Complied and Transcribed by Sue Rekkas
Clerk Matthew
Dalzell 1828 - 1899
Davenport Daily
Gazette, Wednesday, September 25, 1861, page 1.
----- |
The Ad. Hine, Captain Galt and Clerk Matt
Dalzell, is the morning boat from Dubuque. |
Illinois Statewide Marriage Index |
Groom |
Bride |
Marriage |
Book |
County |
Dalzell |
Henrietta C. Wight |
8 May
1857 |
B,, Pg 114 |
Daviess |
Congressional Serial Set, Issue 1027
United States Government Printing. ----- |
The steamer Fred Lorenz while on her downward passage, and
about 5 miles above Dubuque, on the morning of the 15th of
May last, broke her main steam pipe, and four persons were
slightly scalded by the escaping steam.
Davenport Daily
Gazette, Tuesday Morning, May 17, 1859, page 1. |
Last Sunday morning about 6 o'clock, as the Fred Lorenz was
coming down the river and about three miles above Dubuque,
the steam pipe exploded immediately under the ladies' cabin.
A hole was torn through the floor, and the stove was thrown
with force enough to break a large hole in the upper part of
the door of the stateroom in which the first Clerk, Mr. Matt
Dalzell, Jr. (lately of this place,) and his lady slept. The
steam at once filled the room. He was severely scalded in
the face, right hand, and one leg. Mrs. D. was scalded on
the face, hands and feet, and is worse injured than her
husband, but not dangerously so. Miss Buck, a young lady
accompanying Mrs. D. on the trip, was in the adjoining room.
Alarmed at the noise, she rushed out of her room into the
steam. Her face and hands were scalded, but not so severely
as the others. A deck hand had his hands scalded. Mr. and
Mrs. D. and Miss Buck were left at Galena. The boat was not
much injured. A ferry boat towed her to Dubuque, where she
was detained twelve hours, and arrived here last evening. We
wish our friend Matt and his lady and friend a speedy
Davenport Daily
Gazette, May 18, 1859, page 1. ----- |
A dispatch from Galena last evening stated that Mr. Matt
Dalzell scalded on the Fred Lorenz, was much better, but his
wife is dangerously wounded. She inhaled some of the steam
and it is doubtful whether she recovers.
Daily Iowa State
Democrat, Sunday Morning, May 29, 1859, page 1.
----- |
DEATH OF MRS. MATTHEW DALZELL.--It is with feeling of
sadness that we record the death of Mrs. M. Dalzell, Jr.,
who, it is remembered was one of the unfortunate persons on
board the Fred Lorenz when she exploded a short since, and
on which occasion Mr. Dalzell also suffered severely. Mrs.
D. died at galena, at the residence of her mother, on Friday
evening after passing through the most severe suffering. Mr.
D. is yet confined from the effects of his wounds, and it is
feared that he will recover. Mr. Dalzell, was a native,
we believe of Galena, where her bereaved and widowed mother,
Mrs. Wright, now resides. Some two years since, after her
marriage, she came to this city the wife of one of our most
respected citizens. She was a woman of estimable traits of
character--dearly beloved by her numerous acquaintances,
many of whom reside in this city, and all of whom will most
deeply mourn her loss as one that is beyond any earthly
Davenport Daily
Gazette, Monday Morning, May 30, 1859, page 1.
----- |
DEATH OF MRS. MAT. DALZELL,JR.--With great sorrow we
announce the death of Mrs. Dalzell, wife of Matt. Dalzell,
Jr., lately of this city. She died at her home in Galena
last Friday afternoon, from injuries received on the
occasion of the bursting of a steam pipe on the steamer Fred
Lorenz, the 15th inst. Since that time she has been
suffering extremely, having inhaled steam, and being badly
scalded outwardly, until death has finally relieved her from
indescribable agonies.--Mrs. Dalzell was a sweet and
accomplished lady, and had many warm friends as well as
relatives in this city, but a larger circle of acquaintances
in her former and recent home, Galena. She was a wife of not
yet two years, and in the full flush of youth and happy
hopes. Her remains were yesterday interred at Galena.
Her husband was also scalded by this explosion, and now
lies at Galen in a precarious condition. He was at first
supposed to be little injured. Last Friday evening it was
very doubtful whether he would recover. Mr. Dalzell lived
for many years in this city, and removed to Galena a few
months since. He had taken the position of first clerk on
the Fred Lorenz, and made but two or three trips when this
accident occurred; himself and wife being the only persons
of the large number on the boat seriously injured. We hope
that the next news will be more hopeful for his recovery.
Old City
Cemetery, West Galena Township by
Bonnie Selig from The Greenwood (New City)
Cemetery Association Records ----- |
Name |
Date of Death |
Age |
Cause of Death |
Mrs. Henrietta Dalzell |
29 May 1859 |
24 |
Congestion of the Lungs |
Davenport Daily
Gazette, June 2, 1859, page 1 ----- |
MAT. DALZELL, JR.--We learn from Mr. Dalzell, Sr., who
returned yesterday from Galena, that our former
fellow-citizen, Matt. Dalzell, Jr., still lies in a
dangerous condition from injuries received by the explosion
on the Fred Lorenz, his wife having died from her injuries,
as before noticed, last week. It is expected, however, that
he will recover, but he cannot yet be removed to his home
here. Miss Buck is still confined to bed at Dubuque, and was
worse injured than was at first supposed, but she will
probably soon be recovered.
The Davenport
Democrat, July 31, 1899, page 5. |
OBITUARY. ------
The death of Matt. Dalzell, years ago, a resident of this
city, and well remembered here by many of our businessmen,
died at his home in Maquoketa Sunday night, aged 73 years.
He was a brother of Mrs. A. W. Cantwell and of William
Dalzell and (a brother-in-law of Mrs. Hannah Dalzell, all of
this city. He has been ill a number of months, and for some
time there has been no hope of his recovery.
Dalzell's funeral is to be held at Maquoketa tomorrow
The Davenport Times,
Wednesday evening, August 2, 1899, page 4. |
DALZELL ----- |
Matthew Dalzell, a former well known resident of Davenport
and a brother of Mrs. A. W. Cantwell, died recently at his
home in Maquoketa after a long illness. The immediate cause
of death is unknown, as for years he had been ailing and the
best physicians were at a lost to know the exact nature of
the disease. He was seventy one years of age at the time of
Matthew Dalzell was a native of Pittsburg,
Pa., and removed to Iowa when he had reached his majority.
He settled in Davenport, where he remained for twenty two
years. Later he went to Maquoketa, where he had resided
since. He was a prominent citizen, and was universally
respected. In Maquoketa, he was for many years connected
with the First National Bank. A large family survives him.
Republican, Wednesday, August 2, 1899, page 5. |
The Maquoketa Excelsior has the following concerning the
death of Matthew Dalzell, a former well-known resident of
Davenport and a sister (brother) of Mrs. A. W. Cantwell of
this city, who passed away at his home in Maquoketa after a
long illness.
"With the passing of M. Dalzell, whose
spirit took its flight at 2 o'clock yesterday morning.
Maquoketa is called upon to mourn the loss of another of her
highly respected and useful citizens. The immediate cause of
his death is unknown as for the past three years he has been
ailing and his case has baffled the skill of the best
physicians. He suffered long and patiently.
Dalzell was born May 28, 1828 at Pittsburg, Pa. His early
youth he spent in Philadelphia. In 1849 he came to Iowa,
settling at Davenport, where he remained until 1871, when he
came to this city and has resided here ever since. About
1863 he was united in marriage to Maria J Owens, who died
about 1876. This union was blessed by six children all of
whom are still living. They are J. Owen of St. Paul, Boyd
(Mrs. T. A. Lane) of Victor, Iowa, Frances, Chas A., of Rock
Island, Louis, who is now at Brainerd, Minn., and Pierce, of
Des Moines. In 1878, Mr. Dalzell was again married, this
time to Mrs. D. Smith, who survives to mourn his loss; also
his stepdaughters, Mrs. B. F. Reeve and Mrs. W. S. Dunn.
"Since coming to this city and up to about a year before his
death Mr. Dalzell was a faithful, trusted and valued
employee of the First National Bank of this City. His
children will only remember a kind and loving father whose
every effort was toward his duty to his family. He was not a
man of brilliant achievements or startling accomplishments,
but moved on in the even tenor of his way as a model
citizen." |