Fairchild - Francy
MRS. ALICE FAIRCHILD MRS. ALICE FAIRCHILD, who is engaged in the millinery business in Mount Pleasant, was born on a farm near Trenton, in Henry county, Iowa, October 22, 1858, a daughter of A. R. and Anna (Rhykert) Halliwill. Her father was born in Starke county, Ohio, April 1, 1823, and there resided upon a farm until he had attained adult age. In early manhood he learned the carpenter's trade, and in the latter part of the '40's he removed from Ohio to Illinois. Subsequently he came to Iowa, settling on a farm in Henry county, and for the three years prior to 1906 he lived retired in Mount Pleasant. In 1906 he removed to Alma, Michigan, where he inherited a farm. His wife, who was born in New York, February 16, 1828, came to the Mississippi valley in pioneer times with her parents, who settled upon a large farm near Galesburg, Illinois. There both her father and mother died. Mrs. Halliwill is now living upon the old homestead farm, about nine miles from Mount Pleasant, and one of her grandchildren is always with her. In the Halliwill family were seven children. Eliza is the wife of John Ackles, a farmer of Trenton, Iowa; James died when about three years old; A. O., of Mount Pleasant, Iowa, married Miss Lola Chambers, and has seven children. Cornelia is the wife of John Messer, a farmer living about three miles from Mount Pleasant, and they have five children. Mrs. Fairchild is the fifth of the family. Alonzo, living in Des Moines, Iowa, married Miss Sibbie Chambers, and they have six children; Myron married Miss Lizzie Scott, and they reside in Des Moines. Both parents are members of the Methodist church. Mrs. Fairchild acquired her early education in the public schools of Mount Pleasant, and afterward attended Howe's academy of this city. Subsequently, she engaged in teaching for four years, spending that entire time in two country schools in Henry county. On the 22d of November, 1879, she gave her hand in marriage to Samuel G. Scarff, a son of John and Laura (Guiten) Scarff. He was born in Ohio in 1842, and when six years of age was brought by his parents to Iowa. He was one of a family of nine children, but only two are now living. W. O. Scarff is a farmer, owning and operating land near Mount Pleasant, but makes his home in the city. He married Miss Eliza Manning, and has five children. James Scarff, who resides near the old home farm, married Miss Mary Messer, and they had eleven children, of whom eight are living. Samuel G. Scarff was reared in Iowa, acquired his education in the public schools, and early became familiar with the duties and labors that fall to the lot of the agriculturist. He made farming his life work and died in Henry county in 1891. His political allegiance was given to the democracy, and he was a member of the Methodist church, his remains being interred in the church cemetery, known as White Oak, he and his brother having given the ground for this purpose. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Scarff were born five children. Ralph C., born March 11, 1881, died in 1901, at the age of twenty years. Howard G., born February 10, 1883, died at the age of three years. Cora G., born June 14, 1885, is living with her mother. Nina G., born August 21, 1887, is a student in Howe's academy, in Mount Pleasant. Rueben Gerald, born April 29, 1889, died in 1892, when two and a half years old. All the children were born upon the farm in Henry county. On the 27th of June, 1895, Mrs. Scarff was married to Linus Fairchild, a son of Linus Fairchild, of Rome, Iowa. The parents both died on a farm near Rome. In their family were six children. Mrs. Harriet Ainsworth, who has two children, spends the summer months in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and the winter season in Florida. Alfred, a merchant of Stockport, Iowa, has three children. Perry is living in the west. Mrs. Elizabeth Craff is a resident of Lockridge, Iowa; Amos is also living in the west. Linus Fairchild, the other son of the family, was a farmer by occupation, devoting his life to agricultural pursuits near Mount Pleasant. He was a democrat in his political views, but never sought office as a reward for party fealty. In matters of citizenship, however, he was always progressive and public spirited, and rejoiced in what was accomplished in the county for public progress and improvement. For one year he was ill, and then passed away on the 22d of December, 1901, his remains being interred in Forest cemetery at Rome, Iowa. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Fairchild were born two children: Ora Harriet, born March 29, 1896, and Elizabeth, born May 1, 1897. In November, 1904, Mrs. Fairchild opened a millinery store on the corner of Jefferson and Washington streets, in Mount Pleasant. Here she had one of the largest millinery establishments in the county, carrying a carefully selected line of goods, and was regarded as a most enterprising and intelligent business woman, displaying keen discrimination in the conduct of her commercial interests. She sold her business in December, 1905, and is not now in business. She owns a residence property north of the railroad, and also a residence and vacant lots at Marsh, Iowa. She is a member of the Congregational church, and is a lady of excellent traits of character and pleasing social qualities. (Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906, pp 484-485) (PE) |
H. H. Farr
H. H. FARR, a farmer residing on section 12, Scott Township, Henry Co., Iowa, was born in Chittenden County, Vt., July 31, 1818, and is the son of Joel and Eunice (Higgins) Farr, the former a native of Vermont and the latter of Eastham, Mass. Mr. Farr comes from old Revolutionary stock, his maternal grandfather being a soldier in that war, was taken a prisoner and carried to England. His paternal grandfather was a native of Vermont, and a farmer throughout his life. Joel Farr, the father of our subject, was a shoemaker by trade, but during the latter part of his life was engaged in tilling the soil. He volunteered as a soldier during the War of 1812, but the war closed before he reached the field. He died Aug. 26, 1854, aged fifty-eight years. His wife survived him and came to this county with her son, H. H. Farr, and here died Oct. 29, 1871, in her eightieth year. She and her husband were both members of the Christian Church. The boyhood days of our subject were spent on the farm. He left home at the age of sixteen, working as a farm hand and buying his time of his father. He continued farm work until Sept. 19, 1841, when he was united in marriage with Elmira Sherman, a native of Chittenden County, Vt., born April 3, 1816. She is the daughter of Simeon and Lucretia (Stewart) Sherman, the father born in New Hampshire and the mother in Worcester County, Mass. Her departed this life in Huntington, Vt., Feb. 10, 1864, at the age of eighty-five years. His wife survived him until March 24, 1872, dying when seventy-four years and ten months old. She was a Baptist. After his marriage Mr. Farr purchased sixty acres of land in the Green Mountain State, and there they resided until 1856, at which time the family removed to Henry County, Iowa. Here he bought seventy acres of timber land in Baltimore Township, making many improvements upon this farm. At the end of four years he sold that and purchased 120 acres on section 12, Scott Township, his present home. This land was in a raw state but he made many improvements, and now has a fine farm and comfortable home. Seven children blessed the union of H. H. Farr and Elmira Sherman. All except the youngest child were born in Vermont. Ransom J. and Eliza J. are still at home with their parents; Ellen, wife of W. H. Wise, of Winfield; Henry, who died in infancy; Josephine, at home; Alice L. died at the age of seventeen years; George E., the youngest child was born July 4, 1860, in Winfield. Mr. and Mrs. Farr are both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Politically, he is a Republican. He and his good wife have lived in this county since 1856, and as citizens, neighbors and friends, none stand higher. R. J. Farr, residing on section 12, Scott Township, Henry Co., Iowa, was born Nov. 26, 1844, in Chittenden County, Vt. He was married, Oct. 13, 1870, to Anna Sherman, a native of Illinois, and a daughter of Jacob and Mary (Roundtree) Sherman. Missouri was the birthplace of her parents. Two children have graced the union of Mr. and Mrs. Farr: Ella May, born April 21, 1872, is attending school at Winfield, and Henry Merton, born Dec. 6, 1876. Mr. Farr is one of the prominent young farmers of Henry County. He owns eighty acres of land in Scott Township, and has held several township offices. He advocates the principles of the Republican party and has always affiliated with that body. Mrs. Farr was taken from her happy home on earth, May 3, 1876, when twenty-nine years of age. She was a member of the Baptist Church, and Mr. Farr belongs to the Methodist Episcopal Church. (Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, p. 401-2.) |
William H. Fehse
WILLIAM H. FEHSE, tobacconist and news-dealer, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, was born in that city Dec. 8, 856. His parents, J. Frederick and Marie (Schultz) Fehse were born in the Province of Saxony, Germany. His father is the son of James Fehse, and was born Sept. 3, 1822. He learned the wagon and carriage maker's trade in his native country, performed the required military duty due the Government, and emigrated to America in 1848, landing in Baltimore on the 16th of October of that year. Remaining but a short time in that city, he went to Indianapolis, Ind., where he worked at his trade till 1852, when he came to Iowa and located at Burlington, where he worked at the plow business four years. In 1856 he came to Mt. Pleasant, where he has since resided, and has since continued to work at his trade, of which he is a master. For several years he was a silent partner of William Schultz in the wagon and carriage making business. He is now employed in the shop of Mr. A. H. Zuhn. Mr. Fehse is a hard-working, industrious man, a good mechanic, and a very highly respected citizen. He was married in Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. 9, 1849, to Miss Maria Schulz, a daughter of James Schulz. Mrs. Fehse was born in Saxony, Germany. Both are members of the Presbyterian Church in Mt. Pleasant. they have had four children - Fred, William H., Sarah and Frank. Fred, the eldest, is a soldier in the regular army, serving as a musician; Sarah is living at home; Frank is an upholsterer by trade, and lives at Omaha. William H., the subject of this sketch, learned the cigar-making's trade with Dempsey & Heitsmeier, cigar manufacturers, of Burlington, Iowa. He traveled as a journeyman and salesman, and worked at his trade through the Western States until 1877, when he began business for himself at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, since which time he has carried it on continuously. In 1884 he added the news business, and has worked up a fine trade in that branch. Mr. Fehse manufactures some of the finest stock in his line in the city, and also carries a full line of tobacco. He was married at Mt. Pleasant, Dec. 17, 1879, to Miss Hattie E. Keefer, daughter of John Keefer. Mrs. Fehse was born in Sargent, McKean Co., Pa., Dec. 8, 1862. Five children were born of their marriage, four sons and a daughter. Three died in infancy. Those living are James Howard and Jeanette Marie. Their youngest child, Josh Ralph, died only a short time since, aged seven months. Mr. Fehse is a Knight Templar Mason, a member of the Mt. Pleasant Lodge No. 8, A. F. & A. M., of Henry Chapter No. 8, R. A. M., and of Jerusalem Comandery No. 7, K. T. Politically he is a Democrat. (Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, p. 359-60.) |
FRED FELDMAN The Teutonic race has ever been an important one in the civilization and development of the new world. The sons of the fatherland have come to America, where they adapted themselves to changed conditions and new surroundings but have brought the same spirit of energy and determination which they manifested in the old country and by reason of these qualities they have become successful and valued residents of various parts of the United States. To this class of citizens Fred Feldman belongs. He resides upon a farm in Scott township and has been a resident of America since the age of twenty years. He was born in Hanover, Germany, a son of August Feldman, also a native of that land. His education was acquired in the schools of Germany and in 1875 he bade adieu to friends and native country and sailed for New York, from which point he made his way westward to St. Louis, Missouri. He had learned the trade of a soapmaker in Germany and he secured employment in a soap factory in St. Louis. He afterward rented a farm in Franklin township, Des Moines county, upon which he lived for seven years, when he bought seventy-eight acres of land, the greater part of which was covered with timber. He cleared all but twenty acres of this and uses most of it for pasture. He built a house of five rooms and barn with stall space for six horses. He continued the further improvement of that property until the spring of 1896, when he removed to Scott township, Henry county, and bought about one hundred and sixty acres of land from William J. Mullen in the northeast corner of section I. Taking up his abode upon this place, he has remodeled the house until it is a good residence of eight rooms and in 1903 he remodeled the barn. He has recently erected a large corn crib and has placed many rods of tiling upon his land, so that it is well drained and therefore very productive. On the 20th of March, 1866, Mr. Feldman was united in marriage to Miss Fredericka Vollmer, who was born in Prussia, Germany, and is a daughter of Henry and Louise (Hoffmeier) Vollmer, who, in the year 1866, crossed the Atlantic to America, becoming residents of St. Louis, where they lived with their children. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Feldman have been born nine children: Annie, now the wife of Harry Kennedy, of Chicago, Henry, who is living in Burlington, Iowa; William, a resident of Ringgold county, Iowa; Carrie, the wife of F. Johansmeier, of Henry county; Fred, who is living in Louisa county; Louisa, Edward, and August, all at home; and Charles, who is attending school. In January, 1903, Mr. Feldman was sent to the hospital at Mount Pleasant for a time, but though there have been some difficulties and obstacles in his path he has persevered in his work and steadily advanced toward the goal of success. He deserves much credit for what he has accomplished, as he had no assistance when he started out in life on his own account. He realized, however, that earnest labor is the basis of all prosperity and because of his indefatigable diligence he has gained a place among the substantial agriculturists of Henry county. (Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906, p. 507-508) (PE) |
B. F.
BENJAMIN F. FENTON, a farmer residing on section 13, Wayne township, is one of the prominent farmers of Henry County. He was born in Frederick County, Va., in 1830, and is a son of John and Mary M. (Steer) Fenton. Both parents were natives of Virginia, the father of Frederick County, and the mother of Loudoun County. Both the Fenton and Steer families of that generation were members of the Society of Friends, but the original Fenton family were owners of slaves, and conducted large farms in Virginia. John and Mary Fenton were the parents of four sons and a daughter: Josiah wedded Mary Lovett; John, father of our subject, became the husband of Mary M. Steer; Benjamin died unmarried; Persilla wedded William Tate; and Enoch married Ester Nichols. The latter is the only one living and is yet a resident of Virginia. John Fenton was married in Loudoun County, and soon after purchased a farm upon which a mill was located. This he operated in connection with the farm until the removal of the family to Iowa in 1856. A location was made by the Fentons on section 13, Wayne township, John purchasing a quarter section, sixty acres of which our subject yet owns. A frame house was erected the same year about a quarter of a mile west of the residence of B.F. Fenton, and this house is still standing, a relic of pioneer days, and a monument to the memory of a man who was one of the best known citizens. John Fenton lived to see the war ended and the principles for which he was an ardent advocate fully vindicated. He reached the ripe age of seventy, and his wife, who survived him several years, was nearly eighty-four. These good people were among those who organized the Friends' Church in this township, John Fenton being one of the first Elders, and continuing in that position during the remainder of his life. Mr. and Mrs. Fenton were the parents of Joseph, who died in childhood; our subject; Samuel, deceased, who became the husband of Catherine Murphy; Sarah A., deceased wife of Joseph Robinson; Mary P., who wedded Clarkson Philips; Phoebe E., wife of Caleb Russell, whose sketch appears elsewhere; and John W., a merchant of Kirwin, Kan. Our subject preceded his father's family to Iowa, coming in the fall of 1855. He formed the acquaintance of Miss Sarah E. Bower during the winter, becoming an inmate of her father's family. The marriage was not celebrated, however, until Nov. 19, 1863, Rev. George B. Jocelyn, a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, performing the ceremony. The next year, the young couple removed upon the farm upon which for twenty-five years they have lived so happily, and all their children, except the first one, were born under the hallowed roof which still shelters them. Mrs. Fenton is the youngest of a family of eight children, her parents being natives of Pennsylvania, from which State they removed, first to Holmes County, Ohio, in 1846, and then became citizens of Iowa in 1850. Joel Bower was married to Sarah Lobaugh, in Adams county, Pa., of which place both were natives. Their children were all born in that county, prior to their removal West, the family consisting of Hiram L., who married Susanna Group; Catherine, the wife of Jacob Lishy; Martha J., who wedded James Kirkpatric; Rebecca, wife of Calvin Carey; Mary A., wife of Cornelius Morford; Benjamin F., who married Ruth Cline; Thaddeus S., husband of Lucy Bower; and Sarah E., wife of Benjamin F. Fenton. The Bower family settled on a farm now owned by Charles Fox, where the parents both lived and died. All the children have left the county except Mrs. Fenton and her widowed sister, Catherine, who finds with the Fentons a comfortable home. Seven children have graced the union of Mr. and Mrs. Fenton: Phineas S., a teacher of this county; Laura B. has a teacher's certificate in Henry County; Howard; Sarah G. is deceased, Mary C., Bertha M. and Eli Preston. All the children are yet with their parents, and for many years this family has been regarded as one of the most prominent in Wayne Township. Benjamin Fenton has been connected with the School Board of Wayne Township, and for several years has been Elder in the Friends' Church. The maternal great-grandfather of Mrs. Fenton was Ephraim Schultz. His daughter, Catherine, married Abraham Lobaugh, who was a prominent teacher for many years in Cumberland County, Pa. He was accidentally killed, and his widow remained in that county the remainder of her life. (Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, pp. 426-429)(PW) |
WILLIAM E. FERREE WILLIAM E. FERREE, postmaster of Hillsboro, is a citizen uniformly esteemed and his life history forms an integral chapter in the annals of Henry county. He is descended from French Huguenot ancestry in the paternal line. At an early period in the colonization of the new world Mrs. Mary Ferree, with her sons, crossed the Atlantic to America to escape religious persecution in France. She secured a land grant here. She had two sons, one of whom settled east of the Allegheny mountains and the other west, and it is from the latter that William E. Ferree of this review is descended. His parents were Isaac and Harriet (Baldwin) Ferree, both natives of Pennsylvania, the former born in Allegheny county, January 25, 1813, while the latter was born in Fayette county on the 15th of August, 1822. Isaac Ferree was a coal miner in the state of his nativity and following his removal to Iowa in 1858 he engaged in farming. His political support was given to the Republican party and he was a member of the Freewill Baptist church, to which his widow still belongs. His death occurred in Hillsboro in 1901, but Mrs. Ferree is still living at the advanced age of eighty-three years, making her home with her son William. In the family of this worthy couple were seven children, five of whom are now living. John C., the eldest, married Nancy Stamm and resides in Virginia. Laura A. became the wife of William Hopkirk, who was a soldier of the Thirtieth Iowa Infantry and died in the Civil war. She is now the wife of Dr. Joseph I. Doughart, of Pratt county, Kansas, who was a member of the Fourth Iowa Infantry. William E. is the third of the family. Emmett married Miss Clara Chapman and resides in Mahaska county, Iowa. Sarah Belle is the wife of R. J. Pope, a resident of Kansas City, Missouri. Annetta died in 1858. Eliza J. became the wife of John Dudley and they and all their family perished in the Galveston flood. The eldest son of this family was a member of Company K, Sixth Iowa Infantry and participated in the battles of Shiloh and Missionary Ridge. He was seriously wounded three times and has since been a cripple. William E. Ferree, born in Fayette county, Pennsylvania, October 14, 1846, was educated in the common schools of Iowa and Pennsylvania, after which he gave his attention to farming, remaining with his father until the latter's death. He was but seventeen years of age when, in November, 1863, he joined Company M, of the Fourth Iowa Cavalry, which was assigned to the Army of the Tennessee. He was under the command of Captain Whitney and Colonel Winslow and was honorably discharged at Atlanta, Georgia, August 8, 1865. He had participated in many hotly contested engagements, including the battles of Ripley, Tupelo, Guntown, Monta Valley, Selma and Columbus and numerous skirmishes. In his political affiliation Mr. Ferree has always been a stalwart republican and has been called to various offices. He has served as justice of the peace, as a member of the school board, as township trustee, and was census enumerator in 1890. In June, 1897, he was appointed postmaster of Hillsboro and is still filling that position, his son and daughter practically managing the office and conducting the business connected therewith. In July, 1880, Mr. Ferree was married to Miss Lavina B. Isaman, who was born in Tuscarawas, Ohio, in 1855, and is a daughter of Daniel and Mary (Graham) Isaman, both of whom were natives of Pennsylvania, the father born in 1814 and the mother in 1815. It was in the year 1857 that Mr. Isaman came to Hillsboro and settled upon a farm, where he remained continuously until his death in 1902. His wife passed away in 1895 and both were interred in the Hillsboro cemetery. In his political views Mr. Isaman was a republican and both he and his wife were members of the Methodist church, in which he filled the office of steward. In their family were seven children: Frank married Alena Newhold and died in 1901, while his widow now resides in Aurora, Nebraska. Catherine is the wife of George Deeds, a resident of Colorado. Lafayette married Sarah White and lives in Aurora, Nebraska. David married Magdalene Beckley and is now deceased, while his widow resides in Hillsboro. Samuel married Emma Reynolds and resides in Lewiston, Idaho. Leah is the wife of Fred Beech, of Shipley, Nebraska. Lavina B. is now Mrs. Ferree. Of this family B. F. and Lafayette Isaman were both soldiers of the Civil war, serving in Company F, Fourteenth Iowa Infantry. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Ferree have been born five children: Armatha, born in Henry county in 1881, is the wife of Craig Groves and resides in Hillsboro. William S., born in 1884, is in the Hillsboro postoffice. Paul G., born in 1887, also resides in Hillsboro and married Miss Bertha Wheatley, by whom he has one child, Zada Zordatha. Harriet E., born in December, 1890, is a high school student. Isaac Edgar, born in 1894, is also in school. Mr. Ferree resides on Commerce street, Hillsboro, where he owns a pretty cottage. Fraternally he is an Odd Fellow and has passed all of the chairs in lodge, No. 373. He also belongs to the Masonic Lodge, No. 541, and to the Grand Army of the Republic. Both he and his wife are members of the Baptist church and are people of the highest respectability, whose many excellent traits of heart and mind have won for them the unqualified esteem of those with whom they have been associated. Since returning from the war Mr. Ferree has suffered from ill health, but has a mind unimpaired and a wonderful memory, assimilating all he reads. He keeps well informed on the questions of general interest, political and otherwise, and has a mind well stored with comprehensive knowledge of facts in American history. There is no one residing here save Dr. Allen and Mrs. Mary Ellerton who have lived longer in Hillsboro than Mr. Ferree, and he has seen many changes in the village and in the county as the work of improvement and modern development have been carried forward. (Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906, pp 677-679) (PE) |
George E. Ferris GEORGE E. FERRIS, of Mt. Pleasant, is one of the pioneer settlers of Henry County, Iowa, and was born in Devonshire, England, on the 31st of March, 1823, and is the son of Edward and Mary (Knighton) Ferris, both of whom were also natives of Devonshire. They were the parents of five children, two sons and three daughters: Mary, wife of Benjamin Harvey, deceased, is now residing at Weymouth, England; Elizabeth, who was the wife of Mr. Holmwood, now deceased, also resides at Weymouth; Anna, the wife of Charles Woods, resides at St. Albans, England; George E., the subject of this sketch, and William, a resident of Dawlish, Devonshire, England. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ferris were members of the Congregational Church in England for many years. Mrs. Ferris departed this life Jan. 25, 1832, her husband surviving her for many years, and dying April 15, 1854. George E., our subject, received but a common-school education, being apprenticed at the age of fifteen to the carpenter trade for six years, in return for his services receiving only his board. He was married to Miss Sarah C. Champ, in 1849, who was the daughter of Samuel R. and Mary (Hooper) Champ, of Dorsetshire, England. Mr. and Mrs. Champ were the parents of nine children, eight of whom are now living: John, of England; Edwin, a resident of Montgomery County, Iowa; Alfred, Stephen, Henry, Frederick, and Mary, wife of Mr. Wearham, all live in England. Mr. and Mrs. Champ are members of the Congregational Church. Mr. Ferris, in 1849, embarked with his young wife for America in a sailing-vessel, the voyage lasting seven weeks. He settled at Pittsburgh, where he remained but a short time, being obliged to leave on account of sickness, removing to Brownsville, and three years subsequently removing to Marion County, W. Va. In the month of April, 1857, he came to Henry County, working at his trade until the breaking out of the Rebellion, enlisting in the 4th Iowa Cavalry Nov. 16, 1861. He was mustered into service at Camp Harlan. The following March the regiment was sent to Benton Barracks at St. Louis and from thence to Rolla, Mo. , and subsequently to Springfield, Mo. Mr. Ferris was detailed as assistant nurse at Helena, Ark. On the 14th of March, 1864, he re-enlisted, serving until the close of the war, and was discharged Aug. 18, 1865, since which time he has been living in Mt. Pleasant. Mr. and Mrs. Ferris are the parents of three living children: Mary E., wife of Samuel W. Siberts, LL. D., of the Methodist Episcopal Church, now in mission service at the city of Mexico; he attended school at Mt. Pleasant and completed his education at the Boston Theological University. Ida C. is the wife of Rev. J. E. Corley, a Methodist minister, who was also educated at Mt. Pleasant and Boston Theological University; Carrie H., who is the wife of Park Kauffman, the superintendent of the schools of Red Oak, Iowa; he is a graduate of Wesleyan University at Mt. Pleasant. There is also an adopted son, Francis M., a graduate of the High School, who has taken a partial course in the University at Mt. Pleasant, and is now an attorney-at-law in Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Ferris are active members in the Methodist Episcopal Church, and are held in high esteem by all who know them. (Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, p. 616.) |
Peter Fisher
PETER FISHER, one of the pioneer settlers of Henry County, Iowa, was born in Rowan County, N. C., Sept. 26, 1795. His parents were Jacob and Barbara (Beam) Fisher, the father being of German descent, and the mother of North Carolina. In 1808 they removed to Butler County, Ohio, settling near the Miami River, clearing away the timber and making for themselves a home in the wilderness. Jacob Fisher subsequently removed to Franklin County, Ind., where he made his home and endured all the trials and privations of early pioneer life, living the first few years on hominy ground in a small hand-mill. Jacob and Barbara Fisher were the parents of eight children, of whom the subject of this sketch is the only surviving one. They were devoted members of the Lutheran Church, always ready to advance the cause of their Master. Mr. Fisher's political views were those of a Democrat, and he did not fail to teach his son the same principles. He was a man greatly opposed to slavery, bringing up his children with the same views of the cruelty and injustice done to the oppressed colored race. Our subject grew to manhood on the farm and attended the log-cabin school-house, with its puncheon floors, huge fireplace and greased paper windows. He was married to Miss Elizabeth Herberson in Preble County, Ohio, in 1817. She was a native of Kentucky. This union was blessed with six children, three of whom are now living: Henry, of Conway County, Kan.; William, of Oregon, and Joseph, a lumber dealer of Pittsburgh, Pa. In 1852 the family came to Henry County and located, and in 1857 Mrs. Fisher was called to her final home. Mr. Fisher subsequently married Mrs. Joslyn, widow of Henry Joslyn. She is a native of Franklin County, Mass., her parents, William and Sophia (Hanson) Joslyn, living and dying in that State. Mr. Joslyn was a native of Vermont. He died in 1855. Peter Fisher is one of few surviving soldiers of the War of 1812. he fought under Gen. Harrison, serving until peace was declared, and being discharged at Buffalo, N. Y. True to the early teachings received from his father he took up arms against slavery in the war of the Rebellion, enlisting at the age of sixty-seven in what was known as the Greybeard regiment, 37th Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and was on guard duty, serving over two years. He was discharged on account of a broken leg and hip, and was mustered out at Rock Island in 1864, since which time he has lived a retired life, residing at Mt. Pleasant. He now receives a pension of $24 per month. In early life Mr. Fisher learned the trade of a tailor, which he followed for many years. In politics he is one of the old stanch Democrats of the Jackson stripe, and in early life voted for President Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher are members of the Universalist Church, and are always willing to lend a helping hand for the advancement of a good cause. Sufficient praise can scarcely be bestowed upon this man. Reared in a country then hardly more than a wilderness, having a few educational advantages, he has yet risen to such eminence that any State might be proud of such a citizen. He served his country truly, earnestly, faithfully, through two wars, and has endured the hardships and trials of pioneer life. Coming to this county when there were no railroads and few settlements, he has always exerted a great and steady influence for the cause of right and for the good of the community. He is now an old man, his life's work is nearly ended, and he is now patiently waiting the call of his Master, and to hear the blessed words of his Savior, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant, enter into the joys of thy Lord." (Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, p. 432-3.) |
Paxton Fitch
PAXTON FITCH, one of the prominent farmers and stock-raisers of Henry County, resides on section 20, Trenton Township. He was born in Guernsey County, Ohio, in 1827, and is the son of James and Elizabeth (Paxton) Fitch, the father a native of Pennsylvania, and the mother of Maryland. James Fitch came to this county in 1854, and remained here until his death, which occurred in 1857 at the age of sixty-four, his wife dying in 1882 when ninety years of age. They reared a family of nine children, two only of whom are now living-Elizabeth, wife of Samuel Sprouts, of Noble County, Ohio, and Paxton. The latter learned the shoemaker's trade in Ohio, and followed it for five years. In the spring of 1852 he came to Henry County and settled in Center Township, where he rented a farm and lived for two years. He then purchased seventy acres of land on section 20, of Trenton Township, where he still resides, but has added to the original purchase until he now owns a well-improved farm of 103 acres. In 1856 he was united in marriage with Sarah Messer, a native of Ohio, and a daughter of Hiram Messer, whose sketch appears elsewhere in this work. Four children have been born to them: Hiram Oscar, a farmer residing in Trenton Township, was married, Nov. 18, 1886, to Laura E. Scarf; Wilbert J., Margaret Ann and Dora Alice still reside with their parents. Mr. Fitch is of Irish descent on his father's side. Politically, he is a Republican, and has held the office of Constable of the township. In connection with general farming Mr. Fitch still works at his trade of shoemaking. He is one of the men who have helped to build up Henry County, is always ready to aid in any public enterprise, and has the esteem and confidence of all. (Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, pp 347-348) (JC) |
![]() JOHN J. FITZGERALD, a capitalist of Mount Pleasant, was born in Mason county, Kentucky, January 5, 1856, and is a son of John and Isabelle (Wallace) Fitzgerald, the former also a native of Kentucky, a son of Moses and Nancy (White) Fitzgerald. Moses was born in Kentucky, and Miss White in Pennsylvania. Moses served as a soldier in the war of 1812. Isabelle Wallace is the daughter of David and Nancy (Campbell) Wallace, both born near Londonderry, Ireland, of Scotch ancestry. Both the Fitzgerald and Wallace families have the religious faith of the Presbyterian church, the former being established in Virginia at the early day of the colonization of the new world, and later becoming residents of Kentucky. The Fitzgerald's were very prominent in the Blue-grass state, were connected with many of the leading families, and were interested in many matters of public moment. The father of our subject is now deceased, having passed away in Kentucky, in August, 1855, of cholera, but the mother is still living, making her home in this city. John J. Fitzgerald was brought to Iowa in his boyhood days and is a graduate of the Mount Pleasant high school. He won the degree of Bachelor of Arts upon graduation from the Iowa Wesleyan University in 1875, after which he entered the law office of Woolson & Babb, remaining until after his examination and admission to the bar in 1878. He practiced law for about one year, but studied the profession mainly for the purpose of using his knowledge in the management of his private business interests. Since coming to Iowa in his youth he has lived in Washington and Henry counties, and is the owner of six hundred acres of very valuable farming land in addition to his residence property in Mount Pleasant and a three-story business building on the square. He owns altogether about forty acres of land within the city limits. He has recently purchased three sections of land in Canada and he likewise has large property interests in Seattle, Washington. He is a lumber manufacturer of Florida, where he owns several thousand acres of land, and lumber. He has two saw mills near Argyle and there he gives employment to many men, while his Florida home is at De Funiak Springs, a beautiful resort location and also the location of the Florida Chautauqua, of which Mr. Fitzgerald is an active director. He is now one of the oldest directors in point of service, and has helped to build up one of the largest Chautauqua Associations in the United States. Mr. Fitzgerald, with two others, bought the State Normal College buildings and are now locating a Presbyterian college. Here Mr. Fitzgerald has made his winter home for twenty-one years. He deals quite extensively in land in Henry county, and yet not in the line of real-estate operations, but rather as an investment. On the 31st of October, 1878, in Pekin, Illinois, Mr. Fitzgerald was married to Miss Anna Smith, a daughter of Henry Smith, who is now deceased. The father was an extensive manufacturer of wagons and farm implements, which business is still conducted under his name in Pekin. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald were born the following named: Isabelle, born December 1, 1879, a graduate of the State Normal School at De Funiak Springs, Florida, of the class of 1902, and is now the wife of L. D. Hathaway, of Brooksville, Florida. Catherine, born August 3, 1881, the wife of W. T. Shepard, of Montgomery, Alabama, where he is engaged in the wholesale lumber business, and they have three children, Anna, and Vanna, twins, and Catherine. John Wallace, born September 1, 1883, spent one year as a student in the Iowa Wesleyan University and one year in the Chicago University, and was about ready to graduate from the State Normal University, at De Funiak Springs, when his health failed and he is now in Montgomery, Alabama. Anna, born June 9, 1889; Henry Paul, May 26, 1893; Ruth, October 19, 1895; and Donald C., August 13, 1897, are all at home. Mrs. Fitzgerald was in delicate health for twenty years and died at De Funiak Springs, Florida, August 27, 1903, her remains being interred there at the Valley church. For many years Mr. Fitzgerald devoted almost his entire attention to the care of his wife, doing all in his power to promote her comfort. In public affairs relating to the progress and welfare of this community, Mr. Fitzgerald is deeply interested and his cooperation has been a potent element for good, along many lines of advancement. He is a trustee of the Iowa Wesleyan University, is an elder in the Presbyterian church at De Funiak Springs, and is the oldest director in the Chautauqua there. This is the third Chautauqua in point of importance in the United States, holding session for nine weeks and drawing its audiences from all parts of the United States. Mr. Fitzgerald has been connected therewith for fifteen years, and his wise counsel is an important element in its success. While in college he was a member of the Beta Theta Pi. In politics he is a stalwart republican and formerly was a member of the central county committee and frequently addressed audiences on the issues of the campaigns. His life stands for progress of material, intellectual and moral progress. His success is largely the result of his own efforts, for though he inherited property in later life, he had previously secured a considerable measure of prosperity, owing to his judicious investments and his careful control of his business interests. In his private life he is distinguished by all that marks the true gentleman. His is a noble character-one of the subordinates of public ambition to public good, and seeks rather the benefit of others than the aggrandizement of self. His many good works have won him generous commendation from his contemporaries, who unite in bearing testimony of his high character and superior mind. (Biographical Review of Henry County, Iowa. Chicago: Hobart Publishing Co.,1906, pp 466-469) (PE) |
John B. Flamm
JOHN B. FLAMM, a farmer and stock-raiser of Henry County, Iowa, residing on section 27, Center Township, was born in Wurtemberg, Germany, Feb. 23, 1836. He was the son of George and Louisa (Reich) Flamm. The subject of this sketch received a liberal education in his native country. After coming to America he for three years worked in Monroe County, N.Y., and in 1857 came to Henry County, Iowa. In August, 1862, Mr. Flamm enlisted in the 25th Iowa Volunteer Infantry, being a member of Company H, and was mustered into service at Camp Harlan, remaining in Camp for two months, then proceeding to St. Louis, then to Helena, Ark., then to Chickasaw Bayou, where they were first under fire. At Arkansas Post they had a sharp fight, and at Young's Point went into winter quarters. In the spring they proceeded down the river, and participated in the siege and capture of Vicksburg, being under fire for forty-seven days. The army went first to Jackson, and had a fight, then to Vicksburg, then back to Jackson, and had another fight, then to Canton, Miss., where they engaged in battle, afterward going to Camp Sherman on Black River. Proceeding up the river to Memphis the army went first to Lookout Mountain, from there to Missionary Ridge, participating in those battles, then to Ringgold, and subsequently to Woodville, Ala., at which place the army went into winter quarters. Mr. Flamm was in all the engagements before Atlanta, and was with Sherman on the memorable march to the sea. He was also engaged in the battle at Bentonville, N.C., and from there marched to Washington, where he was mustered out, and from thence to Davenport, where he was discharged. During all the long days of service Mr. Flamm never received a wound, was always at his post, and was never known to shirk his duty. (Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, pp. 393-394) |
Francis R. Fleagle
FRANCIS R. FLEAGLE, merchant, New London, Iowa, was born in Carroll County, Md., Aug. 15, 1846, and is the son of Henry and Rebecca (Rudolph) Fleagle. The grandparents of our subject on both sides were natives of Germany. Francis R. emigrated with his parents to Iowa in October, 1856, and settled on a farm in Jefferson Township, Henry County. The family consisted of his father and mother, three brothers and a sister: Miranda, who was the eldest, and is now the wife of Simon P. Haifley, of Jefferson Township, in this county; Jacob, the eldest son, enlisted in the late war as a private of Company B, 2d Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and died at Helena, Ark., the same year; William, the next younger, married Susan Smith, daughter of Jacob Smith, a pioneer of Henry County, and is a farmer of Jefferson Township, same county; Charles married Belle Boss, and is also a farmer of Jefferson Township. The father had but $1,100 capital, and after spending the first year on a farm in Jefferson Township, he purchased a farm in Jefferson County, Iowa, of 210 acres, for $2,200, on which he paid $1,000 down, going in debt for the balance. The result was that all had to work hard and live sparingly, to save money and pay the debt. Money was hard to get, and was made by splitting rails and working out. The farm had to be cleared and fenced, so the boyhood of our subject was not a path of roses; but he learned habits of industry and frugality that were worth more than money. He worked faithfully for his father until twenty-one years of age. He was educated at Howe's Academy, at Mt. Pleasant, and engaged in teaching school, being employed in that way for three years. He then engaged as clerk with Templin Brothers & Woods, merchants of Mt. Pleasant. Later he engaged with T. P. Twinting, grocer, as book-keeper, and spent three years in clerking and book-keeping in Mt. Pleasant. He was married in that city, Sept. 5, 1875, to Miss Laura Smith, daughter of R. N. Smith, of Lowell, Iowa, of which town Mrs. Feagle is a native. Four children were born of this union, three sons and a daughter: Harry was born Aug. 7, 1876; Robert Henry, Nov. 19, 1879; Jesse, Sept. 27, 1883; Nellie, Sept. 19, 1886. Mr. Fleagle removed to Cotton Grove, Canaan Township, Henry County, in 1876, where his wife has a farm of eighty acres, and there engaged in merchandising. He was appointed Postmaster of Cotton Grove, and continued to reside at that place till 1881, when he came to New London and engaged in his present business. He has a well-stocked store of general merchandise, and has built up a good trade. Mr. Fleagle is a Republican in politics, and has held various local official positions. He was twice chosen Township Clerk of Canaan Township, and has been Director of the New London School Board several years. He was made a Master Mason in Mt. Pleasant Lodge No. 8, A. F. & A. M., April 14, 1873. He was also a member of Henry Lodge No. 10, I. O. O. F., and of Industrial Encampment No. 18, all of Mt. Pleasant. Mr. Fleagle is one who has had to be the architect of his own fortune. He has by perseverance and strict integrity won a good name and a fair start in the world. That which he has accumulated has been the result of patient and persevering effort, and he is now classed as one of the leading business men of the town. Mr. Fleagle's mother died in Jefferson County in the winter of 1870-71. His father, who was born in October, 1802, died in October 1877. He returned to Henry County soon after his wife's death, in 1870, and made his home with his son William, in Jefferson Township, until the time of his death. (Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, p. 493-94.) |
Abner Forman
ABNER FORMAN, a farmer and stock-raiser, residing on section 3, Marion Township, Henry County, was born in Preston County, Va., April 7, 1815. His parents were Samuel and Elizabeth (Willits) Forman, the father being a native of Pennsylvania, and the mother of Maryland. His father went from Pennsylvania to Virginia in an early day, and here became acquainted with and married Miss Elizabeth Willits, in 1805. They were married in Preston County, Va., where they resided and reared a family of nine children: Jesse, deceased; Deborah, living in Taylor County, Iowa; Annie, deceased; Rhoda, aged twenty-eight; James, aged nineteen, and the mother, all died in 1841, within four days of each other. Hannah, deceased; Abner, our subject, is sixth in order of birth; Ellis, deceased, and Richard. Samuel Forman during all his life was a farmer. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Forman were for many years members of the Society of Friends. He was a man highly esteemed by all. No one in need ever came to him for help but found in him a faithful friend. He was called to his final home, in Preston County, Va., in 1847. Our subject received his education in the common schools. Until his father's death he remained on the farm, when he received it as his share of the property. On the 11th day of June, 1846, he wedded Miss Hannah B. Johnson, who was born in Greene County, Pa., Nov. 7, 1824. Her parents were Isaac and Mary (Barkley) Johnson, natives of Bucks County, Pa. Her father died about the year 1844. He also was a member of the Society of Friends. After Mr. Forman was married he remained on the old home farm in Preston County until 1854, when he sold his farm and removed to9 Knox County, Ohio, where he rented a farm of 100 acres for two years. In 1856 he bought 130 acres of land in Knox County, Ohio, remaining there until the fall of 1866. Having sold his farm he then came to Henry County, buying 160 acres of land on section 3, Marion Township, where he has since resided. Mr. Forman has added many improvements to the farm till it is one of the finest in the county. he is a practical farmer, knowing how to use his means to the best advantage. he has been very successful, the farm each year yielding good crops, and the stock also has been a source of revenue to him. Upon the farm may be found a fine grade of Short-horn cattle, the best grade of Poland-China hogs, and a good grade of Norman horses. Mr. and Mrs. Forman are the parents of seven children: Rhoda, born April 2, 1847; Willits L., born April 10, 1849, married Ruth A. Vore, a native of Ohio, and to them were born three children - Rachel May, Lee W. and Elva. He is a farmer in Taylor County, Iowa. They are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Isaac J., born Aug. 29, 1851, wedded Luella Darlington, a native of Marshall County, Iowa. By this union there were three children: Edith died in infancy; Murrel T. and Lloyd; he is a farmer of Taylor County, Iowa, but at present in California for his health. Solon B., born Feb. 10, 1855, died Aug. 20, 1883; he was a successful educator and a young man of more than ordinary ability, and was highly esteemed by all. Ellis F., born July 15, 1858, is with his brother in California; Jesse Jay, born May 28, 1862, has charge of the home farm, and is a young man of steady, industrious habits; Mary B., born March 7, 1865, died Feb. 2, 1886; she grew up as a flower, but was cut down in her prime. One could not know her but to love her. She was a young lady having more than ordinary musical talent, and was a leader in the church to which she belonged. the life of such a one should lead many to the throne of Him who is the giver of all good. Mr. and Mrs. Forman have given their children good educations. They have taught them to love and fear God, that by their example others may seek the light that leads to life everlasting. They are members of the Society of Friends. As citizens, they rank high, and none more truly deserve the respect of all than do Mr. and Mrs. Forman. In politics he is a Republican, and a great temperance worker. (Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, p. 413-14.) |
William Foster
WILLIAM FOSTER, deceased, was born in Pennsylvania, and was a son of Charles and Margaret (Trimmel) Foster. The family moved to Washington County, Ohio, where Charles Foster purchased a farm, and there our subject grew to manhood, and wedded for his first wife M. Phoebe Scott, and by this union two children were born: Amanda, who married Harlan Jameson; and Brownhill, who became the husband of Jennie Dutton. The first resides near Cherokee, Kan., and the latter near Hastings, Neb. Their mother died in August, and Miss Elizabeth Harter, born in Franklin County, Pa., became William Foster's second wife. She is a daughter of Christian and Katie (Ullum) Harter, both born in Pennsylvania, and of their children, also born in that State, only one is now living, the widow of our subject. Her father died when she was a child, a her mother married a Mr. Shorts, and after his death William Seiferd became her third husband, and they removed to Ohio, where the marriage of Mr. Foster and Miss Harter occurred. A few years later the latter couple removed to this county, and the present home of Mrs. Foster was their first and only abiding-place. The mother of Mrs. Foster, with her husband, came later to Henry County, and Mrs. Seiferd made her home with her daughter until her death; the husband went to Ohio and died there while visiting. Two children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Foster in Ohio: George L. and Jonathan, both of whom died in infancy. In the county were born: Mary C., wife of Emory Smith; Charles, who wedded Minda Brown; Edmund, who became the husband of Lydia Holloway; James married Mattie Stevenson; Phoebe E. died in infancy; Estelle is the wife of Charles L. Crabtree; and Harlan J., yet unmarried, is the manager of the home farm. The good name which has followed the Foster family during their residence here, entitles them to a place in the history of Henry County. The devoted husband died in the spring of 1882, he and his good wife having been residents of this county for thirty-four years, and all their children living were born, reared, educated, and were happily married in the roomy farmhouse. Mr. Foster, during his lifetime, was a provident man, a kind father, and one of best of husbands, and his death was deeply regretted by hundreds of friends, who had known him long and well. He had been connected with the School Board for several years, and was foremost in the work of advancement in every sense. His good wife is an honor to his name, and has carefully reared her children, of whom has reason to be proud. William Foster was also an honored soldier, who served more than three years in the army. He was a member of Company K, 4th Iowa Cavalry, and was Quartermaster Sergeant during the time. he faced the rebel shot and shell at Vicksburg, Lookout and Kennesaw Mountains, Atlanta, Missionary Ridge, and with Sherman on the march to the sea, and during all that time was on duty every day. His wife and children managed the farm during the time Mr. Foster was absent, Brownhill, then only fifteen years of age, being the eldest. After his return from the army, Mr. Foster remained on the farm during the remainder of his life, and lived to see the principles for which he fought duly established. He and all his sons were Republicans. (Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, p. 377-78.) |
John Francy
JOHN FRANCY, a farmer of Jackson Township, was born in County Antrim, Ireland, in the year 1816, and is a son of John and Agnes (Carly) Francy. The children of this couple were all born in Ireland, and were twelve in number-Ellen, William, David, Robert, Mary, George, Margaret, Agnes, Jane, Rose, John and Alexander. John Francy, Sr., and his wife Agnes, resided upon a farm in Ireland and were of that industrious and enterprising class that keep the business world moving. He was a great lover of fine horses, and his stables never contained an inferior animal. During their lifetime the parents remained on the homestead, and both reached a ripe age. They were of the Protestant faith, and their children all followed the Christian teachings of their parents. In 1839 our subject was married to Miss Joyce Richey, born in 1819, a native of County Antrim, Ireland, and their eldest son, Timothy, was born in the Emerald Isle. In May, 1840, Mr. and Mrs. Francy bade adieu to home, friends and kindred, and with their meager possessions, embarked at Belfast for Liverpool, and from there took passage to New York, arriving in that city in July, having spent ten weeks upon the ocean, during which time three of the sailors were buried in the sea. Sailing fifty miles up the North River, they stopped for a few months in Newburg, Orange Co., N. Y., Mr. Francy securing work there on a farm. After deliberation the young couple decided to try their fortune in Virginia, and in September, 1840, located in Wheeling, where Mr. Francy secured employment at the tile and fire-brick manufactory, at which business he was an expert. In the city of Wheeling their children, William J., George and Eliza, were born. Carefully hoarding his earnings, Mr. Francy found himself possessor of enough cash, at the end of seven years, to purchase a small farm if they should remove to the West, and deciding to remove to this county, of which they had heard favorable mention, in 1851 a permanent location was made, Mr. Francy purchasing 100 acres, a part of his present homestead. Small improvements had been made and a trifling log cabin built. Into this the family moved, and the wife soon had their few household goods placed in order; the children grew robust and the old cabin had to have an addition. Later this was covered with boards and made into a comfortable dwelling. As the lands were cleared prosperity came, and her smiles have never diminished. Other lands have been purchased and the merry laughter of the children and their ambition to aid in the work of improving the farm, gave added zest to the parents. Two other sons were born on the homestead, Robert and David, and the old house still stands as a landmark. Many pleasant memories cluster about the quaint old relic. Its roof gave shelter to a happy family, and through its open doors the children ran in their play, and through its old-fashioned windows the baby-boys watched for the coming of their father, who always greeted them with a smile and a pleasant word. But this house has seen its time, and a fine house has taken its place. The children have grown to manhood and womanhood and are widely scattered, but the family circle remains unbroken by death. The same cheerful matron presides in the modern farmhouse who gave the kindly greetings to the weary stranger or the new-corner who called at her cabin door when the country was new and the crops of 1851 were not so fruitful as now. The Francy mansion has ever been noted as one of the most hospitable homes in the county, and the children are fit representatives of such parents. Of the children, Timothy became the husband of Martha Hall; William J., who wedded Eliza Lisle, was a dispatch bearer during the late war, but belonged to no particular command (see sketch); George, a resident of Salt Lake City, married a lady there; Eliza remains with her parents and is unmarried; Robert is now the husband of Sarah Robey, and David wedded Miss Ella Clark. Every child mentioned does honor to the parents and among the most successful business men are the children of John and Joyce Francy. In their mature years this good couple can look back upon a well-spent life, and from the day their troth was plighted neither has ever had cause to regret their union. Blessed with health and rich in purse, their old age is pleasantly passed. Among the old settlers and representative families of this county they find a cordial remembrance, and in one of the cosiest and neatest of homes they are enjoying the fruits of a life of industry and thrift, surrounded with the comforts of life, and enjoying the respect and esteem of the entire community. (Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, pp 391-392) (JC) |
William J. Francy
WILLIAM J. FRANCY, a prominent farmer of Baltimore Township, was born Nov. 1, 1844, and is the son of John and Joyce Francy, whose family history appears elsewhere. He was educated in this county, and married into one of its old and highly respected families. His wife, Louisa Lisle, was born on the Detrich farm, then the original Lisle homestead. She is a daughter of William and Ella (Reed) Lisle, who came from Knox County, Ohio, to Henry County in 1845. Her father was born in Devonshire, but was reared in Cornwall, England. He was a son of John and Susanna (Brenscomb) Lisle, who emigrated to Ohio from England in 1837. William Lisle married Ella Reed in Knox County, in April, 1845, and in the autumn left that State, locating in Henry County, where they still remain. Mr. Lisle became a wealthy man during his experience as a farmer, and with his estimable wife leads a retired life in the village of Salem. Three children were born in this county, two of whom are living: John H., the husband of Hannah Shiller, and Louisa, wife of our subject, who was born Jan. 20, 1851. Mr. Lisle entered his first land in 1841, and built his first cabin about forty rods south of his present home site. In this cabin their children were born and reared. Mr. Lisle began life without capital save the labor of his hands, and when he paid for his land was forced to remain until he could earn money to get back to his Ohio home. His efforts, however, met with a fitting reward, and after a few years of wedded life the way was easily open for successful business. When he and his good wife left the farm he was owner of 400 acres of valuable land, most of which is now in possession of our subject. The grand farmhouse was erected by Mr. Lisle in 1864, and is one of the best farm residences in the county, costing over $4,000 at the time of its completion. William J. Francy is accounted one of the most successful business men in Baltimore Township, and although but forty-three years of age, is the owner of 350 acres of land, and is quite a large dealer in stock. Mr. and Mrs. Francy are the parents of five children: Ida and Myrtie, deceased, and Etta, Frank and Nettie living. Perhaps no man of his age in this township has achieved such a great financial success as William J. Francy, and all this has been done by the fairest business methods. The people of his acquaintance speak of both himself and wife in the most praiseworthy terms, and as children of honored parents they deserve a place in the history of this county. As an honorable, enterprising and trustworthy man, he has deserved the success he has achieved. (Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, p 429) (JC) |
Perry Frank
PERRY FRANK is a dealer in drugs, groceries, boots, shoes and notions, an early settler of Henry County, and a prominent business man of New London. He was born in the town of Busti, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., Sept. 23, 1825. His parents were John and Elizabeth (Devendorf) Frank. His father was born in Herkimer County, N. Y., Jan 4, 1791, of German parentage. He was a tanner and currier by trade, and settled in Chautauqua County in 1809. His parents were born in Germany, and came to America in their youth, prior to the war of the Revolution. His mother and her twin sister were captured while girls by the Indians, and held captive four years. Their close resemblance to each other and their beauty made them objects of curiosity to their captors, and they were the only ones spared out of their party. Perry's mother was born in New York, May 10, 1795, and died April 14, 1865, but a few months prior to her husband's death, which occurred August 6 of the same year. Our subject learned the trade of tanner and currier and shoemaker with his father, at which he worked in his native State till 1857, when he emigrated to Iowa, and located at New London, Henry County, November 17 of that year. He engaged in the shoemaker's business, and in 1860 opened a grocery in connection with his shoe store, and in 1865 added drugs to his stock. He has now been in business in this place continuously for twenty-seven years. Mr. Frank was married in his native town, Jan. 6, 1847, to Miss Mary E. Stoddard, a daughter of the Rev. Ira C. Stoddard. Mrs. Frank was born in the town of Eden, Erie Co., N. Y., Nov. 19, 1826. Her parents were from Brattleboro, Vt., and were of English descent. Mr. and Mrs. Frank have one child living, a son. Clement S.., who was born Nov. 8, 1847, and is now residing in Valley County, Neb. They have lost one child, Arabella Laroo, who was born April 21, 1851, and died Dec. 4, 1874. Mr. and Mrs. Frank and their son are members of the Baptist Church. Mr. Frank is a Republican in politics, a thorough business man, affable and courteous, always prompt, and is classed as one of the reliable men of New London. (Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, p.403-4.) |
Johanes Frazen
REV. JOHANES FRAZEN is a resident of Swedesburg, at which place the Swedish Lutheran Church is one of the prominent ones in Henry County, and a brief sketch of its pastor is hereby given to the people of Henry County, as also a few items of much interest regarding the church since its organization in 1866. Johanes Franzen was born in Foglum Parish, Province, of Wetergotland, Sweden, July 15, 1850, and is a son of Anders and Kersten (Larson) Frazen, both natives of Sweden. By trade, his father was a mason, at which he became quite wealthy, and gave his children a good education in Sweden. There were seventeen children, two of whom are ministers. Eleven died in infancy; one sister, Breta, died in 1875 in Sweden; she was the wife of Andre Anderson, who afterward died in America, leaving three children. Four are living in this country; Anders, who lives in Sweden, married Catherine Anderson; Maria, wife of John Anderson, and lives in Minnesota; Svante married Anica Neilson, and also lives in Minnesota; Anica married Gustav Anderson, living in Minnesota, and our subject. The mother died in Sweden, Aug. 3, 1863, and her husband came to America in 1870, to make his home with his elder son in Minnesota, and in 1883 came to the home of our subject, with whom he remained until his death, which occurred in 1886, at the ripe age of eighty-five years. Rev. Mr. Franzen came to America in 1870, and for some years worked as a farm hand in Minnesota. In 1872 he matriculated at, and in 1874 graduated from Ansgars Academy at East Union, Carver Co., Minn., then took a four-years course at Augustana College, and in 1878 entered the Theological Seminary at Rock Island, Ill., completing his course and graduating from that noted college June 10, 1880. He was regularly ordained by the Scandinavian Evangelical Lutheran Augustana Synod at Des Moines, Iowa, June 20, 1880, and went sent to Kane, McKean Co., Pa., remaining until June, 1882, and then accepted a call from his present congregation, and has been their beloved pastor to this date, steadily growing in favor and popularity. He was married to Miss Hannah Louisa Bloomquist, in Burlington, Iowa, June 13, 1882, and the young couple began their domestic life in the village of Swedesburg. Two children have graced the union, both born in the village: Anders John Leonard Constantius and Kersten Mathilda Maria Eufrosina. The father of Mrs. Franzen was Leonard Theodore Bloomquist; he married Matilda Louisa Skeperb. He as a carpenter by trade in Sweden. After coming to America with his family, he contracted typhoid fever and died in Burlington. His widow married C. A. Fragerstrom, a contractor and builder of that city. The Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Church was organized at Swedesburg in 1866 by Rev. Hokan Oleson, with a membership about fifty souls. A church was erected on the site of the present church in 1868, which was destroyed by fire Jan. 19, 1883. A handsome building costing $8,000 was at once erected under the supervision of our subject, completed the same year, and dedicated Oct. 7, 1886. It seats comfortably 600 people, and the school building, connected at the west, seats 100 pupils, who are educated in the Swedish language, the church paying the teachers' salaries. Since his ministry began in 1882, Rev. Franzen has taken into the church forty members, besides that many by letter, and sixty-six by confirmation. He has baptized 112 children, and celebrated thirty-one marriages, sixteen funeral sermons have been preached, and every appointment has been filled since he became the pastor. The residents of Wayne Township are to be congratulated on having such a pastor, who is accomplished in manner and a fine speaker. (Portrait and Biographical Album, Henry County, Iowa; Acme Publishing Company, Chicago, 1888, p. 577-8.) |
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