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For the third time the students of our high school selected a representative girl and a representative boy. This selection was made by ballot.

Lois Diekmann, a senior, well deserves this honor, which the students of the high school have bestowed upon her. She is both an excellent student and a good sportsman. During the four years of high school work she has shown a talent in band, basketball, plays, etc. She has been on the paper staff for three years, attended the Cranium Derby at Iowa City, is president of the Student Council, and has served as an active member on the various committees.

George Haberman, also a senior, is as much deserving of the honor as is Lois Diekmann. He has gone out for all sports, band, plays, etc. He  has been treasurer and at present time is secretary of the Student Council and has served as an active member on the various committees.

When school resumes this fall, their absence will be greatly regretted.

Lois Diekmann
George Haberman


For an assembly program the Student Council promoted an Amateur Contest. Lee Elwood, who did the introducing for the contest, acted as Major Bowes of the program. The list of entries were as follows:


1.  Charles Garmen and Dale Hart - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - guitar duet
2.  Clarence Bueckman - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - song
3.  John Schwake - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - mouth organ
4.  Frances Haskovec - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - clarinet solo
5.  Clarence Krumm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - jigg
6.  Violette Valvoda - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - piano solo
7.  Little German Band - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  
8.  Theodore Jensen - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - mouth organ
9.  Lois Carter and Leone Schieffer - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - tap dance
10. Duane Hayes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - impersonations
11. Lois Diekmann and Ellen Thomasen - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - piano duet
12. Arlyn Gesell - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - jigg

Three prizes were given. This contest was judged by the students of the Elma Public School. Their choices were as shown below.

1st Little German Band
2nd Duane Hayes
3rd Charles Garmen and Dale Hart


Because of the success of the first contest a second Amateur Contest, open to the public, was promoted by the junior class for the benefit of the Annual on the evening of April 3rd. This contest like the first one, was judged by the spectators who ranked the contestants 1st, 2nd, and 3rd respectfully. All the participants are complimented on their splendid showing. Lee Elwood again acted as Major. The contestants were as follows:


1.  Second Grade - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - miniature band
2.  Lois Diekmann and Ellen Thomsen - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - piano duct
3.  Fourth Grade - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dionne Quintuplets
4.  Clarence Bueckman - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - song
5.  John Schwake - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - mouth organ
6.  Gladice Warner - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - reading
7.  Frances Haskovec - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - clarinet solo
8.  Duane Hayes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - impersonations
9.  Violette Valvoda - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - piano solo
10. Lois Carter - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - song and tap dance
11. Evelyn Schroeder & Becky Jane Crawford - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - song
12. Martha Jensen - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - mouth organ
13. Little German Band - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  
14. Dale Hart and Charles Garmon - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - guitar duet
15. George Haberman - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - baritone solo
16. Cookie and His Ginger Snaps - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  

Back row: George Haberman, Charles Garmen, Ralph Cook, Roger Cook, Dale Hart, John Schwake, Duane Hayes
Middle row: Arlyn Gesell, Lois Diekmann, Lee Elwood, Ellen Thomsen, Clarence Bueckman
Front row: Alice Mae Evans, Eileen Mantz, Duane Fuller, Lois Carter, Bobby Kozlen, Kathryn Carter, Norma Hintz

  The following events were picked by the audience as the winners of the contest:
1st Little German Band (Charles Garmen, George Haberman, John Schwake, Ralph Cook, Arlyn Gesell, Clarence Bueckman, Edward Thomasen)
2nd Cookie's Ginger Snaps (Roger Cook, Ralph Cook, Charles Garmen, Ellen Thomsen, Lois Diekmann
3rd Dionne Quintuplets (Duane Fuller, Bobby Kozlen, Alice Mae Evans, Kathryn Carter, Eileen Mantz, Norma Hintz)
4th Lois Carter
  The following received honorable mention:
1st Charles Garmen and Dale Hart
2nd Duane Hayes


Within two days Aleatha Schoenfeldt became the champion speller of the high school. This is the sixth annual contest. Aleatha attended a county contest at Cresco last year, and of the fifty written words she missed none, but in the oral she missed two. She has participated in a rural contest also. For being the winner she well deserves the beautiful cup presented to her. The former champions are: 1935-Frances Haskovec, 1934-Jean Mahoney, 1933-Gwendolyn Evans, 1932-Georgene Evans, and 1931-Erna Bartels.


Back row Front row
Mrs. Brandmill, guardian Becky Jane Crawford
Lorraine Stute, president Leah Borg
Mildred Keef, vice president Dorothy Gleason
Margret Ann O'Neil, secretary Marjorie Pospickal
Lois Diekmann, treasurer Muriel Weber
Marjorie Carter Shirley Schieffer
Marie Haberman Clementine Lenehan
Marian Markham Arlene Dushek
Marjorie Schroeder  

For the past two years the girls have organized a campfire group under the leadership of Mrs. Brandmill. The purposes of the organization are stated in the following seven laws: seek beauty, give service; pursue knowledge; be trustworthy; hold on to health; glorify work; be happy. There are three ranks. They are: first, wood gather; second, fire maker; third, torch bearer. The club has proved to be a very beneficial and worthy organization. Some new members have been added.


This has been the first time that the agriculture class have husked corn. The class left with Mr. Brandmill and Lee Sullivan's car about 6 o'clock one Thursday morning in October for Albert Flugge's place. At 4 o'clock they were ready for the field. There were 5 teams and wagons, one being donated by Thomas Pollock and Arlyn Gesell. At 5 o'clock that evening 480 bushels were husked which average about 32 bushels a piece. The best huskers were Donald Morris, Arlyn Gesell, Thomas Pollock, Lee Sullivan and John Schwake. However, the boys all worked well.

The purpose of this was to pay for a trip to the Cattle Congress at Waterloo. Otto Brummond and Reuben Fredrich were absent, and so they chipped in a little so as to help pay for the trip. Some money was left, and with that they plan to go to the Agriculture State College at Ames.

The boys were served a very fine dinner and supper at Flugge's home. The reason why Mr. Flugge had the boys was probably the fact that Charles Flugge husked corn at Ray Schroeder when he was in high school and told of the good time he had. Flugges were well satisfied with the work and wanted them to return the next day. On account of the dental lecture they did not go back.

The agriculture boys are as follows:

Lee Sullivan Donald Morris
Thomas Pollock Clarence Beckmann
Vitalias Jarosh Robert Hayes
Roger Dushek Raymond Rimrodt
Donald Fausnaugh Harold Schroeder
Dale Hart Walter Sweet
Arlyn Gesell Reuben Freidrich
Duane Hayes Otto Brummond
John Schwake Mrs. Brandmill (sponsor)

(Otto Brummond and Reuben Freidrich were absent)


photo missing


Back row: Mr. Brandmill, John Schwake, Vitalias Jarosh, Roger Dushek, Dale Hart, Donald Morris, Otto Brummond, Reuben Freidrich.
Front Row: Arlyn Gesell, Donald Fausnaugh, Duane Hayes, Raymond Romrodt, Harold Schroeder, Walter Sweet, Clarence Beckmann, Robert Hayes.

The following business men have made it possible for us to put out the annual.

Klolbassa & Son
Groceries and Meat
West Side Groceries
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Peoples Savings Bank
Bank of Friendly service
Get a hamburger and the
best cup of coffee in town
At the New Deal
Dr. E. O. Longstreth
Dentist     Phone 37
West Side Drug Store
West side of town
Tuchek's Cafe
Lunch & Beer
Hoffman's Barber Shop
West Side
Elma Motor Co.
Chevolet Sales and Service
Allis Chalmans     Phone 113
The Elma New Era
Always a Booster
Ed's Tavern
You are always welcome
Reed Elwood         N. A. Parker
Elwood & Parker
Real Estate, Loans and Insurance
Elma, Iowa
Smith's Tavern
Beer and Soft Drinks
Eclipse Lumber Co.
One piece or a Carload
The C. W. Chapman Lumber Co.
Everything for Building
Haberman Creamery
Fine Creamery Butter
Guaranteed Pure
Phone  82
Richmond's J. C. Hastings M. D.
Poultry and Eggs
Phone  ??
Weber Bros.
Repair Shop
Phone  36½
Elite Beauty Shop
Phone 134
Jim Hruska & Son
Live Stock Dealers
Phone  118          Office  25
C. Schwake          Salesman
Pump & Windmill repairs
Monitor Mills Air Motor Mills
Acme  12
Standard Service Station
Gas and Oil
Atlas Tires and Batteries
Phone  19
E. D. Conway
Furniture and Funeral Services
Albert Francis
Blacksmith Shop
Elma Grocery Co.
Stop and Save
F. N. Stute D. D. S.
Resident Dentist
Gross Hardware
Good Hardware
Hart Oil Co.
Quality and Service
Bellis Cafe
Classy Meals        Short Orders
Art Gansen
Livestock & Feed Company
M. D. Cut Rate Store
Groceries, Shoes and
Phone  75
Floyd Irvin
Groceries and Meat
E. L. Tyler Barber Shop The Heineman Barber Shop

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