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Courthouse Death Index 1880 - 1986
[A] [B-Bj] [Bk-By] [C-Cl][Cla-Cu] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L]
[Ma-Mi] [Mi-M [N] [O] [P] [Q-R] [Sa-Sl] [Sm-Sy] [T] [U-V] [W] [X Y Z]
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Name | Date | Name | Date |
Michael, Herman Michaels, Gottfried Michaelsen, Christine Michaelsen, Fritz Michaelsen, Gus Michaelsen, Louis Michaelsen, M. Michaelsen, Margaret Michaelsen, Mary Micheal, Dora Michelson, Earl Mickelsen, Christian Mickelsen, Isabel Mickelsen, Ole Mickleson, Earl Miesner, Donald Mighell, Thaddeus Milbourn, E.T. Milbourn, Susan Mildenstein, Annie Mildenstein, Herman Mildenstein, Nickolas Miler, Henry Miles, Agnes Mill, Edwin Mill, Fidelia Millard, Sarah Miller, Aaron Miller, Ada Miller, Ada Miller, Alice Miller, Alpha Miller, Alva Miller, Anna Miller, Caroline Miller, Carrie Miller, Charles Miller, Clara Miller, Clara Miller, Dora Miller, Duane Miller, Elizabeth Miller, Enoch Miller, Female Miller, France Miller, Frank Miller, Henry Miller, Henry Miller, Ira Miller, J.D Miller, Jacob Miller, Jane Miller, Johanna Miller, John Miller, Julia Miller, Julius Miller, Kenneth Miller, Kint (?) Miller, Kirstine Miller, Leila Miller, Levi Miller, Lillie Miller, Lloyd Miller, Mabel Miller, Male Miller, Martha Miller, Mary Miller, Mattie Miller, Mirah Miller, Paul Miller, Rasmus Miller, Raymond Miller, Reinhardt Miller, Rosina Miller, Ruth Miller, Walter Miller, William Milligan, Goldie Milligan, Leland Milligan, Oscar Mindenhall, ? Mindenhall, George Mirdell, Ole Mischo, August Missildine, George Mitchell, LeRoy Mitchler, M. Mittler, Effie Modrell, Lucille Moeller, Andrew Moeller, Connie Moeller, Julius Moeller, Margaret Moeller, Minnie Moeller, Rachel Moffitt, Andrew Mohn, Catherine Mohn, Claus Mohn, James Mohr, Emma Mohr, Fred Mohr, Hans Mohr, Henry Mohr, Johanna Mohr, Lillie Mohr, Louis Mohr, Maria Mohr, Wilhelm Moline, Ernest Moller, Chris Moller, Christopher Moller, Ernest Moller, James Moller, Merrill Moller, Paul Moller, Stephan |
December 24,1930 October13,1904\1905 April 11,1949 January 21,1924 February 21,1938 January 5,1958 August 10,1902 January 14,1927 August 21,1950 February 11,1949 Novmeber 20,1962 July 13,1941 March 5,1943 July 17,1900 December 18,1907 May 1,1961 December 29,1933 July 24,1929 January 7,1935 June 29,1958 February 25,1961 June 12,1958 February 15,1927 May 7,1931 April 2,1919 November 27,1926 November 3,1907 Novmeber 10,1963 January 16,1964 November 16,1945 March 22,1924 November 25,1959 November 23,1948 November 23,1929 May 12,1964 February 2,1942 July 31,1964 October 31,1935 June 7,1954 April 8,1963 February 14,1935 September 5,1915 August 24,1963 September 18,1881 May 24,1944 November 27,1918 April 12,1883 March 12,1963 July 10,1950 January 8,1935 September 19,1914 October 27,1953 April 7,1934 March 14,1886 June 20,1961 February 19,1961 February 25,1934 July 7,1889 March 1,1928 October 3,1908 October 13,1918 December 3,1910 November 24,1906 January 23,1961 November 28,1888 January 3,1894 January 3,1916 September 17,1881 October 29,1906 August 25,1955 August 17,1936 November 22,1910 May 15,1927 November 15,1948 February 28,1910 May 16,1938 April 16,1958 October 15,1961 May 6,1882 October 17,1954 April 30,1887 April l2,1887 August 19,1928 August 13,1948 May 14,1957 December 18,1959 July 15,1894 December 23,1890 August 27,1964 April 23,1928 June 6,1947 May 1,1959 February 28,1947 January 7,1936 March 30,1963 September 30,1961 December 18,1943 April 18,1911 February 28,1919 May 20,1895 August 1,1944 November 22,1910 June 15,1929 March 28,1956 July 17,1930 May 17,1895 April 30,1918 April 29,1918 May 13,1963 November 21,1890 December 8,1889 November 19,1890 November 27,1890 December 30,1934 October 13,1915 March 13,1938 |
Molloy, William Moltmann, Fred Moltmann, Luey Monroe, Baby Monroe, Ive Monroe, Joseph Monroe, Shirley Montange, Patricia Montgomery, Infant Montgomery, John Montgomery, Lewis Moon, John Moore, Caroline Moore, Chas. Moore, George Moore, Grove Moore, Hannah Moore, Henry Moore, Ira Moore, Jeremiah Moore, John Moore, Joseph Moore, Maggie Moore, Mary Moore, Mrs. William Moore, Richard Moore, Rosana Moore, Susan Moore, William Moorehead, Anna Moorehead, Barbara Moorehead, Dr. Giles Moorehead, Forrest Moorehead,Hammond Moorehead, Jennie Moorehead, John Moorehead, Martha Moorey, J.E Moothart, Pheon More, Oliver Morey, Amanda Morey, Harley Morrice, Douglas Morrice, Elizabeth Morrice, Fred Morrice, George Morrice, Robert Morrice, Teni Morrice, Virgil Morrice, William Morris, Alva Morris, Andrew Morris, Baby Morrison, Clarita Morrison, Peter Mortensen, Anna Mortensen, Baby Moschell, Carl Moser, Dorothea Mosier, Thomas Mowbray, Joy Mueller, F.W Mueller, Sophia Muhs, Ernest Mullen, Edwin Muller, Anna Muller, Eliza Muller, Heinrich Muller, Peter Muller, Sarah Muller, Sophia Muller, W.K. Muller, William Mullin, Anna Mullin, Edwin Mulvillhill, Katie Mumma, Inge Mundt, Carl Mundt, Claus Mundt, Freda Mundt, Louise Mundt, Margaret Munson, Elizabeth Munster, Annie Munster, Theodore Munz, Arthur Munz, Detlef Munz, Eldon Munz, Fred Munz, Male Murphy, Barbara Murphy, Catherine Murphy, Daniel Murphy, Edward Murphy, Joseph Murphy, Marie Murphy, Mark Murphy, Patrick ? Murphy, Robert Murphy, Stella Murphy, William Murray, Donald Murray, Julia Myers, Caroline Myers, Charles Myers, Elizabeth Myers, Frances Myers, Kenneth Myers, Leah Myers, Tempest Myers, William Myrtue, Edna Myrtue, Ella Myrtue, Floyd |
March 17,1954 June 15,1961 May 11,1937 September 5,1927 September 3,1953 December 12,1963 May 23,1931 March 14,1950 February 17,1914 April 12,1931 September 9,1926 March 20,1908 December 25,1924 July 4,1911 December 23,1912 November 16,1962 March 3,1912 August 17,1924 March 8,1912 November 11,1923 August 28,1924 July 8,1932 March 4,1912 November 27,1942 March 5,1896 February 28,1932 April 7,1902 July 6,1900 September 21,1936 February 23,1961 November 3,1934 November 7,1944 September 12,1962 Novmeber 14,1932 February 15,1924 August 18,1882 December 12,1894 July 28,1880 February 20,1889 March 20,1908 Febraury 20,1960 July 22,1960 September 24,1918 August 7,1917 March 18,1955 August 16,1917 August 4,1935 January 15,1927 November 23,1947 April 26,1952 June 20,1938 November 2,1960 June 8,1929 December 4,1947 December 2,1899 February 4,1959 June 19,1914 February 12,1914 Augsut 23,1950 December 31,1912 February 6,1923 May 19,1903 January 27,1898 May 29,1955 October 2,1906 August 19,1960 April 16,1930 December 12,1915 July 21,1900 February 7,1917 January 15,1898 December 24,1906 April 25,1927 May 21,1914 October 5,1906 April 22,1888 November 3,1936 December 3,1941 July 16,1915 February 12,1913 April 14,1916 October 27,1948 June 14,1961 March 11,1945 March 8,1964 December 11,1947 May 5,1938 December 26,1929 January 22,1954 April 18,1888 March 10,1964 February 19,1916 March 26,1914 April 28,1946 January 16,1947 May 24,1945 May 4,1936 1909 October 30,1955 May 20,1950 August 4,1958 December 28, l935 July 11,1926 July 6,1964 March 12,1929 April 3,1890 June 17,1962 June 24,1956 August 29,1936 March 31,1926 April 30,1889 February 29,,1912 February 15,1915 October 20,1911 |
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