Proceedings of Board of Supervisors

The Board of Supervisors of Humboldt County met in Dakota City on April 6th.

Moved that the time for the payment of the damages awarded by the commissions on the McKee road be limited to next October.  Carried.

Snook moved that we place a bounty of 3¢ on the scalps of the small prairie squirrel, 5¢ on the large prairie squirrel and 5¢ on the pocket gopher, caught before next July.  Such scalps must be presented for payment by next July.  Carried.

Schleicher moved that the bounty on the prairie wolves be reduced to $2.  Carried

Foley reported in favor of building a bridge across Prairie Creek on the Lyons road.  Report accepted.

Snook moved that an appropriation be made to build a 64 foot pile bridge across Prairie Creek, and that the Auditor advertise for bids and contract for its construction.  Carried.

Schleicher reported that the bridge wanted on the SW ¼ of section 36, 93, 28, can not be built until the site is improved by draining.  Report accepted.


S. Pearson of Vernon Township petitioned for vacation of road on south side of sections 1, 2, and 3 in said township.  Laid over to June meeting.

The Chair appointed Snook to view the site for bridge in Beaver Township between sections 13 and 14 and report at June meeting.

Schleicher moved that the Treasurer be directed to cancel $35 of J.M. Meagher’s taxes of 1884, erroneously assessed.  Carried.

Foster moved that an appropriation be made to replenish bridge across Indian Creek near Addison Post Office.  Carried.

Moved by Stephens that the Prichard road of Wacousta be established as petitioned; that James Dean be allowed $60 for damages, and that the petitioners be required to pay all further costs in the establishment of said road.  Carried.

Stephens moved that a part of the Vienna road be vacated from center of section 3, Lake Township, to north line of said township.  Carried.

Upon consent of owners of the south half of section 27 in Grove Township, to have Owen road established on south side of said land, all to be located on north side of south line of said land, 40 feet wide, from a point 80 rods west of NE corner of section 34 in said township, to within 22 rods of NW corner of said section 34.  Foster moved that said road be declared a highway.  Carried.

Stephens moved that Ed Frank of Livermore be granted a permit to sell intoxicating liquors.  Ayes, Schleicher, Stephens, Foley.  No, Snook and Foster.  Carried.

Snook moved that the Treasurer cancel $8.48 of taxes the L. Barton, erroneously assessed in 1884.  Carried.


Foley moved that Mrs. Roe be allowed $2 per week from County fund exclusive of house rent, and that no other bills on her account be allowed on County fund except on an order of the Board.  Carried.

Snook moved the Auditor redeem from tax sale lots 6, 7 and 8, in block 91, Dakota.  Sale of 1884.  The NE ¼ of NW ¼, section 12, 93, so, sale of 1881.  Carried.

Pat and Owen Sweeney petitioned for drainage of pond on Sweeney road.  Postponed until June meeting.

Foley moved that an allowance $3 per week be made for Mrs. Potter of Rutland.  Carried

Moved by Stephens that the chair view site for bridge on township line road across Bloody Run in Delana Township.  Carried

Upon consent of owners of land through which following road is wanted, Foley moved that it be declared a public highway, commencing at NW ¼ corner of NW ¼ of section 32, Lake Township, west on section line to NW corner of said section 32, and that the Cooper road on SW ¼ section 29 in said township be vacated.  Carried.


Stephens and Foster were appointed to view road wanted north from Livermore, and to view site for bridge wanted across Lott’s Creek near Livermore.


Foster moved that the bills be allowed as per schedule of claims.  Carried.

Snook moved that the Auditor contract with the proper parties for the rent of the jail in Humboldt for the use of the county for jail purposes.

Stephens moved that the Auditor be directed to foreclose certain school fund mortgage on SW of SW section 35, township 93, north of range 28, west of the 5 p.m., if in his judgment it is necessary to do so in order to dispossess a certain Willis Spooner, now residing on said land.  Carried.

Stephens moved that we employ C.A. Babcock as County Attorney at a salary of $25 per year, as council for Board and county officers, with a reasonable compensation for all other services.  Carried.

Schleicher moved that a committee consisting of three members of the Board be appointed to take necessary steps for the establishment of a poor farm on the land now owned by Humboldt County in the town of Dakota.  That they purchase suitable buildings in Dakota, and have them located thereon and fitted up for poor house purposes.  Amended by Foley—that the Auditor appoint said committee.  Both amendment and resolution were carried by a unanimous vote.  Thereupon Snook, Schleicher and Stephens were appointed such committee.

The Auditor was instructed to draw warrants for the payment of the members of the Board for services during this meeting for four and one-half days.  Carried.  Board adjourned.

Moses Hoover, Clerk of Board of Supervisors