Associate Editor of the State Historical Society of Iowa
Volume I
November 1920
No. 5
Copyright 1920 by the State Historical Society of Iowa
(Transcribed by Gayle Harper)
Hark! the meadow-lark is
singing From the weathered haycock's ledge,
And the robin in the orchard Blithely carols forth
his joy; While the turtle-dove is calling From
the tangled osage hedge, And the cardinal is
whistling Like a happy barefoot boy.
the song that floats triumphant From the meadow
and the lane Is the song of rustling cornfields
Where the winds of midday sigh, 'Tis the song
of Iowa prairies— Gilded seas of waving grain
When the round red sun is setting In a glowing
opal sky.
'Tis the song of Iowa rivers With
their sunlit wooded hills, And of roadsides decked
with blossom That would grace a hallowed shrine.
'Tis the throbbing Iowa Home Note That
reverberates and thrills In the farm and village
echoes— Just as in your heart and mine.