William Fremont Miller and The Livermore
On February 1, 1884, William F. Miller became the
fourth and last editor of The Livermore Gazette. For sixty-two years Mr.
Miller published a weekly edition of the newspaper. All one has to do is to
read some of articles that Mr. Miller wrote to recognize his intelligence and
sharp wit.
William was the son of Rev. W. H. Miller and Harriet
O. Bowin Miller. He was born January 4, 1862, in Fayette, Iowa. Eighty-nine
years later, on April 2, 1951, he passed away at his home in Livermore.
At an early age he started out on his own, doing odd
jobs to earn a living. He found his way to Independence, Iowa and to a job
that would begin his career in journalism. He worked in the newspaper office.
The following appeared in the Gazette:
"We are glad to welcome another Independence man to
our little city. It fell upon M Mr. William Miller this time to bid good-by
to his many friends in Buchanan County, in order that be might do what every
young man ought, come West and grow up with the country. That’s right Will,
we are glad to see you, and more particularly so, when we recognize the fact
that you are to stay with us. Friends – Allow us here to say, that Mr. Miller
is a man of natural business faculty, and having had several years experience
in the grocery business has secured a position as head clerk in W. J.
Davison’s store, and will hereafter have exclusive charge of the grocery
department of that house. Call and get acquainted with him."