World War I Draft Registrations
08 February 1918
The Humboldt
Humboldt, Iowa
8 February 1918
Page 1
Result of New Military Draft
Names of Those Listed in the Present Call.
Only Five Rejected
Thirty-One More to be Examined next Wednesday -- Waiting
for Results of District Board of Appeals. -- Only 50 to
The draft board and the medical examining board
handled 104 men last week, and have reported all but
five passed. The names of the men handled are given
below. Those rejected or passed for limited service are
so labeled. Those given without comment were passed.
Thirty-one more men are to appear before the board
next Wednesday. These men did not respond to the first
call because of conditions. A majority of them had
appeals from their classification being acted on by the
district board. Those whose appeals have been denied
and who remain in Class One will therefore appear before
the board next Wednesday for examination.
Humboldt county is only asked for 50 men in this
draft. The number in Class One is 135. Therefore when
exemptions are all made, the remaining men will be drawn
according to their numbering in the original war draft.
The names of those already pass on is as follows:
Hans P. Porter
Emmet C. Corcoran -- rejected
Ole Habbersland
Charles E. Escaine
Cornel E. Olson
Guy Hanson
Iver Fiske
Will James -- passed for limited service
Lawrence E. Cunningham
James O. Field
Hans C. Berg
Amos Johnson
John W. Tierney
Trygve Nelson
Fred Maahs
Oscar G. Wild
Edward S. Dyvig
William Guy
Henry Carhouse
Bert Anderson -- rejected
Gunder C. Gunderson
Torger Underberg
Ernest L. Freeman
Melville Amerson
Fred Baumgartner
Clarence Dokesvine
Wilbur J. Strait
Theodore Sorli
Andrew Christensen -- passed for limited service
Henry Hanson
Harry L. Strong
Isaac Messer
Holly B. Sanford
Herb Nelson
Swardrop J. Nelson
Ed Severson
Harold E. Ball
Elmer Knutson
Louis Beckham
Elias Kleveland
George Gabrielson
William Dennis
William Griffin
Leonard Larson
Peter Laurets Billedt
Benjamin H. McGee
Martin O. Heggen
Floyd M. Leland
Frank J. McCullum
Earl C. Notestine
Menom Bjornson
Orville H. Miller
Roy M. Wogan
Floyd R. Breiner
Boyd L. Miller
Fred F. Smith
Arthur Hill Reeves
Bennie M. Bahken
Soren Sorenson Tjiner
Theodore C. Devereaux -- took appeal -- sent to Med.
Adv. Board
Peter J. Altman
Wm. F. Wiese -- rejected
Wm. H. Miller -- rejected
Frankie A. Brown -- passed for limited service
Herman J. Schwandt -- rejected
Walter H. Hammersley
Ludwick Loftos
Walter Schultze
Chris Schnieder
Olaf Lee
F. L. Rasmussen
Lars N. Bathum
Edward W. Goeldner -- rejected
Wm. Cathcart
Louis Wm. Rolou
Ole Tokheim
Ole Mandaager
Enoch M. Hansen
Harry Lanning
Thomas H. Tackaberry
Earl J. Leland
Anders Anderson
Emil O. Holm
Tom R. Overhus
Ole O. Halsrud
Theo. O. Olson
Jens N. Shultz
Torval Larson
Martin Wallukait
Otto Peterson
Fay L. Kathan
George E. Debe
Henry E. Kirchof
Leo D. Nellis
Harvey G. Enfield
Fred C. Jensen
Carl Cnutson
Calvin E. Huntley
Arne R. Sorlein
Peter O. Peterson
Ralph Carrier -- passed for limited service
Karl Sjursth
Nels O. Munson
Will L. Dougal -- passed for limited service