday to Chalker Jones, who is traveling on the road for the H.C. Wheeler Bridge Material Co., is at home this week on a visit. H. A. Hendricks and Chris Dall were in The Rev. Brown will preach at J. C. Preston went to Mrs. O.A. Hoyt, who has been visiting the past week at the home of .A. Barrick, returned today to her home at Estelline. J.A. Keenan left Wednesday for a business trip at Ramond and James Kelley arrived Tuesday from Colo for a visit with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J.O. Crawford. Miss Mabel Harvey came up from C.J. Carlson is adding a $100 improvement to his residence property
in Fred Jensen and mother came up from Mapleton Tuesday and drove from
this place to Homer Keith who was running a restaurant at Cushing last winter has bought an interest in one of the restaurants at Ida Grove. The next stated communication of Perseverance Lodge, 446, A.F. & A.M., will occur Monday evening, June 16th. Work on third degreeJ.T. Montgomery, secretary. A merry-go-round arrived in town Wednesday and has started up operations to gather in a few nickels. The small children will have a merry time for the next three weeks. P.W. Wiggert, dealer and manufacture of Marble and Granite monuments would ask for a chance to figure on anything wanted in his line. Write me for prices at Ida grove or come and see me. Mrs. E.P. Keith went to Ida Grove Saturday to take care of her father who is very ill at the present time. Rev. J.A. Edwards of Holstein called on Rev. Brown Monday as he
passed through town on his way to J. E. Spoils (sp) large single crib was blown to smithereens last Wednesday evening, the barn and double crib also suffering damage to some extent. Mrs. Seeman, who has been visiting the past three weeks at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gulck, returned to her home in Guy Brown, son of Rev. and Mrs. Brown, arrived Saturday evening from Miss Fannie Rogers went to There will be an ice cream social under the auspices of the Womens Foreign Missionary Society at the home of Prof. Manson, Friday evening, June 20. Come everyone and enjoy a good time. The wind storm Wednesday evening caused much damage by blowing down barns and other small buildings out in the country. In town it blew out the large plate glass front of Keenan Bros. Hardware store. Mr. and Mrs. Rev. W. H. McKeen left Wednesday evening for a visit
with relatives in At a meeting of the town council Tues. evening, Henry Jones was
appointed street commissioner, which appointment was made necessary by the resignation of
Nick Hanson. Henry is an industrious and
popular young man and will no doubt make About thirty tickets were sold at the The town of Iddings and Iddings received their new soda fountain last Friday and they hustled around and got the fountain running order the same evening. The boys have been having a good run of the fountain and the only objection one can find is that he dont know which eye to wink in order to obtain his favorite flavor. But time will fix that little difficulty. We wish to announce that our new soda fountain is in place and that we are now ready to serve the delicious delicacy known as ice cream soda. Saturday, June 14, will be considered our opening day and we extend a cordial invitation to all to come in and try it. The ladies will be served free and every lady who registers will be entitled to a chance on a pound of fine chocolates.Iddings & Iddings, druggists. Notice: I am now
prepared to do washing on short notice at my house on Word was received in The Old Settlers Picnic
The meeting of the vice presidents of the Old Settlers Association of Ida County called for yesterday afternoon in the Williams opera house was well attended, and the matter of this years meeting was thoroughly discussed. Those present were: Dr. G. E. Moorehead, Ed Bender, Jas. C. Preston, H. H. Land, Bruce Miller, Thos. Crain, J. L. Bleakly, and Jas. F. Wilkinson. The meeting was called to fix the date of the next meeting and also to elect a president to fill the vacancy caused by the death of the late editor of this paper, and on motion of Mr. Lund, Dr. Moorehead was elected to act as president until the annual meeting, which was set for Tuesday, Aug. 19. The following committees were then elected: On grounds and log cabin: John L. Bleakly, Ed Bender, J.F. Wilkinson. President of the Day: Dr. Moorehead Committee on speakers: Dr. Moorehead, John Bleakly, Jas. F. Wilkinson. Committee on program: Ed Bender, John Bleakly, Dr. Moorehead, Jas. Wilkinson, J.C. Preston. The matter of purchasing grounds for a permanent annual picnic purpose will be given consideration at the next meeting and this, in our opinion, would be a splendid plan as the association is growing larger each year. At a small taxation ech year on the members, this could be accomplished and insure the old settlers a perpetual property which it certainly should havePioneer. Lost: Two head of cattle on May 2nd. Finder please return or notify the undersigned and receive a liberal reward. Gustane Shau. |