"Record of Heirs & Estates of Decedents"

This book is located in the Henry County courthouse in the vault of the recorder.
As the pages are transcribed, the names will be linked to the page that has the information.

In the meantime, you can contact Pat White for lookups using this index.
use ctrl f to search
~A~~H~ ~O~
Albaugh William D.16Hall Samuel5O'Brian Bridget32
Arnold Olive48Hayes John7Ozbun Elwood89
Armstrong John M.22Hamline Leonidas L.17Olinger Saml. W.126
Abbe Harriet24Hook Bernard T.46Ockerson John155
Allender John30Huston Samuel50O'Neile Bridget 178
Ables John37Henderson Robert19O'Laughlin Peter204
Allen A.R.H44Hale Robert T.24
Ashmead John66House Jacob28 ~P~
Andrew W. B.69Helphrey George34 Parks Augustine C.18
Arnold Daniel W.72Hobson William37 Perine Peter Sr.37
Abrahamson Wm.95Hayes Oliver41 Pencil John53
Andrews Wm. P.100Huston James P.56Pattison Joseph62
Andrews Isaac 107Hibbets Thomas58Payne H.S. 66
Archibald Edmund113Hiatt Joseph P.70Paul Henry B.72
Allender B.B.117Hauf John70Price John75
Abbe John B.119Hinkson William M.77Prier Hannah93
Alberson T.C. 122Hobart William80Parcells Geo. W.97
Almond Pleasant150Hall J. H.82Powell Colvin101
Allen Andrew154High Mary E.84Pyle Thos. H. 114
Allender Thomas G.154Henderson Thomas87Pulver Solomon124
Allen John L.155Hartzler Abraham87Parmelee Walter K.133
Avery Robert160Howe Samuel L.93 Perine Catherine137
Allen Charlotte T.187Housel Lorenzo D.103 Perine Peter 144
Armstrong N.E.197Hibbetts John D.106Price Daniel174
Alter Cynthia203Hipwell Elizabeth107Pennington W.W.193
Andrews Maria D.206Harrison C.P.111Pressnell Chas. E.206
Ambler Richard207Hookom A.G.126Peterson J.P.213
Howard Horton J.133
~B~Hooper William B.139 ~R~
Brown Cummens 1Heatherington Pharaby J.138Rogers William W.9
Baning John9Hardin Wm. 141Rainey Margaret16
Bailey S.M46Hostetter Margaret147 Ramsey Thomas18
Baxter John M. 47Haskett E. W.151Reeder Joseph48
Burson Richard49Hale Sarah154Ryan Elizabeth A.35
Bryson J. W. 49Hanson John M.159Reed John36
Burgess John44Howard Hiram163Rhode Thomas38
Brown Simeon H. 21Hollis Mary Ellen165- 167Reese David R.43
Brown Thomas23Hobson Rachel Jane175Roberts Josiah58
Bower Joel27Hulings John182 Riley A.G.60
Burk Uley28Haines Samuel R.193Rhode Mary68
Bennett John W. 29Hiatt Emily L.194Ressel Philip74
Blue Gilbert32Huggins Peninah199Reed Elijah90
Boardman Jonas 33Hagie Samuel200Roush Sebastian91
Berrie Peter35Hollowell Reuben 201Rupp Christian95
Barnes Asa36Hollowell Mary A.204Roth John M.96
Bettz Lewis C. 38Howard Eliza W.215Riley Wm.102
Brown William D.54Hauenstein John215Russell Caleb Sr.106
Burge Jacob M.59Hanley John219Rhodes John W.109
Boyles Peter60Howe Charlotte222Rich Joseph111
Baine Lovicy E.69Hertig Ulrich202Richard Elijah112
Bower Sarah71Hathaway David117Rainey Robert118
Boyer Frank80 Rittenhouse H.G.119
Blackburn Albert A.84~I~Roth Nicholas F.123
Barclay Wm. R.85Irons Maria91Rasmus Peter127
Black Abraham86 Rodgers Drusilla128 &
Burge Jacob90~J~Roy Warren140
Brady Wm.90Jay Hugh13 Ross James M.141
Blodgett Amy97Jackson Nancy J.23Ramey John J.153
Bishop Walter97Johnson Martha25Robinson John155
Bustard Mathew100Jordan J. L. [Roger]80Roth Mary161
Barton Joseph100Jimeson H.H.84Ratliff Samuel P.171
Binford Elijah102Jacobs Norval N.120Rook Mary173
Brown Mary104Johnson Andrew129Ross Samuel175
Boyles Wm. A.104Jay Joseph148 Rugg Esly177
Brereton John130Johnson Morgan152Reel I. B.185
Bryson John130Jones Mary Jane178Rider John188
Beebe Margaret132Johnson John W.183Roth J.A.190
Barton Eli134Johnson Thomas184Rich Emma217
Bartlett Mary Ada135Johns James L.186- 190Russell Caleb198
Beckwith Luzenia 138Jackson Andromicus 212Rukgaber David 205
Brown Joseph147Jeanes Eliza219Roberts David211
Bomby John148Johnson Addison221Ross Israel223
Ball Wm. H. 151
Baker Levi157~K~~S~
Baines Edward159-160Kean James3Stewart Isaac I. 5
Beeson Amos 159Kerr Nancy5 Strange Maria19
Black Mary161Kelly John36 Seiss J.J.22
Bates Christian169Kinney Isabelle 56Seaman Geo. W.33
Buffington Rachel173Kenyon Edward57Saunders W.A.34
Brown Sarah179Kelley James O.61Scarborough John L.38
Bedsworth Bartimeus179King John63Scott William Sen.44
Barker Mary Ann181Klopfenstein M.64Slater John F.67
Bird James W.189Kirkpatrick Samuel H.77Smith Wm. P.72
Banta W.V.197Kester Joseph J.89Swan Henry 75
Baker Susan201Kenyon Thomas95Scheffel Elizabeth79
Beaber Rachel205Keiser Lydia103Steele James81
Burrows Calvin205King Mary123Smith Frances M.82
Bonar Geo.209Knapp Jno. A.136Seton Wm. H.83
Boshart Peter E.223Kennedy Sophronia162Steele David W.83
Blakeway Eleanor221Krekel Henry191Steele John W.85
Keeton Sarah Jane196Sample Elizabeth86
~C~Knight M.S.200Shaner George88
Cornwell Levi3Ketcham Leander202Schubert John G.93
Canby Joshua W.11Kurfes Anna Maria212Swailes F.C.99
Chrisinger George H.15Kean William216Sayles Geo. L.102
Clifton Laura P.20 Shumaker Henry103
Conklin Jacob23~L~Swan Henry112
Crew Samuel I.35Lee Hezekiah9Smith Edward Charles116
Clark Moses A.39Leedham John16Spry William M.118
Cammack Martin54Larkin Mary51Spry John L.118
Campbell Hugh56Lovett John40Shumaker Mary A.119
Cooper Sylvanus76Lee Alexander59Stringer Christian 120
Cook Joseph B.79Lapham Arnon92Slattery Elizabeth121
Cook Eli81Linn John E.104Smith Rebecca 127
Canby Esther E.96Lyman Medad105Swanson Aaron P.128
Coiner Christian 99Laird James108 Stull Charles 145
Corkhill Wm. H. 106Lee Perez A.109Shelton Wm. P.149
Crocker Mary117Lester Antrim113Sullivan Henry149
Cummings Amos121Lyon William H.140Spray John161
Carter Robert126Leeper Susanah143Spurrier Richard 164
Carron Robert134Logsdon William143Smith Levi165
Clark Courtland W.143Linch John156Saums Christian168
Cavenee Patrick147Linke Herman156Smith Mary Ann168
Cubbison James148Lawler Daniel158Smith Albert172
Cook Mary149Lyon Sanderson158Swan Gustaff 171
Cox Rebecca152Lee Jeremiah162Smith Dexter C.172
Collins Catherine153Lawrence James163Saunders Presley174
Costello Thos. P. 156Lishey Jacob164Schleifer Henry180
Corsbie H. H.172Lane Amelia170Shults Isaac H.181
Campbell Nellie Ambler175Leeper James210Swanson Alfred181
Chandler James M.184Lupton Chas. B.210Saums Conrad182
Courtright Eliza W. 184Lemmon Robt.216Snider George183
Conard Charles189Levander Andrew217Sarls John185
Cavenee Oliver195 Shelledy Cary D.187
Coates Sarah Olive196~M~Stephenson Frank L.189
Cooper Jonas198Markley Sarah1Smith Samuel C.192
Caulk W. A.198Mills John3Snyder James195
Clutter John J.199McKnight Ellen11Swearingen Martin203
Caviness Jeremiah M.206McClintic Alexander 6013Siberts Henry209
Coad L. Francis207Moore George17Sater A.L.211
Collins John208Merritt Jane47Short Thomas216
Caselton Jas.208McDowell David50Steele Anna E.219
Crane Nancy A.212Miller John52Smith Celia D. 139
Crawford Eliza M.213Mael James52
Chichester Elias218McDonald Archibald19 ~T~
Craven Emily L.220Matthews Benjamin20Toothaker Isaac1
Chandler Thena221Milleson John25Timmerman Henry L.13
Carden Willard S.222McCormick James27Trueblood William64
Miller Peter28Taylor Robert A.65
~D~McNair James30Trimmer Matthias82
Dodds Thomas11Montgomery Samuel39Thompson John101
Davis Enoch48Montgomery James40Tovrea Wm. F. 108
Dobbins Milas51Martin James41Tracy Joseph W.133
Dobelbower Charles29Mason A.W.42Teas Mrs. Lizzie134
Dobelbower Lewis H.31Miller Isaac 42Tague Henry137
Davis John66Millhone Harvey 43Tague Joseph137
Davis Huldah76Musgrove Henry53Trueblood Joshua A.146-147
Davis John W.87Miller George54Thomas Nathan163
Danahy Sarah 94Musgrove Elizabeth55Turney Daniel169
Doan Alfred F.111Melton John57Tague Margaret188
Dulansee Mary A.113Mick Mary58Twinting Peter Theodore191
Davis Farlow123McDivitt Andrew61Tschantz Peter213
Dawson J. M.124McMillan James F.64
Darnell Amelia 127Martin Simon P.B. 70 ~V~
Detrick Jacob132McCoy William71 Vorheis Isaac22
Dill John157Morgan Tabitha C.74Vernon John30
Doan Rachel167Miller Nancy74Vanpelt Kitty L.32
Dawson Theodocia B.192Miller Milton75Van Orsdol Manley115
Dimmitt J.H.193Morton Robert76Van Cise Edwin G. 167
Dougherty David194McBride John78Van Dyke Benjamin214
Davies David209Manning A.J.78Vernon Joseph B.116
Doan Mahlon 217Montgomery Catharine85
Dunlap Jos. H.201-202Moore B.N.86 ~W~
Meredith Sarah88Williams Phineas K.7
~E~Martin Adaline91Weller William7
Elarton Wm49Miller Frances 96 White William N.15
Elliott John26McDonald John E.98 Woodmansee James W.18
Edwards Hiram43Montgomery Margaret 99Wareham John W.50
Evans Thomas55Manning Reuben 105Wilson John51
Everts Margaret L.73Marshall Wm.108Weller Henry39
Eaton Jonas92McMillan Eli110 White Wallace W.21
Everts John W.131McMillan Joseph W.115 Waitman John L.21
Everts L. M. 55McMurren Robert115 Wheatley John25
Edger Thomas152Messer Hiram 116Worthington David 27
Eveland James W.166Moore Lydia121Winslow Matthew31
Everts John R.211Melcher Edward122Walker Henry33
McFarland Robert G.129Wilson Paton41
~F~Morford William130White William59
Farlow Elizabeth W.15Myers Andrew132Wright George61
Fenton John47Morrison Alexander135Wilson Wm. T. 63
Frazier Thomas C.52McCoy John135 Wilkinson Mahlon65
Forster Martha20Mitts James136Wilmeth Joseph67
Frazer Alson G.24Messmann Michael139Warren Henry W.62
Farlow Nathan26Masden Christianna140Wells John A.68
Farrar Philetus57Macy Seth141Werner David71
Fitzgerald Nicholas77Monroe James142Weimer Abraham78
Faulkner A A,83Montgomery Margaret145Wilson Joseph W.79
Frame John88McNair Mary 145Wright Thomas98
Felgar John89Mullin Bernard150Wood Daniel 114
Fithen John98Maddock Wm. P.153Wyse John124
Freeman Ira105Melcher Klara162Wimer John125
Flowers V.D.114Mast Joseph164Woodruff Aaron J.125
Fetterman John131Matthew Samuel T.171 Weith George128
Forbes Collin136McKee Mrs. Isabelle 173Wilmeth E.D.131
Felgar Samuel160McNeeley Jeremiah174 Ward Sarah C.142
Fricke Adolph &
176Miller John177Wilson Rhoda J.151
Farmer Nancy177Morton Moses180Wilson John 157
Fox Charles183Marsh Abigail S.182Wilson John Milton158
Frazier Orpha197Miller Stephen T.186Wright Susan165
Foster Betsey222Moore John186Whitney Jeremiah 170
Martin G. W.188Wing Harvey176
~G~Morehouse Josiah 190Weaks Mary A.191
Grisham Margaret26Mitchell Ira Sr.194Wiggins Priscilla192
Goss Solomon29Melcher Peter199Winters John195-196
Gill James O.31Munday Daniel 203 & 220White Edmon E.200
Gregg Mary42Mason W. R.204Watson William210
Graves Aaron53McCulley Rebecca207
Griffith Robert65McClure Jas. W.208 ~Y~
Grant Thomas68Massey Jane214Yount Charles G.73
Gillis R.B.69McCoy William218 Yakle Luke144
Griffith Amos73Moran E.J.220Young Nancy 146
Grim Nancy92Moore Ambrose223
Glass T.B.107 ~Z~
Grant Eliza109~N~Zickefoose Benjamin 40
Griffith Joel E.112Nickell James M. 46
Guss Hannah A.122Nau John34
Grant Wilkinson129Nelson Louis67
Gillis James L.144Neel Jesse 101
Gamage Calvin146North Wm. T.125
George Jacob150Norman Nels N.142
Gilchrist James R.155Nichols William 176
Gaskill Eliza166Neel Rebecca178
Gilmer Lilburn 166Noble E.S180
Giger David179Niece Mary Ann214
Graham Caroline185Nelson Chas. Wesley215
Nugen David Sr.218
Transcribed by Alex Augustine, University of Northern Iowa Public History Field Experience Class.
Wills and Probates     ***      Henry County IAGenWeb

updated 13 July 2020