Henry County, IAGenWeb


From "The History of Henry County, Iowa.
Containing a History of the County, its Cities, Towns and Census."
Chicago: Western Historical Company, 1879.

Updated by Conni McDaniel Hall, October 2017

Four miles south from Mount Pleasant, on the road to Salem, lies Oakland. The town was never platted. But that region through which runs "the river Skunk, and the banks of which are embroidered with chains of picturesque hills, once resounded with the din of machinery ; for a woolen-mill, with its many spindles, furnished work for factory hands. But the machinery has been removed, and the building is spotted with decay.

A flour-mill stands on the banks, and grinds the farmers' grists.

The mill and a few dwelling-houses are now the only evidences of life in the hamlet.

[page 555]


     The first settlement of Rome began in the year 1856, when a Mr. Thompson located a claim near the present town site, on the northern side of Skunk River. In the year 1846, William Scott laid off the original town site on the west bank of the river.
     William Scott and James Strong kept the first store.
     The first blacksmith shop was kept by a Mr. Knight, in 1842.
     The first hotel was put up by William Scott in 1837.
     A land speculator named D.C. Whitwood, knowing the proposed route of the C.B. & Q. Railroad, came here in 1856 and bought 160 acres of land on the north side of town, twenty-five acres of which he laid off into lots. It was his intention to start a town here, and he named the locality Chicauqua- an Indian name for Skunk River.
     In  1866, O'Laughlin and Baker purchased of Whitwood the land originally purchased by the latter, and in that same year the locality known as Chicauqua was incorporated with Rome, both as one town.
     The first election at the village was held the first Monday of March, 1856, resulting in the election of James Galagher, Mayor; P.L. Gilson, Recorder; Dr. John Elliott, Treasurer; and Robert Gentle, John Pencil, Peter O'Loughlin, B. Dodd and John Tracy, Trustees.
     The present officers are William Scott, Mayor; Dr. Elmer Lash, Recorder; Charles Elliott, Treasurer; Louis Lee, Marshal; Lemel Gilson, Street Commissioner, and Mathias Paxton, John McAlhana, George Bell, Samuel Smith and Thomas McConnaughhee, Trustees.


     The first school was taught in the summer of 1847, in the house built by William Scott, for a dwelling.
     The district became independent in 1868. In 1873, a schoolhouse was built at a cost of $4,000. Miss Ada Packer taught the first school in the new building. She was assisted by her brother, Mahlan Packer. Miss Packer (now Mrs. Connaughhee) is the present teacher, with Miss Emma Elliott as her assistant.


     The first religious meeting was held by the Methodists, at the house of Thomas Grant, about 1853. This society was soon followed by other denominations, who held their meetings at the same place.
     The Baptists held their first regular meeting in the warehouse of the C.B. & Q. Railroad Company, in 1860, the Rev. Jonathan Lee preaching the first sermon. This after the organization of their society under the Rev. Mr. McQuiggin.
     Sometime afterward, the Presbyterians organized a society, and in 1866, all denominations united and erected a frame church, at a cost of $1,500. The Rev. Jonathan Lee preached the sermon at its dedication. He still remains the Pastor of the Baptist Church. The Church supports a Sabbath school.
     In 1868, a few members styling themselves Congregationalists, withdrew from the other ranks, and started a Church Society. They built a church in 1871, at a cost of $3,200. The Rev. Mr. Picket was the first Pastor. The present Pastor is Rev. A.J. Belknap. The membership is about forty.
     In 1878, the only church societies remaining were the Baptist and Congregational.

     ARMSTRONG & CLARK, proprietors of Oakland Mills; P.O. Oakland Mills; Mr. Armstrong was born in Hamilton Co., Ohio, 1826; he came to his present location from Indiana, in 1858. He married, in 1843, Charlotte Millspaugh, a native of Ohio, born in 1826; they have five children- Marcellus, Eugenia, Napoleon, Milton and Josephine; have lost two children- Sarah Belle and Alice.

     BAKER, PATRICK, farmer; P.O. Rome.
     Baldwin, Lemi, far., S. 18; P.O. Rome.
     Barnes, Fred., Jr., far., S. 13.
     Barton, B.R., far., Sec. 20; P.O. Rome.
     Barton, F.H., far., Sec. 29; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Barton, F.W., far., Sec. 23; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Barton, T.L., far., Sec. 23, P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Bates, Henry, Rome.
     Bates, Jeremiah, teamster, Rome.
     Bausaman, Isaac, far., S. 17; P.O. Rome.
     Baxter, Eli, far., Sec. 11.
     Beaber, Jacob, far.; P.O. Rome.
     Beals, Nathan, far., Sec. 32; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     BEERS, REUBEN, farmer, Sec. 12; P.O. Mt. Pleasant; owns eighty acres; was born in Columbus, Ohio, in 1822; he came to Mt. Pleasant in the spring of 1844. He married Sarah A. Burson, a native of Pennsylvania. Mr. Beers is a lawyer; has practiced in Mt. Pleasant for twenty-one years; he retired from practice and came to his farm in 1868; he was Prosecuting Attorney for Henry Co., from 1848 to 1852.
     Belle, George C., blacksmith, Rome.
     Berreman, T.H., far., Sec. 2; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Berry, S., far., S. 30; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Bingham, A., far., S. 35; P.O. Salem.
     Bixler, J., far., S. 33; P.O. Salem.
     BONNIFIELD, GREGORY, farmer, Sec. 1; P.O. Mt. Pleasant; owns 420 acres; born in West Virginia in 1821; his father moved to Jefferson Co., Iowa, in 1836, where he continued to reside until his death, in 1840; his wife had died a short time before. Mr. Bonnifield married in 1849, Lydia Shuman, a native of Ohio; her father died of cholera in 1851; her mother died in 1865. Mr. Bonnifield came to Henry Co. in 1851, and settled on the farm he now owns; has had six children, four now living- Mary (now Mrs. F.J. Kinney), Allen, Martha J., and Frank; have lost two children- Augustus, aged 26 years, and Thomas, aged 16 years.
     Bowman, E., furniture dealer, Rome.

     CARANESS, JESSE, far., Sec. 28; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Caraness, J., far., Sec. 21, P.O. Rome.
     Carpenter, Abe, far., S. 10; P.O. Rome.
     Carpenter, John, far., Sec. 15; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Carston, John, bridge carpenter, Rome.
     Carston, J.F., laborer, Rome.
     CARTER, C.W., DR., Rome; was born in Ohio in 1852; was educated at Harlem, Springs, Ohio; located in Rome August 1877.
     Church, W., far., S. 29; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     CLARK, COURTLAND W., firm of Armstrong & Clark, proprietors of Oakland Mills; P.O. Oakland Mills; was born in Hamilton Co., Ohio, 1836. He was married to Mary J. Armstrong, a native of Ohio; they have three children, viz; William E., Albert S., and Erma; have lost two- Frankie H., and Flora. Mr. Clark came to Henry Co. in 1864, and a one-half interest in Oakland Mills; these mills are now having a liberal custom patronage in the flouring business; they do their share toward supplying the home markets.
     Coburn, John, far., S. 31; P.O. Salem.
     Collatt, David, far., S. 20; P.O. Rome.
     Collins, D., far., S. 9; P.O. Rome.
     Collins, John, far., S. 10; P.O. Rome.
     Constant, J., far., S. 28; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Cook, S.W.; far., S. 18; P.O. Rome.
     Cooper, W., far., S. 23; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Cox., J., far.; S. 28; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Craig, John R., far., Sec. 24; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Crame, Chas., far., S. 30., P.O. Rome.
     Crawford, G.W., far., S. 6; P.O. Rome.
     Curl, J.B., far.; S. 33; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.

     DAVIS, J.W.; saw-mill; P.O. Rome.
     DALLNER, SIMON, farmer, Sec. 3; P.O. Rome; owns thirteen acres; was born in Bavaria, Germany, in 1828; his parents emigrated to this country about 1832; they first landed in Pennsylvania; came to Henry Co. in 1845, and located on Sec. 20, Trenton Tp. He married, in 1852, Anna Aldrich, a native of New York; they have six children- Walter, Mary A., Perry A., Irwin, Ella and Lizzie. Mr. Dallner was a resident of Jefferson Co for about nine years, but during that time, his trading-point was Mt. Pleasant; he settled on the farm he now owns in 1865.
     DAVIS, WILLIAM, stock-raising, stock dealing and pork-packing, Mt. Pleasant, and lives on Sec. 3, Tippecanoe Tp.; was born in Newark, Ohio, June 22, 1824; went to LaFayette, Ind., in 1846, and came to Iowa, and located in Henry Co., in April 1856. He began building his packing-house in May of the same year; has invested $30,000 here; he is also engaged extensively in stock-raising and stock dealing; he owns a large stock-farm, in all, 880 acres of land in this county. He has held office of Supervisor of this county. He married Miss Eliza J. Sample, Jan. 19, 1854; she is a native of Butler Co., Ohio; her parents were among the earliest settlers of this county, coming here in 1839. Have one daughter- Nannie Belle.
     DICKEY, JAMES B., farmer, Sec. 25; P.O. Oakland Mills; owns seventy-three acres; born in Fayette Co., Ind., in 1829. His father, Mr. Samuel Dickey, came to Henry Co., in 1838, and located in Center Tp; he now resides at Mt. Pleasant. Mr. James B. Dickey married in 1856, Isabelle Sanderson, a native of Ohio, born in 1836, have one child- Charles S., born in 1872; lost one child, Stella, who died in May, 1872. Mr. Dickey was Deputy Treasurer for 1874 and 1875; was Assessor of Jackson Tp. four years; has been Justice of the Peace two years.
     Doan, Alfred, far., S. 36; P.O. Salem.
     Doan, J.W., far., S. 35; P.O. Salem.
     Dold, Lewis, merchant, Rome.
     Dougherty, T., far., S. 16; P.O. Rome.
     Douthert, J.Q., Rome.
     Duncanson, E., blacksmith, Rome.
     Durk, L., far., S. 1; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.

     EDWARDS, B.F., far., S. 31; P.O. Rome.
     Eicher, J., far., S. 5; P.O. Rome.
     Elliott, Charles, railroadman, Rome.
     Elliott, John, Rome.
     Elliott, W.A., far., S. 19; P.O. Rome.

     FAIRCHILD, LINUS, farmer, S. 5; P.O. Rome; owns 230 acres; was born in Connecticut in 1811; he came to Tippecanoe Tp., and located on the farm he now owns in 1837. He married in 1838 Matilda Jackson, a native of Indiana; they had seven children, six living- Harriet, Perry, Alfred, Mary E., Elias and Amos; lost one - Oliver, aged 2 years. Mrs. Fairchild died in 1850. Mr. Fairchild again married in 1851 Mrs. Jane Shuman; had six children by second marriage - Rosslet ,James, Ida, Clara; two deceased - Theron and Phebe A. Mrs. Fairchild had two children by her first marriage - Martha and Minerva. Mr. Fairchild was quite unlucky the first year of his pioneer life; he brought with him about $600; $150 was stolen from him soon after arrival; he invested $80 in pigs, they escaped from the pen; only one was recovered; a friend borrowed $50 and forgot to return it; these with other losses occurred the first year.
     FISHER, RUFUS R., farmer, Sec. 13; P.O. Mt. Pleasant; was born in Ohio in 1838; came to Henry Co. in 1855; located on the farm he now owns in 1873. He married in 1864 Elizabeth Maulding, a native of Iowa; have two children- Cora and William. Mr. Fisher lost his wife, and married in 1872 Paulina Clark, a native of Ohio. He enlisted in 1861, in the 4th I.V.C., and served four years; he was in most of the battles of that regiment.
     Foley, T., far., S. 5; P.O. Rome.
     Foreman, S., far., S. 15; P.O. Rome.
     Frame, J., far. S. 7, P.O. Rome.
     Frazier, M.M., far., Sec. 15; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Freeman, Ira, far., Sec. 15; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.

    GIBSON, I.T., far., Sec. 28; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Gilson, L.P., railroad laborer. Rome.
     Glover, J., far., S. 13; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     GOODMAN, LEVI, farmer, Sec. 15; P.O. Rome; owns ninety acres; was born in Berks Co., Penn., in 1814; his father removed to Ohio when he was 18 years of age. He married in 1843, Sarah Wolf, a native of Ohio, born in 1822; he has three children- Clara E., Sarah E., and Laura A. Mr. Goodman came to Mahaska Co., in 1856, to M. Pleasant in the fall of 1859, and settled on his present farm in 1861; learned the mason trade in Ohio, which he followed for twenty years. He was the oldest son of Jacob Goodman, who died about 1853; his mother died in 1876. Mrs. Goodman's father, Daniel Wolf, died in Ohio in 1835; her mother in 1822; Mrs. Goodman was raised by her mother's father.
     Graber, Peter, money-loaner, Rome.
     Grant, W., far., Sec. 7; P.O. Rome.

     HALLODAY, W.E., far., S. 36; P. O. Salem.
     Halpin, Patrick, railroad laborer, Rome.
     Harper, J., far., Sec. 29; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Harris, D., farm; S. 23; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Harshberger, J., far., Sec. 22; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Harshberger, W., far., S. 27; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Hart, M., far., S. 13; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Haynes, S.B., far., S. 16; P.O. Rome.
     Headland, F., far., S. 16; P.O. Rome.
     Henderson, S., far. S. 21; P.O. Rome.
     Hitt, D.S., far., S. 20; P.O. Rome.
     Hobbs, N., far. Sec. 11
     Hobson, E., far. S. 36; P.O. Salem.
     Hockett, A., far., S. 34; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Hockett, E., far., S. 36; P.O. Salem.
     Hockett, Jehue, far., S. 36; P.O. Salem.
     Hockett, J.M., far., S. 25; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Hocket, Jonathan, far., Sec. 36; P.O. Salem.
     Hockett, R.M., far., S. 34; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Hodson, G., far. S. 27; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Hogate, W.W., far., S. 30; P.O. Rome.
     Hollingsworth, O., far., S. 32; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Hoskins, J., far. S. 24; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Housell, L.D., far., S. 14; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.

     INSKEEP, J.M., DR., Oakland Mills; born in Ohio in 1834; he graduated at the Ohio Wesleyan University, 1854; attended medical lectures at Asbury Medical College, at Columbus, Ohio; has been engaged for many years in the practice of his profession and as minister of the United Brethren Church; he lost his sight, and was entirely blind for two years; recovered his sight in 1874; he came to Henry Co. in 1876; resides with his brother-in-law, Mr. J.D. Willeford.

     JAY, S., far., S. 29; P.O. Rome.

     KIRK, JOSEPH, far., S. 20; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Kirkhart, Jacob, blacksmith, Rome.

     LAIRD, G.W., far., S. 4; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Laird, W.C., far. S. 15; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Lambeth, Wm. far. S. 30; P.O. Rome.
     Luren, T., far., S. 29; P.O. Rome.
     Lamm, A., far. S. 27; P.O. Rome.
     LASH, ALBERT R., M.D., Rome; born in Stark Co, Ohio, in 1845; removed with his parents to Elkhart Co., Ind., in 1858. He attended medical lectures at Keokuk, Iowa, during the term of 1871-72; returned to Indiana and began the practice of medicine with his preceptor, Dr. Thomas Cammack, a graduate of the Medical College at Washington, D.C.; he came to Iowa and located at Rome in 1875. He married in December, 1877, Alice Scott, who was born in Rome in 1856; they have one child- Edna, born in 1878. Dr. Lash has a liberal practice in his profession.
     Lawrence, G., far., S. 13; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     LAZENBY, BENJAMIN F., far., S. 26; P.O. Oakland Mills; owns 100 acres of land; was born in Virginia in 1810; his parents moved to Ohio in 1816; he came to Henry Co. in 1838. He married in 1839, Edith Sanderson, a native of Ohio, born in 1819; they have three children- Melissa I., Mary and Sarah; have lost three- Joshua, aged 8 years; Isabella, aged 4 years; John F., aged 2 years.
     Lazenby, E., laborer, Sec. 24; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     LEE, JONATHAN, REV., minister of the Baptist Church, Rome; he was born in Indiana in 1839; his father removed to Henry Co. in 1840. He married, in 1859, Mary A. Huster, a native of Indiana; she died in 1869; has three children- Amanda L. Curtis, E. and Edwin H.; he married Mary A. Byrd, a native of Indiana; they have two children- Olivia B., and Roe F., lost one child in infancy. Mr. Lee has a farm of 140 acres, but devotes the most of his time to the ministry; has been preaching since he was 17 years of age.
     Lee, J., far., S. 19; P.O. Rome.
     Lee, M., far., S. 31; P.O. Rome.
     Lee, Wm., far., S. 19; P.O. Rome.
     Lupton, S., far., S. 35; P.O. Salem.
     LUSK, WILLIAM B., farmer, Sec. 1; P.O. Mt. Pleasant; owns about sixteen hundred acres of land; Mr. Lusk was born in East Tennessee in 1804; removed from Tennessee to Illinois in 1830; came from Illinois to Henry Co. in December, 1834; he is one of the very earliest pioneers of Henry Co. now living. He married in 1832, Sarah Dixon, of East Tennessee; has one son- Jasper, now a resident of Trenton Tp., he again married in 1835, Mrs. Sarah Jones, a native of Kentucky. He crossed the plains to California in 1849, and returned in 1850; went back to California in 1852, taking his family with him; returned in 1855; he crossed the mountains to Idaho in 1865; was absent about six months. The tract of land he now owns he settled upon forty-five years ago. From a condition of poverty, he has, by hard work and economy, become rich.
    Luzater, J., far., S. 22; P.O. Mt. Pleasant
    Lyon, Wm., far., S. 25; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.

     McBRIDE, D.M., far., Sec. 6; P.O. Rome
     McCanahey, S, saw-mill, Rome.
     McCardle, T.S., wagon-maker, Rome.
     McElhaney, agent, R.R., Rome.
     McKnight, E., Rome.
     McMurram, R., far. S. 16, P.O. Rome.
     Mabeas, A., far., S. 21, P.O. Rome.
     Macey, Seth, far., S. 34; P.O. Rome.
     Mann, T.A., far., S. 36; P.O. Salem.
     Maxwell, Chas., far., Sec. 36; P.O. Salem.
     Mills, Aaron, far., S. 32, P.O. Salem.
     Mills, D.S., far., S. 33; P.O. Salem.
     Mills, Oliver, far., S. 29; P.O. Rome.
     Milner, C.W., far., S. 23; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Mitchell, R.H., far., S. 23; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Moffatt, H.E., R.R. employe, Rome.
     MOORE, PETER, hotel, Rome; born in Virginia in 1807; removed to Ohio in 1832; came to Henry Co. in 1837; has since lived four years in Washington Co. and two years in Missouri. He came to Rome in 1856, where he has since resided. He married in 1837, Jane Humes, a native of Virginia; she died in 1851; he again married, in 1852, Caroline Hart, a native of Tennessee. Had seven children by first marriage, three now living, and six by second marriage, all living.
     Musselman, T.J., saloon, Rome.
     Myres, J.L., laborer, S. 2; P.O. Rome.

     NEICE, MORGAN, farmer, Sec. 3; P.O. Rome.
     Nichols, W., far., S. 32; P.O. Salem.
     Norris, J., far.; S. 15; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.

     O'CONNELL, PAT, farmer, Sec. 22; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Oldt, B.; Sec. 24; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Oldt, J., laborer, S. 23; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     OLDT, WILLIAM J., Sec. 26; P.O. Oakland Mills; owns 100 acres. Mr. Oldt was born in Pennsylvania in 1846; came to Henry Co with his parents in 1861. He married, in 1870, Virginia Clark, who was born in Ohio in 1846; they located on their present farm in 1876.
     O'LOGHLIN, PETER, merchant, Rome; was born in Ireland in 1839; he came to this country in 1857; remained a short time in New Jersey; came to Tippecanoe Tp. in August of the same year. He married Margarette Quinn, a native of Ireland; they have six children- Michael T., James J., Peter, Patrick W., Margaret and Mary. Mr. O'Loghlin has been engaged in business in Rome since 1858; he began with no capital but has been very successful; he built the store he now occupies in 1877; it is of brick, and cost about $9,000; has a fine brick residence, built in 1870; he has a large stock and fine assortment of goods, consisting of dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, clothing and everything necessary to constitute a first-class store.
     Olmer, J., far., S. 7; P.O. Rome.
     Owiatt, O., far., S. 32; P.O. Rome.
     Osborn, N., far. S. 28; P.O. Rome.
     Osburn, W., far., S. 35; P.O. Salem.
     Otler, F., far., S. 6; P.O. Rome.

     PARCELLS, E.J., far., S. 35; P.O. Salem.
     Parcells, M.M., far. S. 16; P.O. Rome.
     Parker, M.J., far., S. 29; P.O. Rome.
     Paxton, M., wagon-maker, Rome.
     Peterson, E., far., S. 18; P.O. Rome.
     Peterson, J.P., far.; P.O. Rome.
     Perine, Peter, far., S. 13; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.

     RAINEY, DAVID, far., S. 30; P.O. Rome
     Rhodes, J.W., far. S. 28; P.O. Rome
     Richardson, N.H., far., S. 3; P.O. Rome
     Roy, W., far., S. 2, P.O. Rome
     Russell, C., railroad carpenter, Rome.

     SAINT, WILLIAM, farmer, Sec. 23
     Sanburg, G., laborer, Rome.
     Scott, P., far., S. 34; P.O. Salem
     Scott, Wm., Postmaster, Rome.
     Scott, Maria, Mrs.; P.O. Rome; was born in Pennsylvania in 1826; came to Henry Co. with her father, David Pfouz, in 1839; he settled in Trenton Tp., where he resided till his death in 1852. Mrs. Scott married in 1847 Samuel Crawford, who died on his way to California in 1849. In 1852, she married Mr. William Scott, a native of Ohio; he was born in 1817; came to Henry Co. in 1845; he died in December, 1868. Mrs. Scott has one son by her first marriage-Mr. Perry Crawford, who resides in Trenton Tp; she has three children by second marriage-Winfield A., Elmer E. and Edward H., all residents of Rome. Mrs. Scott has about 300 acres of land; also a house in Rome.
     Seberger, H., far., S. 17; P.O. Rome.
     Secman, R., laborer, Rome.
     Sheridan, A., far., S. 11; P.O. Rome.
     Short, J., far., S. 24; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Shriver, W.H., far., S. 32; P.O. Salem.
     Sisk, F., far., Sec. 28; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Smith, J.P., far., Sec. 16; P.O. Rome.
     Smith, L.B., far., S. 30; P.O. Rome.
     Smith, M., far., S. 27; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Smith, W.P., far., S. 35; P.O. Salem.
     Sperries, R., Rome.
     Stephens, H., Saw-mill hand, Rome.
     Stutler, J.H., railroad laborer, Rome.
     Swails, G.W., merchant, Rome.

     TAYLOR, R.B., far., Sec. 7; P.O. Rome.
     Terrell, C., far., S. 22; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Thompson, H.S., far. S. 23; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Tracey, John, blacksmith, Rome.
     Trublood, Alfred, far., S. 25; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Trueblood, Josh., far. S. 25; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Trueblood, N.S., far., S. 34; P.O. Salem
     Trueblood, Stanford, far., S. 26; P.O. Mt. Pleasant
     Tull, John, far. S. 8; P.O. Rome.

     UPTON, GEORGE, laborer, Rome.
     Upton, J.E., far., S. 12; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.

     VANDOSEN, J.A., far., S. 30; P. O. Rome.
     Vandosen, M.J., far. S. 33; P.O. Rome.
     Vantoril, R., far., S. 20; P.O. Rome.

     WARLEY, JNO., shoemaker, Rome.
     WALKER, ISAAC, S. 11; P.O. Mt. Pleasant; owns 63 acres; was born in Manchester, England, in 1835; came to America in 1841; his parents first located in Lee Co; came to Henry Co. in 1846. Mr. Walker married in 1860 Henrietta Hobbs, a native of Ohio, born in 1843; they have five children-John F., Albert T., Charlotte J., Edith I and Robert N.; have lost one child-Elizabeth, aged 3 years.
     Waters, E., far., S. 14; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Welch, Manly, far., S. 12; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Welch, Merritt, far., S. 12; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     WHITE, GENIUS, far., S. 10; P.O. Rome; owns 310 acres; was born in Indiana in 1821; he removed to Van Buren Co., Iowa, in 1841. Married in 1849 Mary A Grant, a native of Indiana, born in 1826; they have five children-Clarissa J., George W., Emily, Richard W., and Pleasant G.
     WHITE, N.F., far., S. 12; P.O. Mt. Pleasant; owns ten acres; born in Hamilton Co., Ohio, in 1811; removed with his parents to Indiana; thence to Illinois in 1820; he came to Burlington in 1836; to Mt. Pleasant in 1839; has been a resident of Henry Co. since. He married in 1833 Mary A. Rose, a native of Kentucky; they have two children-Rachel, born in 1841, and Edward E., born in 1849; have lost two children, Emeline, who died in 1858, and John M., 1878. Mr. White has lived on the farm he now owns for thirty-nine years.
     Wilkinson, W.R., far., S. 20; P.O. Rome.
     Williford, B., far., S. 14; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Williford, J.D., far., S. 14; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Wilson, Payton, far., S. 33; P.O. Salem.
     Woods, Hugh J., far., S. 27; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Woods, Paul, far., S. 31; P.O. Rome.
    WRIGHT, SUSAN, MRS., far., Sec. 22; P.O. Oakland Mills; owns 100 acres; she was born in East Tennessee; born in 1804. They removed to Indiana in 1829, where they resided seven years; came to Tippecanoe Tp. in 1836. Mr. W. was a member of the Legislature of 1846. He died Oct. 6, 1878. Had been a member of the M.E. church for thirty-three years. He left Mrs. Wright and three children-Orlean, Jacob and Mary E. Mr. Wright was an honorable, upright man, and has left a record worthy of imitation. Mrs. Wright has lost twelve children, six of whom had reached maturity.

     YAKLE, B., far., S. 27; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     Yakle, F., far., S. 27; P.O. Mt. Pleasant.
     YAKLE, LUKE, retired farmer, Sec. 29; was born in Germany in 1808. Married in 1831 Ann E. Finks, a native of Germany; born in 1810. Came to Baltimore, Md., in 1834; removed to Ohio, thence to Henry Co. in 1843. He has had eleven children, six of living. P.O. Rome.

[pages 549-551]


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