Emma #4: January 1928
"Bringing in the New Year with a revival, a new grandchild, and a
butchered hog".
Jan 27, 2022
Welcome to 1928! Emma started writing these journals in October
and the first three years were all entered in one small volume.
Here is the first New
Year’s entry in the first book. |
NOTE: Click above small image to view it full |
~Sun 1. The New Year starts in pretty cold. It is reported 10°
below. I have a bad cold. Went to church & SS in AM. None in
evening because the church was too cold. Ruth attended an E.L.
New Year’s party last night at Buchan’s. Katharine took Lottie a
painted handkerchief today.
~~I’m pretty sure E.L. refers to
Epworth League, which was the
youth association in their church. |
~Mon 2. School began again today. The sun is shining bright but
it is still pretty cold.
~Tue 3. A pretty day—tho’ cold. Tell went to Ames to Imp Dealers
Convention. My cold is better. Finished reading
Against the
Current by Steiner this evening. Had my hair cut today.
~~Tell had a farming implement business in Hubbard. The Implement
Dealers Convention was a trade show for this industry.
~~Edward Steiner
was a Hungarian immigrant with a fascinating
history who studied and wrote about the immigrant experience. |
~Wed 4. Just a year ago today I had my operation. Taught in Bible
school today. Tell & Gerald went to Ames to Imp Dealers
~~Here’s a picture1 of a
tractor as an example of something that might have been
featured at the conventio. |
NOTE: Click
above small image to view it full |
~Thu 5. Yesterday & today have been much warmer. Went to Aid at
Mrs. Van Patten’s a little while and to club at Liebenstein’s in
the evening.
~~This is their regular Thursday night Bible study club. |
~Fri 6. It is so warm & pleasant today. Have not been well this
~Sat 7. Another beautiful day. Mr. Cassel died this AM. Was
injured yesterday falling from a load of hay.
~Sun 8. Went to church & SS in AM. Had a roast chicken for
~Mon 9. Went to
Des Moines Quarterly today. Met Mrs. Johnson down
~~This was the quarterly business meeting of the Methodist
Episcopal Church.~ |
~Tue 10.
Attended the meeting today. Came home this evening. A
lovely day.
~Wed 11. Another lovely day. Taught in Bible school today.
~Thu 12.
WFMS at Lottie’s today. It is a most wonderful day.
~Fri 13. I helped Gerald’s move today. They were here for dinner
& supper. Am pretty tired. Warm today.
~~Gerald and Miriam, Emma and Tell’s son and daughter-in-law, had
2 girls and were expecting their third child. |
~Sat 14.
A beautiful sunny day. We washed & cleaned our house in
AM. Katharine & I went to Iowa Falls in the PM.
~Sun 15.
The Gospel Team had charge of the services in the
evening. Had Helen Manner & Miss Berry here for dinner. Daddy
made a fine talk.
~~Emma often referred to Tell as “Daddy.” |
~Mon 16.
Held a class meeting after school. Elected new officers.
Went to the revival meeting at night. Rev. Gedye preached.
revival meeting was a multi-day series of evening church
services designed to inspire members, gain converts, and call
sinners to repent. They were often conducted by traveling
evangelists. |
~Tue 17. Spent awhile at Miriam’s in the afternoon. Went to the
revival service at night. Rev. Gedye preached.
~Wed 18.
Taught in Bible school this PM. Took Margaret & Betty to
the Baby Clinic this AM. Led the Opening service of church in
the evening.
~~Margaret and Betty are Emma’s young granddaughters. |
~Thu 19.
Turned cold & windy today. Went to church in the evening
& then to the club where Katharine took the part of an Irish
girl in a play.
~Fri 20. Attended the revival meeting in the evening, then went
to the Operetta—College Day.
~Sat 21. The Co TB com met with me—Mrs. Stoddard, Mrs. Mangum,
Mrs. Button, Mrs. Reece, Mrs. Miller were here, also Mrs. Guard.
Lovely day.
~Sun 22.
Have been at Gerald’s all day. Their boy was born about 8 PM
this evening. 9¼ lbs. A beautifully sunny day.
~~This is Emma and Tell’s third grandchild and the
first grandson. |
~Mon 23.
ashed for Gerald’s today. Too tired to go to church.
~Tue 24.
Am keeping Betty & Margaret this week. Ironed some today. How
they love to say their prayers. Made them each new nighties.
~Wed 25. Taught in Bible school this PM. Then went to church in
evening. Finished Miriam’s ironing. Lovely day.
~Thu 26. We had Rev. Gedye for supper. Went to church. Am
writing quilt blocks for Mrs. Leming’s friendship quilt.
~~A friendship quilt
is made from blocks
that each have person’s name on them. I learned that
often one person with good handwriting wrote the names
on the blocks rather than having each maker sign their
own. Here’s a picture of one from that period2. |
NOTE: Click
above small image to view it full |
~Fri 27. Much colder today. Cut me out
a wool dress this AM.
~Sat 28.
Entertained King’s Heralds today.
The King’s Heralds was the children’s branch of
the Women’s Foreign Missionary Society. |
29. The meetings closed here this evening.
Tell & I went to Ellsworth and held the service in the evening.
~~Wow…the revival meetings went on for 2 weeks! |
~Mon 30.
Entertained my SS class after school. We got a hog today. Washed
& dressed the baby boy today.
~~Although Tell and Emma had a farm, by this time
most hogs were commercially raised and slaughtered, so I
am guessing that they bought a whole hog from a
supplier. |
~Tue 31.
Gerald & I have been making lard & sausage today. Am so tired
tonight. Helped with a gift for JJ Hein & wife for their 50th
wedding anniversary.
~~A specialty butcher shop near us offers a course
in whole hog butchery. It looks like a lot of work…not
to mention all the follow-up work to process the meat.
NOTE: Click
above small image to view it full |
1. Image source:
2. Image source:
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Emma Troutman Boylan