The Asylum Cemetery.

One of the most praiseworthy improvements that has been made this year, is the clearing off and leveling up and seeding that part of Forest Home Cemetery which is now owned by the state and used for burying those of the insane who die at the asylum and are not sent for by friends. A portion of the trees have been grubbed up and removed; all rubbish of every description has disappeared. There are just enough of thrifty trees left for shade. –

This is a strip on the east side containing four or five acres. It is all now made available with the exception of a few rods of broken ground caused by a water run coming from the cemetery proper; but this part shows equal care in clearing. –

The asylum has set a good example, and when the whole of Forest Home Cemetery shall receive a like improvement, it will be one of the most attractive resorts about the city. Considerable has been done this year, but the nice showing of what the asylum has done on one side and the commencement made on the west side only show the need of a more thorough and general improvement.

(“The Free Press”, Mount Pleasant, Iowa, Thursday, October 30, 1879, page 3.)

Transcribed and contributed to Henry County IAGenWeb by Pat White, August 2024.

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